12C ORA-错误汇总11 ORA-12500 to ORA-24279



                ORA-19500: device block size string is invalid
Cause: the device block size returned by sequential I/O OSD is invalid
Action: If the block size was set by using the PARMS option of the Recovery
Manager ALLOCATE CHANNEL command, then the specified block size must be
changed. If no PARMS option was specified on the ALLOCATE CHANNEL
command, then this is an internal error that should be reported to Oracle.
ORA-19501: read error on file "string", block number string (block size=string)
Cause: read error on input file
Action: check the file
ORA-19502: write error on file "string", block number string (block size=string)
Cause: write error on output file
Action: check the file
ORA-19503: cannot obtain information on device, name="string", type="string",
Cause: call to get device information returned an error
Action: check device name, type and parameters
ORA-19504: failed to create file "string"
Cause: call to create file returned an error
Action: check additional messages, check access permissions.
ORA-19505: failed to identify file "string"
Cause: call to identify the file returned an error
Action: check additional messages, and check if the file exists.
ORA-19506: failed to create sequential file, name="string", parms="string"
Cause: call to create the sequential file returned an error
Action: check additional messages, check access permissions.
ORA-19507: failed to retrieve sequential file, handle="string", parms="string"
Cause: call to retrieve the sequential file returned an error
Action: check additional messages, and check if the file exists.
ORA-19508: failed to delete file "string"
Cause: call to delete the file returned an error
14-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: check additional messages.
ORA-19509: failed to delete sequential file, handle="string", parms="string"
Cause: call to delete the sequential file returned an error
Action: check additional messages.
ORA-19510: failed to set size of string blocks for file "string" (block size=string)
Cause: call to resize the file returned an error
Action: check additional messages.
ORA-19511: non RMAN, but media manager or vendor specific failure, error text:
Cause: An error occurred in the media management software which is linked
with the Oracle server to perform backup and restore in cooperation with
Recovery Manager.
Action: If the text of message 19511 does not provide enough information to
resolve the problem, then you should contact the vendor of the media
management software.
ORA-19512: file search failed
Cause: Recovery manager or Oracle Server attempted to discover files that
matched the specified pattern but failed.
Action: Check errors on the error stack for an explanation why the search for files
could not be successfully executed.
ORA-19513: failed to identify sequential file
Cause: Unable to identify the sequential file.
Action: Check additional messages, and check if the file exists on media.
ORA-19525: tempfile for the clone database must be renamed
Cause: Opening a clone database failed because Oracle server forces the tempfile
to be renamed, in order to avoid overwriting the primary tempfile.
Action: Rename the tempfiles manually or automatically by using the DB_FILE_
NAME_CONVERT initialization parameter.
ORA-19526: only one location allowed for parameter string
Cause: A list of default locations was provided in an Oracle-managed files
Action: Edit the parameter to include a single location.
ORA-19527: physical standby redo log must be renamed
Cause: An attempt was made to clear redo log at a physical standby database.
Clearing an OMF redo log will not work unless DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST, DB_
specified. Clearing a non-OMF (or user-defined) redo log file will not work unless
the LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameter is set.
DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter for OMF redo log files and re-issue the
operation that attempted to clear redo log. Set LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT
parameter for non-OMF redo log files and re-issue the operation that attempted to
clear redo log.
ORA-19528: redo logs being cleared may need access to files
ORA-19500 to ORA-19997 14-3
Cause: The redo logs are being cleared. This procedure may need the files this
operation is being applied to.
Action: Wait for the redo logs to be cleared.
ORA-19529: Pattern string in initialization parameter string has an Oracle Managed
Files file name.
Cause: An attempt was made to convert a database file name to an Oracle
Managed Files file name using DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT, PDB_FILE_NAME_
CONVERT or LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameter. This was
not a valid operation.
Action: Retry the operation with a pattern template instead of a full Oracle
Managed Files file name.
ORA-19550: cannot use backup/restore functions while using dispatcher
Cause: Attempted to use backup/restore functions while connected to the
dispatcher in a shared server. This is not allowed because the device that is used
for backup and restore must remain allocated to a single process.
Action: Connect directly to the instance then re-execute the backup or restore
ORA-19551: device is busy, device type: string, device name: string
Cause: The indicated device could not be allocated because it is allocated to
another session, or no device was named, or all devices of the requested type are
Action: Either attempt to allocate another device or wait until the required device
is no longer busy.
ORA-19552: device type string is invalid
Cause: The device type indicated is invalid.
Action: Supply a correct device type and retry the allocation.
ORA-19553: device name string is invalid
Cause: The device name indicated is invalid.
Action: Supply a correct device name and retry the allocation.
ORA-19554: error allocating device, device type: string, device name: string
Cause: The specified device could not be allocated.
Action: One or more other messages should be displayed to help pinpoint the
cause of the error. Correct the error and retry the allocation.
ORA-19555: invalid LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST parameter value
Cause: The value of parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST was not
set within the valid range.
Action: Specify a correct value for parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_
DEST. If the archive log parameters LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST or LOG_ARCHIVE_
to either 1 or 2.
ORA-19556: required destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST currently is
Cause: The destination for parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST was
deferred when it was required to be enabled. The destination was deferred
automatically when an ALTER SYSTEM command for parameter LOG_
14-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
ARCHIVE_DEST defined a destination which duplicated an existing LOG_
ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST parameter destination.
Action: Change the destination value for the LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST
ORA-19557: device error, device type: string, device name: string
Cause: An error occurred in the platform-specific device code
Action: One or more other messages should be displayed to help pinpoint the
cause of the error. Correct the error and retry the allocation.
ORA-19558: error de-allocating device
Cause: The specified device could not be de-allocated.
Action: One or more other messages should be displayed to help pinpoint the
cause of the error. Correct the error and retry the allocation.
ORA-19559: error sending device command: string
Cause: An error occurred while sending the indicated command to the session
Action: One or more other messages should be displayed to help pinpoint the
cause of the error. Correct the error and retry the allocation.
ORA-19560: string is not a valid device limit name
Cause: An invalid name of device limit was specified in a call to DBMS_
Action: Use one of the device limit names described in dbmsbkrs.sql
ORA-19561: string requires a DISK channel
Cause: The attempted command requires that a DISK device channel be allocated
to the session, but a non-DISK device was found.
Action: Deallocate the current device and allocate a DISK channel, then then retry
the command.
ORA-19562: file string is empty
Cause: The indicated file, which is an archived log, control file, or datafile was
found to be empty during a copy, backup, or scan] operation.
Action: Ensure that the correct files are being specified for the copy or backup
ORA-19563: string header validation failed for file string
Cause: When opening the file to be placed in a copy or backup set, to be
inspected, or used as the target for an incremental restore, its header was not
recognized as a valid file header for a file of the indicated type (datafile, archived
log, or control file) belonging to the current database.
Action: Ensure that the correct files are being specified for the copy or backup
ORA-19564: error occurred writing string bytes at block number string
Cause: An error occurred while writing to a file.
Action: One or more other messages should be displayed to help pinpoint the
cause of the error. Correct the error if possible, then retry the copy, backup, or
restore operation.
ORA-19500 to ORA-19997 14-5
ORA-19565: BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES not enabled when duplexing to
sequential devices
Cause: An attempt was made to specify duplexing to sequential devices, but the
BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES initialization parameter was not enabled.
Action: Specify BACKUP_TAPE_IO_SLAVES=TRUE in the INIT.ORA file, or do
not specify duplexing to sequential devices.
ORA-19566: exceeded limit of string corrupt blocks for file string
Cause: The user specified limit of allowable corrupt blocks was exceeded while
reading the specified datafile for a datafile copy or backup.
Action: None. The copy or backup operation fails. The session trace file contains
detailed information about which blocks were corrupt.
ORA-19567: cannot shrink file string because it is being backed up or copied
Cause: An ALTER statement attempted to reduce the size of the indicated file
while the same file is being backed up or copied.
Action: Retry the resize after the backup or copy is complete.
ORA-19568: a device is already allocated to this session
Cause: A device cannot be allocated to a session if another device is already
Action: Deallocate the current device
ORA-19569: no device is allocated to this session
Cause: An operation was attempted which requires a device to be allocated to the
current session, and there is no device allocated.
Action: Allocate a device then retry the operation.
ORA-19570: file number string is outside valid range of 1 through string
Cause: A file number used in a copy, backup, or restore operation is not valid for
the current database.
Action: Specify a valid file number.
ORA-19571: string RECID string STAMP string not found in control file
Cause: The input file specified for a copy or backup operation could not be
opened because the record describing the file is not found in the control file.
Action: Specify a correct RECID/STAMP and retry the copy or backup.
ORA-19572: cannot process file string, file is being being resized
Cause: The input file specified for a copy or backup operation could not be
opened because the file is being resized.
Action: Wait for the resize to complete then retry the copy or backup.
ORA-19573: cannot obtain string enqueue for datafile string
Cause: The file access enqueue could not be obtained for a file specified in a
backup, copy or restore operation. If the enqueue type shown is 'shared', then the
file is the input file for a backup or copy. If the type is 'exclusive', then the file is
the output file for a datafile copy or restore which is attempting to overwrite the
currently active version of that file - in this case, the file must be offline or the
database must be closed. If the type is 'read-only', then you are attempting to back
up or copy this file while the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode.
