
1 bug类型
1.1 “.equals()” should not be used to test the values of “Atomic” classes.
bug 主要
1.2 “=+” should not be used instead of “+=”
bug 主要
“=+” 与 “=+” 意义不同
a =+ b;虽然正确但写法不合规,应写成 a = +b;
1.3 “@NonNull” values should not be set to null
bug 次要
1.4 “BigDecimal(double)” should not be used
bug 主要
1.5 “compareTo” results should not be checked for specific values
bug 次要
compareTo可能返回不是具体的值(除0外),建议用 >0、<0、=0
1.6 “compareTo” should not return “Integer.MIN_VALUE”
bug 次要
1.7 “Double.longBitsToDouble” should not be used for “int”
bug 主要
1.8 “equals” method overrides should accept “Object” parameters
bug 主要
1.9 “equals(Object obj)” should test argument type
bug 次要
要比较obj的class type是否一样
1.10 “equals” methods should be symmetric and work for subclasses
bug 次要
1.11 “equals(Object obj)” and “hashCode()” should be overridden in pairs
bug 次要
1.12 “Externalizable” classes should have no-arguments constructors
bug 主要
1.13 “getClass” should not be used for synchronization
bug 主要
{synchronized (this.getClass())} 错误 子类继承此方法时不能做到同步
{synchronized (MyClass.class)} 正确
1.14 “hashCode” and “toString” should not be called on array instances
bug 主要
1.15 “instanceof” operators that always return “true” or “false” should be removed
bug 主要
1.16 “InterruptedException” should not be ignored
bug 主要
try {
while (true) {
// do stuff
}catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARN, “Interrupted!”, e);
// Restore interrupted state…
1.17 “Iterator.hasNext()” should not call “”
bug 主要
1.18 “” methods should throw “NoSuchElementException”
bug 次要
public String next(){
throw new NoSuchElementException();

1.19 “notifyAll” should be used
bug 主要
1.20 “null” should not be used with “Optional”
bug 主要
1.21 “PreparedStatement” and “ResultSet” methods should be called with valid indices
bug 阻断
1.22 “read” and “readLine” return values should be used
bug 主要
buffReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
String line = null;
while ((line = buffReader.readLine()) != null) {
// …
1.23 “runFinalizersOnExit” should not be called
bug 严重
JVM退出时不可能运行finalizers,System.runFinalizersOnExit 和 Runtime.runFinalizersOnExit可以在jvm退出时运行但是因为他们不安全而弃用.
Runtime.addShutdownHook(new Runnable() {
public void run(){
1.24 “ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor” should not have 0 core threads
bug 严重
1.25 “Serializable” inner classes of non-serializable classes should be “static”
bug 次要
1.26 “SingleConnectionFactory” instances should be set to “reconnectOnException”
bug 主要
使用Spring SingleConnectionFactory而不启用reconnectOnException设置当连接恶化将阻止自动连接恢复。
1.27 “StringBuilder” and “StringBuffer” should not be instantiated with a character
bug 主要
StringBuffer foo = new StringBuffer(‘x’); 错 equivalent to StringBuffer foo = new StringBuffer(120);
StringBuffer foo = new StringBuffer(“x”); 对
1.28 “super.finalize()” should be called at the end of “Object.finalize()” implementations
bug 严重
protected void finalize() { releaseSomeResources(); super.finalize(); //调用,最后调用
1.29 “toArray” should be passed an array of the proper type
bug 次要
public String [] getStringArray(List strings) {return strings.toArray(new String[0]);
1.30 “toString()” and “clone()” methods should not return null
bug 主要
1.31 “wait” should not be called when multiple locks are held
bug 阻断
1.32 “wait”, “notify” and “notifyAll” should only be called when a lock is obviously held on an object
bug 主要
private void removeElement() { synchronized(obj) { while (!suitableCondition()){ obj.wait(); } … // Perform removal }
private synchronized void removeElement() { while (!suitableCondition()){ wait(); } … // Perform removal
1.33 “wait(…)” should be used instead of “Thread.sleep(…)” when a lock is held
bug 阻断
1.34 A “for” loop update clause should move the counter in the right direction
bug 主要
1.35 All branches in a conditional structure should not have exactly the same implementation
bug 主要
1.36 Blocks should be synchronized on “private final” fields or parameters
bug 主要
synchronized同步块应该锁在private final fields或parameters对象上,因为同步块内非final锁对象可能改变导致其它线程进来运行.
1.37 Boxing and unboxing should not be immediately reversed
bug 次要
1.38 Child class methods named for parent class methods should be overrides
bug 主要
1.39 Classes extending java.lang.Thread should override the “run” method
bug 主要
1.40 Classes should not be compared by name
bug 主要
1.41 Classes that don’t define “hashCode()” should not be used in hashes
bug 主要
1.42 Collections should not be passed as arguments to their own methods
bug 主要
1.43 Conditionally executed blocks should be reachable
bug 主要
1.44 Constructor injection should be used instead of field injection
bug 主要
构造器注入应该替代属性注入(非Spring framework)
因为任何非Spring framework实例化而是通过构造器实例化的实例不能注入属性,这样公有的构造器实化化后可能产生NullPointerException,除非所有的构造器都是私有的
1.45 Consumed Stream pipelines should not be reused
bug 主要
1.46 Custom resources should be closed
bug 阻断
打开的资源应该关闭并且放到finally块中进行关闭,jdk1.7后对含有资源对象必须使用try with resource,禁止使用
Try catch finally
1.47 Custom serialization method signatures should meet requirements
bug 主要
1.48 Dependencies should not have “system” scope
bug 严重
maven依赖不要在system scope
1.49 Dissimilar primitive wrappers should not be used with the ternary operator without explicit casting
bug 主要
1.50 Double Brace Initialization should not be used
bug 次要
Map source = new HashMap(){{ // Noncompliant put(“firstName”, “John”); put(“lastName”, “Smith”);
此操作如一个anonymous inner class,如果anonymous inner class返回且被其它对象引用,可能产生memory leaks,既使不产生memory leaks也会让大多维护者感到迷惑
1.51 Double-checked locking should not be used
bug 阻断
public static Resource getInstance() {
if (resource == null) {
synchronized (DoubleCheckedLocking.class) {
if (resource == null)
resource = new Resource();
return resource;

