Sh_gamit Version 10.4 (2011/1/17)
Input options -d 2011 297 -orbit IGSU -expt test - noftp
Processing 2011 297
X-file series to be used is: 1
Sites extracted from sites.default to exclude from automatic station.info updating: all_sites
Checking and making required directories
X-files to be excluded:
Checking that enough diskspace to complete run is available
Using IGS Ultra-rapid (+predicted) orbits
Checking GAMIT tables in directory: /home/zhao/project/testDownLoadSP3/tables
sh_setup -yr 2011 -doy 297 -series usno -expt test -orbit igsu -apr itrf05.apr -upd_l -topt none
EXECUTING sh_setup
~/project/testDownLoadSP3/tables ~/project/testDownLoadSP3
localeop: no
Checking links: sh_links.tables -frame J2000 -year 2011 -eop usno -topt none
Updating lfile. with coordinates from: itrf05.apr
merge_apr itrf05.apr lfile. lfile.merged
Checking to see if EOP tables are up to date
sh_update_eop -series usno -jd 2455858.5000 -noftp N -ftp_prog ftp -inv -min 7
Observations within the span of the current eop series table: usno
Not attempting to get new series
Searching archives: cddis sopac mit for sp3 file
Use SP3 accuracy code to exclude satellites
Maximum fit rms for including a satellite 0.200 m
Trying to get igs16591.sp3 from cddis archive
-m 0.200
ftp_info = sh_get_ftp_info -archive cddis -type sp3
Information extracted from ftp_info
ftpsite cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov
ftplogin anonymous [email protected]
ftpdir /pub/gps/products/GPSW
ftpcmd ftp -inv cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov
Getting requested orbit files
sh_sp3fit -f igu16591_18.sp3 -o igsu -u -d 2011 297 -m 0.200
Inertial frame and precession not input, set = J2000 IAU76
Gravity field not input set = EGM96
Radiation-pressure mode not input, set = BERNE
STATUS :111027:1602:42.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Started NGSTOT ver. 9.91 2011/4/16 09:00:00 (Linux) Library ver. 10.87 of 2011/8/18 16:30:00 (Linux)
STATUS :111027:1602:42.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Converting CE to CM using otlcmc.dat offsets for FES2004
STATUS :111027:1602:43.0 NGSTOT/orbits/tdtrit: Successfully wrote earth-fixed T-file 192 epochs written on T-file
STATUS :111027:1602:43.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Writing inertial T-file (Name tigu16591_18.sp3)
STATUS :111027:1602:43.0 NGSTOT/orbits/trot: Input T-file is Earth-fixed, converting to inertial
STATUS :111027:1602:43.0 NGSTOT/orbits/trot: Successfully wrote Inertial T-file: (Name tigu16591_18.sp3)
STATUS :111027:1602:43.0 NGSTOT/orbits/gmake: Successfully wrote G-file: (Name gigu16591_18.sp3)
STATUS :111027:1602:43.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Normal end to NGSTOT
STATUS :111027:1602:43.0 ARC/aversn: Started ARC, Version 9.69 of 2011/5/23 16:00:00 (Linux) Library ver. 10.87 of 2011/8/18 16:30:00 (Linux)
WARNING:111027:1602:43.0 ARC/lib/ghdred: G-file solar radiation pressure parameters (SPHRC) are not consistant with input file model (BERNE)
STATUS :111027:1602:43.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 1 PRN 1
STATUS :111027:1602:43.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 2 PRN 2
STATUS :111027:1602:43.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 3 PRN 3
STATUS :111027:1602:43.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 4 PRN 4
STATUS :111027:1602:43.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 5 PRN 5
STATUS :111027:1602:43.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 6 PRN 6
STATUS :111027:1602:43.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 7 PRN 7
STATUS :111027:1602:43.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 8 PRN 8
STATUS :111027:1602:43.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 9 PRN 9
STATUS :111027:1602:43.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 10 PRN 10
STATUS :111027:1602:43.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 11 PRN 11
STATUS :111027:1602:44.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 12 PRN 12
STATUS :111027:1602:44.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 13 PRN 13
STATUS :111027:1602:44.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 14 PRN 14
STATUS :111027:1602:44.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 15 PRN 15
STATUS :111027:1602:44.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 16 PRN 16
STATUS :111027:1602:44.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 17 PRN 17
STATUS :111027:1602:44.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 18 PRN 18
STATUS :111027:1602:44.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 19 PRN 19
STATUS :111027:1602:44.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 20 PRN 20
STATUS :111027:1602:44.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 21 PRN 21
