Compressive Tracking——CT跟踪


感谢香港理工大学的Kaihua Zhang,这是他即将在ECCV 2012上出现的paper:Real-time Compressive Tracking。 这里是他的介绍:




1.Description: compute Haar features    (templates)

void CompressiveTracker::HaarFeature(Rect& _objectBox, int _numFeature)

在rect内取_numFeature维特征,(rect的宽高与_objectBox一样,与_objectBox.x _objectBox.y无关)
每一维Feature都用若干Rect表示,存在vector> feature (_numFeature, vector())中,

相应权重 vector>featuresWeight(_numFeature, vector())


2.Description: compute the coordinate of positive and negative sample image templates

void CompressiveTracker::sampleRect(Mat& _image, Rect& _objectBox, float _rInner, 
	float _rOuter, int _maxSampleNum, vector& _sampleBox)





void CompressiveTracker::sampleRect(Mat& _image, Rect& _objectBox, float _srw, vector& _sampleBox)





3.Compute the features of samples

void CompressiveTracker::getFeatureValue(Mat& _imageIntegral, vector& _sampleBox, Mat& _sampleFeatureValue)

计算相应Rect的积分图像的Sum值,存入Mat& _sampleFeatureValue(即特征值)


4.// Update the mean and variance of the gaussian classifier

void CompressiveTracker::classifierUpdate(Mat& _sampleFeatureValue, vector& _mu, vector& _sigma, float _learnRate)

计算每个上一步积分矩阵Mat& _sampleFeatureValue中每一SampleBox的期望和标准差


5.// Compute the ratio classifier

void CompressiveTracker::radioClassifier(vector& _muPos, vector& _sigmaPos, vector& _muNeg, vector& _sigmaNeg, Mat& _sampleFeatureValue, float& _radioMax, int& _radioMaxIndex)

利用朴素贝叶斯分类(gaussian model)文章公式[4]






2.关于压缩感知,可以改进,比如选择features pool 像随机森林一样选择最优特征;


4.我也是刚研究tracking by detection不久,拜读了compressive tracking,感觉很有新意,用这么简洁的方法就能实现较好的效果,这篇论文的实验部分很像mil tracking,mil的弱分类器也是假设使用高斯分布,但是我实验的结果是 haar like 特征并不是很好的服从高斯分布,尤其是negative sample,所以在物体的表征变化很大的时候,这种representation不能很好的捕捉到,另外里面有个学习参数 lambda,这个参数的设置也是一个经验值,据我的经验,一般是偏向当前新样本,所以很容易就遗忘以前学习过的样本,TLD的随机森林fern是记录正负样本个数来计算posterior,这种方式在long time tracking比这个要好,另外TLD在每个细节上做得很好,它的更新模型也是有动态系统的理论支持。以上是个人拙见,希望能多交流。——老熊

5.如果在一些跟踪算法上面加些trick,也是可以做 long time tracking的。TLD 的trick就是用了第一帧的信息,其实这个信息很多时候是不太好的。并且这种trick多年前就有人用过了,不是TLD新创的。另外 TLD 的PAMI文章没有说这个trick,CVPR10文章说了。CT这个方法简单,它的侧重点不是说拼什么跟踪效果,主要是在理论方面说明一下问题——zhkhua

class CompressiveTracker

	int featureMinNumRect;
	int featureMaxNumRect;
	int featureNum;
	vector> features;
	vector> featuresWeight;
	int rOuterPositive;
	vector samplePositiveBox;
	vector sampleNegativeBox;
	int rSearchWindow;
	Mat imageIntegral;
	Mat samplePositiveFeatureValue;
	Mat sampleNegativeFeatureValue;
	vector muPositive;
	vector sigmaPositive;
	vector muNegative;
	vector sigmaNegative;
	float learnRate;
	vector detectBox;
	Mat detectFeatureValue;
	RNG rng;

	void HaarFeature(Rect& _objectBox, int _numFeature);
	void sampleRect(Mat& _image, Rect& _objectBox, float _rInner, float _rOuter, int _maxSampleNum, vector& _sampleBox);
	void sampleRect(Mat& _image, Rect& _objectBox, float _srw, vector& _sampleBox);
	void getFeatureValue(Mat& _imageIntegral, vector& _sampleBox, Mat& _sampleFeatureValue);
	void classifierUpdate(Mat& _sampleFeatureValue, vector& _mu, vector& _sigma, float _learnRate);
	void radioClassifier(vector& _muPos, vector& _sigmaPos, vector& _muNeg, vector& _sigmaNeg,
						Mat& _sampleFeatureValue, float& _radioMax, int& _radioMaxIndex);
	void processFrame(Mat& _frame, Rect& _objectBox);
	void init(Mat& _frame, Rect& _objectBox);



