2018-01-16 Chapter1

Answers to the guiding questions:

️ ①What does Charles Bukowski’s success try to prove?

His success proved that although he knew he was a loser, he honestly accepted it and lived completely comfortable with himself as a failure.

️ ②What’s wrong with the conventional life advice, which is fixating on what you lack?

Conventional life advice --the positive and self-help stuff is actually fixating on what we lack. It remind us over and over again of what we are not, of what we lack, of what we should have been but failed.

③Can you use your own words explaining what the Feedback Loop from Hell is?

  Feedback Loop from Hell is an anxious ,upset,sad ,worried… consciousness or feeling which was caused from being in anxiety,upset,sadness…

Reflections about the first chapter:

You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of .You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.


Notice how it’s often the person who is the least invested in the success of something that actually ends up achieving it?


The avoidance of suffering is a form of suffering. The avoidance of struggle is a struggle. the denial of failure is a failure. Hiding what is shameful is itself is a form of shame.


As we grow older,with the benefit of experience ,we begin to notice most of these sorts of things have little lasting impact on our lives.


All in all,don't be a Mr talker, be a Mr doer.Don't regret for not trying.

Words and expressions:

1,At night, he would drink alone and sometimes hammer out poetry on his beat-up old typewriter.

hammer out:v, discuss vehemently ['viəməntli](激烈地,竭尽全力地) in order to reach a solution or an agreement 设计出,苦心想出,

eg:We should hammer out a solution for school violence.

beat-up: adj, old and in bad condition; damaged by blows or hard usage 破旧的,磨损的

eg: The winner of the most-beat-up-bike contest would get a new bike.

2.His popularity defied everyone’s expectation, especially his own.

defy:v, ⑴ try to behave in a particular way, refuse to obey 违背

      ⑵ challenge sb to do it when you think that they will be unable to do it or too frightened to do it. 向…挑战; 挑衅

      ⑶  If something defies description or understanding, it is so strange, extreme, or surprising that it is almost impossible to understand or explain. 使不可能 (理解或解释)

Eg: This was the first time that Su Tungpo defied the court.

    He has the confidence and passion to defy the convention.

    His behavior defied all comprehension.

3.You are bombarded with messages to give a fuck…

be bombarded with: be flooded with; be surrounded by

eg: Every day we are bombarded with ads.

4…and cases of depression have skyrocketed over the pat thirty years.

Skyrocket:v, If prices or amounts skyrocket, they suddenly increase by a very large amount. ,like a rocket 使猛增,使猛涨

Eg;The price of this brand clothes has skyrocketed.

5.Meanwhile,our credit cards are maxed out…

max out:v,  reach a maximum,达到最高限度,刷爆

eg: I maxed out my card.

6…after a lifetime of failure and self-loathing.

self-loathing:adj, feel great dislike and disgust for onself.自我讨厌的,自我厌恶的

eg:The feelings of disgust, hatred, self-loathing, sadness, anger and loneliness have become too much.

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