STATUS :111027:1602:44.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 22 PRN 22
STATUS :111027:1602:44.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 23 PRN 23
STATUS :111027:1602:44.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 24 PRN 25
STATUS :111027:1602:44.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 25 PRN 26
STATUS :111027:1602:45.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 26 PRN 27
STATUS :111027:1602:45.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 27 PRN 28
STATUS :111027:1602:45.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 28 PRN 29
STATUS :111027:1602:45.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 29 PRN 30
STATUS :111027:1602:45.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 30 PRN 31
STATUS :111027:1602:45.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 31 PRN 32
STATUS :111027:1602:45.0 ARC/arc: Normal stop in ARC (Name t11297.tmp)
STATUS :111027:1602:45.0 ORBFIT/orbits/orbfit: Started ORBFIT ver. 9.91 2011/4/16 09:00:00 (Linux) Library ver. 10.87 of 2011/8/18 16:30:00 (Linux)
STATUS :111027:1602:45.0 ORBFIT/orbits/orbfit: Opened T-file: (Name t11297.tmp)
STATUS :111027:1602:45.0 ORBFIT/orbits/orbfit: Opened T-file: (Name tigu16591_18.sp3)
STATUS :111027:1602:45.0 ORBFIT/orbits/orbfit: Running iteration: 1
STATUS :111027:1602:45.0 ORBFIT/orbits/orbfit: Max orbit misfit tolerance is: 0.2000
STATUS :111027:1602:45.0 ORBFIT/orbits/orbfit: Reading T-files and forming normal equations
STATUS :111027:1602:52.0 ORBFIT/orbits/norm_solve: Solving the normal equations
STATUS :111027:1602:52.0 ORBFIT/orbits/norm_solve: Normal equations solve
STATUS :111027:1602:52.0 ORBFIT/orbits/write_summary: Calculating residuals
STATUS :111027:1602:52.0 ORBFIT/orbits/write_summary: Overall fit (rms) to external orbit = 0.00683
STATUS :111027:1602:52.0 ORBFIT/orbits/write_g: Successfully wrote G-file
STATUS :111027:1602:52.0 ORBFIT/orbits/orbfit: Normal end of ORBFIT
Downloaded igsu orbit file from cddis. Created /home/zhao/project/testDownLoadSP3/gfiles/gigsu1.297
End of orbit section
/home/zhao/project/testDownLoadSP3/brdc/brdc2970.11n exists
Checking for raw data with no RINEX
sh_make_rinex -yr 2011 -doy 297 -rawd /home/zhao/project/testDownLoadSP3/raw -rdir /home/zhao/project/testDownLoadSP3/rinex -mdir /home/zhao/project/testDownLoadSP3/mkrinex -ndays 1 0
2011 296: No RINEX files need to be made
2011 297: No RINEX files need to be made
The following archives will be searched for the rinex files: sopac cddis unavco
Making directory /home/zhao/project/testDownLoadSP3/297
~/project/testDownLoadSP3/297 ~/project/testDownLoadSP3
Linking rinex files from: /home/zhao/project/testDownLoadSP3/rinex
sh_link_rinex -year 2011 -days 297 -ndays 1 0 -sesfo 0 0 24 0 -dir /home/zhao/project/testDownLoadSP3/rinex -minspan 0.1
Checking RINEX files on days 296 297 298 in directory /home/zhao/project/testDownLoadSP3/rinex Hold on
Looking for rinex files which have data between: 2011/10/24 0:00 and 2011/10/25 0:00 and have a minimum span of 0.1 hrs
Linking /home/zhao/project/testDownLoadSP3/rinex/bjfs2970.11o to current directory
Linking /home/zhao/project/testDownLoadSP3/rinex/shao2970.11o to current directory
Linking /home/zhao/project/testDownLoadSP3/rinex/wuhn2970.11o to current directory
Running links.day
Checking rinex nav file and g-file links
Uncompressing x-files and k-files
Removing existing GAMIT.[status][warning][fatal] files
Running makexp if needed and checking that d-file includes all x-files
sh_preproc -ydoy 2011 297 -nav brdc2970.11n -expt test -orbt igsu -sint 30 -nepc 2880 -stime 0 0 -remakex C -xsite -xver 1 -cmdfile tmp.cmds.localhost:160214
Non-unique x-files list:
Unique sorted x-files list:
Excluderx: all_sites brus graz sofi ttth thht
stinfo_excld all_sites
X-file version to be used is: 1
Checking for existing x-files
xf_list: 0
session.info missing or empty link: remove and recreate
Checking if we need to update station.info from RINEX headers
Checking Rinex file sizes. Zero length files will be deleted
Number of rinex file remaining to be processed into x-files is: 3
sh_makexp -expt test -orbt igsu -yr 2011 -doy 297 -sess 99 -srin -nav brdc2970.11n -sinfo 30 00 00 2880 -xver 1
User has input new session information. Moving old session.info to: session.info.old
STATUS :111027:1602:56.0 MAKEXP/makexp: Started MAXEXP Ver. 9.80 2010/9/8 21:00:00 (Linux) Library Ver. 10.87 of 2011/8/18 16:30:00 (Linux)
STATUS :111027:1602:56.0 MAKEXP/makexp: Normal end in Program MAKEXP
Running sh_check_sess on g-file gigsu1.297
sh_check_sess: Removing any PRN's from session.info that are missing from: gigsu1.297
PRN's in session.info: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
