

3.Node Architecture

3.1 模拟信号数字信号转换

A vibration sensor outputs an analog signal with a peak-to-peak voltage of 5V at a frequency of 100 Hz.

(a) What should be the minimum sampling frequency, so that no information is lost during the digitization process?

(b) Suppose a resolution of 0.025V is required to detect an interesting event. What should be the resolution of the ADC in terms of bits to convert the analog signal to a digital signal?
Q = E p p 2 m Q=\frac{E_{pp}}{2^{m}} Q=2mEpp
其中, Q Q Q是分辨率, E p p E_{pp} Epp是波峰到波谷之间的差,m是表示这个模拟量需要多少bit。
2 m = 5 − ( − 5 ) 0.025 = 400 2^{m}=\frac{5-(-5)}{0.025}=400 2m=0.0255(5)=400

3.5 微控制器广泛应用的原因

While they are not the most energy-efficient solutions, microcontrollers are the predominant processors in wireless sensor networks. Explain some of the reasons.

答:Microcontrollers offer greater programming flexibility compared with the other types of smallscale processors; hence, they are useful for many applications.

3.6 无线传感器网络节点不使用冯诺依曼结构的原因

Explain the reason why using the Von Neumann architecture is not efficient for a wireles ssensor node.

答:In the Von Neumann architecture, there is a single memory space for data as well as program code and a single bus interfaces the memory unit with the processor. This means each data and instruction transfer requires a separate cycle, as a result of which computation is slow in lowscale processing subsystems.
因此WSN采用Super-Harvard (SHARC) 超-哈佛结构,其中,IO流与数据存储器件之间使用DMA机制,不需要处理器控制实现数据直接存取,加快了处理速度。

3.7 为什么不用并行总线

Why are parallel busses not desirable in a wireless sensor node?

答:Parallel busses require large space. This is difficult to accommodate in small sensor nodes.

3.12 FPGA与ASIC异同

Explain the basic similarities and differences between a FPGA and an ASIC.

Difference between ASICs and FPGAs mainly depends on costs, tool availability, performance and design flexibility. Table 3.1 summarized some of their differences.

3.13 超-哈佛结构的特点

Explain some of the distinct features of the SuperHarvard
(a) It provides an internal instruction cache to store frequently needed instructions.(指令cache存储常用指令)
(b) Program memory can be used to store data.
(c) Direct data streaming from an external hardware into the data memory through an I/O controller is possible.(使用DMA)

4.Operating System

4.6 调度方式比较

Compare the following scheduling mechanisms:
(a) FIFO scheduling
(b) sorted queue
(c) round-robin

(a) FIFO scheduling
In a FIFO scheduling mechanism a task is processed based on the first-in-first-out principle.

(b) Sorted queue
In a sorted queue scheduling mechanism, tasks in a queue are first sorted according to a set criterion, for example, based on their length.

(c) Roundrobin
In roundrobin schedulingmechanism, timemultiplexing is used to divide time fairly among competing tasks. The execution time is divided into several slots and each task is executed in a slot. When the slot is due, the task is set on hold and the next task is executed. This way, all tasks progress together towards their completion.

4.7 中断与中断句柄

What are interrupts and interrupt handlers?

答:An interrupt is an asynchronous signal (event) and is generated by a hardware or software componentwhich requires immediate handling.When the processing subsystemreceives an interrupt event, it transfer control to an interrupt handler, also called an interrupt service routine (ISR). An interrupt handler is a callback subroutine which is called by the operating system when an interrupt event is received. Interrupt handlers should register for the interrupt types they are interested in.

4.8 为什么大多数WSN的操作系统都自定义内核

Why do most operating systems in wireless sensor networks define a kernel?

答:A monolithic kernel with a small finger print enables dynamicmodule update and dynamic

4.12 解释配置组件与模块的区别

Explain the difference between configuration components and modules in TinyOS.

答:A configuration component describes how different modules are interconnected to build
an executable service or application, whereas a module is an implementation of an


4.15 基于事件与基于线程的操作系统之间的不同,并讨论并在WSN上下文中讨论二者的优点与缺点

Explain the difference between eventbased and threadbased operating systems. Discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of the two approaches in the context of wireless
sensor networks.

In eventbased programming:
interaction between processes is based on events and event handlers. Tasks are executed to completion, unless they are interrupted by events. This way concurrency is supported and execution is efficient. Since only one task is executed at a time, longduration tasks may block shortduration
tasks, but this problem can be overcome by using a sorted queue scheduling.