14-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Wait until the conflicting operation is complete, then retry the copy or
backup. If the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode, then all files being backed
up must be closed cleanly.
ORA-19574: output file name must be specified
Cause: This type of copy or restore requires an output file name.
Action: Specify an output file name and retry the copy.
ORA-19575: expected string blocks in file string, found string
Cause: During a backup, restore, copy, or scan operation, the indicated file did not
contain as many blocks as were indicated in the file header.
Action: The input copy or backup piece is probably corrupt. If another backup or
copy exists of the file that is being restored, then the corrupt file can be deleted
from the recovery catalog and the operation can be restarted.
ORA-19576: datafile string not defined in control file
Cause: The specified file number was not found in the control file.
Action: Specify a correct file number and retry the operation.
ORA-19577: file string is MISSING
PROXYRESTOREDATAFILE function specified a file number but no output file
name, indicating that the output file name should be taken from the control file.
However, the control file entry for this file indicates that it was created for a file
that was present in the data dictionary but not named during the last CREATE
CONTROLFILE statement, so the name in the control file cannot be used for
Action: Either specify an output file name or issue a SQL RENAME command to
enter a valid name for this file in the control file.
ORA-19578: end of volume while duplexing to sequential files, backup piece
Cause: An end of volume (EOV) condition was detected while duplexing to
sequential files, and this condition cannot be handled currently.
Action: Before retrying the backup, make sure the backup pieces will fit in the
volume, or disable duplexing.
ORA-19579: archived log record for string not found
Cause: No archived log record corresponding to input file could be found in the
control file.
Action: Specify a valid archived log file name and retry the operation.
ORA-19580: string conversation not active
Cause: A backup or restore operation was attempted before a conversation was
Action: Start a conversation then retry the operation.
ORA-19581: no files have been named
Cause: An attempt was made to proceed from the file naming phase to the piece
processing phase of a backup or restore conversation before any files have been
specified for backup or restore.
Action: Specify some files then retry the operation.
ORA-19500 to ORA-19997 14-7
ORA-19582: archived log file header validation for string failed
Cause: Archived log file header is corrupt and could not be validated.
Action: Provide a valid archived log file and retry the operation.
ORA-19583: conversation terminated due to error
Cause: An error occurred which forced the termination of the current backup or
restore conversation.
Action: There should be other error messages to help identify the cause of the
problem. Correct the error and begin another conversation.
ORA-19584: file string already in use
Cause: The indicated file, which was specified as the target for a copy, restore, or
delete operation is already in use by the database.
Action: Specify a different name and retry the operation.
ORA-19585: premature end of volume on piece string
Cause: While creating the indicated backup piece, an end-of-volume condition
was encountered before all of the backup set control data was written to the
backup piece. This is most likely a media error, because the amount of backup set
control data is very small in relation to the total amount of data in a backup set.
Action: Retry the piece with a larger piece of output media.
ORA-19586: string k-byte limit is too small to hold piece directory
Cause: The user-specified limit for MAXPIECESIZE for this channel is not enough
to hold the backup set control data.
Action: Allocate a channel specifying a larget valule for MAXPIECESIZE and
retry the operation.
ORA-19587: error occurred reading string bytes at block number string
Cause: An error occurred while reading from a file.
Action: One or more other messages should be displayed to help pinpoint the
cause of the error. Correct the error then retry the copy, backup, or restore
ORA-19588: string RECID string STAMP string is no longer valid
Cause: The indicated record has been marked as deleted. This indicates that the
corresponding file has either been overwritten by another copy or restore, or that
the copy was 'consumed' by a SWITCHTOCOPY operation.
Action: If you know the name of the file you wish to copy, then inspect it and then
retry the copy specifying the new RECID.
ORA-19589: string is not a snapshot or backup control file
Cause: The control file that is the source for a backup or copy operation is not a
snapshot or backup control file.
Action: Specify the name of a snapshot or backup control file.
ORA-19590: conversation already active
Cause: You tried to begin a backup or restore conversation, but another
conversation is already active in this session.
Action: Either continue the current conversation, or call BACKUPCANCEL or
RESTORECANCEL to end the current conversation before starting a new one.
14-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-19591: backup aborted because job time exceeded duration time
Cause: You tried to backup with duration option and the time provided was not
sufficient to complete the backup.
Action: Adjust the duration time and re-run the command. Or run the backup
command without duration option.
ORA-19592: wrong string conversation type
Cause: You attempted to specify a type of file to be backed-up or restored, but the
current conversation cannot process this type of file. For example, you specified an
archived log to be included in a datafile backup set. The specified file will not be
included in the backup or restore operation.
Action: No action required - the conversation is still active, and more files can be
ORA-19593: datafile number string already included as string
Cause: This datafile is already specified for inclusion in this backup or restore
conversation. A backup or restore conversation may process only a single instance
of a datafile.
Action: No action required - the conversation is still active, and more files can be
ORA-19594: control file already included as string
Cause: The control file is already specified for inclusion in this backup or restore
conversation. A backup or restore conversation may process only a single instance
of the control file.
Action: No action required - the conversation is still active, and more files can be
ORA-19595: archived log string already included in backup conversation
Cause: The indicated archived log has already been specified for inclusion in this
backup conversation.
Action: No action required - the conversation is still active, and more files can be
ORA-19596: SPFILE already included
Cause: The SPFILE is already specified for inclusion in this backup or restore
conversation. A backup or restore conversation may process only a single instance
of the SPFILE.
Action: No action required - the conversation is still active, and more files can be
ORA-19597: file string block size string does not match set block size of string
Cause: A file was specified for inclusion in a backup set but it has a logical block
size different from the rest of the files in the backup set. All files in a backup set
must have the same logical block size.
Action: Specify a file that has the same block size as the rest of the files in the
backup set. The conversation is still active and more files can be specified.
ORA-19598: can not backup SPFILE because the instance was not started with
Cause: A backup command requested a backup of the SPFILE, but no SPFILE was
used to startup the instance.
ORA-19500 to ORA-19997 14-9
Action: Create an SPFILE and re-start the instance using the SPFILE.
ORA-19599: block number string is corrupt in string string
Cause: A corrupt block was found in a control file, archived log, or backup piece
that is being read for a backup or copy. Corruption shall not be tolerated in control
files, archived logs, or backup pieces.
Action: None. The copy or backup operation fails. Note that in the case of a
backup set, the conversation is still active and the piece may be retried.
ORA-19600: input file is string string (string)
Cause: This message identifies the input file for a failed copy operation. Both the
file number and name (if the name has been determined) are shown. For a datafile,
the file number refers to the datafile's absolute file number as shown in the DBA_
DATA_FILES view. For a datafile copy, the file number refers to the copy's control
file record number as shown in the RECID column of the V$DATAFILE_COPY
view. For an archived log, the file number refers to the log's control file record
number as shown in the RECID column of the V$ARCHIVED_LOG view.
Action: See other error message.
ORA-19601: output file is string string (string)
Cause: This message identifies the output file for a failed copy operation. The
fields are as described in message 19600. When creating a new datafile copy, its
control file record number may not have been determined when the message is
printed. In that case, the record number shown is zero.
Action: See other error message.
ORA-19602: cannot backup or copy active file in NOARCHIVELOG mode
Cause: You tried to copy or backup a file that was not closed cleanly, and the
database was in NOARCHIVELOG mode. This is not allowed because when
restored, the file will require redo application before it is usable, and redo is not
currently being saved beyond the contents of the online redo logs.
Action: Take the tablespace offline clean or close the database and retry the copy
or backup.
ORA-19603: cannot backup or copy active file with KEEP .. UNRECOVERABLE
Cause: The user tried to copy or backup a file that was not closed cleanly, with
KEEP .. UNRECOVERABLE option. This is not allowed because when restored,
the file will require redo application before it is usable, and redo will not be saved
because of KEEP .. UNRECOVERABLE option.
Action: Take the tablespace offline cleanly, or close the database and retry the
copy or backup.
ORA-19604: conversation file naming phase is over
Cause: A call was made to specify a file to be backed up or restored after the first
backup piece has been processed.
Action: You cannot specify more files to be processed during a backup or restore
conversation after the first backup piece has been processed. If more files must be
specified, you must begin a new conversation.
ORA-19605: input file name must be specified
Cause: The input file name was not specified for a control file copy operation.
Action: Specify an input file name and retry the operation.
14-10 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-19606: Cannot copy or restore to snapshot control file
Cause: A control file copy or restore operation specified the name of the snapshot
control file as the output file. It is not permitted to overwrite the snapshot control
file in this manner. Other methods are available to create the snapshot control file.
Action: Specify a different file name and retry the operation. If this is a restore,
then the restore conversation remains active and more files may be specified.
ORA-19607: string is an active control file
Cause: A control file copy, restore, or backup specified the name of a control file
named in the INIT.ORA file as the input or output file.