public synchronized static Resource getInstance() {
if (resource == null)
resource = new Resource();
return resource;
1.52 Equals Hash Code
bug 严重
1.53 Exception should not be created without being thrown
bug 主要
1.54 Expressions used in “assert” should not produce side effects
bug 主要
1.55 Failed unit tests should be fixed
bug 主要
1.56 Floating point numbers should not be tested for equality
bug 主要
1.57 Getters and setters should be synchronized in pairs
bug 主要
1.58 Identical expressions should not be used on both sides of a binary operator
bug 主要
1.59 Inappropriate “Collection” calls should not be made
bug 主要
1.60 Inappropriate regular expressions should not be used
bug 主要
1.61 Intermediate Stream methods should not be left unused
bug 主要
1.62 Ints and longs should not be shifted by zero or more than their number of bits-1
bug 次要
1.63 Invalid “Date” values should not be used
bug 主要
1.64 Jump statements should not occur in “finally” blocks
bug 主要
finally块中使用return, break, throw等跳转语句,会阻止在try catch中抛出的未处理异常的传播
1.65 Locks should be released
bug 严重
1.66 Loop conditions should be true at least once
bug 主要
1.67 Loops should not be infinit
bug 阻断
1.68 Math operands should be cast before assignment
bug 次要
1.69 Math should not be performed on floats
bug 次要
1.70 Methods “wait(…)”, “notify()” and “notifyAll()” should not be called on Thread instances
bug 阻断
不要在线程中使用"wait(…)", “notify()” and “notifyAll()”
1.71 Methods should not be named “hashcode” or “equal”
bug 主要
1.72 Multiline blocks should be enclosed in curly braces
bug 主要
1.73 Neither “Math.abs” nor negation should be used on numbers that could be “MIN_VALUE”
bug 次要
1.74 Non-public methods should not be “@Transactional”
bug 主要
非public方法不要注解Transactional,调用时spring 会抛出异常
1.75 Non-serializable classes should not be written
bug 主要
1.76 Non-serializable objects should not be stored in “HttpSession” objects
bug 主要
1.77 Non-thread-safe fields should not be static
bug 主要
1.78 Null pointers should not be dereferenced
bug 主要
1.79 Optional value should only be accessed after calling isPresent()
bug 主要
1.80 Printf-style format strings should not lead to unexpected behavior at runtime
bug 阻断
1.81 Raw byte values should not be used in bitwise operations in combination with shifts
bug 主要
result = (result << 8) | readByte(); // Noncompliant
result = (result << 8) | (readByte() & 0xff);
1.82 Reflection should not be used to check non-runtime annotations
bug 主要
1.83 Related “if/else if” statements should not have the same condition
bug 主要
if/else if中不应该有相同的条件
1.84 Resources should be closed
bug 阻断
1.85 Return values from functions without side effects should not be ignored
bug 主要
public void handle(String command){ command.toLowerCase(); // Noncompliant; result of method thrown away …
1.86 Servlets should not have mutable instance fields
bug 主要
struts1.x 也是单例
1.87 Short-circuit logic should be used to prevent null pointer dereferences in conditionals
bug 主要
1.88 Silly equality checks should not be made
bug 主要
1.89 Spring “@Controller” classes should not use “@Scope”
bug 主要
保持spring controller的单例
1.90 Synchronization should not be based on Strings or boxed primitives
bug 主要
1.91 The non-serializable super class of a “Serializable” class should have a no-argument constructor
bug 次要
1.92 The Object.finalize() method should not be called
bug 主要
1.93 The Object.finalize() method should not be overriden
bug 主要
1.94 The signature of “finalize()” should match that of “Object.finalize()”
bug 主要
1.95 The value returned from a stream read should be checked
bug 次要
1.96 should not be called directly
bug 主要
1.97 Useless “if(true) {…}” and “if(false){…}” blocks should be removed
bug 主要
1.98 Value-based classes should not be used for locking
bug 主要
1.99 Value-based objects should not be serialized
bug 次要
1.100 Values should not be uselessly incremented
bug 主要
1.101 Variables should not be self-assigned
bug 主要
public void setName(String name) { name = name;
1.102 Week Year (“YYYY”) should not be used for date formatting
bug 主要
1.103 Zero should not be a possible denominator
bug 严重
1.104 Loops should not be infinite
Bug 阻断
2 漏洞类型
2.1 “@RequestMapping” methods should be “public”
漏洞 阻断
2.2 “enum” fields should not be publicly mutable
漏洞 次要
2.3 File.createTempFile" should not be used to create a directory
漏洞 严重
2.4 “HttpServletRequest.getRequestedSessionId()” should not be used
漏洞 严重
2.5 “javax.crypto.NullCipher” should not be used for anything other than testing
漏洞 阻断
NullCipher类提供了一种“身份密码”,不会以任何方式转换或加密明文。 因此,密文与明文相同。 所以这个类应该用于测试,从不在生产代码中。
2.6 “public static” fields should be constant
漏洞 次要
public static 域应该 final
2.7 Class variable fields should not have public accessibility
漏洞 次要
2.8 Classes should not be loaded dynamically
漏洞 严重
Class clazz = Class.forName(className); // Noncompliant
2.9 Cookies should be “secure”
漏洞 次要
Cookie c = new Cookie(SECRET, secret); // Noncompliant; cookie is not secure
Cookie c = new Cookie(SECRET, secret);
2.10 Credentials should not be hard-coded
漏洞 阻断
2.11 Cryptographic RSA algorithms should always incorporate OAEP (Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding)
漏洞 严重
2.12 Default EJB interceptors should be declared in “ejb-jar.xml”
漏洞 阻断
2.13 Defined filters should be used
漏洞 严重
web.xml文件中定义的每个过滤器都应该在元素中使用。 否则不会调用此类过滤器。
2.14 Exceptions should not be thrown from servlet methods
漏洞 次要
2.15 HTTP referers should not be relied on
漏洞 严重
String referer = request.getHeader(“referer”); // Noncompliant
2.16 IP addresses should not be hardcoded
漏洞 次要
ip 地址不应该硬编码
2.17 Member variable visibility should be specified
漏洞 次要
2.18 Members of Spring components should be injected
漏洞 严重
2.19 Mutable fields should not be “public static”
漏洞 次要
可变字段不应为 public static
2.20 Neither DES (Data Encryption Standard) nor DESede (3DES) should be used
漏洞 阻断
2.21 Only standard cryptographic algorithms should be used
漏洞 严重
标准的加密算法如 SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512等,非标准算法是危险的,可能被功能者攻破算法
2.22 Pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs) should not be used in secure contexts
漏洞 严重
2.23 Return values should not be ignored when they contain the operation status code
漏洞 次要
2.24 Security constraints should be defined in
漏洞 阻断
2.25 SHA-1 and Message-Digest hash algorithms should not be used
漏洞 严重
2.26 SQL binding mechanisms should be used
漏洞 阻断
2.27 Struts validation forms should have unique names
漏洞 阻断
2.28 Throwable.printStackTrace(…) should not be called
漏洞 次要

