【论文阅读】【三维目标检测】VoteNet:Deep Hough Voting for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds


  • Hough Voting
  • VoteNet
    • 网络结构
    • Voting in Point Clouds
    • Object Proposal and Classification from Votes
    • 实验
  • 思考
  • 代码解读
    • backbone_net
    • vgen:Voting Module
    • pnet:Proposal Module
    • Loss

文章:Deep Hough Voting for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds
Charles R. Qi 与 Kaiming He两位大佬的文章

Hough Voting

本文的标题是Deep Hough Voting,先来说一下Hough Voting。

用Hough变换检测直线大家想必都听过:对于一条直线,可以使用(r, θ)两个参数进行描述,那么对于图像中的一点,过这个点的直线有很多条,可以生成一系列的(r, θ),在参数平面内就是一条曲线,也就是说,一个点对应着参数平面内的一个曲线。那如果有很多个点,则会在参数平面内生成很多曲线。那么,如果这些点是能构成一条直线的,那么这条直线的参数(r*, θ*)就在每条曲线中都存在,所以看起来就像是多条曲线相交在(r*,θ*)。可以用多条曲线投票的方式来看,其他点都是很少的票数,而(r*,θ*)则票数很多,所以直线的参数就是(r*,θ*)。


文中提到的Hough Voting如下:
A traditional Hough voting 2D detector [24] comprises an offline and an online step. First, given a collection of images with annotated object bounding boxes, a codebook is constructed with stored mappings between image patches (or their features) and their offsets to the corresponding object centers. At inference time, interest points are selected from the image to extract patches around them. These patches are then compared against patches in the codebook to retrieve offsets and compute votes. As object patches will tend to vote in agreement, clusters will form near object centers. Finally, the object boundaries are retrieved by tracing cluster votes back to their generating patches.


本文要解决的核心问题是不同于2D Object Detection,3D 物体的中心往往离扫描到的点有一定距离,而且在空白处:
We face a major challenge when directly predicting bounding box parameters from scene points: a 3D object centroid can be far from any surface point thus hard to regress accurately in one step.

相对应Hough Vote,本文提出了VoteNet的网络结构,对Hough Vote做了如下的改进:
Interest points are described and selected by deep neural networks instead of depending on hand-crafted features.
Vote generation is learned by a network instead of using a codebook. Levaraging larger receptive fields, voting can be made less ambiguous and thus more effective. In addition, a vote location can be augmented with a feature vector allowing for better aggregation.
Vote aggregation is realized through point cloud process- ing layers with trainable parameters. Utilizing the vote fea- tures, the network can potentially filter out lowquality votes and generate improved proposals.
Object proposals in the form of: location, dimensions, ori- entation and even semantic classes can be directly generated from the aggregated features, mitigating the need to trace back votes’ origins.”

以上四部分都是针对Hough Vote做的改进,主要是使用神经网络进行兴趣点的选取,生成Vote,聚集Vote和生成框。


【论文阅读】【三维目标检测】VoteNet:Deep Hough Voting for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds_第1张图片

Voting in Point Clouds

这部分就是PointNet++作为主干网络,包含4个SA层与2个FP层,得到 M × ( 3 + C ) M \times (3 + C) M×(3+C)的Tensor,这个tensor表示着选出来的Seed和每个Seed对应的特征向量。那么主干网络具体的参数如下表,也就是M=1024,C=256。
【论文阅读】【三维目标检测】VoteNet:Deep Hough Voting for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds_第2张图片

“The voting module MLP has output sizes of 256, 256, 259 for its fully connected layers. The last fully connected layer does not have ReLU or BatchNorm.”

