
1.butt: to thrust or push headfirst : strike with the head or horns

2.herald: to be a sign of (something that is beginning to happen or will happen soon)

3.siesta: a regular period of sleep or rest in the afternoon in some hot countries

4.sprinkle: a light rain

5.sordid: very bad or dishonest

6.budgie: budgerigar: a small, usually light green and yellow bird that is often kept as a pet

7.unsheathe: to draw from or as if from a sheath or scabbard

8.pestilential: causing or tending to cause pestilence : deadly

pestilence: a disease that causes many people to die

9.begonia: a tropical plant that has shiny leaves and bright flowers

10.plague: to cause constant or repeated trouble, illness, etc., for (someone or something)

11.gall: to make (someone) feel annoyed or angry

12.sultry: very hot and humid

13.velvety: soft and smooth

14.hooligan: a usually young man who does noisy and violent things as part of a group or gang

15.beeline: a straight direct course

16.delinquent: doing things that are illegal or immoral

17.nonplus: to cause to be at a loss as to what to say, think, or do : perplex

18.feeler: a movable part (such as an antenna) of an animal or insect that is used for touching things

19.douse: to plunge into water

20.strew: to spread or scatter things over or on the ground or some other surface

21.indigo: a deep purplish-blue color

22.balmyof air, weather, etc. : warm, calm, and pleasant

23.mantle: something that covers or surrounds something else