Action: Specify a different file name and retry the operation. If this is a backup or
restore conversation, then the conversation remains active and more files may be
ORA-19608: string is not a backup piece
Cause: The specified file is not a backup piece produced by the DBMS_BACKUP_
RESTORE package. Either the first block of the backup piece is corrupt or this file
is not a backup piece.
Action: Specify a different file name and retry the operation.
ORA-19609: string is from different backup set: stamp string count string
Cause: The specified file is not from the backup set which is currently being
processed. It is part of a different backup set. The identification of the set
containing this piece is shown.
Action: Specify the correct backup piece and retry the operation.
ORA-19610: directory block string is corrupt
Cause: The indicated directory block failed checksum validation. This backup
piece is unusable.
Action: Supply another copy of the same backup piece, or terminate the restore
ORA-19611: backup piece out of order. Expected string but found string
Cause: This backup piece is out of sequence.
Action: Supply the correct backup piece.
ORA-19612: datafile string not restored due to string
Cause: The indicated file could not be restored, because all of its data blocks were
not found in the backup piece.
Action: The restore conversation remains active, and the current piece must be
re-processed. If the failure cannot be resolved by re-processing the current piece,
then the restore conversation must be cancelled.
ORA-19613: datafile string not found in backup set
Cause: The indicated file could not be restored, because it is not in this backup set.
If the file number is zero, then this refers to the control file.
Action: This message is issued when the directory from the first backup piece is
read and one or more files named for restoration were not found. The restore
conversation is still active, but no data has been read and you must supply the first
backup piece of a backup set that contains all of the requested files.
ORA-19614: archived log thread string sequence string not found in backup set
ORA-19500 to ORA-19997 14-11
Cause: The indicated archived log file was named explicitly for restoration but is
not contained in this backup set.
Action: This message is issued when the directory from the first backup piece is
read and one or more files named for restoration were not found. The restore
conversation is still active, but no data has been read and you must supply the first
backup piece of a backup set that contains all of the requested files.
ORA-19615: some files not found in backup set
Cause: Some files that were specified for restoration were not found in the backup
set directory. Message 19613 or 19614 is issued for each file that was not found.
Action: See the instructions for message 19613.
ORA-19616: output file name must be specified if database not mounted
Cause: A datafile restore specified no target file name, but the database is not
mounted. The database must be mounted when no target file name is specified, so
that the target file name can be obtained from the control file.
Action: The restore conversation remains active. If you wish to restore datafiles
without their target file names, then mount the database before continuing.
Otherwise, a target file name must be specified on all datafile restoration calls.
ORA-19617: file string contains different RESETLOGS data
Cause: The indicated file contains RESETLOGS data which is different from the
archived log files which are already included in the backup set. All archived log
files in a backup set must have the same RESETLOGS data.
Action: The restore conversation remains active, and you may continue to specify
archived log files for inclusion in the backup set.
ORA-19618: cannot name files after RESTOREVALIDATE has been called
Cause: A call was made to specify a file to restore from a backup set, but a
previous call to RESTOREVALIDATE has already been made.
Action: You must cancel and restart the conversation if you wish to specify files to
ORA-19619: cannot call RESTOREVALIDATE after files have been named
Cause: RESTOREVALIDATE was called after some files had already been
specified for restoration.
Action: You must cancel and restart the conversation if you wish to call
ORA-19620: string is not of string type
Cause: When opening the file to be placed in a copy or backup set, to be
inspected, or used as the target for an incremental restore, its header was not
recognized as a valid file header for a file of the indicated type (datafile, archived
log, or control file) belonging to the current database.
Action: The indicated file cannot be processed. Ensure that the correct files are
being specified for the copy or backup operation.
ORA-19621: archived log range has already been specified
Cause: A range of logs has already been specified. Only one SCN range may be
specified per conversation.
Action: The restore conversation remains active and more logs may be specified
by thread and sequence number, if desired.
14-12 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-19622: archived log thread string sequence string not restored due to string
Cause: The indicated file could not be restored, because all of its data blocks were
not found in the backup piece.
Action: The restore conversation remains active, and the current piece must be
re-processed. If the failure cannot be resolved by re-processing the current piece,
then the restore conversation must be cancelled.
ORA-19623: file string is open
Cause: A SWITCHTOCOPY operation specified a datafile copy whose parent
datafile is open.
Action: Take the owning tablespace offline or close the database, then retry the
ORA-19624: operation failed, retry possible
Cause: A backup, restore or image copy operation failed with an I/O error. If the
source of the I/O error can be corrected, then the operation may be retried.
Action: This message is used by recovery manager to decide whether or not to
retry the operation.
ORA-19625: error identifying file string
Cause: A file specified as input to a copy or backup operation, or as the target for
an incremental restore, could not be identified as an Oracle file. The file may have
been deleted or moved so that it is no longer accessible to RMAN. An operating
system-specific error accompanies this error to help pinpoint the problem.
Action: Specify a different file and retry the operation. If the problem file has
simply been deleted or moved, you can run crosscheck to allow RMAN to update
its metadata with the correct file status.
ORA-19626: backup set type is string - can not be processed by this conversation
Cause: The data in the backup set is not compatible with the current conversation.
Action: Either supply the first piece from a backup set that matches the current
conversation or start a new restore conversation which can process this backup set.
ORA-19627: cannot read backup pieces during control file application
Cause: This is a control file restore conversation, which is using the offline range
information from one or more control files to update datafile checkpoint data.
Backup sets are not used during this type of conversation.
Action: The conversation is still active and more control files may be applied.
ORA-19628: invalid SCN range
Cause: The starting SCN for RESTOREREDOLOGRANGE is greater than the
ending SCN.
Action: Specify a starting SCN which is less than or equal to the ending SCN.
ORA-19629: no files in specified archived log SCN range
Cause: This backup set contains no files in the specified range.
Action: Either supply a backup set that contains files in the correct range or start a
new conversation and specify a range which will select some files from this
backup set.
ORA-19630: end of volume encountered while copying backup piece
ORA-19500 to ORA-19997 14-13
Cause: While copying a backup piece from the OS native file system to an output
device, the output device encountered end-of-volume.
Action: The copy fails. This could happen if a tape was used which is not large
enough to hold the entire backup piece.
ORA-19631: archived log record contains no file name
Cause: This archived log record represents a switch into an active log that took
place without archiving its prior contents. The prior contents of the log file are lost.
Action: Specify the RECID of an archived log record that contains a file name.
Fixed view v$archived_log can be used to examine the archived logs.
ORA-19632: file name not found in control file
Cause: The name passed to GETFNO was not found in the control file.
Action: Supply a valid file name.
ORA-19633: control file record string is out of sync with recovery catalog
Cause: The control file record describing the file to be deleted in a call to
DELETEARCHIVEDLOG does not match the validation data supplied by recovery
Action: contact Oracle support
ORA-19634: file name required for this function
Cause: The FNAME or HANDLE parameter was not specified for DELETEPIECE,
Action: Specify the FNAME or HANDLE parameter when calling these functions.
ORA-19635: input and output file names are identical: string
Cause: Identical input and output file names were specified for a datafile copy
Action: Specify an output file name which is different from the input file name.
ORA-19636: archived log thread string sequence string already included
Cause: The indicated archived log has already been specified for inclusion in this
restore conversation. A restore conversation may process only one copy of any
archived log.
Action: No action required - the conversation is still active, and more files can be
ORA-19637: BACKUPPIECECREATE requires file name when using DISK device
Cause: The session device is currently allocated to disk, and so a file name is
Action: Supply a file name and retry the operation.
ORA-19638: file string is not current enough to apply this incremental backup
Cause: The checkpoint of the target for this incremental backup is less than the
start of the incremental backup. If this backup were applied, then any changes
made between the datafile checkpoint and the start of the incremental backup
could be lost.
Action: Supply a backup set that can be applied and retry the operation.
ORA-19639: file string is more current than this incremental backup
14-14 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The checkpoint of the target for this incremental backup is greater than or
equal to the checkpoint of the file in the incremental backup set. This backup
cannot advance the checkpoint of the target file, so there is no point in applying it.
Action: Supply a backup set that can be applied and retry the operation.
ORA-19640: datafile checkpoint is SCN string time string
Cause: This message identifies the datafile checkpoint for a datafile that was too
old to take an incremental backup from, or the target of an incremental restore that
could not be applied.
Action: See other error message.
ORA-19641: backup datafile checkpoint is SCN string time string
Cause: This message identifies the checkpoint of a datafile in an incremental
backup set that could not be applied.
Action: See other error message.
ORA-19642: start SCN of incremental backup is string
Cause: This message identifies the starting SCN of an incremental backup that
could not be applied.
Action: See other error message.
ORA-19643: datafile string: incremental-start SCN is too recent
Cause: The incremental-start SCN which was specified when starting an
incremental datafile backup is greater than the datafile checkpoint SCN, which
could cause some blocks to be missed.
Action: Specify a smaller incremental-start SCN.
ORA-19644: datafile string: incremental-start SCN is prior to RESETLOGS SCN
Cause: The incremental-start SCN which was specified when starting an
incremental datafile backup is less than the RESETLOGS SCN.
Action: Specify a larger incremental-start SCN.