Object Proposal and Classification from Votes

Sampling and Grouping
对Vote产生的Seed进行furthest sampling,然后按照一定距离内的进行Grouping操作。实验中验证了这个方式的有效性,距离在0.2时是最好的。

Proposal and Classify
“The proposal module as mentioned in the main paper is a SA layer followed by another MLP after the max-pooling in each local region. ”
我认为PointNet的特殊之处是在MLP之前加入了T-Net,但SA module中则是使用相对位置做直接使用MLP的。这一块很疑惑,文中也没有解释太清楚。

第二层的MLP的输出的channel数为 5 + 2 N H + 4 N S + N C 5+2NH+4NS+NC 5+2NH+4NS+NC,是参考了FrustumNet的输出,文中解释为:
“The layer’s output has 5+2NH+4NS+NC channels whereNH is the number of heading bins (we predict a classification score for each heading bin and a regression offset for each bin–relative to the bin center and normalized by the bin size), NS is the number of size templates (we predict a classification score for each size template and 3 scale regression offsets for height, width and length) and NC is the number of seman- tic classes. In SUN RGB-D: NH = 12,NS = NC = 10, in ScanNet: NH = 12,NS = NC = 18. In the first 5 channels, the first two are for objectness classification and the rest three are for center regression (relative to the vote cluster center).”


“The floor height is estimated as the 1% percentile of all points’ heights. To augment the training data, we randomly sub-sample the points from the scene points on-the-fly.”

“VoteNet outperforms all previous methods by at least 3.7 and 18.4 mAP increase in SUN RGB-D and ScanNet respectively. Notably,”

Ablation Study

使用对比实验证明了Vote Aggregation的有效性。


“We report two ways of using the proposals: joint and per-class. For the joint proposal we propose K objects’ bounding boxes for all the 10 categories, where we consider each proposal as the semantic class it has the largest confidence in, and use their objectness scores to rank them. For the per-class proposal we duplicate the K proposal 10 times thus have K proposals per class where we use the multiplication of semantic probability for that class and the objectness prob- ability to rank them. The latterway of using proposals gives us a slight improvement on AP and a big boost on AR.”



但如果将本文的网络是认为Two-stage的模型,可以认为在Seed的计算offset的阶段,其实是在生成proposal的中心。后面的sampling和grouping则是在进行RoI Crop的操作。


【论文阅读】【三维目标检测】VoteNet:Deep Hough Voting for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds_第3张图片

  # VoteNet的前向计算过程
  def forward(self, inputs):
        """ Forward pass of the network
            inputs: dict

                point_clouds: Variable(torch.cuda.FloatTensor)
                    (B, N, 3 + input_channels) tensor
                    Point cloud to run predicts on
                    Each point in the point-cloud MUST
                    be formated as (x, y, z, features...)
            end_points: dict
        end_points = {}  # 储存前向计算过程中的中间变量
        batch_size = inputs['point_clouds'].shape[0]

        end_points = self.backbone_net(inputs['point_clouds'], end_points)
        # --------- HOUGH VOTING ---------
        xyz = end_points['fp2_xyz']
        features = end_points['fp2_features']
        end_points['seed_inds'] = end_points['fp2_inds']
        end_points['seed_xyz'] = xyz  # Seeds's xyz
        end_points['seed_features'] = features  # Seeds' feature
        xyz, features = self.vgen(xyz, features)  # Vote
        features_norm = torch.norm(features, p=2, dim=1)
        features = features.div(features_norm.unsqueeze(1))
        end_points['vote_xyz'] = xyz  # Votes's xyz
        end_points['vote_features'] = features  # Votes's feature

        end_points = self.pnet(xyz, features, end_points)  # Sampling & Grouping, Porpose & Classify

        return end_points


    def __init__(self, input_feature_dim=0):
        self.sa1 = PointnetSAModuleVotes(
                npoint=2048,  # 采样2048个点
                radius=0.2,  # 每个球域半径0.2m
                nsample=64,  # 每个球域内采样64个点
                mlp=[input_feature_dim, 64, 64, 128],  # MLP的通道数
                use_xyz=True,  # 使用xyz做feature
                normalize_xyz=True  # 在使用xyz做feature时,将xyz除以radius以normalization

        self.sa2 = PointnetSAModuleVotes(
                mlp=[128, 128, 128, 256],

        self.sa3 = PointnetSAModuleVotes(
                mlp=[256, 128, 128, 256],

        self.sa4 = PointnetSAModuleVotes(
                mlp=[256, 128, 128, 256],

        self.fp1 = PointnetFPModule(mlp=[256+256,256,256])  # MLP的输入通道数为256,输出分别未256,256
        self.fp2 = PointnetFPModule(mlp=[256+256,256,256])

vgen:Voting Module

    def forward(self, seed_xyz, seed_features):
        """ Forward pass.