In multithreaded programming:
multiple threads run concurrently. Threads can be suspended ensuring nonblocking operation. However, thread management introduces resource overhead on the operating system.

基于事件的并发处理机制更加高效,正在运行的事件只能能被其他事件打断。虽然可能会出现饥饿现象,但可通过sorted queue调度算法避免。

4.18 TinyOS中的基本概念

Explain the following concepts in TinyOS:
(a) commands
(b) tasks
(c) events

(a) Commands:
Commands are nonblocking
requests for service.
(b) Tasks:
Tasks are monolithic processes that should be executed to completion
(c) Events:
An event is an occurrence of interest outside of a process and prompts the process to act (or handle the event).

6.Medium Access Control

6.2 基于冲突和冲突避免的MAC子层协议优劣

What are the advantages and disadvantages of contentionfree and contentionbased medium access strategies?
Can you think of scenarios where one would be preferable over the other?

medium access strategies avoid collisions by ensuring that when one device transmits, all other devices that could interferewith the reception of the transmitted data remain silent. Avoiding collisions can have positive impacts on communication latency and throughput. Most contentionfree approaches are based on schedules, indicating exactly when a node can transmit or must listen. This also facilitate power management strategies, e.g. using such a schedule, a device knows exactly when it can power down its radio.
On the other hand, contentionbased mediumaccess
strategies do not avoid collisions, but
instead provide mechanisms to recover from collisions. An advantage of such a strategy is that a device does not have to wait (and delay), but instead can transmit immediately. In networks with lowtraffic loads, this approachmay result in lower latencies.A contentionbased strategy may also be easier to implement, since no schedules are required. Besides the potential collisions (which may lead to increased latency and reduced throughput), it may bemore difficult to implement duty cycle techniques in a network using a contentionbased MAC protocol.

access strategies may be preferable in networks with light traffic loads and unpredictable (or sporadic) traffic patterns. Contentionfree access schemes are useful when the traffic is predictable (e.g. sensor nodes periodically reporting their sensed data) and when it is important to maximize the sleep times of the wireless radios.


6.4 隐终端问题

What are “hidden terminals” and how do they affect the performance of wireless sensor
When two sender devices A and B are both able to reach a third device C, but they are not able to reach each other, the situation may occur where both A and B attempt to transmit to C at the same time, unaware of the collision occurring at C. That is, A and B are hidden from each other. The consequences of such collisions are the need for recovery mechanisms, increased delays, and reduced throughput. A MAC protocol has to be able to either recover from such a collision or prevent such collisions by preventing devices A and B from transmitting to C at the same time.


6.5 隐终端/暴露终端问题

Consider the network topology in Figure 6.1, where circles indicate the communication
and interference range of each node, i.e. each node can hear the immediate neighbors to
the left and right. Assume that RTS/CTS is not being used.
(a) Node B currently sends to node A and node C wants to send to node D. Is node C allowed to do so (i.e., can it do so without causing a collision) and will it decide to do so?

答:Yes, node C will not cause a collision at node A. However, since node C can hear node B’s transmission, it will not transmit.

(b) Node C sends to node B and node E wants to send to node D. Is E allowed to do
so and will it do so?

答:Node E’s transmission will not interfere with C’s transmission to B, however its own transmission to D will not succeed since it will collide with node C’s transmission. Node E is unaware of node C’s transmission and therefore it will begin its transmission.

(c) Node A sends to node B and node D sends to node C. Which other nodes are
allowed to send at the same time?


(d) Node A sends to node B and node E sends to node F. Which other nodes are
allowed to send at the same time?


6.6 CSMA协议存在的问题

Describe the problems in using CSMA as medium access control mechanism in a WSN.

答:CSMA does not address the hiddenterminal problem and collisions can be costly, particularly if the transmitted frames are large. Neighboring nodes also do not know how long transmissions will take, making it difficult to decide whether to power down a wireless radio (and for how long).

CSMA不能解决隐藏终端的问题,并且如果发生冲突可能代价高昂,尤其是在传输的帧较大的情况下。 相邻节点也不知道传输将花费多长时间,这使得很难决定是否关闭无线电(以及持续多长时间)。

6.7 CSMA/CA为什么访问信道前等待随机时间

In a CSMA/CA network, nodes use a random delay before accessing the medium. Why
is this being done?