ORA-19645: datafile string: incremental-start SCN is prior to creation SCN string
Cause: The incremental-start SCN which was specified when starting an
incremental datafile backup is less than the datafile's creation SCN.
Action: Specify a larger incremental-start SCN.
ORA-19646: cannot change size of datafile string from string to string
Cause: Restore needs to adjust the size of the file as indicated, but the file size
adjustment failed.
Action: Examine the other messages which should be present to indicate the
cause of the failure.
ORA-19647: non-zero LEVEL cannot be specified when INCREMENTAL is FALSE
Cause: BACKUPSETDATAFILE was called with a non-zero backup_level and a
FALSE incremental indication.
Action: Either set incremental to TRUE or change backup_level to zero.
ORA-19648: datafile string: incremental-start SCN equals checkpoint SCN
Cause: The incremental-start SCN which was specified when starting an
incremental datafile backup is equal to the datafile's checkpoint SCN. Since an
ORA-19500 to ORA-19997 14-15
incremental backup can only be applied to a datafile whose checkpoint SCN is
between the backup set incremental-start SCN (inclusive) and the backup set
checkpoint SCN (exclusive), there is no datafile that this backup set could ever be
applied to.
Action: Specify a smaller incremental-start SCN. NOTE that this message will
usually only be encountered by the user while taking an incremental backup with
Recovery Manager. Recovery Manager should intercept all usual cases of this error
and simply ignore the incremental backup for this file. So, if you do encounter this
error, please report it to Oracle Support.
ORA-19649: offline-range record RECID string STAMP string not found in file
Cause: APPLYOFFLINERANGE was called with a RECID/STAMP which was not
found in the indicated control file. This probably means that the specified control
file is no longer the same control file that Recovery Manager thinks it is.
Action: Specify the RECID/STAMP of a record that exists in the control file copy.
ORA-19650: Offline-range record RECID string STAMP string in file string has
SCN string
Cause: This messages identifies the offline-clean SCN from the indicated
offline-range record in the indicated file.
Action: See other error message.
ORA-19651: cannot apply offline-range record to datafile string: SCN mismatch
Cause: APPLYOFFLINERANGE cannot apply an offline-range record to a target
datafile unless the datafile's checkpoint SCN exactly matches the offline-clean SCN
in the specified offline-range record.
Action: Specify an offline-range record whose offline-clean SCN matches the
target datafile's checkpoint.
ORA-19652: cannot apply offline-range record to datafile string: file is fuzzy
Cause: The target datafile for an APPLYOFFLINERANGE call is fuzzy.
Action: Specify a target datafile that is closed cleanly.
ORA-19653: cannot switch to older file incarnation
Cause: SWITCHTOCOPY was called with a datafile copy for a datafile that was
dropped prior to the time this control file was backed up.
Action: Restore and mount an earlier control file. It is acceptable to use a control
file that was backed up prior to the creation of the specified datafile.
ORA-19654: must use backup control file to switch file incarnations
Cause: This SWITCHTOCOPY operation is attempting to switch incarnations of a
datafile, but the currently mounted control file is not a backup control file.
Action: Restore and mount a backup control file.
ORA-19655: cannot switch to incarnation with different RESETLOGS data
Cause: This SWITCHTOCOPY operation is attempting to switch to a datafile
which comes from a different RESETLOGS version of the database.
Action: Either restore a backup control file that was taken from the same database
version as the target datafile copy, or switch to a different datafile copy.
ORA-19656: cannot backup, copy, or delete online log string
14-16 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The indicated log file is an active log. You can only backup, copy, or delete
archived logs.
Action: The indicated log file cannot be processed - select another file.
ORA-19657: cannot inspect current datafile string
Cause: The file being inspected is already part of the currently mounted database.
Action: None - the file is already part of the database.
ORA-19658: cannot inspect string - file is from different RESETLOGS
Cause: The RESETLOGS data in the log file being inspected does not match that
in the currently mounted control file.
Action: The indicated file cannot be processed - inspect another file.
ORA-19659: incremental restore would advance file string past RESETLOGS
Cause: This incremental backup cannot be applied to the specified datafile,
because the datafile is from an earlier incarnation of the database, and its
checkpoint would be advanced too far to be recoverable in the current incarnation
of the database.
Action: This incremental cannot be applied to this datafile. If you wish to recover
the file to the RESETLOGS SCN so that the database can be opened with the
RESETLOGS option, then you must use redo-log recovery, not incremental restore,
to continue recovering this file.
ORA-19660: some files in the backup set could not be verified
Cause: A restore conversation was made to verify all the files in a backup set, and
the files which were printed in messages 19661 or 19662 could not be verified
because corrupt blocks for those files were found in the backup set.
Action: Unless the damage to the backup set can be repaired, the indicated files
cannot be restored from this backup set.
ORA-19661: datafile string could not be verified
Cause: Some data blocks for the indicated datafile were corrupt in the backup set.
Action: Unless the damage to the backup set can be repaired, the indicated
datafile cannot be restored from this backup set.
ORA-19662: archived log thread string sequence string could not be verified
Cause: Some data blocks for the indicated archived log were corrupt in the
backup set.
Action: Unless the damage to the backup set can be repaired, the indicated
archived log cannot be restored from this backup set.
ORA-19663: cannot apply current offline range to datafile string
Cause: An attempt was made to apply the current offline range to the specified
datafile, but the datafile is either not current enough or is not at the correct SCN to
apply the offline range.
Action: The datafile remains unchanged.
ORA-19664: file type: string, file name: string
Cause: This message is issued to identify the file which is the subject of an error.
Action: None - this is an informational message. There should be other Oracle
messages explaining the cause of the error.
ORA-19500 to ORA-19997 14-17
ORA-19665: size string in file header does not match actual file size of string
Cause: The size of the file as indicated in the file header does not match the true
size of the file. The two differing sizes are shown in units of logical blocks.
Action: This file is not usable - it has most likely been truncated.
ORA-19666: cannot do incremental restore of the control file
Cause: The control file was included in an incremental restore conversation
Action: If you wish to restore the control file, you must do a full restore of the
control file
ORA-19667: cannot do incremental restore of datafile string
Cause: The backup of the datafile is a full backup
Action: If you wish to restore the datafile, you must do a full restore of the
ORA-19668: cannot do full restore of datafile string
Cause: The backup of the datafile is an incremental backup
Action: If you wish to restore the datafile, you must do an incremental restore of
the datafile
ORA-19669: proxy copy functions cannot be run on DISK channel
Cause: A proxy copy procedure was called, but the device which is allocated to
the current session has type DISK.
Action: Allocate a non-DISK channel and retry the operation. Note that proxy
copy requires a 3rd-party media management software product that supports the
this backup/restore feature.
ORA-19670: file string already being restored
Cause: A proxy restore function has already named this file as a restore
Action: Use a different file name. If this message occurs during a recovery
manager job, then this is an internal error in recovery manager, and you should
contact Oracle support.
ORA-19671: media management software returned invalid proxy handle
Cause: During a proxy backup or restore, the media management software
returned an invalid file handle.
Action: This is an internal error in the media management software which is
linked with Oracle to provide backup/restore services. Contact the media
management software vendor.
ORA-19672: media management software returned invalid file status
Cause: During a proxy backup or restore, the media management software
returned an invalid file status.
Action: This is an internal error in the media management software which is
linked with Oracle to provide backup/restore services. Contact the media
management software vendor.
ORA-19673: error during proxy copy of file string
Cause: During a proxy backup or restore, an error occurred while copying this
file, but other files may have been copied successfully.
14-18 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: There should be other errors on the error stack which explain why the file
could not be successfully copied.
ORA-19674: file string is already being backed up with proxy copy
Cause: Recovery manager attempted to back up the specified file with proxy copy,
but the file is already being backed up by another recovery manager job.
Action: Wait until the other recovery manager backup of this file is complete, then
retry the backup.
ORA-19675: file string was modified during proxy copy
Cause: A proxy backup of the specified file failed because the file was brought
on-line or otherwise modified while the proxy backup was in progress. This file
was off-line or read-only when the backup began, so the file was not put into
hot-backup mode, therefore no modifications are permitted while the backup is in
Action: Take another backup of this file.
ORA-19676: one or more files failed during proxy backup or restore
Cause: During a proxy backup or restore, errors were encountered while
processing some files. The files for which no error messages are shown were
processed successfully.
Action: Examine the messages regarding the specific files to determine the cause
of the problems.
ORA-19677: RMAN configuration name exceeds maximum length of string
Cause: The configuration name string exceeds maximum length.
Action: Supply a correct configuration name and retry the function.
ORA-19678: RMAN configuration value exceeds maximum length of string
Cause: The configuration value string exceeds maximum length.
Action: Supply a correct configuration value and retry the operation.
ORA-19679: RMAN configuration number string is outside valid range of 1 through
Cause: An invalid RMAN Configuration number was specified.
Action: Specify a correct datafile number and retry the operation.
ORA-19680: some blocks not recovered. See trace file for details
Cause: Some blocks are not recovered during block media recovery.
Action: See trace files for details of the problem.