PRN's in gigsu1.297: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Satellites written to session.info for session 297 are:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Running makej
STATUS :111027:1602:56.0 MAKEJ/makej: Started MAKEJ 10.03 2011/9/30 09:24:00 (Linux) Library ver. 10.87 of 2011/8/18 16:30:00 (Linux)
STATUS :111027:1602:56.0 MAKEJ/makej: Opened J-file: (Name jbrdc1.297)
STATUS :111027:1602:56.0 MAKEJ/j_from_e: Opened navigation file: (Name brdc2970.11n)
STATUS :111027:1602:57.0 MAKEJ/j_from_e: J-File written for 31 satellites Start: 2011 296 23 59 Stop : 2011 297 23 59
STATUS :111027:1602:57.0 MAKEJ/makej: Jfile: jbrdc1.297 contains PRNs 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
STATUS :111027:1602:57.0 MAKEJ/makej: Normal end in MAKEJ
Running sh_check_sess on j-file jbrdc1.297
sh_check_sess: Removing any PRN's from session.info that are missing from: jbrdc1.297
PRN's in session.info: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
PRN's in jbrdc1.297: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Satellites written to session.info for session 297 are:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Running makex: makex test.makex.batch 1 0
STATUS :111027:1602:57.0 MAKEX/makex: Started Makex 10.03 2011/9/30 09:24:00 (Linux) Library ver. 10.87 of 2011/8/18 16:30:00 (Linux)
STATUS :111027:1602:57.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: test.makex.infor
STATUS :111027:1602:57.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: test.makex.batch
STATUS :111027:1602:57.0 MAKEX/makex: **Begin processing: BJFS 2011 297 1
WARNING:111027:1602:57.0 MAKEX/makex: **Begin processing: BJFS 2011 297 1
STATUS :111027:1602:57.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: session.info
STATUS :111027:1602:57.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: ltest1.297
STATUS :111027:1602:57.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: station.info
STATUS :111027:1602:57.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: ./jbrdc1.297
STATUS :111027:1602:57.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: kbjfs1.297
STATUS :111027:1602:57.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: ./brdc2970.11n
STATUS :111027:1602:57.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: hi.dat
STATUS :111027:1602:57.0 MAKEX/makex: Epochs 2880 X-file interval 30 Length of session (hrs) 24.0
STATUS :111027:1602:57.0 MAKEX/get_rxfiles: Searching for data in ./bjfs2970.11o
STATUS :111027:1602:57.0 MAKEX/get_rxfiles: Found data in ./bjfs2970.11o
STATUS :111027:1602:57.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: xbjfs1.297
STATUS :111027:1602:57.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: ./bjfs2970.11o
WARNING:111027:1602:57.0 MAKEX/lib/settyp: P2 in header but firmware (TRM 4.2) implies codeless--fix header
WARNING:111027:1602:57.0 MAKEX/wxhead: No sampling interval on RINEX header, possible problem in AUTCLN if different from X-file sampling
STATUS :111027:1602:57.0 MAKEX/makex: TRM 4.17: accept data within +-1.000s of nominal epochs
STATUS :111027:1602:58.0 MAKEX/makex: Wrote all the epochs requested.
STATUS :111027:1602:58.0 MAKEX/makex: 26370 observations written to xfile 60 observations rejected as unreasonable
STATUS :111027:1602:58.0 MAKEX/makex: End processing: BJFS 2011 297 1
STATUS :111027:1602:58.0 MAKEX/makex: **Begin processing: SHAO 2011 297 1
WARNING:111027:1602:58.0 MAKEX/makex: **Begin processing: SHAO 2011 297 1
STATUS :111027:1602:58.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: session.info
STATUS :111027:1602:58.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: ltest1.297
STATUS :111027:1602:58.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: station.info
STATUS :111027:1602:58.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: ./jbrdc1.297
STATUS :111027:1602:58.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: kshao1.297
STATUS :111027:1602:58.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: ./brdc2970.11n
STATUS :111027:1602:58.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: hi.dat
WARNING:111027:1602:58.0 MAKEX/settim: SETTIM WARNING: unknown ASHTECHash 0.0000 Assuming that data are sampled like Ashtech 9.20
STATUS :111027:1602:58.0 MAKEX/makex: Epochs 2880 X-file interval 30 Length of session (hrs) 24.0
STATUS :111027:1602:58.0 MAKEX/get_rxfiles: Searching for data in ./shao2970.11o
STATUS :111027:1602:58.0 MAKEX/get_rxfiles: Found data in ./shao2970.11o
STATUS :111027:1602:58.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: xshao1.297
STATUS :111027:1602:58.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: ./shao2970.11o
STATUS :111027:1602:58.0 MAKEX/makex: ASH 0.00: accept data within +-0.300s of nominal epochs
STATUS :111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/makex: Wrote all the epochs requested.
