Opening Doors within 敞開內心之門 December 9

Opening Doors within 敞開內心之門 December 9_第1张图片

To set the pace for the day, you have to learn to be still and have a time of attunement in the early morning on waking, before your mind becomes embroiled with all the events of the day. Your life is like a clean canvas without a mark on it. Let those first strokes on waking be very clear and definite. Let them be full of love, inspiration and expectation of the very best for the new day ahead of you. You will find yourself in a very quiet, receptive and impressionable state. In that state you will be able to direct the activities of your mind along the highest and most desirable path. Enter the new day prepared for the very best to take place in everything you undertake. Step by step see the perfect pattern unfold for the day and for you. Yesterday is behind you, a new and glorious day is before you, and you are in harmony with all life.




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