            seed_xyz: (batch_size, num_seed, 3) Pytorch tensor
            seed_features: (batch_size, feature_dim, num_seed) Pytorch tensor
            vote_xyz: (batch_size, num_seed*vote_factor, 3)
            vote_features: (batch_size, vote_feature_dim, num_seed*vote_factor)
        batch_size = seed_xyz.shape[0]
        num_seed = seed_xyz.shape[1]  # num_seed=1024
        num_vote = num_seed*self.vote_factor  # num_vote=1024
        net = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(seed_features))) 
        net = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(net))) 
        net = self.conv3(net) # (batch_size, (3+out_dim)*vote_factor, num_seed), vote_factor=1
        net = net.transpose(2,1).view(batch_size, num_seed, self.vote_factor, 3+self.out_dim)
        offset = net[:,:,:,0:3]

        # Seeds -> Votes
        vote_xyz = seed_xyz.unsqueeze(2) + offset
        vote_xyz = vote_xyz.contiguous().view(batch_size, num_vote, 3)
        residual_features = net[:,:,:,3:] # (batch_size, num_seed, vote_factor, out_dim)
        vote_features = seed_features.transpose(2,1).unsqueeze(2) + residual_features
        vote_features = vote_features.contiguous().view(batch_size, num_vote, self.out_dim)
        vote_features = vote_features.transpose(2,1).contiguous()
        return vote_xyz, vote_features

pnet:Proposal Module


class ProposalModule(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, num_class, num_heading_bin, num_size_cluster, mean_size_arr, num_proposal, sampling, seed_feat_dim=256):

        self.num_class = num_class
        self.num_heading_bin = num_heading_bin
        self.num_size_cluster = num_size_cluster
        self.mean_size_arr = mean_size_arr
        self.num_proposal = num_proposal
        self.sampling = sampling
        self.seed_feat_dim = seed_feat_dim

        # Vote clustering
        self.vote_aggregation = PointnetSAModuleVotes( 
                mlp=[self.seed_feat_dim, 128, 128, 128],
        # Object proposal/detection
        # Objectness scores (2), center residual (3),
        # heading class+residual (num_heading_bin*2), size class+residual(num_size_cluster*4)
        self.conv1 = torch.nn.Conv1d(128,128,1)
        self.conv2 = torch.nn.Conv1d(128,128,1)
        self.conv3 = torch.nn.Conv1d(128,2+3+num_heading_bin*2+num_size_cluster*4+self.num_class,1)
        self.bn1 = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(128)
        self.bn2 = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(128)

    def forward(self, xyz, features, end_points):
            xyz: (B,K,3)
            features: (B,C,K)
            scores: (B,num_proposal,2+3+NH*2+NS*4) 

        # Farthest point sampling (FPS) on votes
        xyz, features, fps_inds = self.vote_aggregation(xyz, features)
        sample_inds = fps_inds
        end_points['aggregated_vote_xyz'] = xyz # (batch_size, num_proposal, 3)
        end_points['aggregated_vote_inds'] = sample_inds # (batch_size, num_proposal,) # should be 0,1,2,...,num_proposal

