Onenet EDP协议调试(1)-设备登陆


基于visual studio 2017的登陆报文调试,源码摘自Onenet EDP协议SDK。版权解释权为中国移动Onenet。



#define assert(com) { if(com != 1) printf("error...\r\n");}

typedef unsigned char   uint8;
typedef char            int8;
typedef unsigned short  uint16;
typedef short           int16;
typedef unsigned int    uint32;
typedef int             int32;

typedef struct Buffer
	uint8*  _data;          /* buffer数据 */
	uint32  _write_pos;     /* buffer写入位置 */
	uint32  _read_pos;      /* buffer读取位置 */
	uint32  _capacity;      /* buffer容量 */
}Buffer, SendBuffer, RecvBuffer, EdpPacket;

/* 连接请求 */
#define CONNREQ             0x10
/* 连接响应 */
#define CONNRESP            0x20
/* 转发(透传)数据 */
#define PUSHDATA            0x30
/* 升级请求 */
#define UPDATEREQ           0x50
/* 升级响应 */
#define UPDATERESP          0x60
/* 存储(转发)数据 */
#define SAVEDATA            0x80
/* 存储确认 */
#define SAVEACK             0x90
/* 命令请求 */
#define CMDREQ              0xA0
/* 命令响应 */
#define CMDRESP             0xB0
/* 心跳请求 */
#define PINGREQ             0xC0
/* 心跳响应 */
#define PINGRESP            0xD0
/* 加密请求 */
#define ENCRYPTREQ          0xE0
/* 加密响应 */
#define ENCRYPTRESP         0xF0
#define UPDATE  0x50

#define MOSQ_MSB(A)         (uint8)((A & 0xFF00) >> 8)
#define MOSQ_LSB(A)         (uint8)(A & 0x00FF)
#define BUFFER_SIZE         (0x01<<20) 
#define PROTOCOL_NAME       "EDP"
#define MAX_FLOAT_DPS_COUNT 1000

int32 WriteRemainlen(Buffer* buf, uint32 len_val)
	uint32 remaining_length = len_val;
	int32 remaining_count = 0;
	uint8 byte = 0;

	assert(buf->_read_pos == 0);
	do {
		byte = remaining_length % 128;
		remaining_length = remaining_length / 128;
		/* If there are more digits to encode, set the top bit of this digit */
		if (remaining_length > 0) {
			byte = byte | 0x80;
		buf->_data[buf->_write_pos++] = byte;
	} while (remaining_length > 0 && remaining_count < 5);
	assert(remaining_count != 5);
	return 0;

Buffer* NewBuffer()
	Buffer* buf = (Buffer*)malloc(sizeof(Buffer));
	buf->_data = (uint8*)malloc(sizeof(uint8) * BUFFER_SIZE);
	buf->_write_pos = 0;
	buf->_read_pos = 0;
	buf->_capacity = BUFFER_SIZE;
	return buf;

void DeleteBuffer(Buffer** buf)
	uint8* pdata = (*buf)->_data;
	*buf = 0;

int32 CheckCapacity(Buffer* buf, uint32 len)
	uint32 cap_len = buf->_capacity;
	int32 flag = 0;
	uint8* pdata = NULL;

	while (cap_len - buf->_write_pos < len) /* remain len < len */
		cap_len = cap_len << 1;
		if (++flag > 32)
			break;  /* overflow */
	if (flag > 32)
		return -1;
	if (cap_len > buf->_capacity)
		pdata = (uint8*)malloc(sizeof(uint8) * cap_len);
		memcpy(pdata, buf->_data, buf->_write_pos);
		buf->_data = pdata;
		buf->_capacity = cap_len;
	return 0;

int32 WriteByte(Buffer* buf, uint8 byte)
	assert(buf->_read_pos == 0);
	if (CheckCapacity(buf, 1))
		return -1;
	buf->_data[buf->_write_pos] = byte;
	return 0;

int32 WriteBytes(Buffer* buf, const void* bytes, uint32 count)
	assert(buf->_read_pos == 0);
	if (CheckCapacity(buf, count))
		return -1;
	memcpy(buf->_data + buf->_write_pos, bytes, count);
	buf->_write_pos += count;
	return 0;

int32 WriteUint16(Buffer* buf, uint16 val)
	assert(buf->_read_pos == 0);
	return WriteByte(buf, MOSQ_MSB(val))
		|| WriteByte(buf, MOSQ_LSB(val));

int32 WriteStr(Buffer* buf, const char *str)
	uint16 length = 0;
	assert(buf->_read_pos == 0);
	length = strlen(str);
	return WriteUint16(buf, length)
		|| WriteBytes(buf, str, length);

EdpPacket* PacketConnect2(const char* userid, const char* auth_info)
	EdpPacket* pkg = NULL;
	uint32 remainlen;

	pkg = NewBuffer();
	/* msg type */
	WriteByte(pkg, CONNREQ);
	/* remain len */
	remainlen = (2 + 3) + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + (2 + strlen(userid)) + (2 + strlen(auth_info));
	WriteRemainlen(pkg, remainlen);
	/* protocol desc */
	WriteStr(pkg, PROTOCOL_NAME);
	/* protocol version */
	WriteByte(pkg, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
	/* connect flag */
	WriteByte(pkg, 0xC0);
	/* keep time */
	WriteUint16(pkg, 0x0080);
	/* devid */
	WriteByte(pkg, 0x00);
	WriteByte(pkg, 0x00);
	/* USERID */
	WriteStr(pkg, userid);
	/* auth info */
	WriteStr(pkg, auth_info);
	return pkg;

int32 IsPkgComplete(RecvBuffer* buf)
	uint8* data = NULL;
	uint32 data_len = 0;
	uint32 multiplier = 1;
	uint32 len_val = 0;
	uint32 len_len = 1;
	uint8* pdigit = NULL;
	uint32 pkg_total_len = 0;

	data = buf->_data;
	data_len = buf->_write_pos;

	if (data_len <= 1) {
		return 0;   /* continue receive */
	/* recevie remaining len */
	pdigit = data;

	do {
		if (len_len > 4) {
			return -1;  /* protocol error; */
		if (len_len > data_len - 1) {
			return 0;   /* continue receive */
		len_val += ((*pdigit) & 0x7f) * multiplier;
		multiplier *= 0x80;
	} while (((*pdigit) & 0x80) != 0);

	pkg_total_len = len_len + len_val;
	/* receive payload */
	if (pkg_total_len <= (uint32)data_len) {
#ifdef _DEBUG
		printf("a complete packet len:%d\n", pkg_total_len);
		return pkg_total_len;   /* all data for this pkg is read */
	else {
		return 0;   /* continue receive */

EdpPacket* GetEdpPacket(RecvBuffer* buf)
	EdpPacket* pkg = NULL;
	int32 flag = 0;

	assert(buf->_read_pos == 0);
	flag = IsPkgComplete(buf);
	if (flag <= 0)
		return pkg;
	pkg = NewBuffer();
	WriteBytes(pkg, buf->_data, flag);
	/* shrink buffer */
	memmove(buf->_data, buf->_data + flag, buf->_write_pos - flag);
	buf->_write_pos -= flag;
	return pkg;

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
	EdpPacket* send_pkg = NULL;
	send_pkg = PacketConnect2("112988","test1");
	int len = send_pkg->_write_pos;
	printf("len = %d\r\n", len);

	for (int i = 0; i < len;i++)
		printf("0x%X", send_pkg->_data[i]);
		printf(" ");

你可能感兴趣的:(Onenet EDP协议调试(1)-设备登陆)