STATUS :111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/makex: 26442 observations written to xfile 0 observations rejected as unreasonable
STATUS :111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/makex: End processing: SHAO 2011 297 1
STATUS :111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/makex: **Begin processing: WUHN 2011 297 1
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/makex: **Begin processing: WUHN 2011 297 1
STATUS :111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: session.info
STATUS :111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: ltest1.297
STATUS :111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: station.info
STATUS :111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: ./jbrdc1.297
STATUS :111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: kwuhn1.297
STATUS :111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: ./brdc2970.11n
STATUS :111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: hi.dat
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/lread: Multiple entries for site WUHN but no eq_rename file; last entry used
STATUS :111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/makex: Epochs 2880 X-file interval 30 Length of session (hrs) 24.0
STATUS :111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/get_rxfiles: Searching for data in ./wuhn2970.11o
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrxhed: Antenna height > 2 meters: 0.236D+01 (Name ./wuhn2970.11o)
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrxhed: East antenna offset > 2 mm: -2.2 (Name ./wuhn2970.11o)
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrxhed: North antenna offset > 2 mm: -9.4 (Name ./wuhn2970.11o)
STATUS :111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/get_rxfiles: Found data in ./wuhn2970.11o
STATUS :111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: xwuhn1.297
STATUS :111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/openf: Opened: ./wuhn2970.11o
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrxhed: Antenna height > 2 meters: 0.236D+01 (Name ./wuhn2970.11o)
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrxhed: East antenna offset > 2 mm: -2.2 (Name ./wuhn2970.11o)
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrxhed: North antenna offset > 2 mm: -9.4 (Name ./wuhn2970.11o)
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/settyp: P2 in header but firmware (TRM 4.2) implies codeless--fix header
STATUS :111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/makex: TRM 4.17: accept data within +-1.000s of nominal epochs
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 1 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 2 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 3 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 4 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 5 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 6 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 7 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 8 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 9 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 10 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 11 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 12 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 13 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 14 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 0.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 15 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 16 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 17 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 18 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 19 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 20 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 21 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Warning in RRINEX: obs file contains version 2 data--new antenna offset keys HISUB call; all else now ignored
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: Epoch: 2011 10 24 22 0
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/lib/rrinex: other post-header comments skipped COMMENT
STATUS :111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/makex: End of file encountered in reading RINEX or FICA input file.
STATUS :111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/makex: 21663 observations written to xfile 1141 observations rejected as unreasonable
STATUS :111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/makex: End processing: WUHN 2011 297 1
STATUS :111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/rbatch: End of batch file reached
STATUS :111027:1603: 1.0 MAKEX/makex: Normal End of MAKEX
Updating d-file with all available x-files
List of Xfiles: not_globalrx brus graz sofi
List of Xfiles: not_rawlst
List of Xfiles: xsite
List of Xfiles: not localrx
Checking that all k-files exist
Running fixdrv
STATUS :111027:1603: 1.0 FIXDRV/fixdrv: Started v.10.34 of 2011/4/18 15:30:00 (Linux)
STATUS :111027:1603: 1.0 FIXDRV/fixdrv: New Clock-polynomial (I-) file being written--see fixdrv.out
