We present a method of recovering high dynamic range radiance maps from photographs taken with conventional imaging equipment. In our method, multiple photographs of the scene are taken with different amounts of exposure. Our algorithm uses these differently exposed photographs to recover the response function of the imaging process, up to factor of scale, using the assumption of reciprocity. With the known response function, the algorithm can fuse the multiple photographs into a single, high dynamic range radiance map whose pixel values are proportional to the true radiance values in the scene. We demonstrate our method on images acquired with both photochemical and digital imaging processes. We discuss how this work is applicable in many areas of computer graphics involving digitized photographs, including image-based modeling, image compositing, and image processing. Lastly, we demonstrate a few applications of having high dynamic range radiance maps, such as synthesizing realistic motion blur and simulating the response of the human visual system.
Digitized photographs are becoming increasingly important in computer graphics. More than ever, scanned images are used as texture maps for geometric models, and recent work in image-based modeling and rendering uses images as the fundamental modeling primitive. Furthermore, many of today’s graphics applications require computer-generated images to mesh seamlessly with real photographic imagery. Properly using photographically acquired imagery in these applications can greatly benefit from an accurate model of the photographic process.
When we photograph a scene, either with film or an electronic imaging array, and digitize the photograph to obtain a twodimensional array of “brightness” values, these values are rarely true measurements of relative radiance in the scene. For example, if one pixel has twice the value of another, it is unlikely that it observed twice the radiance. Instead, there is usually an unknown, nonlinear mapping that determines how radiance in the scene becomes pixel values in the image.
This nonlinear mapping is hard to know beforehand because it is actually the composition of several nonlinear mappings that occur in the photographic process. In a conventional camera (see Fig. 1), the film is first exposed to light to form a latent image. The film is then developed to change this latent image into variations in transparency, or density, on the film. The film can then be digitized using a film scanner, which projects light through the film onto an electronic light-sensitive array, converting the image to electrical voltages. These voltages are digitized, and then manipulated before finally being written to the storage medium. If prints of the film are scanned rather than the film itself, then the printing process can also introduce nonlinear mappings.
In the first stage of the process, the film response to variations in exposure X (which is , the product of the irradiance E the film receives and the exposure time t) is a non-linear function, called the “characteristic curve” of the film. Noteworthy in the typical characteristic curve is the presence of a small response with no exposure and saturation at high exposures. The development, scanning and digitization processes usually introduce their own nonlinearities which compose to give the aggregate nonlinear relationship between the image pixel exposures X and their values Z.
Digital cameras, which use charge coupled device (CCD) arrays to image the scene, are prone to the same difficulties. Although the charge collected by a CCD element is proportional to its irradiance, most digital cameras apply a nonlinear mapping to the CCD outputs before they are written to the storage medium. This nonlinear mapping is used in various ways to mimic the response characteristics of film, anticipate nonlinear responses in the display device, and often to convert 12-bit output from the CCD’s analog-to-digital converters to 8-bit values commonly used to store images. As with film, the most significant nonlinearity in the response curve is at its saturation point, where any pixel with a radiance above a certain level is mapped to the same maximum image value.
Why is this any problem at all? The most obvious difficulty, as any amateur or professional photographer knows, is that of limited dynamic range—one has to choose the range of radiance values that are of interest and determine the exposure time suitably. Sunlit scenes, and scenes with shiny materials and artificial light sources, often have extreme differences in radiance values that are impossible to capture without either under-exposing or saturating the film. To cover the full dynamic range in such a scene, one can take a series of photographs with different exposures. This then poses a problem: how can we combine these separate images into a composite radiance map? Here the fact that the mapping from scene radiance to pixel values is unknown and nonlinear begins to haunt us. The purpose of this paper is to present a simple technique for recovering this response function, up to a scale factor, using nothing more than a set of photographs taken with varying, known exposure durations. With this mapping, we then use the pixel values from all available photographs to construct an accurate map of the radiance in the scene, up to a factor of scale. This radiance map will cover the entire dynamic range captured by the original photographs.
