PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += persist.sys.timezone=Asia/Shanghai
ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += persist.sys.timezone=Asia/Shanghai
关于属性的配置可以参考《 Android 7.1.1中SystemProperties详解》,知道了怎么配置后好奇为啥要这样配置,就看来看android系统中对这个属性的使用
static final String TIMEZONE_PROPERTY = "persist.sys.timezone";
public void onStart() {
// We have to set current TimeZone info to kernel
// because kernel doesn't keep this after reboot
protected boolean shouldFixTimeZoneNow(Phone phone, String operatorNumeric,
String prevOperatorNumeric, boolean needToFixTimeZone) {
// Return false if the mcc isn't valid as we don't know where we are.
// Return true if we have an IccCard and the mcc changed or we
// need to fix it because when the NITZ time came in we didn't
// know the country code.
// If mcc is invalid then we'll return false
int mcc;
try {
mcc = Integer.parseInt(operatorNumeric.substring(0, 3));
} catch (Exception e) {
if (DBG) {
log("shouldFixTimeZoneNow: no mcc, operatorNumeric=" + operatorNumeric +
" retVal=false");
return false;
// If prevMcc is invalid will make it different from mcc
// so we'll return true if the card exists.
int prevMcc;
try {
prevMcc = Integer.parseInt(prevOperatorNumeric.substring(0, 3));
} catch (Exception e) {
prevMcc = mcc + 1;
// Determine if the Icc card exists
boolean iccCardExist = false;
if (mUiccApplcation != null) {
iccCardExist = mUiccApplcation.getState() != AppState.APPSTATE_UNKNOWN;
// Determine retVal
boolean retVal = ((iccCardExist && (mcc != prevMcc)) || needToFixTimeZone);
if (DBG) {
long ctm = System.currentTimeMillis();
log("shouldFixTimeZoneNow: retVal=" + retVal +
" iccCardExist=" + iccCardExist +
" operatorNumeric=" + operatorNumeric + " mcc=" + mcc +
" prevOperatorNumeric=" + prevOperatorNumeric + " prevMcc=" + prevMcc +
" needToFixTimeZone=" + needToFixTimeZone +
" ltod=" + TimeUtils.logTimeOfDay(ctm));
return retVal;
其中needToFixTimeZone是在收到运营商上报RIL_UNSOL_NITZ_TIME_RECEIVED事件后,才会把needToFixTimeZone置为true,关于NITZ可以查看《 Android 7.1.1时间更新NITZ和NTP详解》
const std::string readLocale()
const std::string locale = getProperty("persist.sys.locale", "");
if (!locale.empty()) {
return locale;
const std::string language = getProperty("persist.sys.language", "");
if (!language.empty()) {
const std::string country = getProperty("persist.sys.country", "");
const std::string variant = getProperty("persist.sys.localevar", "");
std::string out = language;
if (!country.empty()) {
out = out + "-" + country;
if (!variant.empty()) {
out = out + "-" + variant;
return out;
const std::string productLocale = getProperty("ro.product.locale", "");
if (!productLocale.empty()) {
return productLocale;
// If persist.sys.locale and ro.product.locale are missing,
// construct a locale value from the individual locale components.
const std::string productLanguage = getProperty("ro.product.locale.language", "en");
const std::string productRegion = getProperty("ro.product.locale.region", "US");
return productLanguage + "-" + productRegion;
- zgh-MA
- zh-Hans-CN
- zh-Hans-HK
- zh-Hans-MO
- zh-Hans-SG
- zh-Hant-HK
- zh-Hant-MO
- zh-Hant-TW
- zu-ZA
//Settings.System.RINGTONE = "ringtone";
//Settings.System.NOTIFICATION_SOUND = "notification_sound";
//Settings.System.ALARM_ALERT = "alarm_alert";
private static final String DEFAULT_RINGTONE_PROPERTY_PREFIX = "ro.config.";
private void setDefaultRingtoneFileNames() {
mDefaultRingtoneFilename = SystemProperties.get(DEFAULT_RINGTONE_PROPERTY_PREFIX
+ Settings.System.RINGTONE);
mDefaultNotificationFilename = SystemProperties.get(DEFAULT_RINGTONE_PROPERTY_PREFIX
+ Settings.System.NOTIFICATION_SOUND);
mDefaultAlarmAlertFilename = SystemProperties.get(DEFAULT_RINGTONE_PROPERTY_PREFIX
+ Settings.System.ALARM_ALERT);
private Uri endFile(FileEntry entry, boolean ringtones, boolean notifications,
boolean alarms, boolean music, boolean podcasts)
throws RemoteException {
// update database
if (notifications && !mDefaultNotificationSet) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mDefaultNotificationFilename) ||
doesPathHaveFilename(entry.mPath, mDefaultNotificationFilename)) {
needToSetSettings = true;
} else if (ringtones && !mDefaultRingtoneSet) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mDefaultRingtoneFilename) ||
doesPathHaveFilename(entry.mPath, mDefaultRingtoneFilename)) {
needToSetSettings = true;
} else if (alarms && !mDefaultAlarmSet) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mDefaultAlarmAlertFilename) ||
doesPathHaveFilename(entry.mPath, mDefaultAlarmAlertFilename)) {
needToSetSettings = true;
if(needToSetSettings) {
if (notifications) {
setRingtoneIfNotSet(Settings.System.NOTIFICATION_SOUND, tableUri, rowId);
mDefaultNotificationSet = true;
} else if (ringtones) {
setRingtoneIfNotSet(Settings.System.RINGTONE, tableUri, rowId);
mDefaultRingtoneSet = true;
} else if (alarms) {
setRingtoneIfNotSet(Settings.System.ALARM_ALERT, tableUri, rowId);
mDefaultAlarmSet = true;
return result;
private void setRingtoneIfNotSet(String settingName, Uri uri, long rowId) {
if (wasRingtoneAlreadySet(settingName)) {//判断是否已经设置
ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver();
String existingSettingValue = Settings.System.getString(cr, settingName);
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(existingSettingValue)) {
final Uri settingUri = Settings.System.getUriFor(settingName);
final Uri ringtoneUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(uri, rowId);
RingtoneManager.getDefaultType(settingUri), ringtoneUri);
Settings.System.putInt(cr, settingSetIndicatorName(settingName), 1);