答:In CSMA, nodes can access the wireless medium immediately after it has been sensed idle. CSMA/CA is a variation of the CSMA protocol, where the number of collisions are reduced by randomly delaying medium access. That is, a node with a short random delay may access the medium sooner than a node choosing a larger random delay. The node with the larger delay will therefore overhear the transmission of its neighbor and it will not initiate a transmission, thereby avoiding a collision.

在CSMA中,节点可以在感知到信道空闲后立即访问无线介质。 CSMA / CA是CSMA协议的一种变体,其中通过等待一个随机时间再访问信道来减少冲突次数。

6.9 MACAW的改进

How does MACAW extend MACA and what is the purpose of the additional control

答:In MACAW, a receiver responds with an acknowledgment (ACK) frame to indicate a successful reception of the data frame. This allows neighboring nodes to learn that the transmission has finished and that the channel has become available. In addition, a node transmitting an RTS frame also transmits a Data Sending (DS) frame immediately after receiving a CTS frame for its RTS frame. A node overhearing the RTS frame, but not the corresponding CTS frame, has now confirmation that the reservation has succeeded and that it must remain silent to not interfere with the transmission.


6.14 WSN中802.15.4协议更优的原因

Why is the IEEE 802.15.4 standard preferable over the IEEE 802.11 standard for most
wireless sensor networks?(对于大多数无线传感器网络,为什么 IEEE 802.15.4 标准优于 IEEE 802.11 标准?)

答:The IEEE 802.15.4 standard was created specifically for lowpower devices, with much lower data ranges compared to IEEE 802.11 and channels in the 868 MHz, 915 MHz, and 2.45 GHz ranges. Its focus on low power and low data rates much better meets the demands of wireless sensor networks than the IEEE 802.11 standard.

IEEE 802.15.4 标准专为低功耗器件创建,与 IEEE 802.11 相比,其数据范围和 868 MHz、915 MHz 和 2.45 GHz 范围内的通道的数据范围要低得多。与 IEEE 802.11 标准相比,其专注于低功耗和低数据速率,更符合无线传感器网络的需求。

6.15 MAC协议如何节能

Describe how the design of the MAC protocol affects the energy efficiency of a sensor
答:Since the MAC protocol determines when a node may access a wireless channel for communication, its design determines when and for how long a node can power down its wireless radio to preserve energy. Some MAC protocols require nodes to be awake continuously to ensure that no messages are missed. Other protocols use schedules that determine exactly when a node must stay awake, allowing a node to sleep without the risk of losing messages. Other MAC protocol characteristics affecting energy efficiency include packet header overheads, reliability features (such as retransmission and error controlmechanisms), and the number (and sizes) of controlmessages exchanged between nodes.
由于 MAC 协议确定节点何时可以访问无线信道进行通信,因此其设计决定了节点何时以及何时关闭其无线无线电电源以节省能源。某些 MAC 协议要求节点持续唤醒,以确保不会遗漏任何消息。其他协议使用计划,这些计划准确确定节点何时必须保持唤醒状态,从而允许节点处于睡眠状态,而不会丢失消息。影响能效的其他 MAC 协议特征包括数据包头开销、可靠性功能(如重传和错误控制机制)以及节点之间交换的控制消息的数量(和大小)。

6.17 TRAMA协议

The TRAMA protocol is an example of a contention-free MAC scheme. Answer the
following questions about TRAMA.

TRAMA协议指的是Traffic-Adaptive Medium Access,它基于每个节点的流量信息,使用分布式选举方案来确定何时允许节点传输。这有助于防止为没有流量的节点分配时间槽(导致吞吐量增加),并允许节点确定它们何时可以空闲,并且不必侦听通道(提高了能效)。
邻域协议 (NP) 用于在相邻节点之间传播单跳邻居信息,从而允许它们获取一致的双跳拓扑信息。在随机访问间隔期间,节点通过在随机选择的时间槽中传输来连接网络。在这些时间槽中传输的数据包用于通过携带一组添加和删除的邻居来收集邻域信息。如果没有发生任何更改,这些数据包将充当"keeplive"消息。通过收集此类更新,节点知道其自己的单跳邻居的单跳邻居,从而获取有关其双跳邻域的信息。

(a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the TRAMA protocol (compared
to contention-based protocols)?

