import {AppStackNavigator} from "./navigations/AppNavigators" ;
export default AppStackNavigator;
import React from 'react' ;
import {
createStackNavigator ,
createTabNavigator ,
createDrawerNavigator ,
} from 'react-navigation' ;
import Ionicons from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons' ;//图标库(参考小白计划二)
import MaterialIcons from 'react-native-vector-icons/MaterialIcons';//图标库
import Home from '../pages/HomePage'
import Page1 from '../pages/Page1' ;
import Page2 from '../pages/Page2' ;
import Page3 from '../pages/Page3' ;
import Page4 from '../pages/Page4' ;
import Page5 from '../pages/Page5' ;
const AppTabNavigators =createTabNavigator ({
Page1 : {
screen :Page1,
navigationOptions : {
tabBarLabel : 'page1' ,
tabBarIcon : (({tintColor, focused}) => (
name = {focused?'ios-home' :'ios-home-outline' }
size = {26 }
style = {{color :tintColor}}
Page2 :{
screen :Page2,
navigationOptions :{
tabBarLabel : 'page2' ,
tabBarIcon : (({tintColor, focused}) => (
name = {focused?'ios-people' :'ios-people-outline' }
size = {26 }
style = {{color :tintColor}}
Page3 :{
screen :Page3,
navigationOptions :{
tabBarLabel : 'page3' ,
tabBarIcon : (({tintColor, focused}) => (
name = {focused?'ios-clock' :'ios-clock-outline' }
size = {26 }
style = {{color :tintColor}}
}, {
tabBarPosition :'bottom' , //位置
tabBarOptions : {
showIcon : true , //是否显示图标!!!!!!!
style : {
height : 45 , //底部导航的宽度
backgroundColor : '#211305' , //底部导航的颜色
labelStyle : {
fontSize : 12 , //字体大小
marginTop :-2 , //字体距离图标大小
const Drawer= createDrawerNavigator ({
Page4 :{
screen :Page4,
navigationOptions :{
drawerLabel :'page4' ,
drawerIcon : ({ tintColor }) => (
name ="dns"
size = {26 }
style = {{color :tintColor}}
Page5 :{
screen :Page5,
navigationOptions :{
drawerLabel :'page5' ,
drawerIcon : ({ tintColor }) => (
name ="dns"
size = {26 }
style = {{color :tintColor}}
}, {
initialRouteName :'Page5' , //设置默认打开的页面
contentOptions :{
inactiveTintColor :'#4d3a34' , //不被选中的颜色
activeTintColor :'#ff7226' , //改变选中之后的颜色
export const AppStackNavigator=createStackNavigator ({
Home :{
screen :Home
TabNav :{ //全部的底部导航
screen :AppTabNavigators,
navigationOptions :{
title :"This is TabNav"
DrawerNav :{ //全部的抽屉导航
screen :Drawer,
navigationOptions :{
title :"This is DrawerNav"
} );
import React, { Component } from 'react' ;
import {
StyleSheet ,
Text ,
View ,
Button ,
} from 'react-native' ;
type Props = {};
export default class App extends Component {
static navigationOptions = {
title : '主页' ,
render () {
const {navigation} =this .props ;
return (
style = {styles.container }>
title ="go to TabNav"
onPress = {()=>navigation.navigate ('TabNav' )}
title ="go to DrawerNav"
onPress = {()=>navigation.navigate ('DrawerNav' )}
const styles = StyleSheet .create ({
container : {
flex : 1 ,
justifyContent : 'center' ,
alignItems : 'center' ,
backgroundColor : '#e5fffd' ,
import React, { Component } from 'react' ;
import {
StyleSheet ,
Text ,
View ,
Button ,
} from 'react-native' ;
type Props = {};
export default class Page1 extends Component {
render () {
const {navigation}=this .props ;
return (
style = {styles.container }>
const styles = StyleSheet .create ({
container : {
flex : 1 ,
justifyContent : 'center' ,
alignItems : 'center' ,
backgroundColor : '#ffffaa' ,
import React, { Component } from 'react' ;
import {
StyleSheet ,
Text ,
View ,
Button ,
} from 'react-native' ;
type Props = {};
export default class Page4 extends Component {
render () {
const {navigation}=this .props ;
return (
style = {styles.container }>
title ="Open Drawer"
onPress = {()=>navigation.openDrawer ()}//打开抽屉
title ="Toggle Drawer"
onPress = {()=>navigation.toggleDrawer ()}//打开或关闭抽屉
title ="Go to Page5"
onPress = {()=>navigation.navigate ('Page5' )}//跳转到page5
const styles = StyleSheet .create ({
container : {
flex : 1 ,
justifyContent : 'center' ,
alignItems : 'center' ,
backgroundColor : '#c5ffe1' ,
2:点击 go to tabnav
3:点击 <- 返回第一页(主页),再点击go to drawernav
4:点击open drawer或者toggle drawer