WARNING:111027:1603: 1.0 FIXDRV/lib/rsesfo: Session number is zero; setting to 1
STATUS :111027:1603: 2.0 FIXDRV/bmake: Setting numzen = 13 from zenint = 2.0 hr
STATUS :111027:1603: 2.0 FIXDRV/bmake: Created GAMIT batch file btest1.bat
To run this job in the foreground enter: csh btest1.bat
To run his job and minimize output enter: csh btest1.bat > /dev/null
To run this job in the background enter: gbat btest1.bat
STATUS :111027:1603: 2.0 FIXDRV/fixdrv: Normal end
Now running the GAMIT batch file ( btest1.bat )
Removing existing autcln.post.sum and qtesta.297
STATUS :111027:1603: 2.0 ARC/aversn: Started ARC, Version 9.69 of 2011/5/23 16:00:00 (Linux) Library ver. 10.87 of 2011/8/18 16:30:00 (Linux)
STATUS :111027:1603: 2.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 1 PRN 1
STATUS :111027:1603: 2.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 2 PRN 2
STATUS :111027:1603: 2.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 3 PRN 3
STATUS :111027:1603: 2.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 4 PRN 4
STATUS :111027:1603: 2.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 5 PRN 5
STATUS :111027:1603: 2.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 6 PRN 6
STATUS :111027:1603: 2.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 7 PRN 7
STATUS :111027:1603: 2.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 8 PRN 8
STATUS :111027:1603: 2.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 9 PRN 9
STATUS :111027:1603: 2.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 10 PRN 10
STATUS :111027:1603: 2.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 11 PRN 11
STATUS :111027:1603: 2.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 12 PRN 12
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 13 PRN 13
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 14 PRN 14
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 15 PRN 15
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 16 PRN 16
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 17 PRN 17
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 18 PRN 18
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 19 PRN 19
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 20 PRN 20
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 21 PRN 21
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 22 PRN 22
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 23 PRN 23
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 24 PRN 25
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 25 PRN 26
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 26 PRN 27
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 27 PRN 28
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 28 PRN 29
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 29 PRN 30
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 30 PRN 31
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 ARC/arc: Integrating satellite 31 PRN 32
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 ARC/arc: Normal stop in ARC (Name tigsu1.297)
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/yawtab: Program YAWTAB Version ver. 9.91 2011/4/16 09:00:00 (Linux) Library ver. 10.87 of 2011/8/18 16:30:00 (Linux)
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/yawtab: YAWTAB Run on 2011/ 10/ 27 16: 3: 3 by zhao
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/yawtab: Yaw Table interval : 30 seconds
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/yawtab: Yaw calculation interval : 30 seconds
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/yawtab: Ephemeris (T-) File : tigsu1.297
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/yawtab: PRN nos. in channels selected: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/get_ecl_pos: Blk IIA PRN 8 is eclipsing (Type E) 2011 10 23 22 30. Beta angle 9.90
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/get_ecl_pos: Blk IIA PRN 9 is eclipsing (Type E) 2011 10 24 2 27. Beta angle 14.10
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/get_ecl_pos: Blk IIR PRN 31 is eclipsing. Dusk time 2011 10 24 3 3. Beta angle 12.79
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/get_ecl_pos: Blk IIR PRN 7 is eclipsing. Dusk time 2011 10 24 7 1. Beta angle 12.85
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/get_ecl_pos: Blk IIR PRN 7 is eclipsing. Dusk time 2011 10 24 7 1. Beta angle 12.85
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/get_ecl_pos: Blk IIA PRN 8 is eclipsing (Type E) 2011 10 24 10 30. Beta angle 9.70
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/get_ecl_pos: Blk IIR PRN 31 is eclipsing. Dusk time 2011 10 24 15 2. Beta angle 13.06
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/get_ecl_pos: Blk IIR PRN 31 is eclipsing. Dusk time 2011 10 24 15 2. Beta angle 13.06
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/get_ecl_pos: Blk IIR PRN 31 is eclipsing. Dusk time 2011 10 24 15 2. Beta angle 13.06
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/get_ecl_pos: Blk IIR PRN 31 is eclipsing. Dusk time 2011 10 24 15 2. Beta angle 13.06
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/get_ecl_pos: Blk IIR PRN 7 is eclipsing. Dusk time 2011 10 24 19 0. Beta angle 13.11