答:TRAMA reduces the probability for collisions and dynamically determines when a node is allowed to transmit (based on traffic), thereby increasing the throughput. Since TRAMA uses a timeslotted channel, it allows nodes to determine when they must stay awake and when they can enter lowpower sleep modes. Nodes must be awake during the randomaccess intervals. As with other contentionfree protocols, communication in TRAMA may experience larger latencies than in contentionbased protocols since a node must wait for its scheduled slot before it can begin transmission.

TRAMA 降低了冲突的可能性,并动态确定何时允许节点传输(基于流量),从而提高吞吐量。由于 TRAMA 使用时隙通道,它允许节点确定何时必须保持清醒以及何时可以进入低功耗睡眠模式。节点必须在随机访问间隔期间唤醒。与其他无争用协议一样,TRAMA 中的通信可能会遇到比基于争用的协议更大的延迟,因为节点必须等待其计划插槽才能开始传输。

(b) What is the difference between transmission slots and signaling slots?

答:The time slots of the scheduledaccess intervals are assigned to individual nodes
(for contentionfree transmission) while signaling slots are used for random medium access (contentionbased communication).Nodes can join a network by transmitting during randomly selected slots in the randomaccess intervals.

transmission slots分配给单个节点用于无争用传输,而signaling slots用于随机介质访问(基于争用的通信)。节点可以通过在随机访问间隔中随机选择插槽传输来加入网络。

© What is the purpose of the NP component?

答:The Neighbor Protocol (NP) is responsible for propagating onehop neighbor information among neighboring nodes, allowing these nodes to obtain consistent twohop topology information.

Neighbor Protocol(NP) 用于在相邻节点之间传播单跳邻居信息,从而允许它们获取一致的双跳拓扑信息。

6.20 LEACH协议

Discuss the cluster head election policy in the LEACH protocol and explain how LEACH can consider available energy on each node in this election process.
What is the problem with this energyaware election policy?
Further, LEACH uses TDMA within a cluster;explain the advantages and disadvantages of this approach.

LEACH协议即Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy协议,这是一个动态选择集群头的协议,在一些情况下,由集群头收集整理数据后再集中发送给数据中心,要比多个分散节点分别给数据中心发送数据更合适。
由于群集头负责协调群集活动和将数据转发到基站,因此与其他传感器节点相比,其能量需求将大得多。因此,LEACH 在传感器节点之间轮换群集头责任,以均匀分配能量负载。

答:In the LEACH protocol, a node independently decides whether it becomes a cluster head or not. This decision is based on how long it has been that it has served as cluster head, i.e. a node is more likely to become a cluster head if it has not assumed this responsibility for a long time. The goal of this job rotation is to balance the workload among nodes and to prevent that a cluster head depletes its battery prematurely. Equation 6/6 in the book shows an approach to balance the cluster head responsibility among nodes based on the actual current energy levels of the nodes. The problem with this approach is that each node must know (or at least estimate) the sum of all nodes’ energy levels. Using TDMA within a cluster provides contentionfree communication between sensor nodes and cluster heads. To limit interference among clusters, LEACH uses direct sequence spread spectrum techniques. Using TDMA within a cluster has the “usual” advantages and disadvantages (e.g. with respect to latency, throughput, duty cycles) compared to contentionbased techniques.

在 LEACH 协议中,节点独立决定它是否成为集群头。此决策基于它担任群集头的时间,即如果节点长时间未承担此责任,则更有可能成为集群头。此工作轮换的目标是平衡节点之间的工作负载,并防止群集头过早耗尽电池。
同时也有基于当前剩余能量分配集群头责任的方法。此方法的问题是,每个节点必须知道(或至少估计)所有节点的能量水平的总和。在集群中使用 TDMA 可在传感器节点和群集头之间提供无争用的通信。为了限制集群之间的干扰,LEACH使用直接序列扩频技术。与基于争用的技术相比,在集群中使用 TDMA 具有"通常"的优点和缺点(例如,在延迟、吞吐量、占空比方面)。

6.27 “early sleeping”问题

What is the “early sleeping problem” and how does TMAC
address this problem?
答:The problem is that a node losing the medium, but wishing to transmit after the current transmission has completed will staywake, while its intended receiver may be unaware of the node’s intent and will go to sleep. Therefore, the future request to send technique adds another control message, the FTRS packet, which is sent by the node planning a future transmission after it has
observed the CTS from the receiving node of the current transmission. This FTRS packet will be seen by its intended receiver.

