
1、______ today, he would get there by Friday.

  A.Would he leave

  B.Was he leaving

  C.Were he to leave

  D. Ifhe leave

2、Should it rain, the crops ______.

  A.would be saved

  B.would have been saved

  C.will be saved

  D.had been saved

3、I suggested there _____ be a kind of language all could understandand use ______.

  A.can; it

  B. /;/

  C.would; it

  D.may; /

4、The suggestion has been made ______ the basketball game ______ putoff.

  A.for; to

  B.that; be

  C.which; should be

  D.to; being

【答案解析】:1、C 2、A 3、B 4、B