2.29 Untrusted data should not be stored in sessions
漏洞 主要
Web会话中的数据被认为在“信任边界”内。 也就是说,它被认为是值得信赖的。 但存储未经身份验证的用户未经验证的数据违反信任边界,并可能导致该数据被不当使用。
2.30 Values passed to LDAP queries should be sanitized
漏洞 严重
2.31 Values passed to OS commands should be sanitized
漏洞 严重
2.32 Web applications should not have a “main” method
漏洞 严重
web 应用中不应有一个main方法
3 坏味道
3.1 “" and “!=” should not be used when “equals” is overridden
坏味道 次要
3.2 “@Deprecated” code should not be used
坏味道 次要
3.3 “@Override” should be used on overriding and implementing methods
坏味道 主要
3.4 “action” mappings should not have too many “forward” entries
坏味道 次要
默认 4
3.5 “” should be used for primitive arrays
坏味道 主要
Arrays.stream用于原始流类型(IntStream, LongStream, DoubleStream)会有更好的性能
3.6 “catch” clauses should do more than rethrow
坏味道 次要
3.7 “clone” should not be overridden
坏味道 阻断
3.8 “Cloneables” should implement “clone”
坏味道 严重
3.9 “collect” should be used with “Streams” instead of “list::add”
坏味道 次要
虽然您可以使用forEach(list :: add)或使用Stream收集,但是收集是更好的选择,因为它自动线程安全并且可并行
3.10 “Collections.EMPTY_LIST”, “EMPTY_MAP”, and “EMPTY_SET” should not be used
坏味道 次要
3.11 “DateUtils.truncate” from Apache Commons Lang library should not be used
坏味道 主要
使用Java 8中引入的Instant类来截断日期可能会比Commons Lang的DateUtils类快得多。
3.12 “deleteOnExit” should not be used
坏味道 主要
3.13 “entrySet()” should be iterated when both the key and value are needed
坏味道 主要
当循环中只需要一个map的键时,迭代keySet就是有意义的。 但是,当需要键和值两者时,迭代entrySet更有效,这将允许访问键和值
3.14 “equals(Object obj)” should be overridden along with the “compareTo(T obj)” method
坏味道 次要
“equals(Object obj)”应该与“compareTo(T obj)”方法一起被重写
3.15 “Exception” should not be caught when not required by called methods
坏味道 次要
3.16 “final” classes should not have “protected” members
坏味道 次要
3.17 “finalize” should not set fields to “null”
坏味道 次要
3.18 “for” loop increment clauses should modify the loops’ counters
坏味道 严重
3.19 “for” loop stop conditions should be invariant
坏味道 主要
3.20 、“indexOf” checks should not be for positive numbers
坏味道 严重
3.21 indexOf” checks should use a start position
坏味道 次要
如果您需要查看一个子字符串是否位于字符串中某个特定点之外,则可以测试该子字符串与该目标点的indexOf,也可以使用该起始点参数的indexOf版本。 后者可以更清楚,因为结果是针对-1测试的,这是一个容易识别的“未找到”指标
3.22 “java.lang.Error” should not be extended
坏味道 主要
3.23 “java.nio.Files#delete” should be preferred
坏味道 主要
3.24 “java.time” classes should be used for dates and times
坏味道 主要
Date 和 Calendar类非线程同步,推荐使用LocalDate
3.25 “Lock” objects should not be “synchronized”
坏味道 主要
3.26 “main” should not “throw” anything
坏味道 阻断
3.27 “NullPointerException” should not be caught
坏味道 主要
3.28 “NullPointerException” should not be explicitly thrown
坏味道 主要
3.29 “Object.finalize()” should remain protected (versus public) when overriding
坏味道 严重
3.30 “Object.wait(…)” and “Condition.await(…)” should be called inside a “while” loop
坏味道 严重
3.31 “Object.wait(…)” should never be called on objects that implement “java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition”
坏味道 主要
3.32 “Optional” should not be used for parameters
坏味道 主要
3.33 “Preconditions” and logging arguments should not require evaluation
坏味道 主要
3.34 “private” methods called only by inner classes should be moved to those classes
坏味道 次要
3.35 “private” methods that don’t access instance data should be “static”
坏味道 次要
3.36 “readObject” should not be “synchronized”
坏味道 主要
3.37 “readResolve” methods should be inheritable
坏味道 严重
3.38 “ResultSet.isLast()” should not be used
坏味道 主要
3.39 “Serializable” classes should have a version id
坏味道 严重
3.40 “Serializable” inner classes of “Serializable” classes should be static
坏味道 次要
3.41 “static” members should be accessed statically
坏味道 主要
3.42 “Stream.anyMatch()” should be preferred
坏味道 次要
3.43 “switch case” clauses should not have too many lines of code
坏味道 主要
默认 5
“switch case”子句不应该有太多的代码行
3.44 “switch” statements should end with “default” clauses
坏味道 严重
3.45 “switch” statements should have at least 3 “case” clauses
坏味道 次要
3.46 “switch” statements should not contain non-case labels
坏味道 阻断
3.47 “switch” statements should not have too many “case” clauses
坏味道 主要
默认 30
3.48 “Thread.sleep” should not be used in tests
坏味道 主要
3.49 “ThreadLocal.withInitial” should be preferred
坏味道 次要
ThreadLocal myThreadLocal = ThreadLocal.withInitial(ArrayList::new);
3.50 “Threads” should not be used where “Runnables” are expected
坏味道 主要
Noncompliant Code Examplepublic static void main(String[] args) {Thread r =new Thread() {int p;@Overridepublic void run() {while(true)System.out.println(“a”);}};new Thread®.start(); // NoncompliantCompliant Solutionpublic static void main(String[] args) {Runnable r =new Runnable() {int p;@Overridepublic void run() {while(true)System.out.println(“a”);}};new Thread®.start();
3.51 “throws” declarations should not be superfluous
坏味道 次要
3.52 “toString()” should never be called on a String object
坏味道 次要
3.53 “URL.hashCode” and “URL.equals” should be avoided
坏味道 主要
3.54 “writeObject” should not be the only “synchronized” code in a class
坏味道 主要
3.55 @FunctionalInterface annotation should be used to flag Single Abstract Method interfaces
坏味道 严重
3.56 A “while” loop should be used instead of a “for” loop
坏味道 次要
3.57 A close curly brace should be located at the beginning of a line
坏味道 次要
共享编码约定使得团队有可能有效地进行协作。 这个规则使得强制要在行的开头放置一个大括号。
3.58 A field should not duplicate the name of its containing class
坏味道 主要
3.59 Abbreviation As Word In Name
坏味道 主要
3.60 Abstract Class Name
坏味道 主要
Controls whether to ignore checking the name. Realistically only useful if using the check to identify that match name and do not have the abstract modifier name. Default is false.默认值falseignoreModifier
Controls whether to ignore checking for the abstract modifier on classes that match the name. Default is false.默认值falseformat
Regular expression默认值
3.61 Abstract class names should comply with a naming convention
坏味道 次要