一个节点在传输完成后会失去信道控制权,但希望在当前传输完成后传输将保持唤醒,而其预期的接收节点可能不知道该节点的意图,并将进入睡眠状态。因此,发送节点可以发送另一个控制消息 FTRS 数据包,该数据包从当前传输的接收节点观察了CTS。此 FTRS 数据包将由其预期的接收节点看到。

7.Network Layer

7.1 MAC协议如何影响路由协议

The previous chapter talked about MAC protocols, while this chapter introduced routing
protocols. Can you think of examples how the choice of MAC protocol affects the design,
performance, and efficiency of the routing protocol?

答:The choice of MAC protocol can have several impacts on the design or performance of a routing protocol. For example, communication latencies are determined by the type of MAC protocol (contentionfree versus contentionbased) and on the use of duty cycling at the link layer. The MAC protocol is responsible for error recovery due to collisions and other interferences, i.e. the routing layer may decide to rely on the MAC layer for reliable communications or it may implement its own mechanisms to ensure reliability.Some approaches discussed in the chapter on MAC protocol rely on a tight integration of MAC and routing protocols, e.g. the LEACH protocol (which uses clusters that affect both medium access and routing decisions) or the DMAC protocol (which uses fixed
routes from sensor nodes to a sink).

通信时延由 MAC 协议的类型(无争用或基于争用)和链路层的占空比决定。
同时还有一些协议依赖于 MAC 和路由协议的紧密集成。例如 LEACH 协议(使用影响中等访问和路由决策的集群)或 DMAC 协议(使用来自传感器节点到接收器)。

7.2 主动路由协议与被动路由协议

What is the difference between a proactive routing protocol and a reactive routing
protocol? Name at least two examples for each category. (主动路由协议和被动路由协议之间的区别是什么?为每个类别至少命名两个示例。)

答:A proactive routing protocol establishes and maintains routing information (typically in the formof tables) before it is actually needed. This allows a node to quicklymake routing decisions. Examples include DSDV and OLSR. In contrast, a reactive routing protocol only establishes and maintains a route when it is actually needed, i.e. ondemand.This is typically done using an explicit route discovery process. Examples of such protocols include AODV and DSR.

主动路由协议在实际需要之前建立和维护路由信息(通常以表的形式)。这允许节点快速做出路由决策。示例包括 DSDV 和 OLSR。相反,反应路由协议仅在实际需要时(即按需)建立和维护路由。这通常使用显式路由发现过程完成。此类协议的示例包括 AODV 和 DSR。

Consider the following WSN scenarios and explain why you would choose either a proactive or a reactive routing
solution:(请考虑以下 WSN 方案,并解释为什么选择主动路由解决方案或被动路由解决方案:)

(a) A WSN is used to monitor air pollution in a city where every sensor reports its
sensor data once every minute to a single remote base station. Most sensors are
mounted on lamp posts, but some are also mounted on city buses.

答:Because communication is frequent, a proactive approach may be appropriate. The routing protocol will ensure that table entries are updated whenever the topology changes, which are infrequent events since most radios are mounted on lamp posts.


(b) A WSN is used to measure humidity in a field, where low-power sensors report measurements only when certain thresholds are exceeded.

答:In this example, sensor communications will be infrequent, therefore routing information will only be needed occasionally. The cost of maintaining routing tables may cost too much energy, therefore a reactive solution may be more appropriate. The type of sensor data (humidity) indicates that latency is not a concern, which also justifies the use of a route discovery phase.


© A WSN is used to detect the presence of vehicles, where each sensor locally records the times of vehicle detection. These records are delivered to the base station only when the sensor is explicitly queried.

答:Again, communication in such a network is infrequent and a sensor can establish a route whenever needed (i.e. when a query is issued) instead of continuously maintaining accurate table entries.


7.3 以数据为中心的路由

What is datacentric routing? Why is datacentric routing feasible (or even necessary) compared to routing based on identities (addresses)?

答:If the focus is on the data generated by sensors and not the identity of the sensors generating these data, then we call a routing protocol datacentric.
For example, if sensor data describing the environmental temperature must be routed to all sinks interested in such data, irrelevant of the data originator (i.e. which sensors produced the data), the
focus is on the gathered data itself.


7.5 不同策略下的最佳路由

For the network topology shown in Figure 7.22, identify the optimal routes for source A to sink M according to the following criteria (describe how you compute the cost for the optimal route). The numbers X/Y along each link indicate the latency (X) and energy cost (Y) for transmitting a single packet over the link. The number Z under each node indicates the node’s remaining energy capacity.
(每个链路上的数字 X/Y 表示通过链路传输单个数据包的延迟 (X) 和能量成本 (Y)。每个节点下的数字 Z 表示节点的剩余能量。)

(a) Minimum number of hops

答:The minimum hop route is AEGJM,
which requires 4 hops (3 relay nodes).

