


In [3]: import random

In [4]: def juneProb(numTrials):
   ...:     june48 = 0
   ...:     for trial in range(numTrials):
   ...:         june = 0
   ...:         for i in range(446):
   ...:             if random.randint(1,12) == 6:
   ...:                 june += 1
   ...:         if june >= 48:
   ...:             june48 += 1
   ...:     jProb = round(june48/numTrials, 4)
   ...:     print('Probability of at least 48 births in June =', jProb)

In [5]: juneProb(10000)
Probability of at least 48 births in June = 0.0435
In [6]: def anyProb(numTrials):
   ...:     anyMonth48 = 0
   ...:     for trial in range(numTrials):
   ...:         months = [0]*12
   ...:         for i in range(446):
   ...:             months[random.randint(0,11)] += 1
   ...:         if max(months) >= 48:
   ...:             anyMonth48 += 1
   ...:     aProb = round(anyMonth48/numTrials, 4)
   ...:     print('Probability of at least 48 births in some month =',aProb)

In [7]: anyProb(10000)
Probability of at least 48 births in some month = 0.4294
In [25]: def minkowskiDist(v1, v2, p):
    ...:     """假设v1和v2是两个等长的数值型数组
    ...:     返回v1和v2之间阶为p的闵可夫斯基距离"""
    ...:     dist = 0.0
    ...:     for i in range(len(v1)):
    ...:         dist += abs(v1[i] - v2[i])**p
    ...:     return dist**(1/p)
In [12]: class Example(object):
    ...:     def __init__(self, name, features, label = None):
    ...:         #假设features是一个浮点数数组
    ...:         self.name = name
    ...:         self.features = features
    ...:         self.label = label
    ...:     def dimensionality(self):
    ...:         return len(self.features)
    ...:     def getFeatures(self):
    ...:         return self.features[:]
    ...:     def getLabel(self):
    ...:         return self.label
    ...:     def getName(self):
    ...:         return self.name
    ...:     def distance(self, other):
    ...:         return minkowskiDist(self.features, other.getFeatures(), 2)
    ...:     def __str__(self):
    ...:         return self.name +':'+ str(self.features) + ':'\
    ...:             + str(self.label)
In [23]: class Cluster(object):
    ...:     def __init__(self, examples):
    ...:         """假设examples是一个非空的Example类型列表"""
    ...:         self.examples = examples
    ...:         self.centroid = self.computeCentroid()
    ...:     def update(self, examples):
    ...:         """假设examples是一个非空的Example类型列表
    ...:         替换examples;返回发生变化的质心数量"""
    ...:         oldCentroid = self.centroid
    ...:         self.examples = examples
    ...:         self.centroid = self.computeCentroid()
    ...:         return oldCentroid.distance(self.centroid)
    ...:     def computeCentroid(self):
    ...:         vals = pylab.array([0.0]*self.examples[0].dimensionality())
    ...:         for e in self.examples: #计算均值
    ...:             vals += e.getFeatures()
    ...:         centroid = Example('centroid', vals/len(self.examples))
    ...:         return centroid
    ...:     def getCentroid(self):
    ...:         return self.centroid
    ...:     def variability(self):
    ...:         totDist = 0.0
    ...:         for e in self.examples:
    ...:             totDist += (e.distance(self.centroid))**2
    ...:         return totDist
    ...:     def members(self):
    ...:         for e in self.examples:
    ...:             yield e
    ...:     def __str__(self):
    ...:         names = []
    ...:         for e in self.examples:
    ...:             names.append(e.getName())
    ...:         names.sort()
    ...:         result = 'Cluster with centroid '\
    ...:             + str(self.centroid.getFeatures()) + ' contains:\n '
    ...:         for e in names:
    ...:             result = result + e + ', '
    ...:         return result[:-2] #除去末尾的逗号和空格
In [16]: def dissimilarity(clusters):
    ...:     totDist = 0.0
    ...:     for c in clusters:
    ...:         totDist += c.variability()
    ...:     return totDist
In [19]: def trykmeans(examples, numClusters, numTrials, verbose = False):
    ...:     """调用kmeans函数numTrials次,返回相异度最小的结果"""
    ...:     best = kmeans(examples, numClusters, verbose)
    ...:     minDissimilarity = dissimilarity(best)
    ...:     trial = 1
    ...:     while trial < numTrials:
    ...:         try:
    ...:             clusters = kmeans(examples, numClusters, verbose)
    ...:         except ValueError:
    ...:             continue #如果失败,则重试
    ...:         currDissimilarity = dissimilarity(clusters)
    ...:         if currDissimilarity < minDissimilarity:
    ...:             best = clusters
    ...:             minDissimilarity = currDissimilarity
    ...:         trial += 1
    ...:     return best