ORA-19681: block media recovery on control file not possible
Cause: file number 0 specified in block media recovery
Action: check file number
ORA-19682: file string not in block media recovery context
Cause: Internal error
Action: None
ORA-19683: real and backup block size of file string are unequal
Cause: block size changed between backup & real file
Action: use right backup
ORA-19500 to ORA-19997 14-19
ORA-19684: block media recovery failed because database is suspended
Cause: Database is suspended, probably by an ALTER SYSTEM SUSPEND
Action: Execute ALTER SYSTEM RESUME then retry block media recovery
ORA-19685: SPFILE could not be verified
Cause: Some data blocks for the SPFILE were corrupt in the backup set.
Action: Unless the damage to the backup set can be repaired, the SPFILE cannot
be restored from this backup set.
ORA-19686: SPFILE not restored due to string
Cause: The indicated file could not be restored, because some of its data blocks
were not found in the backup piece.
Action: Unless the damage to the backup set can be repaired, the SPFILE cannot
be restored from this backup set.
ORA-19687: SPFILE not found in backup set
Cause: The SPFILE could not be restored, because it is not in this backup set.
Action: This message is issued when the directory from the first backup piece is
read and one or more files named for restoration were not found in the piece. You
must supply the first backup piece of a backup set that contains the requested file.
ORA-19688: control file AUTOBACKUP format(string) for string does not have %F
Cause: control file AUTOBACKUP format must contain %F for the device.
Action: Change control file format using RMAN command CONFIGURE
ORA-19689: cannot have more than one %F in control file AUTOBACKUP
format(string) for string
Cause: control file AUTOBACKUP format contains more than one %F for the
Action: Change control file format using RMAN command CONFIGURE
ORA-19690: backup piece release string incompatible with Oracle release string
Cause: The backup piece was created by incompatible software.
Action: Either restart with a compatible software release or create another backup
using the current release.
ORA-19691: string is from different database: id=string, name=string
Cause: The database name or database id in backup piece header does not match
the one in control file.
Action: Supply the correct backup piece belonging to this database.
ORA-19692: missing creation stamp on piece string
Cause: The backup piece doesn't have information about creation stamp.
Action: Supply another backup piece which is created by oracle 9i or later
ORA-19693: backup piece string already included
14-20 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: This backup piece was already specified for inclusion in the restore
conversation. A restore conversation may process only a single instance of a
backup piece.
Action: Remove the specified duplicate backup piece in restore steps and restart
the conversation.
ORA-19694: some changed blocks were not found in the change tracking file
Cause: A backup or copy found that some changed blocks had not been recorded
in the change tracking file. The details of which files and blocks are affected will be
in an Oracle trace file.
Action: This indicates that there is a problem with the change tracking feature.
Disable change tracking and re-start the backup.
ORA-19695: fixed table X$KRBMSFT has not been populated
Cause: This is an internal error. The fixed table X$KRBMAFT was not populated
Action: Internal error - contact Oracle Customer Support.
ORA-19696: control file not found in backup set
Cause: The control file could not be restored because it is not in this backup set.
Action: This message is issued when the directory from the first backup piece is
read and one or more files named for restoration were not found in the piece. You
must supply the first backup piece of a backup set that contains the requested file.
ORA-19697: standby control file not found in backup set
Cause: The standby control file could not be restored because it is not in this
backup set.
Action: This message is issued when the directory from the first backup piece is
read and one or more files named for restoration were not found in the piece. You
must supply the first backup piece of a backup set that contains the requested file.
ORA-19698: string is from different database: id=string, db_name=string
Cause: Catalog failed because the database id in file header does not match the
one in control file.
Action: Supply the correct file belonging to this database.
ORA-19699: cannot make copies with compression enabled
Cause: Datafile copies with compression are not supported.
called outside RMAN, then the incompatible values are being passed for the
parameters DOCOMPRESS and IMAGCP. If this message occurs during an RMAN
job, then this is an internal error in RMAN, and you should contact Oracle
ORA-19700: device type exceeds maximum length of string
Cause: The device type indicated is invalid.
Action: Supply a correct device type and retry the allocation.
ORA-19701: device name exceeds maximum length of string
Cause: The device name indicated is invalid.
Action: Supply a correct device name and retry the allocation.
ORA-19500 to ORA-19997 14-21
ORA-19703: device command string exceeds maximum length of string
Cause: The device command string exceeds maximum length.
Action: Correct the command and retry the operation.
ORA-19704: file name exceeds maximum length of string
Cause: The specified file name, which was a parameter to a copy, backup, or
restore operation, exceeds the maximum file name length for this operating
Action: Retry the operation with a shorter file name.
ORA-19705: tag value exceeds maximum length of string characters
Cause: During a backup or copy operation, the user supplied a tag value too long
to fit in the file header.
Action: Supply a shorter tag and retry the operation.
ORA-19706: invalid SCN
Cause: The input SCN is either not a positive integer or too large.
Action: Check the input SCN and make sure it is a valid SCN.
ORA-19707: invalid record block number - string
Cause: The input number is either negative or too large.
Action: Check the input record block number and make sure it is a valid number
clauses in the create database statement.
ORA-19708: log destination exceeds maximum length of string characters
Cause: When starting a restore conversation, the user specified a log restore
destination longer than the port-specific maximum.
Action: Supply a shorter destination and retry the operation.
ORA-19709: numeric parameter must be non-negative integer
Cause: A numeric parameter to an DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE procedure is
negative or contains a fractional portion.
Action: Supply a valid numeric parameter.
ORA-19710: unsupported character set string
Cause: When the target database is not mounted, RMAN sets the target database
character set to the value specified in the users environment.
Action: Specify a valid character set in the environment. This is usually done via
the NLS_LANG environment variable.
ORA-19711: cannot use RENORMALIZEALLFILENAMES while database is open
Cause: An attempt was made to re-normalize all the file names in the control file
while the database is open.
Action: Close the database before using the RENORMALIZEALLFILENAMES
ORA-19712: table name exceeds maximum length of string
Cause: The table name string exceeds maximum length.
Action: Retry the operation with a shorter table name.
ORA-19713: invalid copy number: string
14-22 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The copy number is not in a valid range or you have reached maximum
Action: Report the error and other information to support.
ORA-19714: length for generated name longer than string
Cause: The specified format exceeds the maximum length for the piece name.
Action: Change the format to create shorter piece names.
ORA-19715: invalid format string for generated name
Cause: A restricted format or undefined format was used incorrectly.
Action: Change the format specified in the additional information by removing
the restricted format.
ORA-19716: error processing format string to generate name for backup
Cause: There were errors while processing the format to generate name for
Action: Change the format.
ORA-19717: for non-OMF search the pattern must be specified
Cause: The procedure DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE.SEARCHFILES was called
with an empty pattern while the parameter OMF was set to FALSE.
Action: Either specify the pattern or set the parameter OMF to TRUE.
ORA-19718: length for command id longer than string
Cause: The specified command id exceeds the maximum length for command id.
Action: Supply a shorter command id and retry the operation.
ORA-19719: length for operation name longer than string
Cause: The specified operation name exceeds the maximum length for operation
Action: Supply a shorter operation name and retry the operation.
ORA-19720: Error occurred when converting an OCI number into an SCN
Cause: This is most likely caused by an invalid SCN number that came from an
external file, such as an export file.
Action: See other errors on the error stack to look for the source of the problem.
ORA-19721: Cannot find datafile with absolute file number string in tablespace
Cause: Can not find one of the datafile that should be in the Pluggable Set.
Action: Make sure all datafiles are specified via import command line option or
parameter files.
ORA-19722: datafile string is an incorrect version
Cause: The datafile is an incorrect version. It contains either less or more changes
then the desired version.
Action: Make sure the right datafiles are transported. Make sure the datafile is
copied while its tablespace is read only.
ORA-19723: Cannot recreate plugged in read-only datafile string
Cause: The datafile is plugged in read only. It can not recreated.
Action: Use ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE command instead.
ORA-19500 to ORA-19997 14-23
ORA-19724: snapshot too old: snapshot time is before file string plug-in time
Cause: The snapshot SCN is before the SCN at which the referred datafile is
plugged into the database.
Action: retry the query.
ORA-19725: can not acquire plug-in enqueue
command issued concurrently, preventing this process from acquiring the plug-in
Action: retry the operation.
ORA-19726: cannot plug data [string] at level string into database running at
compatibility level string
Cause: Some of the data in the pluggable set requires a compatibility level higher
than what is currently allowed by the database. The string in square bracket is the
name of the compatibility type associated with the data.
Action: Raise the "compatible" init.ora parameter and retry the operation.
ORA-19727: cannot plug data [string] at level string into database running Oracle
Cause: Some of the data in the pluggable set requires a compatibility level higher
than the release level of the Oracle executable. The string in square bracket is the
name of the compatibility type associated with the data.
Action: Upgrade Oracle and retry the operation.
ORA-19728: data object number conflict between table string and partition string in
table string
Cause: The non-partitioned table has the same data object number as one of the
partitions in the partitioned table. One can not exchange the table with the
partition in this case.
Action: Use "alter table move partition" command to move the offending
partition, so that the partition will get a new data object number. Retry the
operation then.