        # --------- PROPOSAL GENERATION ---------
        net = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(features))) 
        net = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(net))) 
        net = self.conv3(net) # (batch_size, 2+3+num_heading_bin*2+num_size_cluster*4, num_proposal)

        end_points = decode_scores(net, end_points, self.num_class, self.num_heading_bin, self.num_size_cluster, self.mean_size_arr)
        return end_points


def decode_scores(net, end_points, num_class, num_heading_bin, num_size_cluster, mean_size_arr):
    net_transposed = net.transpose(2,1) # (batch_size, 1024, ..)
    batch_size = net_transposed.shape[0]
    num_proposal = net_transposed.shape[1]

    objectness_scores = net_transposed[:,:,0:2]
    end_points['objectness_scores'] = objectness_scores
    base_xyz = end_points['aggregated_vote_xyz'] # (batch_size, num_proposal, 3)
    center = base_xyz + net_transposed[:,:,2:5] # (batch_size, num_proposal, 3)
    end_points['center'] = center

    heading_scores = net_transposed[:,:,5:5+num_heading_bin]
    heading_residuals_normalized = net_transposed[:,:,5+num_heading_bin:5+num_heading_bin*2]
    end_points['heading_scores'] = heading_scores # Bxnum_proposalxnum_heading_bin
    end_points['heading_residuals_normalized'] = heading_residuals_normalized # Bxnum_proposalxnum_heading_bin (should be -1 to 1)
    end_points['heading_residuals'] = heading_residuals_normalized * (np.pi/num_heading_bin) # Bxnum_proposalxnum_heading_bin

    size_scores = net_transposed[:,:,5+num_heading_bin*2:5+num_heading_bin*2+num_size_cluster]
    size_residuals_normalized = net_transposed[:,:,5+num_heading_bin*2+num_size_cluster:5+num_heading_bin*2+num_size_cluster*4].view([batch_size, num_proposal, num_size_cluster, 3]) # Bxnum_proposalxnum_size_clusterx3
    end_points['size_scores'] = size_scores
    end_points['size_residuals_normalized'] = size_residuals_normalized
    end_points['size_residuals'] = size_residuals_normalized * torch.from_numpy(mean_size_arr.astype(np.float32)).cuda().unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)

    sem_cls_scores = net_transposed[:,:,5+num_heading_bin*2+num_size_cluster*4:] # Bxnum_proposalx10
    end_points['sem_cls_scores'] = sem_cls_scores
    return end_points



def compute_loss():
    # 简化版的loss,可以看出loss主要包括vote_loss,objectness_loss,box_loss,sem_cls_loss
    # box_loss则跟center,heading,size有关
	box_loss = center_loss + 0.1*heading_cls_loss + heading_reg_loss + 0.1*size_cls_loss + size_reg_loss
    loss = vote_loss + 0.5*objectness_loss + box_loss + 0.1*sem_cls_loss

def compute_vote_loss(end_points):
    """ Compute vote loss: Match predicted votes to GT votes.

        end_points: dict (read-only)
        vote_loss: scalar Tensor
    Overall idea:
        If the seed point belongs to an object (votes_label_mask == 1),
        then we require it to vote for the object center.

        Each seed point may vote for multiple translations v1,v2,v3
        A seed point may also be in the boxes of multiple objects:
        o1,o2,o3 with corresponding GT votes c1,c2,c3

        Then the loss for this seed point is:
            min(d(v_i,c_j)) for i=1,2,3 and j=1,2,3

    # Load ground truth votes and assign them to seed points
    batch_size = end_points['seed_xyz'].shape[0]
    num_seed = end_points['seed_xyz'].shape[1] # B,num_seed,3
    vote_xyz = end_points['vote_xyz'] # B,num_seed*vote_factor,3
    seed_inds = end_points['seed_inds'].long() # B,num_seed in [0,num_points-1]

    # Get groundtruth votes for the seed points
    # vote_label_mask: Use gather to select B,num_seed from B,num_point
    #   non-object point has no GT vote mask = 0, object point has mask = 1
    # vote_label: Use gather to select B,num_seed,9 from B,num_point,9
    #   with inds in shape B,num_seed,9 and 9 = GT_VOTE_FACTOR * 3
    seed_gt_votes_mask = torch.gather(end_points['vote_label_mask'], 1, seed_inds)
    seed_inds_expand = seed_inds.view(batch_size,num_seed,1).repeat(1,1,3*GT_VOTE_FACTOR)
    seed_gt_votes = torch.gather(end_points['vote_label'], 1, seed_inds_expand)
    seed_gt_votes += end_points['seed_xyz'].repeat(1,1,3)

