Is Science a threat to humanity?



Newtechnologies have broken down traditional social relationships which providestability and are important for psychological health. Many individuals areincreasingly becoming self-absorbed in videogames and autonomous lives on theinternet without making lasting connections with people face-to-face1.Technology is not necessary for a fulfilling life, as the Amish show byavoiding technology which damages the community and harms socialrelations.


Yes, science is

a threat.

I stronglyagree. Our lives are in danger because bombs are made to blast thousands ormillions of people. New guns are made for robbery. People are rebelling againsttheir own blood, and it's not fair. This all is done by the cruel advancementof science. Can you believe science has increased the capability of men to killeach other?


Science its a method of learning that humanchoose how to applicate those methods on reality saving people or killing .

Nuclear war kill millions of people and its not finished yet nor at the soon

future human will be always greed to conquere everything by killing the others

using science and technologie . Talking about science save lives , because of

science there aree too many epidemics because of science devlopment for example

Gamma . Science its so hard to be controlled by human neither if its using for

good or for bad , the changes of methods in science can be a reason in human

extinction. So science is a threat to human life in general

4. Science makes human beings lazier in life.

Yes, I agreethat science did made our life easier but we cant deny the impact that science bringto human beings, that we become lazier nowadays. People nowadays are toodependent on the invention of science. Thanks to science that we cannot even dosimple jobs like wash our own clothes. Washing machine has taken over the jobfor us. My dear opponent, can you imagine if electricity cut down, who's goingto do the job for you? Only you, yourself! So stop rely too much on science todo your job and make your life meaningless. Moreover, nowadays people tends todrive to the gym just to walk on the treadmills! How ironic!



Science is the discovery and use ofknowledge. It is how we became the dominant species on earth, by using toolsand techniques to improve our living standards and take control of ourenvironment. 1Technological advances have enabled humans to become removed fromthe basic toil needed to survive and to consider other pursuits, so for examplewe no longer work all day every day as we are more productive so allowingholidays. They are now able to pursue their desires or consider greatquestions.


No science isnot a threat to humanity

No, I do notthink that science is a threat to humanity. Humanity has to thank science forall that it has done for people. Finding cures for diseases, man walking on themoon, learning new things with technology all help humankind and doesn't hinderat all on our humanity or wellbeing.

3. No,humanity owes virtually everything to science.

Sciencedoesn't threaten anything any more than a knife lying on a table. People andour flaws are what threatens us and the only reason we are threatened isbecause we have so much to lose. We have used science to create communicationdevices that prevent massive losses of life. We have used science to begin toexplore space, which we must some day colonize if we hope to out live ourplanet.

4.Humans arethe problem, not science

As stated, I believe that the problem is humans and not scientific advancements or discovery. Some may argue that we use science to kill millions. Yes, they are right. However, note how it is HUMANS that are using science to kill. Science by itself is harmless, it is the manner in which we choose to apply it that can be harmful. However, science can also be a tool for good, to cure diseases and create wonderful new technologies. As for science facilitating life to the point where we are lazy, that is our decision to do nothing, not science's. To conclude, I believe that science is human curiosity put to work, pushing the boundaries of what we understand. It is explaining the inconceivable, devising the impossible. I find it inexplicably exciting and unmatched in terms of social and technological advancement. If we allow it, science will help us build the future and do the impossible.

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