Regular expression used to check the abstract class names against.

3.62 Abstract classes without fields should be converted to interfaces
坏味道 次要
3.63 Abstract methods should not be redundant
坏味道 次要
3.64 An abstract class should have both abstract and concrete methods
坏味道 次要
3.65 An open curly brace should be located at the beginning of a line
坏味道 次要
3.66 An open curly brace should be located at the end of a line
坏味道 次要
3.67 Annotation arguments should appear in the order in which they were declared
坏味道 次要
3.68 Annotation Location
坏味道 主要
To allow single parameterless annotation to be located on the same line as target element.默认值trueallowSamelineParameterizedAnnotation
To allow parameterized annotation to be located on the same line as target element.默认值falseallowSamelineMultipleAnnotations
To allow annotation to be located on the same line as target element.默认值falsetokens
3.69 Annotation repetitions should not be wrapped
坏味道 次要
3.70 Annotation Use Style
坏味道 主要
Defines the policy for trailing comma in arrays. Default is never.closingParens
Defines the policy for ending parenthesis. Default is never.elementStyle
Defines the annotation element styles. Default value is compact_no_array.
3.71 Anon Inner Length
坏味道 主要
检查长匿名内部类。max maximum allowable number of lines. Default is 20.
3.72 Anonymous inner classes containing only one method should become lambdas
坏味道 主要
3.73 Array designators “[]” should be located after the type in method signatures
坏味道 次要
3.74 Array designators “[]” should be on the type, not the variable
坏味道 次要
3.75 Array Trailing Comma
坏味道 主要
3.76 Array Type Style
坏味道 次要
Controls whether to enforce Java style (true) or C style (false). Default is true.
3.77 Arrays should not be created for varargs parameters
坏味道 次要
3.78 Artifact ids should follow a naming convention
坏味道 次要
共享命名约定允许团队有效协作。 当pom的artifactId与提供的正则表达式不匹配时,此规则引发了一个问题
regex The regular expression the “artifactId” should match默认值[a-z][a-z-0-9]+
3.79 Assertions should be complete
坏味道 阻断
3.80 Assignments should not be made from within sub-expressions
坏味道 主要
3.81 At-clause Order
坏味道 主要
tagOrder allows to specify the order by tags.默认值@author,@version,@param,@return,@throws,@exception,@see,@since,@serial,@serialField,@serialData,@deprecatedtarget
allows to specify targets to check at-clauses.
3.82 Avoid Escaped Unicode Characters
坏味道 主要
Allow if all characters in literal are escaped.默认值falseallowNonPrintableEscapes
Allow non-printable escapes.默认值falseallowByTailComment
Allow use escapes if trail comment is present.默认值falseallowEscapesForControlCharacters
Allow use escapes for non-printable(control) characters.默认值false
3.83 Avoid Inline Conditionals
坏味道 次要
3.84 Avoid Nested Blocks
坏味道 主要
Allow nested blocks in case statements. Default is false.
3.85 Avoid Star Import
坏味道 次要
packages where star imports are allowed. Note that this property is not recursive, subpackages of excluded packages are not automatically excluded.allowStaticMemberImports
whether to allow starred static member imports like import static org.junit.Assert.
;. Default is false.默认值falseallowClassImports
whether to allow starred class imports like import java.util.;. Default is false.默认值false
3.86 Avoid Static Import
坏味道 次要
3.87 Boolean checks should not be inverted
坏味道 次要
Noncompliant Code Exampleif ( !(a == 2)) { …} // Noncompliantboolean b = !(i < 10); // NoncompliantCompliant Solutionif (a != 2) { …}boolean b = (i >= 10);
3.88 Boolean Expression Complexity
坏味道 主要
将嵌套布尔运算符(&&,||和^)限制为指定的深度(默认= 3)。
max the maximum allowed number of boolean operations in one expression. Default is 3.默认值3tokens
tokens to check. Default is LAND,BAND,LOR,BOR,BXOR.默认值LAND,BAND,LOR,BOR,BXOR
3.89 Boolean expressions should not be gratuitous
坏味道 主要
3.90 Boolean literals should not be redundant
坏味道 次要
3.91 Branches should have sufficient coverage by tests
坏味道 主要
3.92 Case insensitive string comparisons should be made without intermediate upper or lower casing
坏味道 次要
3.93 Catch Parameter Name
坏味道 主要
Specifies valid identifiers. Default is ^(e|t|ex|[a-z][a-z][a-zA-Z]+) 默 认 值 ( e ∣ t ∣ e x ∣ [ a − z ] [ a − z ] [ a − z A − Z ] + ) 默认值^(e|t|ex|[a-z][a-z][a-zA-Z]+) (etex[az][az][azAZ]+)
3.94 Catches should be combined
坏味道 次要
由于Java 7以后可以一次捕获多个异常。 因此,当多个catch块具有相同的代码时,它们应该被组合以便更好的可读性,低于7时,此规则将自动禁用
3.95 Checked exceptions should not be thrown
坏味道 主要
3.96 Child class fields should not shadow parent class fields
坏味道 阻断
3.97 Class Data Abstraction Coupling
坏味道 主要
max the maximum threshold allowed. Default is 7.excludedClasses
User-configured class names to ignore.excludeClassesRegexps
User-configured regular expressions to ignore classesexcludedPackages
User-configured packages to ignore
3.98 Class Fan Out Complexity
坏味道 主要
max the maximum threshold allowed. Default is 20.excludedClasses
User-configured class names to ignoreexcludeClassesRegexps
User-configured regular expressions to ignore classesexcludedPackages
User-configured packages to ignore
3.99 Class names should comply with a naming convention
坏味道 次要
Regular expression used to check the class names against.默认值1[a-zA-Z0-9]$
3.100 Class names should not shadow interfaces or superclasses
坏味道 严重
3.101 Class Type(Generic) Parameter Name
坏味道 主要
Regular expression默认值2$
3.102 Classes and enums with private members should have a constructor
坏味道 主要
3.103 Classes and methods that rely on the default system encoding should not be used
坏味道 次要
3.104 Classes from "sun." packages should not be used
坏味道 主要
”软件包的类,sun类或com.sun 包被视为实现细节,不属于Java API
Comma separated list of Sun packages to be ignored by this rule. Example: com.sun.jna,sun.misc
3.105 Classes named like “Exception” should extend “Exception” or a subclass
坏味道 主要
3.106 Classes should not access their own subclasses during initialization
坏味道 严重
3.107 Classes should not be coupled to too many other classes (Single Responsibility Principle)
坏味道 主要
max Maximum number of classes a single class is allowed to depend upon默认值20
3.108 Classes should not be empty
坏味道 次要
3.109 Classes should not be too complex
坏味道 严重 废弃
max Maximum complexity allowed.默认值200
3.110 Classes should not have too many “static” imports
坏味道 主要
静态导入类允许您使用其公共静态成员,而不必使用类名。 这可以很方便,但如果静态导入太多的类,你的代码可能会变得混乱,很难维护
The maximum number of static imports allowed默认值4
3.111 Classes should not have too many fields
坏味道 主要
countNonpublicFields Whether or not to include non-public fields in the count默认值truemaximumFieldThreshold
The maximum number of fields默认值20
3.112 Classes should not have too many methods
坏味道 主要
Whether or not to include non-public methods in the count.默认值truemaximumMethodThreshold
The maximum number of methods authorized in a class.默认值35
3.113 Classes that override “clone” should be “Cloneable” and call “super.clone()”
坏味道 次要
3.114 Classes with only “static” methods should not be instantiated
坏味道 主要
3.115 Classes without “public” constructors should be “final”
坏味道 次要
3.116 Close curly brace and the next “else”, “catch” and “finally” keywords should be located on the same line
坏味道 次要
3.117 Close curly brace and the next “else”, “catch” and “finally” keywords should be on two different lines
坏味道 次要
3.118 Cognitive Complexity of methods should not be too high
坏味道 严重
认知复杂度是衡量一种方法的控制流程难以理解的度量。 认知复杂性较高的方法难以维持。
Threshold The maximum authorized complexity.默认值15
3.119 Collapsible “if” statements should be merged
坏味道 主要
3.120 Collection methods with O(n) performance should be used carefully
坏味道 次要
3.121 Collection.isEmpty() should be used to test for emptiness
坏味道 次要
3.122 Comment pattern matcher
坏味道 次要
3.123 Comments Indentation
坏味道 次要
3.124 Comments should not be located at the end of lines of code
坏味道 次要
Description Pattern for text of trailing comments that are allowed. By default, comments containing only one word.默认值\s*+[\s]++$
3.125 Comparators should be “Serializable”
坏味道 严重
Comparators should be “Serializable”
3.126 Conditionals should start on new lines
坏味道 严重
3.127 Constant Name
坏味道 次要
applyToPackage Controls whether to apply the check to package-private member默认值trueformat
Regular expression默认值3[A-Z0-9]
KaTeX parse error: Can't use function '\.' in math mode at position 322: …定 默认: ^[a-z_]+(\̲.̲[a-z_][a-z0-9_]…:

