- 普通树的要求
- 树的遍历
- 特殊树的操作
- 总结
leetcode,第104题,Maximum Depth of Binary Tree,
Given a binary tree, find its maximum depth.
The maximum depth is the number of nodes along the longest path from the root node down to the farthest leaf node.
Given binary tree [3,9,20,null,null,15,7],
return its depth = 3.
// 这个方法很快,并且空间也不大
public int maxDepth(TreeNode root) {
// 这个节点就是空节点
if(root == null) return 0;
if(root.left != null || root.right != null) {
int left_depth = 1;
int right_depth = 1;
if(root.left != null) {
left_depth = maxDepth(root.left) + 1;
if(root.right != null) {
right_depth = maxDepth(root.right) + 1;
return Math.max(left_depth, right_depth);
}else {
return 1;
leetcode,第124题,Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum,
Given a non-empty binary tree, find the maximum path sum.
For this problem, a path is defined as any sequence of nodes from some starting node to any node in the tree along the parent-child connections. The path must contain at least one node and does not need to go through the root.
Output: 42
// 使用递归的思想来做,这里返回是路径的话。你只能选择其中一条路走
// 但是在求最大路径的时候,就可以三个都加起来
// 负数被省去了,那么左右子树就不会是负数,
private int searchMaxPathSum(TreeNode root) {
if(root == null) return 0;
int left_sum = Math.max(searchMaxPathSum(root.left),0);
int right_sum = Math.max(searchMaxPathSum(root.right),0);
// 包含了左子树加节点最大,右子树加上节点最大,左右子树是最大的,左右子树相加外加节点是最大的
max_path_sum = Math.max(left_sum + right_sum + root.val,max_path_sum);
return Math.max(left_sum, right_sum) + root.val;
leetcode,第236题,Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree,
Given a binary tree, find the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of two given nodes in the tree.
According to the definition of LCA on Wikipedia: “The lowest common ancestor is defined between two nodes p and q as the lowest node in T that has both p and q as descendants (where we allow a node to be a descendant of itself).”
Given the following binary tree: root = [3,5,1,6,2,0,8,null,null,7,4]
Input: root = [3,5,1,6,2,0,8,null,null,7,4], p = 5, q = 4
Output: 5
Explanation: The LCA of nodes 5 and 4 is 5, since a node can be a descendant of itself according to the LCA definition.
- 俩个节点都在左子树或者右子树中,那么我们还需要继续查找。
- 俩个节点分别在左子树和右子树中,那么祖先肯定就是该节点。
- 该节点就是其中一个要查找的节点,那么祖先肯定就是该节点。
// 这种写法很慢很慢。思想是对的,但是写法过于复杂了。
public TreeNode lowestCommonAncestor(TreeNode root, TreeNode p, TreeNode q) {
if(root == null) return null;
boolean isOneContain = true;
while(isOneContain) {
if(root == p || root == q) {
isOneContain = false;
boolean isLeft = searchNodeValue(root.left, p, q);
boolean isRight = searchNodeValue(root.right, p, q);
if(isLeft && isRight) {
isOneContain = false;
}else {
root = isLeft?root.left:root.right;
return root;
private boolean searchNodeValue(TreeNode rootNode, TreeNode p, TreeNode q) {
if(rootNode == p || rootNode == q) {
return true;
if(rootNode == null) {
return false;
boolean left = searchNodeValue(rootNode.left, p, q);
boolean right = searchNodeValue(rootNode.right, p, q);
if(left || right) {
return true;
}else {
return false;
// 思想和上面一样,都是看节点,只不过上面是查找,
public TreeNode lowestCommonAncestor(TreeNode root, TreeNode p, TreeNode q) {
if(root == p || root == q || root == null) return root;
TreeNode left = lowestCommonAncestor(root.left, p, q);
// 加上他反而变慢了,主要是为了返回如果不是p也不是q,也不是null,那肯定就是最小父节点,那么不用递归右节点了,不过反而慢了
// if(left != null && left != p && left != q) return left;
TreeNode right = lowestCommonAncestor(root.right, p, q);
if(left != null && right != null) return root;
return left == null?right:left;
leetcode,第102题,Binary Tree Level Order Traversal,
Given a binary tree, return the level order traversal of its nodes' values. (ie, from left to right, level by level).
Given binary tree [3,9,20,null,null,15,7],
return its level order traversal as:
// 层次遍历
public List> levelOrder(TreeNode root) {
List> tree_list = new ArrayList>();
if(root == null) return tree_list;
Queue tree_queue = new LinkedList();
while(!tree_queue.isEmpty()) {
List one_list = new ArrayList();
int queue_size = tree_queue.size();
int index = 0;
while(index < queue_size) {
TreeNode one_node = tree_queue.poll();
if(one_node.left != null) tree_queue.offer(one_node.left);
if(one_node.right != null) tree_queue.offer(one_node.right);
return tree_list;
leetcode,第107题,Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II,
Given a binary tree, return the bottom-up level order traversal of its nodes' values. (ie, from left to right, level by level from leaf to root).
