
在Form元素的语法中,EncType表明提交数据的格式 用 Enctype 属性指定将数据回发到服务器时浏览器使用的编码类型。 下边是说明: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: 窗体数据被编码为名称/值对。这是标准的编码格式。 multipart/form-data: 窗体数据被编码为一条消息,页上的每个控件对应消息中的一个部分。 text/plain: 窗体数据以纯文本形式进行编码,其中不含任何控件或格式字符。
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

form的enctype属性为编码方式,常用有两种:application/x-www-form-urlencoded和multipart/form-data,默认为application/x-www-form-urlencoded。 当action为get时候,浏览器用x-www-form-urlencoded的编码方式把form数据转换成一个字串(name1=value1&name2=value2...),然后把这个字串append到url后面,用?分割,加载这个新的url。 当action为post时候,浏览器把form数据封装到http body中,然后发送到server。 如果没有type=file的控件,用默认的application/x-www-form-urlencoded就可以了。 但是如果有type=file的话,就要用到multipart/form-data了。浏览器会把整个表单以控件为单位分割,并为每个部分加上Content-Disposition(form-data或者file),Content-Type(默认为text/plain),name(控件name)等信息,并加上分割符(boundary)。

[quote]The MIME types you mention are the two Content-Type headers for HTTP POST requests that user-agents (browsers) must support. The purpose of both of those types of requests is to send a list of name/value pairs to the server. Depending on the type and amount of data being transmitted, one of the methods will be more efficient than the other. To understand why, you have to look at what each is doing under the covers.

For application/x-www-form-urlencoded, the body of the HTTP message sent to the server is essentially one giant query string -- name/value pairs are separated by the ampersand (&), and names are separated from values by the equal symbal (=). An example of this would be:


According to the specification:

[Reserved and] non-alphanumeric characters are replaced by `%HH', a percent sign and two hexadecimal digits representing the ASCII code of the character
That means that for each non-alphanumeric byte that exists in one of our values, it's going to take three bytes to represent it. For large binary files, tripling the payload is going to be highly inefficient.

That's where multipart/form-data comes in. With this method of transmitting name/value pairs, each pair is represented as a "part" in a MIME message (as described by other answers). Parts are separated by a particular string boundary (chosen specifically so that this boundary string does not occur in any of the "value" payloads). Each part has its own set of MIME headers like Content-Type, and particularly Content-Disposition, which can give each part its "name." The value piece of each name/value pair is the payload of each part of the MIME message. The MIME spec gives us more options when representing the value payload -- we can choose a more efficient encoding of binary data to save bandwidth (e.g. base 64 or even raw binary).

Why not use multipart/form-data all the time? For short alphanumeric values (like most web forms), the overhead of adding all of the MIME headers is going to significantly outweigh any savings from more efficient binary encoding.

The moral of the story is, if you have binary (non-alphanumeric) data (or a significantly sized payload) to transmit, use multipart/form-data. Otherwise, use application/x-www-form-urlencoded.[/quote]