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/get_ecl_pos: Blk IIA PRN 8 is eclipsing (Type E) 2011 10 24 22 30. Beta angle 10.20
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/yawtab: Epoch 500
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/yawtab: Epoch 1000
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/yawtab: Epoch 1500
STATUS :111027:1603: 3.0 YAWTAB/orbits/yawtab: Epoch 2000
STATUS :111027:1603: 4.0 YAWTAB/orbits/yawtab: Epoch 2500
STATUS :111027:1603: 4.0 YAWTAB/orbits/yawtab: Epoch 3000
STATUS :111027:1603: 4.0 YAWTAB/orbits/yawtab: Created file: yigsut.297
STATUS :111027:1603: 4.0 YAWTAB/orbits/yawtab: Normal stop in YAWTAB
STATUS :111027:1603: 4.0 GRDTAB/grdtab: Program GRDTAB Version 1.11 of 2010/10/14 10:20:00 (Linux)
STATUS :111027:1603: 4.0 GRDTAB/grdtab: GRDTAB Run on 2011/ 10/ 27 16: 3: 4 by zhao
STATUS :111027:1603: 4.0 GRDTAB/grdtab: Opened D-file: (Name dtest1.297)
STATUS :111027:1603: 4.0 GRDTAB/grdtab: Opened coordinate file: (Name ltest1.297)
STATUS :111027:1603: 4.0 GRDTAB/rd_otl_grid: Opened ocean-loading grid file (Name otl.grid)
STATUS :111027:1603: 4.0 GRDTAB/grdtab: Normal stop in GRDTAB - created utest1.297
STATUS :111027:1603: 4.0 MODEL/open: Site BJFS: Started MODEL version 10.36 2010/12/1 08:30:00 (Linux)
WARNING:111027:1603: 4.0 MODEL/open: Site BJFS: Started MODEL version 10.36 2010/12/1 08:30:00 (Linux)
STATUS :111027:1603: 4.0 MODEL/open: Site rename File : eq_rename
STATUS :111027:1603: 4.0 MODEL/open: Input Observation File : xbjfs1.297
STATUS :111027:1603: 4.0 MODEL/open: Output C-file : /tmp/cbjfs1.297.0402601000
STATUS :111027:1603: 4.0 MODEL/open: Ephemeris (T-) File : tigsu1.297
STATUS :111027:1603: 4.0 MODEL/open: Loading/Met (U-) File : utest1.297
STATUS :111027:1603: 4.0 MODEL/setup: Yaw modelling is implemented
STATUS :111027:1603: 5.0 MODEL/model: Begin processing
STATUS :111027:1603: 7.0 MODEL/model: 26680 valid observations
STATUS :111027:1603: 7.0 MODEL/model: PRN 7 is seen eclipsing from 2011 10 24 9:53 to 2011 10 24 10:14
STATUS :111027:1603: 7.0 MODEL/model: PRN 8 is seen eclipsing from 2011 10 24 10:32 to 2011 10 24 11:12
STATUS :111027:1603: 7.0 MODEL/model: PRN 31 is seen eclipsing from 2011 10 24 17:49 to 2011 10 24 18:10
STATUS :111027:1603: 7.0 MODEL/model: Site BJFS Normal stop in MODEL after 2880 epochs
STATUS :111027:1603: 7.0 MODEL/open: Site SHAO: Started MODEL version 10.36 2010/12/1 08:30:00 (Linux)
WARNING:111027:1603: 7.0 MODEL/open: Site SHAO: Started MODEL version 10.36 2010/12/1 08:30:00 (Linux)
STATUS :111027:1603: 7.0 MODEL/open: Site rename File : eq_rename
STATUS :111027:1603: 7.0 MODEL/open: Input Observation File : xshao1.297
STATUS :111027:1603: 7.0 MODEL/open: Output C-file : /tmp/cshao1.297.0402801000
STATUS :111027:1603: 7.0 MODEL/open: Ephemeris (T-) File : tigsu1.297
STATUS :111027:1603: 7.0 MODEL/open: Loading/Met (U-) File : utest1.297
WARNING:111027:1603: 7.0 MODEL/get_antpcv: No PCV model match of antenna+radome, try antenna alone (Name antmod.dat)
STATUS :111027:1603: 7.0 MODEL/setup: Yaw modelling is implemented
STATUS :111027:1603: 7.0 MODEL/model: Begin processing
STATUS :111027:1603: 9.0 MODEL/model: 26442 valid observations
STATUS :111027:1603: 9.0 MODEL/model: PRN 7 is seen eclipsing from 2011 10 24 10:09 to 2011 10 24 10:14
STATUS :111027:1603: 9.0 MODEL/model: PRN 8 is seen eclipsing from 2011 10 24 10:32 to 2011 10 24 11:12
STATUS :111027:1603: 9.0 MODEL/model: PRN 31 is seen eclipsing from 2011 10 24 17:49 to 2011 10 24 18:10
STATUS :111027:1603: 9.0 MODEL/model: Site SHAO Normal stop in MODEL after 2880 epochs
STATUS :111027:1603: 9.0 MODEL/open: Site WUHN: Started MODEL version 10.36 2010/12/1 08:30:00 (Linux)
WARNING:111027:1603: 9.0 MODEL/open: Site WUHN: Started MODEL version 10.36 2010/12/1 08:30:00 (Linux)
STATUS :111027:1603: 9.0 MODEL/open: Site rename File : eq_rename
STATUS :111027:1603: 9.0 MODEL/open: Input Observation File : xwuhn1.297
STATUS :111027:1603: 9.0 MODEL/open: Output C-file : /tmp/cwuhn1.297.0403101000
STATUS :111027:1603: 9.0 MODEL/open: Ephemeris (T-) File : tigsu1.297
STATUS :111027:1603: 9.0 MODEL/open: Loading/Met (U-) File : utest1.297
WARNING:111027:1603: 9.0 MODEL/get_antpcv: No PCV model match of antenna+radome, try antenna alone (Name antmod.dat)
STATUS :111027:1603:10.0 MODEL/setup: Yaw modelling is implemented
STATUS :111027:1603:10.0 MODEL/model: Begin processing
STATUS :111027:1603:11.0 MODEL/model: 21892 valid observations
STATUS :111027:1603:11.0 MODEL/model: PRN 8 is seen eclipsing from 2011 10 24 10:48 to 2011 10 24 11:12
STATUS :111027:1603:11.0 MODEL/model: PRN 31 is seen eclipsing from 2011 10 24 17:49 to 2011 10 24 18:10
STATUS :111027:1603:11.0 MODEL/model: Site WUHN Normal stop in MODEL after 2880 epochs
AUTCLN is running--see autcln.out for messages
STATUS :111027:1603:19.0 CFMRG/cversn: Started CFMRG ver. 9.54 of 2010/8/27 13:15 (Linux) Library ver. 10.87 of 2011/8/18 16:30:00 (Linux)
STATUS :111027:1603:19.0 CFMRG/cfmrg: Parameter summary written to file cfmrg.out
STATUS :111027:1603:19.0 CFMRG/cfmrg: Normal stop in CFMRG