图1 Image Acquisition Pipeline 显示场景亮度如何成为像素值的胶卷和数码相机。在曝光、显影、扫描、数字化和重映射过程中,可能会出现未知的非线性映射。本文算法确定了一组不同曝光图像从场景辐射度L到像素值Z的聚合映射。
Our technique of deriving imaging response functions and recovering high dynamic range radiance maps has many possible applications in computer graphics:
Image-based modeling and rendering
Image-based modeling and rendering systems to date (e.g. [11, 15, 2, 3, 12, 6, 17]) make the assumption that all the images are taken with the same exposure settings and film response functions. However, almost any large-scale environment will have some areas that are much brighter than others, making it impossible to adequately photograph the scene using a single exposure setting. In indoor scenes with windows, this situation often arises within the field of view of a single photograph, since the areas visible through the windows can be far brighter than the areas inside the building.
By determining the response functions of the imaging device, the method presented here allows one to correctly fuse pixel data from photographs taken at different exposure settings. As a result, one can properly photograph outdoor areas with short exposures, and indoor areas with longer exposures, without creating inconsistencies in the data set. Furthermore, knowing the response functions can be helpful in merging photographs taken with different imaging systems, such as video cameras, digital cameras, and film cameras with various film stocks and digitization processes.
The area of image-based modeling and rendering is working toward recovering more advanced reflection models (up to complete BRDF’s) of the surfaces in the scene (e.g. [21]). These methods, which involve observing surface radiance in various directions under various lighting conditions, require absolute radiance values rather than the nonlinearly mapped pixel values found in conventional images. Just as important, the recovery of high dynamic range images will allow these methods to obtain accurate radiance values from surface specularities and from incident light sources. Such higher radiance values usually become clamped in conventional images.
Image processing
Most image processing operations, such as blurring, edge detection, color correction, and image correspondence, expect pixel values to be proportional to the scene radiance. Because of nonlinear image response, especially at the point of saturation, these operations can produce incorrect results for conventional images.
In computer graphics, one common image processing operation is the application of synthetic motion blur to images. In our results (Section 3), we will show that using true radiance maps produces significantly more realistic motion blur effects for high dynamic range scenes.
Image compositing
Many applications in computer graphics involve compositing image data from images obtained by different processes. For example, a background matte might be shot with a still camera, live action might be shot with a different film stock or scanning process, and CG elements would be produced by rendering algorithms. When there are significant differences in the response curves of these imaging processes, the composite image can be visually unconvincing. The technique presented in this paper provides a convenient and robust method of determining the overall response curve of any imaging process, allowing images from different processes to be used consistently as radiance maps. Furthermore, the recovered response curves can be inverted to render the composite radiance map as if it had been photographed with any of the original imaging processes, or a different imaging process entirely.
A research tool
One goal of computer graphics is to simulate the image formation process in a way that produces results that are consistent with what happens in the real world. Recovering radiance maps of real-world scenes should allow more quantitative evaluations of rendering algorithms to be made in addition to the qualitative scrutiny they traditionally receive. In particular, the method should be useful for developing reflectance and illumination models, and comparing global illumination solutions against ground truth data.
Rendering high dynamic range scenes on conventional display devices is the subject of considerable previous work, including [20, 16, 5, 23]. The work presented in this paper will allow such methods to be tested on real radiance maps in addition to synthetically computed radiance solutions.
The photochemical processes involved in silver halide photography have been the subject of continued innovation and research ever since the invention of the daguerretype in 1839. [18] and [8] provide a comprehensive treatment of the theory and mechanisms involved. For the newer technology of solid-state imaging with charge coupled devices, [19] is an excellent reference. The technical and artistic problem of representing the dynamic range of a natural scene on the limited range of film has concerned photographers from the early days – [1] presents one of the best known systems to choose shutter speeds, lens apertures, and developing conditions to best coerce the dynamic range of a scene to fit into what is possible on a print. In scientific applications of photography, such as in astronomy, the nonlinear film response has been addressed by suitable calibration procedures. It is our objective instead to develop a simple self-calibrating procedure not requiring calibration charts or photometric measuring devices.