3.129 Constant names should comply with a naming convention坏味道 严重
format Regular expression used to check the constant names against.默认值4[A-Z0-9](_[A-Z0-9]+)$
3.130 Constants should not be defined in interfaces
坏味道 严重
3.131 Constructors should not be used to instantiate “String” and primitive-wrapper classes
坏味道 主要
3.132 Constructors should only call non-overridable methods
坏味道 严重
3.133 Control flow statements “if”, “for”, “while”, “switch” and “try” should not be nested too deeply
坏味道 严重
max Maximum allowed control flow statement nesting depth.默认值3
3.134 Control structures should use curly braces
坏味道 严重
3.135 Covariant Equals
坏味道 严重
3.136 Custom Import Order
坏味道 主要
检查导入声明组按照用户指定的顺序显示。 如果有导入,但是在组态中未指定其组,则导入应放在导入列表的末尾。
thirdPartyPackageRegExp RegExp for THIRDPARTY_PACKAGE group imports.默认值^KaTeX parse error: Expected group after '^' at position 219: …oup imports.默认值^̲customImportOrderRules
List of order declaration customizing by user.standardPackageRegExp
RegExp for STANDARD_JAVA_PACKAGE group imports.默认值java|javax
3.137 Cyclomatic Complexity
坏味道 主要
whether to treat the whole switch block as a single decision point默认值falsemax the maximum threshold allowed.默认值10tokens
3.138 Dead stores should be removed
坏味道 主要
3.139 Declaration Order
坏味道 提示
ignoreModifiers Whether to ignore modifiers默认值falseignoreConstructors
Whether to ignore constructors默认值false
3.140 Declarations should use Java collection interfaces such as “List” rather than specific implementation classes such as “LinkedList”
坏味道 次要
3.141 Default annotation parameter values should not be passed as arguments
坏味道 次要
3.142 Default Comes Last
坏味道 主要
whether to allow default along with case if they are not last默认值false
3.143 Deprecated " p o m " p r o p e r t i e s s h o u l d n o t b e u s e d 坏 味 道 次 要 不 应 使 用 不 推 荐 使 用 的 “ {pom}" properties should not be used 坏味道 次要 不应使用不推荐使用的“ pom"propertiesshouldnotbeused使使 {pom}”属性
3.144 Deprecated code should be removed
坏味道 提示
3.145 Deprecated elements should have both the annotation and the Javadoc tag
坏味道 主要
3.146 Descendant Token
坏味道 次要
error message when the maximum count is exceededmaximumDepth
the maximum depth for descendant countslimitedTokens
set of tokens with limited occurrences as descendantsmaximumNumber
a maximum count for descendantsminimumMessage
error message when the maximum count is exceededminimumNumber
a minimum count for descendantsminimumDepth
the minimum depth for descendant countssumTokenCounts
whether the number of tokens found should be calculated from the sum of the individual token counts
3.147 Design For Extension
坏味道 次要
Annotations which allow the check to skip the method from validation.默认值Test,Before,After,BeforeClass,AfterClass
3.148 EJB interceptor exclusions should be declared as annotations
坏味道 阻断
EJB interceptor exclusions应该以注解的形式使用
3.149 Empty arrays and collections should be returned instead of null
坏味道 主要
3.150 Empty Block
坏味道 主要
Checks for empty blocks
policy on block contents默认值stmt
3.151 Empty catch block
坏味道 主要
检查空的catch块。 有两个选项可以使验证更加精确(默认情况下,检查允许空的catch块和任何注释)
Format of skipping exception’‘s variable name.默认值^ c o m m e n t F o r m a t F o r m a t o f c o m m e n t . 默 认 值 . ∗ 3.152 E m p t y F o r I n i t i a l i z e r P a d 坏 味 道 次 要 检 查 初 始 化 程 序 为 空 的 填 充 ; 那 是 空 的 是 否 需 要 一 个 空 的 初 始 化 程 序 , 或 者 禁 止 这 样 的 空 格 。 示 例 : f o r ( ; i < j ; i + + , j − − ) o p t i o n p o l i c y o n h o w t o p a d a n e m p t y f o r i t e r a t o r 3.153 E m p t y F o r I t e r a t o r P a d 坏 味 道 次 要 检 查 一 个 空 的 填 充 迭 代 器 ; 那 就 是 空 格 是 否 需 要 一 个 空 的 迭 代 器 , 否 则 这 样 的 空 格 是 被 禁 止 的 。 示 例 : f o r ( I t e r a t o r f o o = v e r y . l o n g . l i n e . i t e r a t o r ( ) ; f o o . h a s N e x t ( ) ; ) o p t i o n p o l i c y o n h o w t o p a d a n e m p t y f o r i t e r a t o r 3.154 E m p t y L i n e S e p a r a t o r 坏 味 道 主 要 在 标 题 , 包 , 所 有 导 入 声 明 , 字 段 , 构 造 函 数 , 方 法 , 嵌 套 类 , 静 态 初 始 化 器 和 实 例 初 始 化 器 之 后 检 查 空 行 分 隔 符 a l l o w N o E m p t y L i n e B e t w e e n F i e l d s A l l o w n o e m p t y l i n e b e t w e e n f i e l d s 默 认 值 f a l s e a l l o w M u l t i p l e E m p t y L i n e s A l l o w s m u l t i p l e e m p t y l i n e s b e t w e e n c l a s s m e m b e r s . 默 认 值 t r u e t o k e n s a s s i g n m e n t s t o c h e c k 默 认 值 P A C K A G E D E F , I M P O R T , C L A S S D E F , I N T E R F A C E D E F , E N U M D E F , S T A T I C I N I T , I N S T A N C E I N I T , M E T H O D D E F , C T O R D E F , V A R I A B L E D E F a l l o w M u l t i p l e E m p t y L i n e s I n s i d e C l a s s M e m b e r s A l l o w m u l t i p l e e m p t y l i n e s i n s i d e c l a s s m e m b e r s 默 认 值 t r u e 3.155 E m p t y S t a t e m e n t 坏 味 道 次 要 检 测 空 的 语 句 ( 独 立 的 ′ ; ′ ) 。 3.156 E m p t y s t a t e m e n t s s h o u l d b e r e m o v e d 坏 味 道 次 要 移 除 空 语 句 3.157 E n u m e r a t i o n s h o u l d n o t b e i m p l e m e n t e d 坏 味 道 主 要 不 应 实 同 E n u m e r a t i o n 3.158 E q u a l i t y o p e r a t o r s s h o u l d n o t b e u s e d i n " f o r " l o o p t e r m i n a t i o n c o n d i t i o n s 坏 味 道 严 重 循 环 终 止 条 件 下 不 应 使 用 平 等 运 算 符 3.159 E q u a l s A v o i d N u l l 坏 味 道 主 要 3.160 E s c a p e d U n i c o d e c h a r a c t e r s s h o u l d n o t b e u s e d 坏 味 道 主 要 不 应 使 用 转 义 的 U n i c o d e 字 符 3.161 E x c e p t i o n c l a s s e s s h o u l d b e i m m u t a b l e 坏 味 道 次 要 异 常 类 应 该 是 不 可 变 的 3.162 E x c e p t i o n h a n d l e r s s h o u l d p r e s e r v e t h e o r i g i n a l e x c e p t i o n s 坏 味 道 主 要 异 常 处 理 程 序 应 保 留 原 始 异 常 3.163 E x c e p t i o n t y p e s s h o u l d n o t b e t e s t e d u s i n g " i n s t a n c e o f " i n c a t c h b l o c k s 坏 味 道 主 要 异 常 类 型 不 应 该 在 c a t c h 块 中 使 用 “ i n s t a n c e o f ” 进 行 测 试 3.164 E x c e p t i o n s s h o u l d n o t b e t h r o w n i n f i n a l l y b l o c k s 坏 味 道 严 重 异 常 不 应 该 在 f i n a l l y 块 中 抛 出 3.165 E x e c u t a b l e S t a t e m e n t C o u n t 坏 味 道 主 要 将 可 执 行 语 句 的 数 量 限 制 为 指 定 的 限 制 ( 默 认 = 30 ) 。 m a x t h e m a x i m u m t h r e s h o l d a l l o w e d . D e f a u l t i s 30. 默 认 值 30 t o k e n s m e m b e r s t o c h e c k 默 认 值 C T O R D E F , M E T H O D D E F , I N S T A N C E I N I T , S T A T I C I N I T 3.166 E x e c u t i o n o f t h e G a r b a g e C o l l e c t o r s h o u l d b e t r i g g e r e d o n l y b y t h e J V M 坏 味 道 严 重 垃 圾 收 集 器 的 执 行 只 能 由 J V M 触 发 3.167 E x i t m e t h o d s s h o u l d n o t b e c a l l e d 坏 味 道 阻 断 调 用 S y s t e m . e x i t ( i n t s t a t u s ) 或 R u t i m e . g e t R u n t i m e ( ) 。 e x i t ( i n t s t a t u s ) 调 用 关 闭 挂 钩 并 关 闭 整 个 J a v a 虚 拟 机 。 调 用 R u n t i m e . g e t R u n t i m e ( ) 。 h a l t ( i n t ) 立 即 关 闭 , 而 不 调 用 关 闭 挂 钩 , 并 跳 过 完 成 3.168 E x p l i c i t I n i t i a l i z a t i o n 坏 味 道 主 要 检 查 任 何 类 或 对 象 成 员 是 否 明 确 地 初 始 化 为 其 类 型 值 的 默 认 值 ( 对 于 对 象 引 用 为 空 , 数 字 类 型 为 零 , 对 于 布 尔 为 c h a r 为 f a l s e ) 。 