STATUS :111027:1603:19.0 SOLVE/sversn: Started SOLVE ver. 10.42 2010/11/04 13:00 (Linux) Library ver. 10.87 of 2011/8/18 16:30:00 (Linux)
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/lsquar: Reading C-file headers
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/normd: Reading data and forming normal equations
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch < 200 > 1:39:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch < 400 > 3:19:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch < 600 > 4:59:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch < 800 > 6:39:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch <1000 > 8:19:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch <1200 > 9:59:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch <1400 > 11:39:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch <1600 > 13:19:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch <1800 > 14:59:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch <2000 > 16:39:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch <2200 > 18:19:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch <2400 > 19:59:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch <2600 > 21:39:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch <2800 > 23:19:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/lsquar: Setting up mapping operator for bias parameters
WARNING:111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/dopt: No observation to satellite 26
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/lsquar: Calculating new normal equation submatrices
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/lsquar: Finding and removing dependent biases
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/lsquar: Applying a priori 1000.0 cyc sigma on biases
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/lsquar: Solving initial normal equations
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/lsquar: Finished solving initial normal equations
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/lsqerr: Constrained bias-free nrms = 0.193D+00
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/lcloos: Performing LC biases-free loose solution
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/lcnorm: Solving normal equations in LC mode
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/lsqerr: Loose bias-free nrms = 0.191D+00
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 SOLVE/solve: Normal stop
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 MODEL/open: Site BJFS: Started MODEL version 10.36 2010/12/1 08:30:00 (Linux)
WARNING:111027:1603:20.0 MODEL/open: Site BJFS: Started MODEL version 10.36 2010/12/1 08:30:00 (Linux)
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 MODEL/open: Site rename File : eq_rename
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 MODEL/open: Input Observation File : xbjfs1.297
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 MODEL/open: Output C-file : /tmp/cbjfsb.297.0406201000
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 MODEL/open: Ephemeris (T-) File : tigsu1.297
STATUS :111027:1603:20.0 MODEL/open: Loading/Met (U-) File : utest1.297
STATUS :111027:1603:21.0 MODEL/setup: Yaw modelling is implemented
STATUS :111027:1603:21.0 MODEL/model: Begin processing
STATUS :111027:1603:22.0 MODEL/model: 26680 valid observations
STATUS :111027:1603:22.0 MODEL/model: PRN 7 is seen eclipsing from 2011 10 24 9:53 to 2011 10 24 10:14
STATUS :111027:1603:22.0 MODEL/model: PRN 8 is seen eclipsing from 2011 10 24 10:32 to 2011 10 24 11:12
STATUS :111027:1603:22.0 MODEL/model: PRN 31 is seen eclipsing from 2011 10 24 17:49 to 2011 10 24 18:10
STATUS :111027:1603:22.0 MODEL/model: Site BJFS Normal stop in MODEL after 2880 epochs
STATUS :111027:1603:22.0 MODEL/open: Site SHAO: Started MODEL version 10.36 2010/12/1 08:30:00 (Linux)
WARNING:111027:1603:22.0 MODEL/open: Site SHAO: Started MODEL version 10.36 2010/12/1 08:30:00 (Linux)
STATUS :111027:1603:22.0 MODEL/open: Site rename File : eq_rename
STATUS :111027:1603:22.0 MODEL/open: Input Observation File : xshao1.297
STATUS :111027:1603:22.0 MODEL/open: Output C-file : /tmp/cshaob.297.0406401000
STATUS :111027:1603:22.0 MODEL/open: Ephemeris (T-) File : tigsu1.297
STATUS :111027:1603:22.0 MODEL/open: Loading/Met (U-) File : utest1.297
WARNING:111027:1603:23.0 MODEL/get_antpcv: No PCV model match of antenna+radome, try antenna alone (Name antmod.dat)
STATUS :111027:1603:23.0 MODEL/setup: Yaw modelling is implemented
STATUS :111027:1603:23.0 MODEL/model: Begin processing
STATUS :111027:1603:25.0 MODEL/model: 26442 valid observations
STATUS :111027:1603:25.0 MODEL/model: PRN 7 is seen eclipsing from 2011 10 24 10:09 to 2011 10 24 10:14
STATUS :111027:1603:25.0 MODEL/model: PRN 8 is seen eclipsing from 2011 10 24 10:32 to 2011 10 24 11:12
STATUS :111027:1603:25.0 MODEL/model: PRN 31 is seen eclipsing from 2011 10 24 17:49 to 2011 10 24 18:10
STATUS :111027:1603:25.0 MODEL/model: Site SHAO Normal stop in MODEL after 2880 epochs
STATUS :111027:1603:25.0 MODEL/open: Site WUHN: Started MODEL version 10.36 2010/12/1 08:30:00 (Linux)
WARNING:111027:1603:25.0 MODEL/open: Site WUHN: Started MODEL version 10.36 2010/12/1 08:30:00 (Linux)
