HDU 1252 : Hike on a Graph-

“Hike on a Graph” is a game that is played on a board on which an undirected graph is drawn. The graph is complete and has all loops, i.e. for any two locations there is exactly one arrow between them. The arrows are coloured. There are three players, and each of them has a piece. At the beginning of the game, the three pieces are in fixed locations on the graph. In turn, the players may do a move. A move consists of moving one’s own piece along an arrow to a new location on the board. The following constraint is imposed on this: the piece may only be moved along arrows of the same colour as the arrow between the two opponents’ pieces.

In the sixties (“make love not war”) a one-person variant of the game emerged. In this variant one person moves all the three pieces, not necessarily one after the other, but of course only one at a time. Goal of this game is to get all pieces onto the same location, using as few moves as possible. Find out the smallest number of moves that is necessary to get all three pieces onto the same location, for a given board layout and starting positions.

Input Specification

The input file contains several test cases. Each test case starts with the number n. Input is terminated by n=0. Otherwise, 1<=n<=50. Then follow three integers p1, p2, p3 with 1<=pi<=n denoting the starting locations of the game pieces. The colours of the arrows are given next as a m×m matrix of whitespace-separated lower-case letters. The element mij denotes the colour of the arrow between the locations i and j. Since the graph is undirected, you can assume the matrix to be symmetrical.

Output Specification

For each test case output on a single line the minimum number of moves required to get all three pieces onto the same location, or the word “impossible” if that is not possible for the given board and starting locations.

Sample Input

3 1 2 3
r b r
b b b
r b r
2 1 2 2
y g
g y
Sample Output!




using namespace std;
const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f;  //一般认为无穷大 
#define MEM(a,x) memset(a,x,sizeof(a)) 
#define F(i,n) for(i=1;i<=n;i++)
int cnt[55][55][55];  //记录每个位置的最小步数 
char map[55][55];  //存图 
bool isok;  //存储是否可以移动到一起的结果 
int n,p1,p2,p3; 
struct Point{
	int x,y,z;
    Point(int x_=0,int y_=0,int z_=0):x(x_),y(y_),z(z_){
};  /*BFS中queue的成员,用来存储位置 ,结构体中的构造函数方便直接将位置push到queue中 */
typedef Point P; 
int BFS()

que; P p; int x,y,z; int i; int cnt_type; //记录步数,方便下一步操作 string color; //记录一个点的所以的边的颜色 char color_mid; //记录另外两个之间的颜色 que.push(P(p1,p2,p3)); //初始位置入队 isok=false; //还没有移动到一起,为false while(!que.empty()) { p=que.front(); que.pop(); x=p.x; y=p.y; z=p.z; if(x==y&&y==z) { isok=true; //移动到一起,为true return x; //返回下标,方便在main方法中输出步数 } else{ cnt_type=cnt[x][y][z]; //当前位置步数 cnt_type++; //更新位置步数=当前位置步数+1 //分别 向x,y,z移动 color_mid=map[y][z]; //点yz之间的颜色 color=map[x]; //点x所以边的颜色 F(i,n) { if(color[i]==color_mid&&i!=x&&cnt[i][y][z]>cnt_type) /*点x移动的边颜色和点yz之间的颜色相同 ,并且不同点,并且小于其原来的步数*/ { cnt[i][y][z]=cnt_type; //赋值更新位置的步数 que.push(P(i,y,z)); //加入更新的位置 } } //下面一样 color_mid=map[x][z]; color=map[y]; F(i,n) { if(color[i]==color_mid&&i!=y&&cnt[x][i][z]>cnt_type) { cnt[x][i][z]=cnt_type; que.push(P(x,i,z)); } } color_mid=map[x][y]; color=map[z]; F(i,n) { if(color[i]==color_mid&&i!=z&&cnt[x][y][i]>cnt_type) { cnt[x][y][i]=cnt_type; que.push(P(x,y,i)); } } } } return -1; } int main() { while(cin>>n&&n) { int i,j; cin>>p1>>p2>>p3; F(i,n) { map[i][0]=' '; /*需要加上,经验吧,不加,可能错,因为不同的编译器, 可能有不同的默认值 ,有可能没有值,所以赋给string变量可能会出错 */ F(j,n) { cin>>map[i][j]; /*比较少的输入输出用 c++的io个人感觉比较好, 虽然对时间效率不友好,但是对输入输出方式很友好,因为输出中有空格*/ } map[i][n+1]='\0'; //结束字符,因为要赋给string变量 } //存图 int end=BFS(); if(isok) printf("%d\n",cnt[end][end][end]); else { printf("impossible\n"); } } return 0; }
