
Today is Saturday.

Soon a king's soldier came down the stairs. The door of the dungeon was opened by the soldier, who then pushed a man into the dungeon. At that moment, a thick and brilliant shaft of afternoon light cut into the dark of dungeon. Bottecelli covered his eyes with one paw, but Chiaroscuro didn't look away, nor closed his eyes. He stared directly into the light. This is important. The rat called Chiaroscuro let the light from the upstairs world enter him and fill him. He gasped aloud with the wonder of it. The soldier threw a red cloth into the dungeon and said,"It's all yours, Gregory." The jailer Gregory took it and gave it to the the new prisoner. The new prisoner sat in the corner and draped the red cloth around his shoulders, which looked like a cloak. And the soldier turned and went back up the steps and opened the door to the outside world and some small light leaked in before he closed the door behind him.