STATUS :111027:1603:25.0 MODEL/open: Site rename File : eq_rename
STATUS :111027:1603:25.0 MODEL/open: Input Observation File : xwuhn1.297
STATUS :111027:1603:25.0 MODEL/open: Output C-file : /tmp/cwuhnb.297.0406701000
STATUS :111027:1603:25.0 MODEL/open: Ephemeris (T-) File : tigsu1.297
STATUS :111027:1603:25.0 MODEL/open: Loading/Met (U-) File : utest1.297
WARNING:111027:1603:25.0 MODEL/get_antpcv: No PCV model match of antenna+radome, try antenna alone (Name antmod.dat)
STATUS :111027:1603:25.0 MODEL/setup: Yaw modelling is implemented
STATUS :111027:1603:25.0 MODEL/model: Begin processing
STATUS :111027:1603:27.0 MODEL/model: 21892 valid observations
STATUS :111027:1603:27.0 MODEL/model: PRN 8 is seen eclipsing from 2011 10 24 10:48 to 2011 10 24 11:12
STATUS :111027:1603:27.0 MODEL/model: PRN 31 is seen eclipsing from 2011 10 24 17:49 to 2011 10 24 18:10
STATUS :111027:1603:27.0 MODEL/model: Site WUHN Normal stop in MODEL after 2880 epochs
AUTCLN is running--see autcln.out for messages
STATUS :111027:1603:46.0 CFMRG/cversn: Started CFMRG ver. 9.54 of 2010/8/27 13:15 (Linux) Library ver. 10.87 of 2011/8/18 16:30:00 (Linux)
STATUS :111027:1603:46.0 CFMRG/cfmrg: Parameter summary written to file cfmrg.out
STATUS :111027:1603:46.0 CFMRG/cfmrg: Normal stop in CFMRG
STATUS :111027:1603:46.0 SOLVE/sversn: Started SOLVE ver. 10.42 2010/11/04 13:00 (Linux) Library ver. 10.87 of 2011/8/18 16:30:00 (Linux)
STATUS :111027:1603:46.0 SOLVE/lsquar: Reading C-file headers
STATUS :111027:1603:46.0 SOLVE/normd: Reading data and forming normal equations
STATUS :111027:1603:46.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch < 200 > 1:39:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:46.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch < 400 > 3:19:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch < 600 > 4:59:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch < 800 > 6:39:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch <1000 > 8:19:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch <1200 > 9:59:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch <1400 > 11:39:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch <1600 > 13:19:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch <1800 > 14:59:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch <2000 > 16:39:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch <2200 > 18:19:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch <2400 > 19:59:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch <2600 > 21:39:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/normd: Epoch <2800 > 23:19:30.000
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/lsquar: Setting up mapping operator for bias parameters
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/lsquar: Calculating new normal equation submatrices
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/lsquar: Finding and removing dependent biases
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/lsquar: Applying a priori 1000.0 cyc sigma on biases
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/lsquar: Solving initial normal equations
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/lsquar: Finished solving initial normal equations
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/lc_solution: Solving LC normal equations after L1/L2 separate
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/lcnorm: Solving normal equations in LC mode
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/lc_solution: LC solution complete
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/get_widelane: Fixing wide-lane ambiguities from AUTCLN N-file
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/lsqerr: Constrained bias-free nrms = 0.212D+00
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/get_narrowlane: Resolving narrow-lane ambiguities
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/lsqerr: Constrained bias-fixed nrms = 0.219D+00
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/lcloos: Performing LC biases-free loose solution
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/lcnorm: Solving normal equations in LC mode
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/lsqerr: Loose bias-free nrms = 0.211D+00
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/lcloos: Performing biases-fixed loose solution
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/lsqerr: Loose bias-fixed nrms = 0.218D+00
STATUS :111027:1603:47.0 SOLVE/solve: Normal stop
Creating sh_gamit_297.summary in day directory and for mailing
cp autcln.post.sum autcln.post.sum.test
Writing to HISTORY file
Deleting, compressing, and archiving files
Compressing raw and/or RINEX files
Compressing rinex files: 296
Compressing raw files: 296
Compressing rinex files: 297
Compressing raw files: 297
Compressing the following file types: x k ao
Expt = test : Orbt = igsu
Cleaning 297
Compressing files x* for day 297
Compressing files k* for day 297
Compressing files ao* for day 297
Deleting the following file types: c
Expt = test : Orbt = igsu
Cleaning 297
Deleting files c for day 297