In [21]: def kmeans(examples, k, verbose = False):
    ...:     #随机选取k个初始质心,为每个质心创建一个簇
    ...:     initialCentroids = random.sample(examples, k)
    ...:     clusters = []
    ...:     for e in initialCentroids:
    ...:         clusters.append(Cluster([e]))
    ...:     #迭代,直至质心不再改变
    ...:     converged = False
    ...:     numIterations = 0
    ...:     while not converged:
    ...:         numIterations += 1
    ...:         #创建一个列表,包含k个不同的空列表
    ...:         newClusters = []
    ...:         for i in range(k):
    ...:             newClusters.append([])
    ...:     #将每个实例分配给最近的质心
    ...:         for e in examples:
    ...:             #找到离e最近的质心
    ...:             smallestDistance = e.distance(clusters[0].getCentroid())
    ...:             index = 0
    ...:             for i in range(1, k):
    ...:                 distance = e.distance(clusters[i].getCentroid())
    ...:                 if distance < smallestDistance:
    ...:                     smallestDistance = distance
    ...:                     index = i
    ...:                 #将e添加到相应簇的实例列表
    ...:             newClusters[index].append(e)
    ...:         for c in newClusters: #Avoid having empty clusters
    ...:             if len(c) == 0:
    ...:                 raise ValueError('Empty Cluster')
    ...:         #更新每个簇;检查质心是否变化
    ...:         converged = True
    ...:         for i in range(k):
    ...:             if clusters[i].update(newClusters[i]) > 0.0:
    ...:                 converged = False
    ...:         if verbose:
    ...:             print('Iteration #' + str(numIterations))
    ...:             for c in clusters:
    ...:                 print(c)
    ...:             print('') #add blank line
    ...:     return clusters


In [8]: def genDistribution(xMean, xSD, yMean, ySD, n, namePrefix):
   ...:     samples = []
   ...:     for s in range(n):
   ...:         x = random.gauss(xMean, xSD)
   ...:         y = random.gauss(yMean, ySD)
   ...:         samples.append(Example(namePrefix+str(s), [x, y]))
   ...:     return samples

In [9]: def plotSamples(samples, marker):
   ...:     xVals, yVals = [], []
   ...:     for s in samples:
   ...:         x = s.getFeatures()[0]
   ...:         y = s.getFeatures()[1]
   ...:         pylab.annotate(s.getName(), xy = (x, y),
   ...:                       xytext = (x+0.13, y-0.07),
   ...:                       fontsize = 'x-large')
   ...:         xVals.append(x)
   ...:         yVals.append(y)
   ...:     pylab.plot(xVals, yVals, marker)

In [10]: def contrivedTest(numTrials, k, verbose = False):
    ...:     xMean = 3
    ...:     xSD = 1
    ...:     yMean = 5
    ...:     ySD = 1
    ...:     n = 10
    ...:     d1Samples = genDistribution(xMean, xSD, yMean, ySD, n, 'A')
    ...:     plotSamples(d1Samples, 'k^')
    ...:     d2Samples = genDistribution(xMean+3, xSD, yMean+1, ySD, n, 'B')
    ...:     plotSamples(d2Samples, 'ko')
    ...:     clusters = trykmeans(d1Samples+d2Samples, k, numTrials, verbose)
    ...:     print('Final result')
    ...:     for c in clusters:
    ...:         print('', c)
In [26]: contrivedTest(50, 2, False)
Final result
 Cluster with centroid [6.25635098 5.87765296] contains:
 B0, B1, B2, B4, B5, B7, B9
 Cluster with centroid [3.77477509 5.32003372] contains:
 A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, B3, B6, B8