自1839年达盖尔照相法发明以来,卤化银照相所涉及的光化学过程一直是不断创新和研究的主题。[18]和[8]对所涉及的理论和机制进行了全面的论述。对于电荷耦合器件固态成像的新技术,[19]是一个很好的参考。在有限范围的胶片中表现自然场景的动态范围的技术和艺术问题涉及早期的摄影师 - [1]提出了一个最著名的系统选择快门速度,镜头光圈,和发展条件最好强迫一个场景的动态范围,以适应打印什么是可能的。在摄影的科学应用中,例如在天文学中,用适当的校准程序处理了非线性胶片响应。我们的目标是开发一种简单的自校准程序,不需要校准图表或光度测量设备。
In previous work, [13] used multiple flux integration times of a CCD array to acquire extended dynamic range images. Since direct CCD outputs were available, the work did not need to deal with the problem of nonlinear pixel value response. [14] addressed the problem of nonlinear response but provide a rather limited method of recovering the response curve. Specifically, a parametric form of the response curve is arbitrarily assumed, there is no satisfactory treatment of image noise, and the recovery process makes only partial use of the available data.
This section presents our algorithm for recovering the film response function, and then presents our method of reconstructing the high dynamic range radiance image from the multiple photographs. We describe the algorithm assuming a grayscale imaging device. We discuss how to deal with color in Section 2.6.
Our algorithm is based on exploiting a physical property of imaging systems, both photochemical and electronic, known as reciprocity.
Let us consider photographic film first. The response of a film to variations in exposure is summarized by the characteristic curve (or Hurter-Driffield curve). This is a graph of the optical density D of the processed film against the logarithm of the exposure X to which it has been subjected. The exposure X is defined as the product of the irradiance E at the film and exposure time, , so that its units are
. Key to the very concept of the characteristic curve is the assumption that only the product E
is important, that halving E and doubling
will not change the resulting optical density D. Under extreme conditions (very large or very low t ), the reciprocity assumption can break down, a situation described as reciprocity failure. In typical print films, reciprocity holds to within 3 1 stop1 for exposure times of 10 seconds to 1/10,000 of a second.2 In the case of charge coupled arrays, reciprocity holds under the assumption that each site measures the total number of photons it absorbs during the integration time.
加倍不会改变结果的光密度D。在极端条件下(非常大或非常小的t),互惠假设可以分解,这种情况称为互惠失效。在典型的印刷胶中,当曝光时间为10秒到1/ 10000秒时,相互作用保持在1/3 stop1内。在电荷耦合阵列的情况下,互易性是在每个位置测量其在积分时间内吸收的光子总数的假设下成立的。
After the development, scanning and digitization processes, we obtain a digital number Z, which is a nonlinear function of the original exposure X at the pixel. Let us call this function f, which is the composition of the characteristic curve of the film as well as all the nonlinearities introduced by the later processing steps. Our first goal will be to recover this function f. Once we have that, we can compute the exposure X at each pixel, as . We make the reasonable assumption that the function f is monotonically increasing, so its inverse
is well defined. Knowing the exposure X and the exposure time
, the irradiance E is recovered as E = X/
, which we will take to be proportional to the radiance L in the scene.
,将辐照度E恢复为E = X/
Before proceeding further, we should discuss the consequences of the spectral response of the sensor. The exposure X should be thought of as a function of wavelength , and the abscissa on the characteristic curve should be the integral R
is the spectral response of the sensing element at the pixel location. Strictly speaking, our use of irradiance, a radiometric quantity, is not justified. However, the spectral response of the sensor site may not be the photopic luminosity function
, so the photometric term illuminance is not justified either. In what follows, we will use the term irradiance, while urging the reader to remember that the quantities we will be dealing with are weighted by the spectral response at the sensor site. For color photography, the color channels may be treated separately.