#include "CompressiveTracker.h"
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

	featureMinNumRect = 2;
	featureMaxNumRect = 4;	// number of rectangle from 2 to 4
	featureNum = 50;	// number of all weaker classifiers, i.e,feature pool
	rOuterPositive = 4;	// radical scope of positive samples
	rSearchWindow = 25; // size of search window
	muPositive = vector(featureNum, 0.0f);
	muNegative = vector(featureNum, 0.0f);
	sigmaPositive = vector(featureNum, 1.0f);
	sigmaNegative = vector(featureNum, 1.0f);
	learnRate = 0.85f;	// Learning rate parameter


void CompressiveTracker::HaarFeature(Rect& _objectBox, int _numFeature)
/*Description: compute Haar features
  -_objectBox: [x y width height] object rectangle
  -_numFeature: total number of features.The default is 50.
	features = vector>(_numFeature, vector());
	featuresWeight = vector>(_numFeature, vector());
	int numRect;
	Rect rectTemp;
	float weightTemp;
	for (int i=0; i<_numFeature; i++)
		//每一个特征生成一个平均分布的随机数, 这个特征用几个Rect表示;
		numRect = cvFloor(rng.uniform((double)featureMinNumRect, (double)featureMaxNumRect));
		for (int j=0; j& _sampleBox)
/* Description: compute the coordinate of positive and negative sample image templates
   -_image:        processing frame
   -_objectBox:    recent object position 
   -_rInner:       inner sampling radius
   -_rOuter:       Outer sampling radius
   -_maxSampleNum: maximal number of sampled images
   -_sampleBox:    Storing the rectangle coordinates of the sampled images.
	int rowsz = _image.rows - _objectBox.height - 1;
	int colsz = _image.cols - _objectBox.width - 1;
	float inradsq = _rInner*_rInner;//4*4
	float outradsq = _rOuter*_rOuter;//0*0

	int dist;

	int minrow = max(0,(int)_objectBox.y-(int)_rInner);//起始位置最小坐标处;
	int maxrow = min((int)rowsz-1,(int)_objectBox.y+(int)_rInner);//起始位置最大坐标处;
	int mincol = max(0,(int)_objectBox.x-(int)_rInner);
	int maxcol = min((int)colsz-1,(int)_objectBox.x+(int)_rInner);
	int i = 0;

	float prob = ((float)(_maxSampleNum))/(maxrow-minrow+1)/(maxcol-mincol+1);

	int r;
	int c;
    Rect rec(0,0,0,0);

	for( r=minrow; r<=(int)maxrow; r++ )
		for( c=mincol; c<=(int)maxcol; c++ ){
			//保证sampleRect的(x,y)到_objectBox的(x,y)的dist满足:_rOuter*_rOuter= outradsq ){

                rec.x = c;
				rec.y = r;
				rec.width = _objectBox.width;
				rec.height= _objectBox.height;

void CompressiveTracker::sampleRect(Mat& _image, Rect& _objectBox, float _srw, vector& _sampleBox)
/* Description: Compute the coordinate of samples when detecting the object.*/
	int rowsz = _image.rows - _objectBox.height - 1;
	int colsz = _image.cols - _objectBox.width - 1;
	float inradsq = _srw*_srw;	

	int dist;

	int minrow = max(0,(int)_objectBox.y-(int)_srw);
	int maxrow = min((int)rowsz-1,(int)_objectBox.y+(int)_srw);
	int mincol = max(0,(int)_objectBox.x-(int)_srw);
	int maxcol = min((int)colsz-1,(int)_objectBox.x+(int)_srw);

	int i = 0;

	int r;
	int c;

	Rect rec(0,0,0,0);

	for( r=minrow; r<=(int)maxrow; r++ )
		for( c=mincol; c<=(int)maxcol; c++ ){
			dist = (_objectBox.y-r)*(_objectBox.y-r) + (_objectBox.x-c)*(_objectBox.x-c);

			if( dist < inradsq ){

				rec.x = c;
				rec.y = r;
				rec.width = _objectBox.width;
				rec.height= _objectBox.height;