3.169 E x p r e s s i o n s s h o u l d n o t b e t o o c o m p l e x 坏 味 道 严 重 表 达 式 不 应 太 复 杂 m a x M a x i m u m n u m b e r o f a l l o w e d c o n d i t i o n a l o p e r a t o r s i n a n e x p r e s s i o n 默 认 值 33.170 E x t e n s i o n s a n d i m p l e m e n t a t i o n s s h o u l d n o t b e r e d u n d a n t 坏 味 道 次 要 扩 展 和 实 现 不 应 该 是 多 余 的 3.171 F a l l T h r o u g h 坏 味 道 主 要 3.172 F i e l d n a m e s s h o u l d c o m p l y w i t h a n a m i n g c o n v e n t i o n 坏 味 道 次 要 字 段 名 称 应 符 合 命 名 约 定 , 默 认 值 [ a − z ] [ a − z A − Z 0 − 9 ] ∗ commentFormat Format of comment.默认值.* 3.152 Empty For Initializer Pad 坏味道 次要 检查初始化程序为空的填充; 那是空的是否需要一个空的初始化程序,或者禁止这样的空格。 示例:for(; i <j; i ++,j--) option policy on how to pad an empty for iterator 3.153 Empty For Iterator Pad 坏味道 次要 检查一个空的填充迭代器; 那就是空格是否需要一个空的迭代器,否则这样的空格是被禁止的。 示例:for(Iterator foo = very.long.line.iterator(); foo.hasNext();) option policy on how to pad an empty for iterator 3.154 Empty Line Separator 坏味道 主要 在标题,包,所有导入声明,字段,构造函数,方法,嵌套类,静态初始化器和实例初始化器之后检查空行分隔符 allowNoEmptyLineBetweenFields Allow no empty line between fields默认值falseallowMultipleEmptyLines Allows multiple empty lines between class members.默认值truetokens assignments to check默认值PACKAGE_DEF,IMPORT,CLASS_DEF,INTERFACE_DEF,ENUM_DEF,STATIC_INIT,INSTANCE_INIT,METHOD_DEF,CTOR_DEF,VARIABLE_DEFallowMultipleEmptyLinesInsideClassMembers Allow multiple empty lines inside class members默认值true 3.155 Empty Statement 坏味道 次要 检测空的语句(独立的';')。 3.156 Empty statements should be removed 坏味道 次要 移除空语句 3.157 Enumeration should not be implemented 坏味道 主要 不应实同Enumeration 3.158 Equality operators should not be used in "for" loop termination conditions 坏味道 严重 循环终止条件下不应使用平等运算符 3.159 Equals Avoid Null 坏味道 主要 3.160 Escaped Unicode characters should not be used 坏味道 主要 不应使用转义的Unicode字符 3.161 Exception classes should be immutable 坏味道 次要 异常类应该是不可变的 3.162 Exception handlers should preserve the original exceptions 坏味道 主要 异常处理程序应保留原始异常 3.163 Exception types should not be tested using "instanceof" in catch blocks 坏味道 主要 异常类型不应该在catch块中使用“instanceof”进行测试 3.164 Exceptions should not be thrown in finally blocks 坏味道 严重 异常不应该在finally块中抛出 3.165 Executable Statement Count 坏味道 主要 将可执行语句的数量限制为指定的限制(默认= 30)。 max the maximum threshold allowed. Default is 30.默认值30tokens members to check默认值CTOR_DEF,METHOD_DEF,INSTANCE_INIT,STATIC_INIT 3.166 Execution of the Garbage Collector should be triggered only by the JVM 坏味道 严重 垃圾收集器的执行只能由JVM触发 3.167 Exit methods should not be called 坏味道 阻断 调用System.exit(int status)或Rutime.getRuntime()。exit(int status)调用关闭挂钩并关闭整个Java虚拟机。 调用Runtime.getRuntime()。halt(int)立即关闭,而不调用关闭挂钩,并跳过完成 3.168 Explicit Initialization 坏味道 主要 检查任何类或对象成员是否明确地初始化为其类型值的默认值(对于对象引用为空,数字类型为零,对于布尔为char为false)。 3.169 Expressions should not be too complex 坏味道 严重 表达式不应太复杂 max Maximum number of allowed conditional operators in an expression默认值3 3.170 Extensions and implementations should not be redundant 坏味道 次要 扩展和实现不应该是多余的 3.171 Fall Through 坏味道 主要 3.172 Field names should comply with a naming convention 坏味道 次要 字段名称应符合命名约定,默认值^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]* commentFormatFormatofcomment..3.152EmptyForInitializerPad;for;i<j;i++joptionpolicyonhowtopadanemptyforiterator3.153EmptyForIteratorPad;forIteratorfoo=very.long.line.iterator;foo.hasNext;optionpolicyonhowtopadanemptyforiterator3.154EmptyLineSeparatorallowNoEmptyLineBetweenFieldsAllownoemptylinebetweenfieldsfalseallowMultipleEmptyLinesAllowsmultipleemptylinesbetweenclassmembers.truetokensassignmentstocheckPACKAGEDEF,IMPORT,CLASSDEF,INTERFACEDEF,ENUMDEF,STATICINIT,INSTANCEINIT,METHODDEF,CTORDEF,VARIABLEDEFallowMultipleEmptyLinesInsideClassMembersAllowmultipleemptylinesinsideclassmemberstrue3.155EmptyStatement;3.156Emptystatementsshouldberemoved3.157EnumerationshouldnotbeimplementedEnumeration3.158Equalityoperatorsshouldnotbeusedin"for"loopterminationconditions使3.159EqualsAvoidNull3.160EscapedUnicodecharactersshouldnotbeused使Unicode3.161Exceptionclassesshouldbeimmutable3.162Exceptionhandlersshouldpreservetheoriginalexceptions3.163Exceptiontypesshouldnotbetestedusing"instanceof"incatchblockscatch使instanceof3.164Exceptionsshouldnotbethrowninfinallyblocksfinally3.165ExecutableStatementCount=30maxthemaximumthresholdallowed.Defaultis30.30tokensmemberstocheckCTORDEF,METHODDEF,INSTANCEINIT,STATICINIT3.166ExecutionoftheGarbageCollectorshouldbetriggeredonlybytheJVMJVM3.167ExitmethodsshouldnotbecalledSystem.exitintstatusRutime.getRuntimeexitintstatusJavaRuntime.getRuntimehaltint3.168ExplicitInitializationcharfalse3.169ExpressionsshouldnotbetoocomplexmaxMaximumnumberofallowedconditionaloperatorsinanexpression33.170Extensionsandimplementationsshouldnotberedundant3.171FallThrough3.172Fieldnamesshouldcomplywithanamingconvention,[az][azAZ09]
3.173 Fields in a “Serializable” class should either be transient or serializable
坏味道 严重
List序列化如下:List fileCds;
3.174 Fields in non-serializable classes should not be “transient”
坏味道 次要
3.175 ields should not be initialized to default values
坏味道 次要
3.176 File Contents Holder
坏味道 次要
配置为TreeWalker子模块时,保留当前的全局访问文件内容。 例如,过滤器可以通过此模块访问当前文件内容
3.177 File Length
坏味道 主要
如果源文件变得很长,那么很难理解。 因此,长类通常应该重构到专注于特定任务的几个单独的类中
file type extension of files to processmax maximum allowable number of lines. Default is 2000.
3.178 File Tab Character
坏味道 次要
检查源代码中没有制表符(’\ t’)
file type extension of files to processeachLine
whether to report on each line containing a tab, or just the first instance. Default is false.
3.179 Files should contain an empty new line at the end
坏味道 次要
3.180 Files should contain only one top-level class or interface each
坏味道 主要
3.181 Files should not be empty
坏味道 次要
3.182 Files should not have too many lines of code
坏味道 主要
3.183 Modifiers should be declared in the correct order
坏味道 次要
1. Annotations
2. public
3. protected
4. private
5. abstract
6. static
7. final
8. transient
9. volatile
10. synchronized
11. native
12. strictfp
3.184 Sections of code should not be “commented out”
坏味道 主要
3.185 Strings should not be concatenated using ‘+’ in a loop
坏味道 次要
3.186 String function use should be optimized for single characters
坏味道 主要
3.187 Unused local variables should be removed
坏味道 次要
如果一个局部变量被声明但未被使用,那么它是死代码,应该被删除。 这样做会提高可维护性,因为开发人员不会想知道使用什么变量
3.188 The diamond operator ("<>") should be used
坏味道 次要
Java 7引入了操作符(<>)来减少泛型代码的冗长度。
List strings = new ArrayList<>()
3.189 Useless imports should be removed
坏味道 次要
3.190 Source files should not have any duplicated blocks
坏味道 主要
3.191 Only static class initializers should be used
坏味道 主要
3.192 Generic exceptions should never be thrown
坏味道 主要
通用异常如Error, RuntimeException, Throwable, and Exception不应抛出,应定义和抛出一个专门的异常,而不是使用通用异常,注不允许除抛出DseException之外的异常