The input to our algorithm is a number of digitized photographs taken from the same vantage point with different known exposure durations . We will assume that the scene is static and that this process is completed quickly enough that lighting changes can be safely ignored. It can then be assumed that the film irradiance values Ei for each pixel i are constant. We will denote pixel values by Zij where i is a spatial index over pixels and j indexes over exposure times
. We may now write down the film reciprocity equation as:
Since we assume f is monotonic, it is invertible, and we can rewrite (1) as:
Taking the natural logarithm of both sides, we have:
To simplify notation, let us define function g = ln f 1. We then have the set of equations:
where i ranges over pixels and j ranges over exposure durations. In this set of equations, the Zij are known, as are the . The unknowns are the irradiances Ei, as well as the function g, although we assume that g is smooth and monotonic.
We wish to recover the function g and the irradiances Ei that best satisfy the set of equations arising from Equation 2 in a least-squared error sense. We note that recovering g only requires recovering the finite number of values that g(z) can take since the domain of Z, pixel brightness values, is finite. Letting Zmin and Zmax be the least and greatest pixel values (integers), N be the number of pixel locations and P be the number of photographs, we formulate the problem as one of finding the (Zmax - Zmin + 1) values of g(Z) and the N values of ln Ei that minimize the following quadratic objective function:
我们希望在误差最小的平方意义上恢复函数g和最能满足由方程2产生的方程组的辐照度Ei。我们注意到,恢复g只需要恢复g(z)可以取的有限数量的值,因为z的域,即像素亮度值,是有限的。假设Zmin和Zmax是最小和最大像素值(整数),N是像素位置的数量,P是照片的数量,我们将问题表示为找到g(Z)的(Zmax - Zmin + 1)值和ln Ei的N值之一,使下面的二次目标函数最小化:
The first term ensures that the solution satisfies the set of equations arising from Equation 2 in a least squares sense. The second term is a smoothness term on the sum of squared values of the second derivative of g to ensure that the function g is smooth; in this discrete setting we use . This smoothness term is essential to the formulation in that it provides coupling between the values g(z) in the minimization. The scalar
weights the smoothness term relative to the data fitting term, and should be chosen appropriately for the amount of noise expected in the Zij measurements.
Because it is quadratic in the Ei’s and g(z)’s, minimizing O is a straightforward linear least squares problem. The overdetermined system of linear equations is robustly solved using the singular value decomposition (SVD) method. An intuitive explanation of the procedure may be found in Fig. 2.
We need to make three additional points to complete our description of the algorithm:
First, the solution for the g(z) and Ei values can only be up to a single scale factor . If each log irradiance value ln Ei were replaced by ln Ei +
, and the function g replaced by g +
, the system of equations 2 and also the objective function O would remain unchanged. To establish a scale factor, we introduce the additional constraint g(Zmid) = 0, where Zmid = 1/2 (Zmin + Zmax), simply by adding this as an equation in the linear system. The meaning of this constraint is that a pixel with value midway between Zmin and Zmax will be assumed to have unit exposure.