(b) Minimum energy consumed per packet

答:The route with the minimum energy consumer per packet is route AEFGHKM.
The energy cost for this transmission from A to M is 2+1+1+2+1+2=9.

© Maximum average energy capacity (eliminate hops that would result in a higher average but unnecessarily add to the route length!)

答:The route with the maximum average energy capacity would be AEGHKM. The maximum average energy capacity for this route = (7+4+6+5)/4 = 5.5.

(d) Maximum minimum energy capacity

答:The route with the maximum minimum energy capacity would be AEGHKM (the same as the maximum average energy capacity). The minimum energy capacity on this route is 4 (node G).

(e) Shortest latency

答:The shortest latency route would be AEGJLM and the total latency for this route is 9.

7.7 泛洪

Flooding is a simple strategy for distributing data to one specific or all sensor nodes in a network. Answer the following questions:

(a) Explain the three challenges of flooding described in this chapter.

答:A node receiving a packet forwards this packet to all neighbors regardless of whether these neighbors have already received a copy of this packet. This is known as the implosion problem. The redundancy in sensor data from sensors that monitor similar physical environments is known as the overlap problem. Finally, flooding does not consider the resources available on all nodes, i.e. it is resourceblind.

(1)接收数据包的节点将此数据包转发给所有邻居,而不管这些邻居是否已收到此数据包的副本。这一问题称为implosion problem。
(2)来自监控相似物理环境的传感器的数据产生的冗余问题。这一问题称为overlap problem。

(b) Which one(s) of these are addressed by gossiping and how are they addressed?

答:Gossiping addresses only the implosion problem, i.e. it uses a probabilistic approach to decide whether to forward data or not.

只解决implosion problem,使用概率来决定是否转发。

© For the topologies shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5, what are good choices for the maximum hop count? Explain your answer.
答:In both networks, a good choice for a maximum hop count would be 8. The maximum hop count should be chosen large enough that every node can reach any other node in the network, but not too large to avoid packets from traveling too long (e.g. particularly in networks where a packet could travel in circles).


(d) How do sequence numbers contribute to reducing unnecessary transmissions? Are sequence numbers alone sufficient and if not, what other information is needed to use them correctly?

答:Sequence numbers allow nodes to distinguish packets from each other, i.e. to identify new packets or duplicates. Sequence numbers alone are typically not enough, they need to be combined with other information, such as the identity of the sender. Only then can a packet be identified uniquely.


7.9 基于协商的SPIN协议

How does the SPIN family of protocols address the three challenges faced by flooding? What are the disadvantages of a negotiationbased protocol such as SPIN?

答:SPIN uses two techniques to address these challenges. First, to address implosion and overlap, SPIN nodes negotiate with their neighbors before they transmit. Second, to address resource blindness, SPIN uses a resource manager on each node, which keeps track of actual resource consumption and allowing the nodes to adapt routing and communication behavior based on resource availability. A problem with the negotiationbased approach is that it introduces a significant amount of control overhead, i.e. the cost of extra control messages could outweigh the benefits of SPIN in some scenarios. The negotiationbased approach also introduces additional delays into the communications.

SPIN 使用两种技术来应对这些挑战。
(1)解决implosion problem和overlap problem
策略是在传输之前,SPIN 先与邻居协商。


7.10 定向扩散

Explain the concept of directed diffusion. Can you imagine at least three strategies or goals for reinforcement?

答:In directed diffusion, nodes request data by sending interests for named data to other nodes in the network. These interests are disseminated throughout the network and gradients are established that are used to direct sensor data back to the originator of the interest. Reinforcement is used to strengthen some gradients in the network based on some goals or metric.
For example, a node could reinforce a neighbor from which the sink has received a previously unseen event, a neighbor that appears to have large energy capacity, or a neighbor that shares a very reliable link with this node.


7.15 数据包的活跃时间

In AODV, is it possible that route discovery packets travel in the network forever? Why or why not?

答:Each node is identified by its source and a sequence number (broadcast ID), allowing forwarding nodes to discard duplicate packets. Further, most routing protocols use timetolive values (maximum number of hops a packet travels) to prevent a packet from traveling in the network for too long.