    # Compute the min of min of distance
    vote_xyz_reshape = vote_xyz.view(batch_size*num_seed, -1, 3) # from B,num_seed*vote_factor,3 to B*num_seed,vote_factor,3
    seed_gt_votes_reshape = seed_gt_votes.view(batch_size*num_seed, GT_VOTE_FACTOR, 3) # from B,num_seed,3*GT_VOTE_FACTOR to B*num_seed,GT_VOTE_FACTOR,3
    # A predicted vote to no where is not penalized as long as there is a good vote near the GT vote.
    dist1, _, dist2, _ = nn_distance(vote_xyz_reshape, seed_gt_votes_reshape, l1=True)
    votes_dist, _ = torch.min(dist2, dim=1) # (B*num_seed,vote_factor) to (B*num_seed,)
    votes_dist = votes_dist.view(batch_size, num_seed)
    vote_loss = torch.sum(votes_dist*seed_gt_votes_mask.float())/(torch.sum(seed_gt_votes_mask.float())+1e-6)
    return vote_loss

def compute_objectness_loss(end_points):
    """ Compute objectness loss for the proposals.

        end_points: dict (read-only)

        objectness_loss: scalar Tensor
        objectness_label: (batch_size, num_seed) Tensor with value 0 or 1
        objectness_mask: (batch_size, num_seed) Tensor with value 0 or 1
        object_assignment: (batch_size, num_seed) Tensor with long int
            within [0,num_gt_object-1]
    # Associate proposal and GT objects by point-to-point distances
    aggregated_vote_xyz = end_points['aggregated_vote_xyz']
    gt_center = end_points['center_label'][:,:,0:3]
    B = gt_center.shape[0]
    K = aggregated_vote_xyz.shape[1]
    K2 = gt_center.shape[1]
    dist1, ind1, dist2, _ = nn_distance(aggregated_vote_xyz, gt_center) # dist1: BxK, dist2: BxK2

    # Generate objectness label and mask
    # objectness_label: 1 if pred object center is within NEAR_THRESHOLD of any GT object
    # objectness_mask: 0 if pred object center is in gray zone (DONOTCARE), 1 otherwise
    euclidean_dist1 = torch.sqrt(dist1+1e-6)
    objectness_label = torch.zeros((B,K), dtype=torch.long).cuda()
    objectness_mask = torch.zeros((B,K)).cuda()
    objectness_label[euclidean_dist1<NEAR_THRESHOLD] = 1
    objectness_mask[euclidean_dist1<NEAR_THRESHOLD] = 1
    objectness_mask[euclidean_dist1>FAR_THRESHOLD] = 1

    # Compute objectness loss
    objectness_scores = end_points['objectness_scores']
    criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(torch.Tensor(OBJECTNESS_CLS_WEIGHTS).cuda(), reduction='none')
    objectness_loss = criterion(objectness_scores.transpose(2,1), objectness_label)
    objectness_loss = torch.sum(objectness_loss * objectness_mask)/(torch.sum(objectness_mask)+1e-6)

    # Set assignment
    object_assignment = ind1 # (B,K) with values in 0,1,...,K2-1

    return objectness_loss, objectness_label, objectness_mask, object_assignment

def compute_box_and_sem_cls_loss(end_points, config):
    """ Compute 3D bounding box and semantic classification loss.

        end_points: dict (read-only)


    num_heading_bin = config.num_heading_bin
    num_size_cluster = config.num_size_cluster
    num_class = config.num_class
    mean_size_arr = config.mean_size_arr

    object_assignment = end_points['object_assignment']
    batch_size = object_assignment.shape[0]

    # Compute center loss
    pred_center = end_points['center']
    gt_center = end_points['center_label'][:,:,0:3]
    dist1, ind1, dist2, _ = nn_distance(pred_center, gt_center) # dist1: BxK, dist2: BxK2
    box_label_mask = end_points['box_label_mask']
    objectness_label = end_points['objectness_label'].float()
    centroid_reg_loss1 = \
    centroid_reg_loss2 = \
    center_loss = centroid_reg_loss1 + centroid_reg_loss2