,则方程组2和目标函数O不变。为了建立一个比例因子,我们引入额外的约束条件g(Zmid) = 0,其中Zmid = 1/2(Zmin + Zmax),只需将其作为线性系统中的方程相加即可。这个约束的含义是,假设一个值位于Zmin和Zmax之间的像素具有单位曝光。
Second, the solution can be made to have a much better fit by anticipating the basic shape of the response function. Since g(z) will typically have a steep slope near Zmin and Zmax, we should expect that g(z) will be less smooth and will fit the data more poorly near these extremes. To recognize this, we can introduce a weighting function w(z) to emphasize the smoothness and fitting terms toward the middle of the curve. A sensible choice of w is a simple hat function:
Equation 3 now becomes:
Finally, we need not use every available pixel site in this solution procedure. Given measurements of N pixels in P photographs, we have to solve for N values of ln Ei and (Zmax-Zmin ) samples of g. To ensure a sufficiently overdetermined system, we want N (P-1) > (Zmax-Zmin ). For the pixel value range (Zmax-Zmin ) = 255, P = 11 photographs, a choice of N on the order of 50 pixels is more than adequate. Since the size of the system of linear equations arising from Equation 3 is on the order of NxP + Zmax-Zmin, computational complexity considerations make it impractical to use every pixel location in this algorithm. Clearly, the pixel locations should be chosen so that they have a reasonably even distribution of pixel values from Zmin to Zmax, and so that they are spatially well distributed in the image. Furthermore, the pixels are best sampled from regions of the image with low intensity variance so that radiance can be assumed to be constant across the area of the pixel, and the effect of optical blur of the imaging system is minimized. So far we have performed this task by hand, though it could easily be automated.
最后,我们不需要在这个解决方案过程中使用所有可用的像素站点。给定P张照片中的N个像素的测量值,我们必须解出g的lnEi和(Zmax-Zmin)样本的N个值。为了确保一个充分确定的系统,我们需要N (P-1) > (Zmax-Zmin)。对于像素值范围(Zmax-Zmin) = 255, P = 11张照片,在50像素的顺序上选择N是绰绰有余的。由于由式3导出的线性方程组的大小为NxP + Zmax-Zmin阶,计算复杂度的考虑使得在该算法中使用每个像素的位置是不切实际的。显然,选择像素的位置是为了使像素值在Zmin到Zmax之间具有合理均匀的分布,使像素值在图像中具有良好的空间分布。此外,从低强度方差的图像区域中提取的像素是最优的采样点,这样可以假定辐射度在像素区域内是恒定的,从而最小化成像系统的光学模糊效应。到目前为止,我们已经手工完成了这项任务,尽管它很容易实现自动化。
Note that we have not explicitly enforced the constraint that g must be a monotonic function. If desired, this can be done by transforming the problem to a non-negative least squares problem. We have not found it necessary because, in our experience, the smoothness penalty term is enough to make the estimated g monotonic in addition to being smooth
To show its simplicity, the MATLAB routine we used to minimize Equation 5 is included in the Appendix. Running times are on the order of a few seconds.
Once the response curve g is recovered, it can be used to quickly convert pixel values to relative radiance values, assuming the exposure is known. Note that the curve can be used to determine radiance values in any image(s) acquired by the imaging process associated with g, not just the images used to recover the response function.
From Equation 2, we obtain:
For robustness, and to recover high dynamic range radiance values, we should use all the available exposures for a particular pixel to compute its radiance. For this, we reuse the weighting function in Equation 4 to give higher weight to exposures in which the pixel’s value is closer to the middle of the response function:
Combining the multiple exposures has the effect of reducing noise in the recovered radiance values. It also reduces the effects
of imaging artifacts such as film grain. Since the weighting function ignores saturated pixel values, “blooming” artifacts5 have little impact on the reconstructed radiance values.
组合多次曝光具有降低恢复的辐射值中的噪声的效果。 它还可以减少成像伪像(如胶片颗粒)的影响。 由于加权函数忽略饱和像素值,因此晕染伪影对重建的辐射值几乎没有影响。
In our implementation the recovered radiance map is computed as an array of single-precision floating point values. For efficiency, the map can be converted to the image format used in the RADIANCE [22] simulation and rendering system, which uses just eight bits for each of the mantissa and exponent. This format is particularly compact for color radiance maps, since it stores just one exponent value for all three color values at each pixel. Thus, in this format, a high dynamic range radiance map requires just one third more storage than a conventional RGB image.