3.193 Method names should comply with a naming convention
坏味道 次要
3.194 Synchronized classes Vector, Hashtable, Stack and StringBuffer should not be used
坏味道 主要
不要使用同步的Vector/HashTable/Stack/StringBuffer等。在早期,出于线程安全问题考虑,java API 提供了这些类。但是同步会极大影响性能,即使是在同一个线程中使用他们。
ArrayList or LinkedList instead of Vector
Deque instead of Stack
HashMap instead of Hashtable
StringBuilder instead of StringBuffer
3.195 Standard outputs should not be used directly to log anything
坏味道 主要
3.196 Local variable and method parameter names should comply with a naming convention
坏味道 次要
3.197 Local Variables should not be declared and then immediately returned or thrown
坏味道 次要
3.198 Instance methods should not write to “static” fields
坏味道 严重
3.199 Methods should not be empty
坏味道 严重

3.200 Utility classes should not have public constructors
坏味道 主要
private StringUtils() { throw new IllegalStateException(“Utility class”); }
3.201 Static non-final field names should comply with a naming convention
坏味道 次要
3.202 Methods returns should not be invariant
坏味道 阻断
3.203 Return of boolean expressions should not be wrapped into an “if-then-else” statement
坏味道 次要
3.204 Try-with-resources should be used
坏味道 严重
对含有资源对象必须使用try with resource,禁止使用ry-catch-finally
3.205 String literals should not be duplicated
坏味道 严重
Number of times a literal must be duplicated to trigger an issue默认值3