Given binary tree [3,9,20,null,null,15,7],
return its bottom-up level order traversal as:
// 没啥好的写法,大家都是这种翻转过来
public List> levelOrderBottom(TreeNode root) {
List> tree_list = new ArrayList>();
if(root == null) return tree_list;
Queue tree_queue = new LinkedList();
while(!tree_queue.isEmpty()) {
List one_list = new ArrayList();
int queue_size = tree_queue.size();
int index = 0;
while(index < queue_size) {
TreeNode one_node = tree_queue.poll();
if(one_node.left != null) tree_queue.offer(one_node.left);
if(one_node.right != null) tree_queue.offer(one_node.right);
tree_list.add(0, one_list);
return tree_list;
leetcode,第103题,Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal,
Given a binary tree, return the zigzag level order traversal of its nodes' values. (ie, from left to right, then right to left for the next level and alternate between).
Given binary tree [3,9,20,null,null,15,7],
return its zigzag level order traversal as:
// 遍历
public List> zigzagLevelOrder(TreeNode root) {
List> tree_list = new ArrayList>();
if(root == null) return tree_list;
Queue tree_queue = new LinkedList();
boolean leftToRight = true;
while(!tree_queue.isEmpty()) {
List one_list = new ArrayList();
int queue_size = tree_queue.size();
int index = 0;
while(index < queue_size) {
TreeNode one_node = tree_queue.poll();
// 就是层次遍历上加一个判断条件
if(leftToRight) {
}else {
one_list.add(0, one_node.val);
if(one_node.left != null) tree_queue.offer(one_node.left);
if(one_node.right != null) tree_queue.offer(one_node.right);
leftToRight = !leftToRight;
return tree_list;
leetcode,第98题,Validate Binary Search Tree,
Given a binary tree, determine if it is a valid binary search tree (BST).
Assume a BST is defined as follows:
The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the node's key.
The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than the node's key.
Both the left and right subtrees must also be binary search trees.
Input: [5,1,4,null,null,3,6]
Output: false
Explanation: The root node's value is 5 but its right child's value is 4.
// 1. 找出左子树最小值和右子树的最大值来比较,分治法,但是复杂度太高了
public boolean isValidBST(TreeNode root) {
if(root == null) return true;
if((root.left != null && root.val <= findMax(root.left)) ||
(root.right != null && root.val >= findMin(root.right))) {
return false;
boolean isLeft = isValidBST(root.left);
boolean isRight = isValidBST(root.right);
return isLeft&&isRight;
private int findMax(TreeNode node) {
int max_value = node.val;
Queue tree_queue = new LinkedList();
while(!tree_queue.isEmpty()) {
TreeNode one_node = tree_queue.poll();
if(max_value < one_node.val) max_value = one_node.val;
if (one_node.left != null)
if (one_node.right != null)
return max_value;
private int findMin(TreeNode node) {
int min_value = node.val;
Queue tree_queue = new LinkedList();
while(!tree_queue.isEmpty()) {
TreeNode one_node = tree_queue.poll();
if(min_value > one_node.val) min_value = one_node.val;
if (one_node.left != null)
if (one_node.right != null)
return min_value;
// 2. 上面有简化版,不过思想变了一下,就是根节点是左子树的最大值,右子树的最小值,这个效率高
public boolean isValidBST(TreeNode root) {
// 这是因为输入可能是,[2147483647]
if(root == null) return true;
return validBst(root, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE);
private boolean validBst(TreeNode root, long min_value, long max_value) {
if(root == null) return true;
if(root.val <= min_value || root.val >= max_value) return false;
return validBst(root.left, min_value, root.val) && validBst(root.right, root.val, max_value);
// 4. 也可以使用非递归中序遍历,这样的话,还可以直接比较是不是比前面大,不用存储
public boolean isValidBST(TreeNode root) {
Stack stack_node = new Stack();
TreeNode pre_node = null;
while(root != null || !stack_node.empty()) {
while(root != null) {
root = root.left;
root = stack_node.pop();
if(pre_node != null && pre_node.val >= root.val) return false;
pre_node = root;
root = root.right;
return true;
// 5. 还可以使用morris遍历
public boolean isValidBST(TreeNode root) {
TreeNode preNode = null;
while(root != null) {
if(root.left == null) {
if(preNode != null && preNode.val >= root.val) {
return false;
preNode = root;
root = root.right;
}else {
TreeNode rightNode = root.left;
while(rightNode.right != null && rightNode.right != root) {
rightNode = rightNode.right;
if(rightNode.right == null) {
rightNode.right = root;
root = root.left;
}else {
if(preNode != null && preNode.val >= root.val) {
return false;
preNode = root;
rightNode.right = null;
root = root.right;
return true;
leetcode,第110题,Balanced Binary Tree,
Given a binary tree, determine if it is height-balanced.
For this problem, a height-balanced binary tree is defined as:
a binary tree in which the left and right subtrees of every node differ in height by no more than 1.
Given the following tree [1,2,2,3,3,null,null,4,4]:
Return false.
// 速度很快,就是空间使用有点大了
public boolean isBalanced(TreeNode root) {
if(maxDepth(root) == -1) {
return false;
return true;
// 深度的简化版
private int maxDepth(TreeNode root) {
if(root == null) return 0;
int left_depth = maxDepth(root.left);
int right_depth = maxDepth(root.right);
if(left_depth == -1 || right_depth == -1 || Math.abs(left_depth - right_depth) > 1) {
return -1;
return Math.max(left_depth + 1, right_depth + 1);