To decide on the number of images needed for the technique, it is convenient to consider the two aspects of the process:
1. Recovering the film response curve: This requires a minimum of two photographs. Whether two photographs are enough
can be understood in terms of the heuristic explanation of the process of film response curve recovery shown in Fig. 2.
If the scene has sufficiently many different radiance values, the entire curve can, in principle, be assembled by sliding together the sampled curve segments, each with only two samples. Note that the photos must be similar enough in their exposure amounts that some pixels fall into the working range6 of the film in both images; otherwise, there is no information to relate the exposures to each other. Obviously, using more than two images with differing exposure times improves performance with respect to noise sensitivity.
2. Recovering a radiance map given the film response curve: The number of photographs needed here is a function of the dynamic range of radiance values in the scene. Suppose the range of maximum to minimum radiance values that we are interested in recovering accurately is R, and the film is capable of representing in its working range a dynamic range of F .
Then the minimum number of photographs needed is R/F to ensure that every part of the scene is imaged in at least one
photograph at an exposure duration that puts it in the working range of the film response curve. As in recovering the response curve, using more photographs than strictly necessary will result in better noise sensitivity.
If one wanted to use as few photographs as possible, one might first recover the response curve of the imaging process by photographing a scene containing a diverse range of radiance values at three or four different exposures, differing by perhaps one or two stops. This response curve could be used to determine the working range of the imaging process, which for the processes we have seen would be as many as five or six stops. For the remainder of the shoot, the photographer could decide for any particular scene the number of shots necessary to cover its entire dynamic range. For diffuse indoor scenes, only one exposure might be necessary; for scenes with high dynamic range, several would be necessary. By recording the exposure amount for each shot, the images could then be converted to radiance maps using the pre-computed response curve.
图2 在左边的图中,x符号代表了g曲线的样本,这些样本来自于5种不同的已知暴露条件下的一个像素的数字值,使用公式2。未知的lnEi的辐照度被假设为0。注意g曲线的形状是正确的,尽管它在垂直比例尺上的位置是任意的,对应于未知的lnEi。+和。符号表示考虑其他两个像素得到的g曲线段样本;同样,每一段的垂直位置是任意的。从本质上说,我们在优化过程中要实现的是将3个采样曲线段上下滑动(通过调整它们的ln Ei),直到它们“对齐”成一条光滑的单调曲线,如图所示。复合曲线的垂直位置仍然是任意的。
Most commericially available film scanners can detect reasonably close to the full range of useful densities present in film. However, many of these scanners (as well as the Kodak PhotoCD process) produce 8-bit-per-channel images designed to be viewed on a screen or printed on paper. Print film, however, records a significantly greater dynamic range than can be displayed with either of these media. As a result, such scanners deliver only a portion of the detected dynamic range of print film in a single scan, discarding information in either high or low density regions. The portion of the detected dynamic range that is delivered can usually be influenced by “brightness” or “density adjustment” controls.
The method presented in this paper enables two methods for recovering the full dynamic range of print film which we will briefly
outline. In the first method, the print negative is scanned with the scanner set to scan slide film. Most scanners will then record the entire detectable dynamic range of the film in the resulting image. As before, a series of differently exposed images of the same scene can be used to recover the response function of the imaging system with each of these scanner settings. This response function can then be used to convert individual exposures to radiance maps. Unfortunately, since the resulting image is still 8-bits-per-channel, this results in increased quantization.
In the second method, the film can be scanned twice with the scanner set to different density adjustment settings. A series of differently exposed images of the same scene can then be used to recover the response function of the imaging system at each of these density adjustment settings. These two response functions can then be used to combine two scans of any single negative using a similar technique as in Section 2.2.
