Eclipse launch configuration----Eclipse运行外部工具


工具条中点击如下按钮,可以看到External Tools Configurations,点击打开使用外部工具配置对话框。

Eclipse launch configuration----Eclipse运行外部工具_第1张图片

也可以通过 Run > External Tools > Open External Tools Dialog打开,默认支持Ant Build和Program两种。

Eclipse launch configuration----Eclipse运行外部工具_第2张图片




@time /t

@echo "%*"


"container_loc:D:\workspace container_name: container_path:""




        Short description here.







Eclipse launch configuration----Eclipse运行外部工具_第3张图片


传送给Ant的属性需要以-D=的格式,如果想要verbose模式的输出并重写dist.dir变量,则需要传入 -v -Ddist.dir=out.


其它,如-q, -v , -d 表示输出的模式:quiet, verbose 和 debug. 通过设置-logfile 指定log的输出位置。



Table 1. Variables for launch configurations
Variable Description
build_files If automatic building is turned on, this variable includes the absolute paths of the files that triggered the build. It support parameters to narrow the choices, such as f for files only.
build_project This is the absolute path of the project currently being built.
build_type This variable represents the type of build being executed (incremental, full, auto, or none). The value isnone if you try to use this variable when your launch configuration is not a builder.
container_loc This is the absolute name of the current resource's container, which is the folder or directory.
container_name This is the name of the container in which the current resource resides.
container_path This variable represents the path of the container relative to the workspace.
eclipse_home This is the location in which Eclipse is installed.
env_var This variable inputs the value of the given environment variable, where the name of the variable can be supplied as an argument to the variable.
file_prompt When Eclipse launches the program, it displays a file selector. The name of the file you select when prompted is put into the value of the variable.
folder_prompt This variable is the same as the file prompt, but is limited to folders.
java_extensions_regex This is a regex-matching registered Java-like file extensions.
java_type_name This variable is the fully qualified Java type name of the primary type in the selected resource.
project_loc This is the absolute path of the project on the file system.
project_name This is the name of the project.
project_path This is the path of the current project relative to the workspace.
resource_loc This variable represents the absolute path of the current resource on the file system.
resource_name This is the name of the resource.
resource_path This is the path of the current resource relative to the workspace.
selected_text This is the value of the text that is selected, if any.
string_prompt If used, Eclipse prompts you for a string value. Whatever you type in the prompt is substituted into the variable.
system This is the value of an Eclipse system variable (ARCH, ECLIPSE_HOME, NL, OS, WS).
system_path This variable is the absolute path of a tool — supplied as an argument — in the file system.
system_property This is the value of a system property from the Eclipse runtime, where the name of the property is an argument to the variable.
target.arch This variable represents the target processor architecture (for example, x86 for Intel® processors). This is the target locale (for example, en_US or fr_FR).
target.os This is the target operating system (for example, macosx). This variable represents the target windowing system (for example, Carbon for Mac).
target_home This is the target home, which is the same as the Eclipse home.
workspace_loc This is the absolute path of the workspace on the file system.

Eclipse launch configuration----Eclipse运行外部工具_第4张图片

选中Refresh resources upon completion.可以选择自动刷新的资源位置,省却每次手动刷新的烦恼。各选项的含义如下:

The entire workspace
When selected, Eclipse refreshes every resource in the workspace. If you have a large workspace, you may not want to select this checkbox for performance reasons if you don't absolutely need it.
The selected resource
For the example Ant build in this tutorial, this refresh wouldn't be very effective. The selected resource could often be the build file.
The project containing the selected resource
This option would effectively refresh the project containing the build file (if the build file were selected), but would not be useful if a resource in another project were selected, instead.
The folder containing the selected resource
The same applies here for the Ant build, but this option could be useful with other launch configurations.
Specific resources
This allows you to select specific resources to be refreshed. For this example, select this option, then click Specify Resources. Select the out, published, and dist directories.


Eclipse launch configuration----Eclipse运行外部工具_第5张图片


可以修改默认的Ant Home路径,也可以添加JAR包等。

Eclipse launch configuration----Eclipse运行外部工具_第6张图片

可以修改默认的Ant Home路径,也可以运行上述配置,即可使用Ant脚本编译。


默认情况下,launch Configuration是在本地保存的。 可以通过Shared file选项选择保存路径。Eclipse会自动命名该文件为.launch.好处之一是可以与他人共享该配置。但是需要注意使用到的变量的通用型。

Eclipse launch configuration----Eclipse运行外部工具_第7张图片

标准的输入,输出不能解决问题时,可以使用上面的脚本( example.bat) 来打印出参数,大部分情况下错误都是由于参数不正确引起的。

