sql tuning advisor和sql access advisor区别

tuning advisor 是对输入的sql set的执行计划进行优化
accsee advisor 是对sql set当前如果引入索引、分区的话,性能有多大的提升,给出建议。

In Oracle 11g, the SQL Access Advisor can generate partitioning recommendations, index creation
recommendations, materialized view recommendations,and materialized view log recommendations. The SQL
Access Advisor is a tuning tool that provides advice regarding the tuning of materialized views, indexes(Btree,
bitmap, and function-based), and materialized view logs, as well as advice on table and index partitioning.
The SQL Access Advisor provides recommendations by analyzing a known workload and other specified
information. SQL Access Advisor does not generate statistics collection recommendations. This task is
performed by the SQL Tuning Advisor.

In Oracle 11g, which recommendations does the SQL Access Advisor generate? (Choose all that apply.)
A. partitioning recommendations
B. statistics collection recommendations
C. index creation recommendations
D. materialized view recommendations
E. materialized view log recommendations
Answer: ACDE

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