For many applications, such as image processing and image compositing, the relative radiance values computed by our method are all that are necessary. If needed, an approximation to the scaling term necessary to convert to absolute radiance can be derived using the ASA of the film and the shutter speeds and exposure amounts in the photographs. With these numbers, formulas that give an approximate prediction of film response can be found in [9]. Such an approximation can be adequate for simulating visual artifacts such as glare, and predicting areas of scotopic retinal response. If desired, one could recover the scaling factor precisely by photographing a calibration luminaire of known radiance, and scaling the radiance
values to agree with the known radiance of the luminaire.
Color images, consisting of red, green, and blue channels, can be processed by reconstructing the imaging system response curve for each channel independently. Unfortunately, there will be three unknown scaling factors relating relative radiance to absolute radiance, one for each channel. As a result, different choices of these scaling factors will change the color balance of the radiance map.
By default, the algorithm chooses the scaling factor such that a pixel with value Zmid will have unit exposure. Thus, any pixel with the RGB value (Zmid; Zmid; Zmid ) will have equal radiance values for R, G, and B, meaning that the pixel is achromatic. If the three channels of the imaging system actually do respond equally to achromatic light in the neighborhood of Zmid, then our procedure correctly reconstructs the relative radiances.
However, films are usually calibrated to respond achromatically to a particular color of light C, such as sunlight or fluorescent light. In this case, the radiance values of the three channels should be scaled so that the pixel value (Zmid; Zmid; Zmid ) maps to a radiance with the same color ratios as C. To properly model the color response of the entire imaging process rather than just the film response, the scaling terms can be adjusted by photographing a calibration luminaire of known color.
The recovered response functions can also be used to map radiance values back to pixel values for a given exposure t using Equation 1. This process can be thought of as taking a virtual photograph of the radiance map, in that the resulting image will exhibit the response qualities of the modeled imaging system. Note that the response functions used need not be the same response functions used to construct the original radiance map, which allows photographs acquired with one imaging process to be rendered as if they were acquired with another.
Figures 3-5 show the results of using our algorithm to determine the response curve of a DCS460 digital camera. Eleven grayscale photographs filtered down to 765509 resolution (Fig. 3) were taken at f/8 with exposure times ranging from 30 1 of a second to 30 seconds, with each image receiving twice the exposure of the previous one. The film curve recovered by our algorithm from 45 pixel locations observed across the image sequence is shown in Fig. 4. Note that although CCD image arrays naturally produce linear output, from the curve it is evident that the camera nonlinearly remaps the data, presumably to mimic the response curves found in film. The underlying registered data are shown as light circles underneath
the curve; some outliers are due to sensor artifacts (light horizontal bands across some of the darker images.)
Fig. 5 shows the reconstructed high dynamic range radiance map. To display this map, we have taken the logarithm of the radiance values and mapped the range of these values into the range of the display. In this representation, the pixels at the light regions do not saturate, and detail in the shadow regions can be made out, indicating that all of the information from the original image sequence is present in the radiance map. The large range of values present in the radiance map (over four orders of magnitude of useful dynamic range) is shown by the values at the marked pixel locations.
Figure 6 shows sixteen photographs taken inside a church with a Canon 35mm SLR camera on Fuji 100 ASA color print film. A fisheye 15mm lens set at f/8 was used, with exposure times ranging from 30 seconds to 1/1000 of a second in 1-stop increments. The film was developed professionally and scanned in using a Kodak PhotoCD film scanner. The scanner was set so that it would not individually adjust the brightness and contrast of the images10 to guarantee that each image would be digitized using the same response function.
An unfortunate aspect of the PhotoCD process is that it does not scan precisely the same area of each negative relative to the extents of the image.11 To counteract this effect, we geometrically registered the images to each other using a using normalized correlation (see [4]) to determine, with sub-pixel accuracy, corresponding pixels between pairs of images
Fig. 7(a-c) shows the response functions for the red, green, and blue channels of the church sequence recovered from 28 pixel locations. Fig. 7(d) shows the recovered red, green, and blue response curves plotted on the same set of axes. From this plot, we can see that while the red and green curves are very consistent, the blue curve rises significantly above the others for low exposure values. This indicates that dark regions in the images exhibit a slight blue cast. Since this artifact is modeled by the response curves, it will not affect the relative radiance values.