每个节点由其源和序列号(广播 ID)标识,允许转发节点丢弃重复的数据包。此外,大多数路由协议设置TTL生存时间(数据包传输的最大跳数)来防止数据包在网络中传输时间过长。


Consider the topology in Figure 7.26. Node A wishes to forward a packet toward destination L via one of its neighbors (its communication range is indicated with the circle).
Which neighbor will A choose with each of the following forwarding strategies:
(a) greedy forwarding(减少到G的最短距离)

答:G minimizes the distance to the destination L.

(b) nearest with forwarding progress(找最近但增益的)

答:Node E makes positive progress towards L, but is also the nearest neighbor.

© most forwarding progress within radius(找增益最大的)

答:G also makes the most forwarding progress within A’s transmission radius.

(d) compass routing(找夹角最小的)

答:F is A’s neighbor with the smallest angle between the line connecting the source and the destination and the line connecting the source with the neighbor.

9.Time Synchronization

9.1 WSN中的时钟同步

Why is time synchronization needed in a WSN?
Name at least three concrete examples.

答:Time synchronization is needed to achieve accurate temporal correlation of observed events, e.g. to detect the speed of a moving object. Time synchronization is also needed for many MAClayer
protocols, e.g. to accurately determine when a node can transmit in a TDMAbased system. Finally, many networks utilize duty cycling, i.e. devices are awake for brief periods of time and sleep otherwise. Accurate timing information is needed to determine when a node has to turn its radio back on.

如确定节点何时可以在基于 TDMA 的系统中传输。

9.2 外部同步与内部同步

Explain the difference between external and internal time synchronization and name at least one concrete example for each type of synchronization.

答:External synchronization means that the clocks in a network are synchronized with an external source of time (reference clock). For example, GPS can be used to achieve external synchronization. Internal synchronization refers to the process of synchronizing the clocks of sensor nodes in a networkwith each other,without the support of an external reference clock. To achieve internal synchronization, sensor nodes could elect a master node which periodically broadcasts its time to all other nodes in the network, allowing them to reset their clocks to correct for any drifts.

外部同步意味着网络中的时钟与外部时间源(参考时钟)同步。例如,GPS 可用于实现外部同步。

9.9 通信延迟对时钟同步的影响

Describe the reasons for nondeterminism of communication latencies and why this nondeterminism
affects time synchronization.(描述通信延迟的不可确定性的原因,以及这种非确定性影响时钟同步的原因。)

答:There are four main contributors to nondeterminism
of communication latencies:
(1)send delays
(2)access delays
(3)propagation delays
(4)receive delays
Since these delays can depend on a variety of parameters, including the distance between nodes, system call interface latencies, context switches, and characteristics of the MAC protocol, the
measurement of offsets and delays will be inaccurate, thereby affecting the quality of time synchronization.

通信延迟的确定性有四个主要因素:发送延迟、访问延迟、传播延迟和接收延迟。由于这些延迟可能依赖于各种参数,包括节点之间的距离、系统呼叫接口延迟、上下文切换和 MAC 协议的特征,因此偏移量和延迟的测量将不准确,因此影响时钟同步的质量。


10.1 定位必要性

Why is localization needed in wireless sensor networks?
Name at least two concrete scenarios or applications where localization is required.

答:Sensor nodes are often deployed in an adhoc fashion, without knowledge of their exact deployment position. Localization is then necessary to provide a physical context to sensor readings, i.e. most sensor readings are meaningless without knowledge of where the readings were obtained. For example, localization is required in sensor network that detects wild fires to ensure that firefighters can quickly locate the affected areas and to predict the spread of the wild fire. Similarly, in surveillance applications, location information is required to be able to guide law enforcement officers quickly towards an intruder.


10.4 基于锚点定位与基于范围定位

Define the terms anchorbased localization and rangebased

答:Anchorbased localization refers to the use of reference nodes (anchors) with wellknown
locations. Communication between sensor nodes and these anchors can be used to estimate the locations of the sensors. Rangebased localization estimate locations based on range measurements, i.e. measurements of the distances between nodes.


10.6 TDoA与AOA的缺点

What is the main disadvantage for both TDoA and AoA ranging techniques?