3.206 Methods and field names should not be the same or differ only by capitalization
坏味道 主要

3.207 Methods should not have identical implementations
坏味道 主要

3.208 Unused “private” fields should be removed
坏味道 主要
3.209 Parsing should be used to convert “Strings” to primitives
坏味道 次要
3.210 Loops should not contain more than a single “break” or “continue” statement
坏味道 次要
3.211 Redundant casts should not be used
坏味道 次要
3.212 Local variables should not shadow class fields
坏味道 主要
3.213 局部变量不应该和类属性重名
The default unnamed package should not be used
坏味道 次要

3.214 Generic wildcard types should not be used in return parameters
坏味道 严重

3.215 Unused method parameters should be removed
坏味道 主要

3.216 Jump statements should not be redundant

坏味道 次要


3.217 Ternary operators should not be nested
坏味道 主要

3.218 Assignments should not be redundant
坏味道 主要

3.219 Try-catch blocks should not be nested
坏味道 主要
try catch 不应该被嵌套

3.220 Unused “private” methods should be removed
坏味道 主要

3.221 Multiple variables should not be declared on the same line
坏味道 次要

3.222 Methods should not return constants
坏味道 次要

  1. A-Z ↩︎

  2. A-Z ↩︎

  3. A-Z ↩︎

  4. A-Z ↩︎

  5. a-z ↩︎

  6. a-z ↩︎

  7. a-z ↩︎