ORA-19729: File string is not the initial version of the plugged in datafile
Cause: The file is not the initial version of the plugged in datafile.
Action: Use the correct initial version of the plugged in datafile.
ORA-19730: can not convert offline plugged-in datafile string
Cause: As part of making a tablespace read-write, we need to convert datafiles
that are plugged in read-only. The file must be online.
Action: Online the datafile and retry the operation.
ORA-19731: cannot apply change to unverified plugged-in datafile string
Cause: Recovery was not able to verify the referred datafile according to
information in the control file. Before encountering this change vector for this file,
somehow recovery did not encounter the file conversion redo that is supposed to
verify the file. This may happen due to corrupted or incorrect control file used for
media recovery.
Action: Use the correct control file and continue recovery.
ORA-19732: incorrect number of datafiles for tablespace string
14-24 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: d by a user editing the export file.
Action: Use the correct export file and retry the operation.
ORA-19733: COMPATIBLE parameter needs to be string or greater
Cause: The COMPATIBLE initialization parameter is not high enough to allow the
operation. Allowing the command would make the database incompatible with
the release specified by the current COMPATIBLE parameter.
Action: Shutdown and startup with a higher compatibility setting.
ORA-19734: wrong creation SCN - control file expects converted plugged-in
Cause: When a tablespace is plugged into a database, the tablespace is initially
read-only. Oracle converts the header of the plugged-in datafiles (assign them a
new creation SCN) when the tablespace is first made read-write. This error occurs
when the creation SCN in the file header is different from the creation SCN in the
control file, possibly because this is the initial version of plugged-in datafile.
Action: Either restore the converted datafile or continue recovering the datafile.
ORA-19735: wrong creation SCN - control file expects initial plugged-in datafile
Cause: When a tablespace is plugged into a database, the tablespace is initially
read-only. Oracle converts the header of the plugged-in datafiles (assign them a
new creation SCN) when the tablespace is first made read-write. This error occurs
when the creation SCN in the file header is different from the creation SCN in the
control file, possibly because this is the converted datafile.
Action: Either restore the initial version of the plugged-in datafile, or continue
database recovery, which will recover the control file.
ORA-19736: can not plug a tablespace into a database using a different national
character set
Cause: Oracle does not support plugging a tablespace into a database using a
different national character set.
Action: Use import/export or unload/load to move data instead.
ORA-19738: cannot find language information for character set: 'string'
Cause: The compatibility check failed because a character set name that was
provided is not valid.
Action: Correct the character set name and retry.
ORA-19740: text is longer than string
Cause: The specified text exceeds the maximum length for text.
Action: Supply a shorter text and retry the operation.
ORA-19741: string exceeds maximum allowable length of string for parameter
Cause: The specified string exceeds the maximum allowable length for the
Action: Supply a shorter string for the parameter and retry the operation.
ORA-19742: control file is not a backup control file
Cause: This parameter could not be set because the control file was not a backup
control file.
Action: Do not use this call for this control file.
ORA-19500 to ORA-19997 14-25
ORA-19750: change tracking file: 'string'
Cause: This message reports the name of a file involved in other messages.
Action: See associated error messages for a description of the problem.
ORA-19751: could not create the change tracking file
Cause: It was not possible to create the change tracking file.
Action: Check that there is sufficient disk space and no conflicts in file names and
try to enable block change tracking again.
ORA-19752: block change tracking is already enabled
command was issued, but block change tracking is already turned on for this
Action: None, this is an informative message only.
ORA-19753: error writing to change tracking file
Cause: An I/O error occurred while writing to the change tracking file.
Action: There will be other messages on the error stack that show details of the
ORA-19754: error reading from change tracking file
Cause: An I/O error occurred while reading from the change tracking file.
Action: There will be other messages on the error stack that show details of the
ORA-19755: could not open change tracking file
Cause: The change tracking file could not be opened.
Action: There will be other messages on the error stack that show details of the
ORA-19756: corrupt block number string found in change tracking file
Cause: The specified block number is corrupt in the change tracking file.
Action: There will be other messages on the error stack that show details of the
problem. There will also be a trace file that contains a complete dump of the
corrupt block.
ORA-19757: could not resize change tracking file to string blocks
Cause: An error occurred while trying to change the size of the change tracking
Action: There will be other messages on the error stack that show details of the
ORA-19758: failed to enable/disable block change tracking: out of SGA memory
Cause: out of SGA memory
Action: Increase SGA and restart the instance.
ORA-19759: block change tracking is not enabled
Cause: A command was entered that requires block change tracking to be
enabled, but block change tracking is not enabled.
Action: None, this is an informative message only.
ORA-19760: error starting change tracking
14-26 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: Change tracking is enabled, but a problem was encountered while
enabling the change tracking subsystem in this instance. The alert log and the trace
file from the CTWR process will contain more information about the error.
Action: Examine the trace and alert files. Correct the error if possible, otherwise
disable change tracking.
ORA-19761: block size string is not valid for change tracking file
Cause: While opening the specified change tracking file, it was found that the file
header did not contain a valid logical block size. This probably means that the file
is corrupt.
Action: If the file can be repaired, do so, otherwise disable and re-enable change
tracking to re-initialize the file.
ORA-19762: invalid file type string
Cause: An invalid file type was found in the change tracking file. Some other file
was put in place of the change tracking file, or the file is corrupt.
Action: Disable then re-enable change tracking.
ORA-19763: compatibility version string is higher than maximum allowed: string
Cause: The compatibility version in the change tracking file is greater than what
can be used by the current release of Oracle. This can happen when you upgrade,
use change tracking with a new release, then downgrade.
Action: Disable then re-enable change tracking.
ORA-19764: database id string does not match database id string in control file
Cause: The change tracking file is not the correct one for this database. This can
happen when the database ID for this database has been changed.
Action: Disable then re-enable change tracking.
ORA-19765: mount id string does not match mount id string in control file
Cause: d by having a change tracking file that cannot be consistently updated by
all instances.
Action: In RAC, ensure that the name specified for the change tracking file truly
represents the same disk location for all nodes in the cluster. Disable then
re-enable change tracking.
ORA-19766: missing CHANGE keyword
Cause: Syntax error.
Action: Use the correct syntax: ENABLE/DISABLE BLOCK CHANGE
ORA-19767: missing TRACKING keyword
Cause: Syntax error.
Action: Use the correct syntax: ENABLE/DISABLE BLOCK CHANGE
ORA-19768: USING clause only valid with ENABLE CHANGE TRACKING
Cause: The USING clause was specified with DISABLE CHANGE TRACKING
Action: Correct the statement.
ORA-19769: missing FILE keyword
Cause: Syntax error.
ORA-19500 to ORA-19997 14-27
Action: Use the correct syntax: ENABLE/DISABLE BLOCK CHANGE
ORA-19770: invalid change tracking file name
Cause: The USING clause was specified with ALTER DATABASE ENABLE
BLOCK CHANGE TRACKING, but no file name was given.
Action: Specify the change tracking file name, or omit the USING clause to allow
Oracle to create a default name for the change tracking file.
ORA-19771: cannot rename change tracking file while database is open
Cause: The ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE command was used to rename
the change tracking file, and the database is open by one or more instances. The
database must be mounted, and not open, to rename the change tracking file.
Action: Close the database and reissue the command.
ORA-19772: change tracking file name exceeds limit of string characters
Cause: The name specified for the change tracking file is too long.
Action: Specify a shorter change tracking file name.
ORA-19773: must specify change tracking file name
Cause: No file name was specified with the ALTER DATABASE ENABLE
CHANGE TRACKING command, and the DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST parameter
was not set.
Action: Either specify a file name, or set the DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST parameter.
ORA-19776: PROXY restore to ASM disk group "string" is not supported.
Cause: An attempt was made to proxy restore a file to ASM disk group using
RMAN command. This is not supported.
Action: Use a different file name and reissue RMAN command.
ORA-19777: ASM file string cannot be proxy backed up.
Cause: An attempt was made to proxy backup a ASM file. This is not supported.
Action: Use a different file name and reissue RMAN command.
ORA-19779: could not obtain resilvering status for change tracking file
Cause: An error occurred while obtaining the mirror resilvering status of the
change tracking file.
Action: Refer to other error messages shown for additional details of the problem.
ORA-19780: Active Data Guard option not enabled
Cause: Change tracking at a standby database required the Active Data Guard
Action: Enable the Active Data Guard option.
ORA-19800: Unable to initialize Oracle Managed Destination
Cause: The name given for an Oracle managed files destination cannot be
Action: , if possible, and retry the command or use a different name for
ORA-19801: initialization parameter DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST is not set
14-28 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: An attempt was made to create a file in DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST
when DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST was not set. There are number of possible
causes of this error, including: 1) A LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter was
specified using a LOCATION attribute whose value was DB_RECOVERY_FILE_
DEST and an archived log file creation was attempted. 2) STANDBY_ARCHIVE_
DEST parameter was specified using a LOCATION attribute whose value was DB_
RECOVERY_FILE_DEST and an archived log file creation was attempted.