Time of Arrival(ToA):用已知载体速度(如声速)乘以到达目标的时间得到距离。

Time Difference of Arrival(TDOA):使用两种信号作为载体,计算式为
d i s t = ( v 1 − v 2 ) ∗ ( Δ a r r i v e − Δ s e n d ) dist=(v_{1}-v_{2})*(\Delta_{arrive}-\Delta_{send}) dist=(v1v2)(ΔarriveΔsend)

Angle of Arrival(AoA):确定信号传播的方向,测量信号传播方向与标准方向的夹角,通常使用天线或麦克风阵列。

答:Both techniques requires extra hardware (e.g. two radios for TDoA and an array of antennas for AoA), which may be infeasible for many lowcost and lowpower sensor networks.

这两种技术都需要额外的硬件(例如 TDoA 的两个无线电和 AoA 的天线阵列),对于许多低成本和低功率传感器网络来说,这可能不可行。




10.13 GPS定位

Explain the concept of GPS localization and answer the following questions:

(a) Why are three satellites enough to obtain a position on the globe?

答:Even though the use of three satellites leads to two intersection points of the three spheres, one of these two intersection points can typically be eliminated easily, e.g., because it would place the receiver device far out in space or deep below the ground.


(b) Why is it preferred to have at least four satellites available for localization?

答:A fourth satellite allows to obtain a more accurate location. This is due to the stringent time synchronization requirements, i.e. receiver devices and satellites are supposed to be tightly synchronized.However, the receiver clocks aremuch simpler and cheaper than the clocks in the satellites, thereby leading to synchronization and consequently also to localization errors. The fourth sphere should ideally intersect the other three spheres at the exact location of the receiver. Because of the timing errors, this may not be the case. If the spheres are too large to obtain an intersection point, their sizes can be reduced by adjusting the clock until the spheres are small enough to intersect in one point (and similarly we can address the case where spheres are too small). This is possible because the timing errors are the same for all measurements and a receiver can calculate the required clock adjustment to obtain a single intersection point. Finally, a fourth satellite also allows the receiver to obtain a measurement for the elevation.


© What is the purpose of the monitor stations and the master control station?

答:The monitor stations constantly receive the data sent by the satellites and forward this information to a master control station (MCS). The MCS uses this information to compute corrections to the satellites’ orbital and clock information, which are then sent back to the appropriate satellites via ground antennas.

监测站不断接收卫星发送的数据,并将此信息转发到主控制站 (MCS)。MCS利用这些信息计算对卫星轨道和时钟信息的修正,然后通过地面天线将这些信息发回适当的卫星。

(d) Why is typically not feasible to have all wireless sensor nodes equipped with a GPS receiver?

答:GPS receiver are both costly and energyhungry devices, which may make them
unsuitable for use in lowpower and lowcost sensor networks.

GPS 接收器既昂贵又耗费能源,可能不适合用于低功耗和低成本传感器网络。

10.15 Ad hoc Positioning System



A 1 : ( 40 + 110 ) ÷ ( 2 + 5 ) = 21.43 A1:(40+110)\div(2+5)=21.43 A1(40+110)÷(2+5)=21.43
A 2 : ( 40 + 35 ) ÷ ( 2 + 3 ) = 15 A2:(40+35)\div(2+3)=15 A2(40+35)÷(2+3)=15
A 3 : ( 110 + 35 ) ÷ ( 5 + 3 ) = 18.125 A3:(110+35)\div(5+3)=18.125 A3(110+35)÷(5+3)=18.125



A1 为 2 × 15 = 30 m 2\times15=30m 2×15=30m
A2 为 2 × 15 = 30 m 2\times15=30m 2×15=30m
A3 为 3 × 15 = 45 m 3\times15=45m 3×15=45m


A sensor node in a WSN using the lighthouse approach for localization detects the first beam of light at time 0 s and the second beam of light at time 0.25 s. The next time the first beam of light is detected is 7 s. The distance of the two light sources (beam width) is 10 cm.
What is the distance of the sensor to the light emitter?

答:The distance is computed as:
d = b 2 s i n ( α / 2 ) d=\frac{b}{2sin(\alpha/2)} d=2sin(α/2)b
where α is computed as:
α = 2 π t b e a m t t u r n \alpha=2\pi\frac{t_{beam}}{t_{turn}} α=2πtturntbeam
α = 2 π × 0.25 7 = 0.224 \alpha=2\pi\times\frac{0.25}{7}=0.224 α=2π×70.25=0.224
d = 10 c m 2 s i n ( 0.224 / 2 ) = 25.6 m . d=\frac{10cm}{2sin(0.224/2)}=25.6 m. d=2sin(0.224/2)10cm=25.6m.
