shell case循环写个计算器



echo "先选择运算的种类 加减乘除,然后分别输入运费的数字就可以得到结果,输入时间为30秒"


read -p "Please enter the type of operation + or - or * or / :" -t 30 f

 case "$f" in


 read -p "Please enter the number1:" -t 30 numb1

 read -p "Please enter the number2:" -t 30 numb2

 typeset -i numb3="$numb1+$numb2"

echo $numb3



 read -p "Please enter the number1:" -t 30 numb1

 read -p "Please enter the number2:" -t 30 numb2

 typeset -i numb3="$numb1*$numb2"

echo $numb3



 read -p "Please enter the number1:" -t 30 numb1

 read -p "Please enter the number2:" -t 30 numb2

 typeset -i numb3="$numb1-$numb2"


echo $numb3



 read -p "Please enter the number1:" -t 30 numb1

 read -p "Please enter the number2:" -t 30 numb2

 typeset -i numb3="$numb1/$numb2"

echo $numb3



echo "error,Please re-run!"




本文转自 houzaicunsky 51CTO博客,原文链接:

你可能感兴趣的:(shell case循环写个计算器)