Action: Specify a valid destination for DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST in
initialization parameter file or with the ALTER SYSTEM SET command.
ORA-19802: cannot use DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST without DB_RECOVERY_
Cause: There are two possible cause for this error: 1) The DB_RECOVERY_FILE_
DEST parameter was in use when no DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE
parameter was encountered while fetching initialization parameter. 2) An attempt
was made to set DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST with the ALTER SYSTEM command
when no DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE was in use.
Action: Correct the dependency parameter definitions and retry the command.
ORA-19803: Parameter DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE is out of range (1 -
Cause: Parameter DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE specified was not valid.
Action: Specify a valid number within the range.
ORA-19804: cannot reclaim string bytes disk space from string limit
Cause: Oracle cannot reclaim disk space of specified bytes from the DB_
Action: There are five possible solutions: 1) Take frequent backup of recovery area
using RMAN. 2) Consider changing RMAN retention policy. 3) Consider changing
RMAN archived log deletion policy. 4) Add disk space and increase DB_
RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE. 5) Delete files from recovery area using RMAN.
ORA-19805: RECID string of string was deleted to reclaim disk space
Cause: The file described by the record in control file was deleted in order to
reclaim disk space from recovery area for other operations.
Action: Wait and try again.
ORA-19806: cannot make duplex backups in recovery area
Cause: Duplex backup to recovery area is not supported.
Action: Remove duplex option and try again.
ORA-19808: recovery destination parameter mismatch
Cause: The value of parameters DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST and DB_
RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE must be same in all instances. instance. All
databases must have same recovery destination parameters.
SIZE values in all instances.
ORA-19809: limit exceeded for recovery files
Cause: The limit for recovery files specified by the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_
SIZE was exceeded.
Action: There are five possible solutions: 1) Take frequent backup of recovery area
using RMAN. 2) Consider changing RMAN retention policy. 3) Consider changing
ORA-19500 to ORA-19997 14-29
RMAN archived log deletion policy. 4) Add disk space and increase DB_
RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE. 5) Delete files from recovery area using RMAN.
ORA-19810: Cannot create temporary control file string in DB_RECOVERY_FILE_
Cause: An attempt was made to create a control file for a temporary purpose in
Action: Retry the operation with a new file name.
ORA-19811: cannot have files in DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST with keep attributes
Cause: An attempt was made to 1) Create a backup piece or image copy in the
recovery area with KEEP option. 2) Update the KEEP attributes of an existing
backup piece or image copy in the recovery area.
Action: Reissue RMAN command without KEEP options.
ORA-19812: cannot use string without DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST
Cause: There are three possible cause for this error: 1) The indicated parameter
was in use when no DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter was encountered
while fetching the initialization parameter. 2) An attempt was made to set
indicated the parameter with the ALTER SYSTEM command when no DB_
RECOVERY_FILE_DEST was in use. 3) An attempt was made to clear DB_
RECOVERY_FILE_DEST with the ALTER SYSTEM command when the indicated
parameter was in use.
Action: Eliminate any incompatible parameter definitions.
ORA-19813: cannot have unavailable file string in DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST
Cause: An attempt was made to change a backup piece or image copy in recovery
Action: Correct and resubmit the RMAN command. Do not use messages 19814; it
is used for simulating crash.
ORA-19815: WARNING: string of string bytes is string% used, and has string
remaining bytes available.
Cause: DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST is running out of disk space.
Action: One of the following:
1. Add disk space and increase DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE.
2. Backup files to tertiary device using RMAN.
3. Consider changing RMAN retention policy.
4. Consider changing RMAN archived log deletion policy.
5. Delete files from recovery area using RMAN.
ORA-19816: WARNING: Files may exist in string that are not known to database.
Cause: One of the following events caused this:
1. A database crash happened during file creation.
2. A backup control file was restored.
3. The control file was re-created.
4. DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST has previously been enabled and then disabled.
Action: Use RMAN command CATALOG RECOVERY AREA to re-catalog any
such files. If the file header is corrupted, then delete those files using an OS utility.
14-30 Oracle Database Error Messages
Do not use messages 19817; it is used for simulating lock failure Do not use
messages 19818; it is used for space reclamation before backup Do not use
messages 19819; it is used to disable clearing file name
ORA-19820: database must be in NOARCHIVELOG mode to disable logging
Cause: Logging was disabled when ARCHIVELOG mode was used.
Action: Execute ALTER DATABASE NOARCHIVELOG in mount state.
ORA-19821: an intentionally corrupt log file was found
Cause: A log file that was intentionally corrupt for testing or benchmarking
purposes was found and failed the operation.
Action: Remove such log files and retry or use the NOARCHIVELOG option if
ORA-19830: error from target database: string
Cause: This error should be followed by other errors indicating the cause of the
Action: No action required.
ORA-19831: incompatible string.string.string.string DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE
package: string.string.string.string required
Cause: This version of database was incompatible with the the indicated DBMS_
BACKUP_RESTORE package installed in the database.
Action: If the database has been upgraded from an earlier version, ensure that the
catxxxx.sql script has been run successfully. Re-install dbmsbkrs.sql and
prvtbkrs.plb if necessary.
ORA-19836: cannot use passphrase encryption for this backup
Cause: Passphrase encryption was attempted for a backup that contains
encrypted tablespaces and uses compression.
Action: Do not use passphrase encryption for this backup. Use transparent
wallet-based encryption instead.
ORA-19837: invalid blocksize string in backup piece header
Cause: The blocksize of the backup piece obtained from the header was invalid.
Action: The backup piece is corrupted, a different backup piece should be used
for restore.
ORA-19838: Cannot use this control file to open database
Cause: This control file was restored by a DUPLICATE operation used only to
restore and recover the datafiles of the new database. It is not meant to be used for
opening the database, as allowing so might corrupt datafiles or online redo logs of
the target database or both.
Action: Re-create control file manually specifying all names of datafiles and
online redo logs. Do not forget to use NID to change the name or DBID or both of
the new database.
ORA-19839: snapshot datafile checkpoint time is greater than snapshot time
Cause: The snapshot time which was specified when starting the recovery less
than data file's checkpoint time. The snapshot recovery is only possible with data
file's whose checkpoint time is less than snapshot time.
Action: Restore the data file's associated for the specified snapshot time or specify
the correct snapshot time associated with the data file.
ORA-19500 to ORA-19997 14-31
ORA-19840: SNAPSHOT TIME recovery is not enabled
Cause: An attempt was made to use SNAPSHOT TIME recovery. But, the feature
was not enabled.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services to enable snapshot time recovery and
then retry the command.
ORA-19841: Cross-platform backups require COMPATIBLE string or greater
Cause: An attempt to create a cross-platform backup was made but the
COMPATIBLE parameter was not set to a high enough value to allow this.
Action: Do not attempt to use this functionality or raise the compatibility level.
ORA-19842: The current database incarnation changed during backup
Cause: The backup failed because the current database incarnation was changed
during the backup. One of the following events caused this incarnation change:
- The database was opened using ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS
- If this happened on physical standby database, then redo apply has applied redo
data from a new database incarnation.
Action: Retry the backup.
ORA-19843: Cannot obtain datafile name for datafile string
Cause: While trying to obtain the file enqueue for the datafile the datafile name
could not be obtained.
Action: Examine the trace and alert files for possible causes. Fix underlying
problem before attempting command again.
ORA-19844: database ID is from different database: ID=string
Cause: The database ID on the remote site did not match the ID of the target
database. This is most likely caused by a wrong service name for the remote
Action: Supply the correct service name and retry the command.
ORA-19845: error in string while communicating with remote database server
Cause: An error occurred while initiating backup on remote database server for
network restore. Additional error messages will be issued to describe the failure.
Action: Check additional error messages.
ORA-19846: cannot read header of datafile string from remote site
Cause: Unable to read the file header from remote site.
Action: Make sure the data file is accessible on remote site and retry the
ORA-19847: cannot read header of control file from remote site
Cause: Could not read the control file header from the remote site.
Action: Make sure the database is mounted on the remote site and retry the
ORA-19848: cross-platform backup piece requires COMPATIBLE string or greater
14-32 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: An attempt was made to perform a cross-platform operation from a
backup piece created with a higher compatibility than the current COMPATIBLE
Action: Raise the compatibility level or do not attempt a cross-platform restore
from this backup piece.
ORA-19849: error while reading backup piece from service string
Cause: This error should be followed by other errors indicating the cause of the
Action: See other errors actions.
ORA-19850: backup piece constructed from service string is corrupt
Cause: This error indicates that the backup piece that was constructed from the
service is corrupt.
Action: See alert log for details of the corruption. Fix the corruption and retry the
ORA-19851: OS error while managing auxiliary database string
Cause: An OS error was received while managing the automatic auxiliary
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
ORA-19852: error creating services for auxiliary instance string (error string)
Cause: An error was received while managing the services of the auxiliary
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
ORA-19853: error preparing auxiliary instance string (error string)
Cause: An error was received while managing the automatic auxiliary instance.
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
ORA-19854: error obtaining connect string from target
Cause: Could not obtain the connect string from the target database
Action: Check the accompanying errors.
