gamit 10.71,在5月1日更新了,具体更新内容如下:
更新包名称: incremental_updates.20200501.tar.gz
Incremental Updates for GAMIT/GLOBK 10.71
Last updated: Thursday 30 April 2020
com/sh_xtosess: Updated definition of "prn_list" to accommodate constellation
prefix (G, R, E, C, etc.) to PRN number. RWK/MAF 20200430
kf/glinit/get_aprioris.f: Fixed mapping of ECOM-1 radiation parameters for old
(pre 1.07) binary h-files. Impact when orbits are tightly constrained in RELAX
solutions. TAH 20200429
kf/glist/glist.f: Increased number of digits in reported h-file version.
TAH 20200429
tables/frames.dat: Added Caribbean ("CARIB18") and Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands
("PRVI18") reference frames relative to IGS14 from Wang et al. (2019),
doi:10.3390/rs11060680. MAF 20200428
com/{sh_gamit,sh_make_sky_pngs}: Added .png extension to GMT's
ps2raster/psconvert -F option and rename if GMT creates PNG file with double-
extension ".png.png"). Y.-H. Chang/J. A. Garmen/MAF 20200426
kf/globk/{add_GGV.f,read_glb_mar.f,Makefile.generic: New routine, add_GGV, to
add GGVersion information to the GLOBK description line at the end of
read_glb_mar to allow better assessment of version of GG installed.
TAH 20200426
help/htoglb.hlp: Expanded the documentation about correct procedures for
combining sub-networks when baseline mode has been used in GAMIT processing.
TAH 20200425.
kf/blsum/tscon.f: Updated reading dates from UNR txyz2 files. Old algorithm
could have errors of a day near the end of the year and assign values to the
wrong year. TAH 20200424
tables/svs_exclude.dat.nanu: Updated following USCG NANU 2020017. MAF 20200424
com/sh_network_sel: Added a secondary list of stations so that the core list can
contain critical stations (the number of stations can be less than the total
network size). After selection of all core stations, the secondary list is
used for the priority of these stations. Added a -clear_list option to force
the re-download of archive data holdings. TAH 20200422
Kf/utils/global_sel.f: Updated to handle non-"_GPS" site names in a priori file,
changed reporting of short lists. TAH 20200422
help/head.snx: Updated DOMES codes. TAH 20200420
tables/rcvant.dat: Added SEPVC6150L (SEPVC6) and SEPVP6050_CONE (SEPVP6)
antennas, and CHC P5E (CHCP5E) receiver. MAF 20200420
kf/utils/make_rms.f: Changed F6.1 to F6.2 format when writing statistics.
TAH 20200417
kf/htoglb/mstinf.f: Changed dimensioning so that max_site sites can be in a file to be merged with another one. E. D'Anastasio/TAH 20200417
tables/: Added igs14_2101.atx, ngs14_2101.atx and ngs14_2101_plus.atx, and
linked antmod.dat to ngs14_2101_plus.atx; added igs_metadata_2101.snx and
igs_metadata_2101_plus.snx, and linked igs_metadata.snx to
igs_metadata_2101_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.allgnss following
igs_metadata_2101.snx. MAF 20200416
gamit/orbits/yawtab.f: Added one day to date for call to svnav_read because the
start of the t-file may occur before the start time of a PRN record.
A. Koulali/R. Pickle/MAF 20200414
com/{sh_dem,sh_plotvel}: Updated to write new .grd-files to current working
directory, rather than ~/gg/maps/; corrected definition of maximum longitude
in "minmax" variable when passing topo_file name from sh_dem to grdimage for
plotting, and updated logic to derive an illumination .grd-file from topo_file
by requiring "topo_file" to be passed as the argument to the "-illu_file"
option. MAF 20200413
com/sh_dem: Removed extraneous "-fg" option from GMT's grdcut command for
SRTM3, SRTM30 and SRTM30_PLUS. S. Nistor/MAF 20200403
tables/sites.defaults: Appended to updates/source/tables.10.71.tar.gz, because
it was missing from the original release, and incremental_updates/tables/.
