【BLE】蓝牙BLE 后台自动重连

2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> hot3.png

关于ios BLE在后台自动重连的问题 


Re: How to make the BTLE APP to auto connect with BTLE device when iPhone4S power on 沿途见识[2]

When backgrounding, you can still scan and connect to a LE peripheral.  You can scan for peripherals using scanForPeripheralsWithSerives by stating what service you are looking for in a Peripheral.  You cannot do a general scan without stating at least one service in the passed dictionary.  If you have a CFUUIDRef from a previous connection, you can call retrievePeripherals with the CFUUIDRef.  Your delegate will receive a call to didRetrievePeripherals with a CBPeripheral.  With the CBPeripheral you can then connect using connectPeripheral.


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