ORA-19860: piece validation cannot be performed more than once
Cause: The user attempted to validate a list of backup pieces more than once.
Validation may only be performed once for a given validation conversation.
Action: Do not attempt to validate the pieces more than once.
ORA-19861: additional backup pieces cannot be validated in this conversation
Cause: The user tried to add new pieces to the list of files being validated after the
validation had already been performed. In a validation conversation, the list can
only be validated once.
Action: Add all the backup pieces to the list before validating, or start a new
validation conversation for the remaining pieces.
ORA-19862: backup pieces must be validated before accessing results
Cause: The user tried to get validation results for backup pieces before the pieces
were actually validated.
Action: Validate the pieces before trying to access the results.
ORA-19500 to ORA-19997 14-33
ORA-19863: device block size string is larger than max allowed: string
Cause: The user specified a device BLKSIZE that is larger than the device
BLKSIZE specified during compressed backup.
Action: Change the device BLKSIZE to be smaller than the maximum allowed.
ORA-19865: Backup piece string has no data
Cause: No data was returned for the specified backup piece.
Action: This normally indicates a problem with the media management software
which is linked with Oracle to provide backup and restore services. Contact the
media management software vendor.
ORA-19866: error writing file header for datafile string
Cause: During a block recovery, the header of the datafile could not be updated.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-19867: backup piece string is from a different container identifier string; data
file string
Cause: This backup piece container identifier did not match the supplied data file
container identifier.
Action: Retry the command with the correct backup piece or the correct data file.
ORA-19870: error while restoring backup piece string
Cause: This error should be followed by other errors indicating the cause of the
Action: See other errors actions.
ORA-19872: Unexpected end of file at block string while decompressing backup
piece string
Cause: While reading a compressed backup piece, RMAN received an end-of-file
without finding the end-of-compression stream.
Action: This is most likely caused by a corrupted backup piece. Consider using a
different backup piece for restore.
ORA-19873: cannot apply this backup section to file string
Cause: RMAN cannot restore a multi-section backup to the indicated file, because
this section is not a backup of this file, or the file was not prepared correctly for
this restore.
Action: If this error occurs while running RMAN, then it is an internal error and
you should contact Oracle support.
ORA-19874: cannot finish multisection restore or copy to file string
Cause: During a multisection restore or copy, the file being restored was not a file
in which a multisection restore or copy was in progress.
Action: If this error occurs while running RMAN, then it was an internal error
and you should contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-19875: multisection restore or copy not complete for file string
Cause: While completing a multisection restore or copy, it was found that all
required sections for this file were not correctly applied.
Action: If this error occurs while running RMAN, then it is an internal error and
you should contact Oracle Support Services.
14-34 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-19880: Corrupted space header for datafile string, block string
Cause: When reading the space header block to use Unused Block Optimization
for the backup of the datafile, the space header block had corrupted information.
Action: The corrupt space header must be fixed before Unused Block
Optimization can be used for this file. Note that you should fix the corruption in
any case because it will affect the availability of the data in the file, beyond just
taking backups.
ORA-19881: Corrupted space bitmap for datafile string, block string
Cause: When reading a space bitmap block to use Unused Block Optimization for
the backup of the datafile, the space bitmap block had corrupted information.
Action: The corrupt space bitmap must be fixed before Unused Block
Optimization can be used for this file. Note that you should fix the corruption in
any case because it will affect the availability of the data in the file, beyond just
taking backups.
ORA-19882: datafile string checkpoint string is ahead of space bitmap datafile
string checkpoint string
Cause: When checkpointing the datafile containing the space bitmaps for the
datafile being backed up in order to use Unused Block Optimization, the
checkpoint of the datafile containing the space bitmaps did not advance.
Action: Examine the trace and alert files for possible causes. Fix underlying
problem to use Unused Block Optimization for datafile's backup.
ORA-19884: datafile string is unable to use Unused Block Optimization because
tablespace has been dropped
Cause: When attempting to find information about datafile that holds bitmaps of
migrated tablespace, the tablespace was found to have been dropped.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
ORA-19899: missing incarnation information
Cause: Media recovery stopped because information of one or more ancestor
incarnations of recovery target incarnation was not available.
Action: Register logs from the missing incarnations and retry recovery.
ORA-19900: RESETLOGS must be specified after recovery to new incarnation
Cause: Recovery was done to an incarnation after changing the destination
incarnation using RMAN's RESET DATABASE command.
Action: Open the database with the RESETLOGS option.
ORA-19901: database needs more recovery to create new incarnation
Cause: Recovery was done to an incarnation after changing the destination
incarnation using RMAN's RESET DATABASE command, but one or more of the
recovered datafiles still belongs to the parent incarnation. This usually happens
when recovery is ended before any logs from the desired incarnation have been
Action: Continue recovery.
ORA-19902: incarnation key string not found
Cause: The specified incarnation was not found in the control file.
ORA-19500 to ORA-19997 14-35
Action: Resubmit request with known incarnation key. To see which incarnations
are available for this target database, query V$DATABASE_INCARNATION or
ORA-19903: test recovery not allowed when recovering to new incarnation
Cause: Either a new incarnation was set using RMAN's RESET DATABASE
command for a control file that was CURRENT, or the control file is from a prior
incarnation. As recovery to a new incarnation requires changing the control file,
test recovery is not allowed.
Action: Perform actual recovery or RESET DATABASE to incarnation that was
last opened using the control file to do test recovery.
ORA-19904: test recovery not allowed for datafile string
Cause: The specified datafile has been restored from a backup that was taken
before the last RESETLOGS. Recovering this datafile will require a file header
update that is incompatible with test recovery.
Action: Perform actual recovery.
ORA-19905: log_archive_format must contain %s, %t and %r
Cause: log_archive_format is missing a mandatory format element. Starting with
Oracle 10i, archived log file names must contain each of the elements
%s(sequence), %t(thread), and %r(RESETLOGS ID) to ensure that all archived log
file names are unique.
Action: Add the missing format elements to log_archive_format.
ORA-19906: recovery target incarnation changed during recovery
Cause: While a media recovery was active, a new incarnation was detected by the
server due to inspection or cataloging of archived logs or backup files.
Action: If you want recovery to use the new incarnation, restart recovery. This is
the most common action on a standby database when RESETLOGS is done in
primary. If you do not want recovery to use the new incarnation, change the
recovery destination using RMAN's RESET DATABASE TO INCARNATION
command. To see which incarnations are available for this target
database, query V$DATABASE_INCARNATION or use RMAN's LIST
ORA-19907: recovery time or SCN does not belong to recovered incarnation
Cause: A point-in-time recovery to an SCN or time stamp prior to the last
RESETLOGS was requested.
Action: Either change the specified recovery time/SCN, or change the recovery
destination using RMAN's RESET DATABASE command.
ORA-19908: datafile string has invalid checkpoint
Cause: The specified datafile has an invalid checkpoint.
Action: Restore the datafile from a backup.
ORA-19909: datafile string belongs to an orphan incarnation
Cause: Either the specified datafile was restored from a backup that was taken
during a period of time that has already been discarded by a RESETLOGS
operation, or Oracle cannot identify which database incarnation the file belongs to.
The alert log contains more information.
14-36 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Restore a backup of this file that belongs to either the current or a prior
incarnation of the database. If you are using RMAN to restore, RMAN will
automatically select a correct backup.
ORA-19910: can not change recovery target incarnation in control file
Cause: The RESET DATABASE TO INCARNATION command was used while
the database is open. This is not allowed.
Action: Close the database then re-issue the command.
ORA-19911: datafile string contains future changes at the incarnation boundary
Cause: The file did not hit end backup marker redo during recovery at the
incarnation boundary, hence may contain changes discarded by new incarnation.
Action: Use older backup of the file and then re-issue the command.
ORA-19912: cannot recover to target incarnation string
Cause: The control file is not in the recovery path of the target incarnation, and
does not contain enough information as to how to recover to the target
Action: Restore the latest control file from the target incarnation and retry.
ORA-19913: unable to decrypt backup
Cause: A backup piece could not be decrypted. This message is accompanied
with another message that indicates the name of the encrypted backup that could
not be restored. The reason could be either that an invalid password was entered,
or that, when using transparent decryption, the database external security device
is not open.
Action: If password-based restore was enabled for this backup, then supply the
correct password using the RMAN SET DECRYPTION command. If transparent
restore was enabled for this backup, then ensure that the database external
security device is open.
ORA-19914: unable to encrypt backup
Cause: RMAN could not create an encrypted backup. This message will be
accompanied by other messages that give more details about why the encrypted
backup could not be created. The most common reason for this message is that
you are trying to create a backup that can be transparently decrypted, and the
database external security device is not open.
Action: If the external security device is not open, then open it. If the external
security device is not configured, then the only type of encrypted backup that you
can create is a password-based backup.
ORA-19915: unable to encrypt pre-10.2 files
Cause: An RMAN encrypted backup was requested, but this backup includes one
or more archived logs that were generated by an older release of Oracle. These
archived logs cannot be encrypted.
Action: Back up the older logs without encryption. Logs created with Oracle
release 10.2 and greater can be encrypted.
ORA-19916: string



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