R. Romero Andrade/RWK/MAF 20200403
com/sh_sopac: Removed leading slash ("/") in definition of "sdir" variable to
avoid double-slash ("//") typo in host URL. R. Pickle/MAF 20200402
com/links.arc: Changed links so that local ut1./pole. file will be retained
during linking. TAH 20200401
com/sh_sp3fit: Changed logic to all allow multi-day orbit arcs of more than 3
days (orbits modified to allow 9-day arcs). TAH 20200401
gamit/arc/read_arc_batch.f: Updated logic for reading arc.out file name and the
hidden debug featutes that are included on that line. TAH 20200401
gamit/includes/orbits.h: Increased dimensioning to allow 9-day arcs.
TAH 20200401
gamit/orbits/{orbdif,orbfit,orbrms,plt_postfit}.f: Modified outputs to add MJD
to ends of residual values so that true times can be plotted. TAH 20200401
Added new data type field to have MJD interpreted as date rather than
converted to decimal year (help/{cplotx.hlp,ts_pos.plt,ts_pos2.plt} also
updated accordingly). TAH 20200401
tables/nbody: Updated to use DE405 (little-endian) file for 1900-2050 from JPL
( MAF 20200401
tables/frames.dat: Added rotation rate vector for North America relative to
IGS08 from Kreemer et al. (2018), doi:10.1029/2017JB015257. MAF 20200331
tables/hi.dat: Added DHTCR (= DHARP) height code for SEN671575-series antennas.
P. Fang/Y. Bock/MAF 20200326
tables/rcvant.dat: Added STONEX S700A (STXS7A), STONEX S850A (STXS85) receivers,
and STXS700A (STXS7A) antenna, following 2020-03-25 release of IGS MAF 20200325
test_install/: Added missing "-netext" option to first sh_glred commands for
2016 and 2014 in README; changed tssum product ID to conventional form of
"mit.final_igs14" from "" in README and runtest. MAF 20200323
tables/: Updated igs_metadata_2097.snx and igs_metadata_2097_plus.snx; updated
svnav.dat.allgnss following igs_metadata_2097.snx; updated eq.def with
preliminary definitions for July 2019 Ridgecrest, California, earthquakes.
MAF 20200323
tables/dcb.dat: Corrected open-ended end date for G037/G07 to 1993-334T23:59
and removed erroneous extra line for G063/G01 (2019-305T00:00 to
2019-304T23:59). S. Hreinsdottir/MAF 20200323
test_install/README: Corrected erroneous "-gnss" option in one sh_glred command
to "-netext". MAF 20200319
tables/: Added finite end date for G034/G18 (2020-070) and dummy first
record for G075/G18 (from 2020-073), until first estimates of DCB are
available, in dcb.dat; updated igs_metadata_2097.snx and
igs_metadata_2097_plus.snx to versions with corrected start date of G075/G18;
updated svs_exclude.dat.nanu with NANU 2020014. MAF 20200319
tables/: Added igs14_2097.atx, ngs14_2097.atx and ngs14_2097_plus.atx, and
linked antmod.dat to ngs14_2097_plus.atx; added igs_metadata_2097.snx and
igs_metadata_2097_plus.snx, and linked igs_metadata.snx to
igs_metadata_2097_plus.snx; updated svnav.dat.allgnss following
igs_metadata_2097.snx. MAF 20200317
gamit/lib/rstnfo.f, kf/htoglb/{hfupd_ut.f,mstinf.h}: Changed length of comment
to 36 characters from 30 (rstnfo.f), 24 (hfupd_ut.f) and 132 (mstinf.h)
characters. TAH 20200317
com/{sh_plot_rinex,sh_rename_rinex}: Corrected calls of "CRX2RNX" (the original
program name) to "crx2rnx" (our distribution name, in gamit/bin/).
MAF 20200311
tables/rcvant.dat: Updated "PCN"-code based on old rcvant.dat.200109 for
receivers. MAF 20200310