// Compute the features of samples
void CompressiveTracker::getFeatureValue(Mat& _imageIntegral, vector& _sampleBox, Mat& _sampleFeatureValue)
	int sampleBoxSize = _sampleBox.size();
	_sampleFeatureValue.create(featureNum, sampleBoxSize, CV_32F);
	float tempValue;
	int xMin;
	int xMax;
	int yMin;
	int yMax;

	for (int i=0; i(yMin, xMin) +      //计算指定区域的积分图像的sum值;, xMax) -, xMax) -, xMin));
			},j) = tempValue; //计算指定区域的积分图像的sum值,作为特征;

// Update the mean and variance of the gaussian classifier
void CompressiveTracker::classifierUpdate(Mat& _sampleFeatureValue, vector& _mu, vector& _sigma, float _learnRate)
	Scalar muTemp;
	Scalar sigmaTemp;
	for (int i=0; i& _muPos, vector& _sigmaPos, vector& _muNeg, vector& _sigmaNeg,
										 Mat& _sampleFeatureValue, float& _radioMax, int& _radioMaxIndex)
	float sumRadio;
	_radioMax = -FLT_MAX;
	_radioMaxIndex = 0;
	float pPos;
	float pNeg;
	int sampleBoxNum = _sampleFeatureValue.cols;

	for (int j=0; j(i,j)-_muPos[i])*(,j)-_muPos[i]) / -(2.0f*_sigmaPos[i]*_sigmaPos[i]+1e-30) ) / (_sigmaPos[i]+1e-30);
			pNeg = exp( (,j)-_muNeg[i])*(,j)-_muNeg[i]) / -(2.0f*_sigmaNeg[i]*_sigmaNeg[i]+1e-30) ) / (_sigmaNeg[i]+1e-30);
			sumRadio += log(pPos+1e-30) - log(pNeg+1e-30);	// equation 4
		if (_radioMax < sumRadio)
			_radioMax = sumRadio;
			_radioMaxIndex = j;
void CompressiveTracker::init(Mat& _frame, Rect& _objectBox)
	// compute feature template
	HaarFeature(_objectBox, featureNum);

	// compute sample templates
	sampleRect(_frame, _objectBox, rOuterPositive, 0, 1000000, samplePositiveBox);
	sampleRect(_frame, _objectBox, rSearchWindow*1.5, rOuterPositive+4.0, 100, sampleNegativeBox);

	integral(_frame, imageIntegral, CV_32F);//计算积分图像;

	getFeatureValue(imageIntegral, samplePositiveBox, samplePositiveFeatureValue);
	getFeatureValue(imageIntegral, sampleNegativeBox, sampleNegativeFeatureValue);
	classifierUpdate(samplePositiveFeatureValue, muPositive, sigmaPositive, learnRate);
	classifierUpdate(sampleNegativeFeatureValue, muNegative, sigmaNegative, learnRate);
void CompressiveTracker::processFrame(Mat& _frame, Rect& _objectBox)
	// predict
	sampleRect(_frame, _objectBox, rSearchWindow,detectBox);
	integral(_frame, imageIntegral, CV_32F);
	getFeatureValue(imageIntegral, detectBox, detectFeatureValue);
	int radioMaxIndex;
	float radioMax;
	radioClassifier(muPositive, sigmaPositive, muNegative, sigmaNegative, detectFeatureValue, radioMax, radioMaxIndex);
	_objectBox = detectBox[radioMaxIndex];

	// update
	sampleRect(_frame, _objectBox, rOuterPositive, 0.0, 1000000, samplePositiveBox);
	sampleRect(_frame, _objectBox, rSearchWindow*1.5, rOuterPositive+4.0, 100, sampleNegativeBox);
	getFeatureValue(imageIntegral, samplePositiveBox, samplePositiveFeatureValue);
	getFeatureValue(imageIntegral, sampleNegativeBox, sampleNegativeFeatureValue);
	classifierUpdate(samplePositiveFeatureValue, muPositive, sigmaPositive, learnRate);
	classifierUpdate(sampleNegativeFeatureValue, muNegative, sigmaNegative, learnRate);