图7(a-c)为教堂序列从28个像素位置恢复的红、绿、蓝通道的响应函数。图7(d)为同一组坐标轴上恢复的红、绿、蓝响应曲线。从图中我们可以看出,虽然红色和绿色曲线非常一致,但是蓝色曲线在低曝光值下明显高于其他曲线。这表明图像中的暗区域呈现出轻微的蓝色偏差。 由于此artifact由响应曲线建模,因此不会影响相对辐亮度值。
Fig. 8 interprets the recovered high dynamic range radiance map in a variety of ways. Fig. 8(a) is one of the actual photographs, which lacks detail in its darker regions at the same time that many values within the two rightmost stained glass windows are saturated. Figs. 8(b,c) show the radiance map, linearly scaled to the display device using two different scaling factors. Although one scaling factor is one thousand times the other, there is useful detail in both images. Fig. 8(d) is a false-color image showing radiance values for a grayscale version of the radiance map; the highest listed radiance value is nearly 250,000 times that of the lowest. Figs. 8(e,f) show two renderings of the radiance map using a new tone reproduction algorithm [23]. Although the rightmost stained glass window has radiance values over a thousand times higher than the darker areas
in the rafters, these renderings exhibit detail in both areas.
Figure 9 demonstrates two applications of the techniques presented in this paper: accurate signal processing and virtual photography. The task is to simulate the effects of motion blur caused by moving the camera during the exposure. Fig. 9(a) shows the results of convolving an actual, low-dynamic range photograph with a 37 x 1 pixel box filter to simulate horizontal motion blur. Fig. 9(b) shows the results of applying this same filter to the high dynamic range radiance map, and then sending this filtered radiance map back through the recovered film response functions using the same exposure time as in the actual photograph. Because we are seeing this image through the actual image response curves, the two left images are tonally consistent with each other. However, there is a large difference between these two images near the bright spots. In the photograph, the bright radiance values have been clamped to the maximum pixel values by the response function. As a result, these clamped values blur with lower neighboring values and fail to saturate the image in the final result, giving a muddy appearance.
In Fig. 9(b), the extremely high pixel values were represented properly in the radiance map and thus remained at values above the level of the response function’s saturation point within most of the blurred region. As a result, the resulting virtual photograph exhibits several crisply-defined saturated regions
Fig. 9(c) is an actual photograph with real motion blur induced by spinning the camera on the tripod during the exposure, which is equal in duration to Fig. 9(a) and the exposure simulated in Fig. 9(b). Clearly, in the bright regions, the blurring effect is qualitatively similar to the synthetic blur in 9(b) but not 9(a). The precise shape of the real motion blur is curved and was not modeled for this demonstration.
We have presented a simple, practical, robust and accurate method of recovering high dynamic range radiance maps from ordinary photographs. Our method uses the constraint of sensor reciprocity to derive the response function and relative radiance values directly from a set of images taken with different exposures. This work has a wide variety of applications in the areas of image-based modeling and rendering, image processing, and image compositing, a few of which we have demonstrated. It is our hope that this work will be able to help both researchers and practitioners of computer graphics
make much more effective use of digitized photographs.
The authors wish to thank Tim Hawkins, Carlo S´ equin, David Forsyth, Steve Chenney, Chris Healey, and our reviewers for their valuable help in revising this paper. This research was supported by a Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative on three dimensional direct visualization from ONR and BMDO, grant FDN00014- 96-1-1200.
作者感谢Tim Hawkins、Carlo S equin、David Forsyth、Steve Chenney、Chris Healey以及我们的审稿人对本文的修改提供了宝贵的帮助。本研究得到了来自ONR和BMDO的三维直接可视化的多学科大学研究计划的支持,授予FDN00014- 96-1-1200。