    # Compute heading loss
    heading_class_label = torch.gather(end_points['heading_class_label'], 1, object_assignment) # select (B,K) from (B,K2)
    criterion_heading_class = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none')
    heading_class_loss = criterion_heading_class(end_points['heading_scores'].transpose(2,1), heading_class_label) # (B,K)
    heading_class_loss = torch.sum(heading_class_loss * objectness_label)/(torch.sum(objectness_label)+1e-6)

    heading_residual_label = torch.gather(end_points['heading_residual_label'], 1, object_assignment) # select (B,K) from (B,K2)
    heading_residual_normalized_label = heading_residual_label / (np.pi/num_heading_bin)

    # Ref: https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/convert-int-into-one-hot-format/507/3
    heading_label_one_hot = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size, heading_class_label.shape[1], num_heading_bin).zero_()
    heading_label_one_hot.scatter_(2, heading_class_label.unsqueeze(-1), 1) # src==1 so it's *one-hot* (B,K,num_heading_bin)
    heading_residual_normalized_loss = huber_loss(torch.sum(end_points['heading_residuals_normalized']*heading_label_one_hot, -1) - heading_residual_normalized_label, delta=1.0) # (B,K)
    heading_residual_normalized_loss = torch.sum(heading_residual_normalized_loss*objectness_label)/(torch.sum(objectness_label)+1e-6)

    # Compute size loss
    size_class_label = torch.gather(end_points['size_class_label'], 1, object_assignment) # select (B,K) from (B,K2)
    criterion_size_class = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none')
    size_class_loss = criterion_size_class(end_points['size_scores'].transpose(2,1), size_class_label) # (B,K)
    size_class_loss = torch.sum(size_class_loss * objectness_label)/(torch.sum(objectness_label)+1e-6)

    size_residual_label = torch.gather(end_points['size_residual_label'], 1, object_assignment.unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1,1,3)) # select (B,K,3) from (B,K2,3)
    size_label_one_hot = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size, size_class_label.shape[1], num_size_cluster).zero_()
    size_label_one_hot.scatter_(2, size_class_label.unsqueeze(-1), 1) # src==1 so it's *one-hot* (B,K,num_size_cluster)
    size_label_one_hot_tiled = size_label_one_hot.unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1,1,1,3) # (B,K,num_size_cluster,3)
    predicted_size_residual_normalized = torch.sum(end_points['size_residuals_normalized']*size_label_one_hot_tiled, 2) # (B,K,3)

    mean_size_arr_expanded = torch.from_numpy(mean_size_arr.astype(np.float32)).cuda().unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) # (1,1,num_size_cluster,3) 
    mean_size_label = torch.sum(size_label_one_hot_tiled * mean_size_arr_expanded, 2) # (B,K,3)
    size_residual_label_normalized = size_residual_label / mean_size_label # (B,K,3)
    size_residual_normalized_loss = torch.mean(huber_loss(predicted_size_residual_normalized - size_residual_label_normalized, delta=1.0), -1) # (B,K,3) -> (B,K)
    size_residual_normalized_loss = torch.sum(size_residual_normalized_loss*objectness_label)/(torch.sum(objectness_label)+1e-6)

    # 3.4 Semantic cls loss
    sem_cls_label = torch.gather(end_points['sem_cls_label'], 1, object_assignment) # select (B,K) from (B,K2)
    criterion_sem_cls = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='none')
    sem_cls_loss = criterion_sem_cls(end_points['sem_cls_scores'].transpose(2,1), sem_cls_label) # (B,K)
    sem_cls_loss = torch.sum(sem_cls_loss * objectness_label)/(torch.sum(objectness_label)+1e-6)

    return center_loss, heading_class_loss, heading_residual_normalized_loss, size_class_loss, size_residual_normalized_loss, sem_cls_loss
