
// t4.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include #include #include #include /* 入口参数:pSrc 源十六进制数据 出口参数:dest 存放运算结果 返回:true 转换成功 false 失败 */ bool Hex2String(unsigned char *pSrc,std::string &dest,int nL) { char buf[256]; memset((char *)buf,0,sizeof(buf)); unsigned char hb; unsigned char lb; for(int i=0;i>4; if( hb>=0 && hb<=9 ) hb += 0x30; else if( hb>=10 &&hb <=15 ) hb = hb -10 + 'A'; else return false; lb = pSrc[i]&0x0f; if( lb>=0 && lb<=9 ) lb += 0x30; else if( lb>=10 && lb<=15 ) lb = lb - 10 + 'A'; else return false; buf[i*2] = hb; buf[i*2+1] = lb; } dest = buf; return true; } /* 入口参数:src 源字符串 出口参数:dest 存放运算结果 返回:true 转换成功 false 失败 */ bool String2Hex(std::string &src,unsigned char *dest) { unsigned char hb; unsigned char lb; if(src.size()%2!=0) return false; transform(src.begin(), src.end(), src.begin(), toupper); for(int i=0, j=0;i='A' && hb<='F' ) hb = hb - 'A' + 10; else if( hb>='0' && hb<='9' ) hb = hb - '0'; else return false; i++; lb=src[i]; if( lb>='A' && lb<='F' ) lb = lb - 'A' + 10; else if( lb>='0' && lb<='9' ) lb = lb - '0'; else return false; dest[j++]=(hb<<4)|(lb); } return true; } //下面是使用举例,在VisualStudio2008+SP1中调试通过 int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { unsigned char srcB[]={0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78,0x90,0xab,0xbc,0xcd,0xde,0xef}; std::string strDest; Hex2String(srcB,strDest,sizeof(srcB)); std::cout<<"HexToString:"<
