Hololens开发初级 系列 1-安装开发环境

Hololens开发初级 系列 1-安装开发环境

//本文是对上面文章的简单翻译及实践记录, 英文OK的话,直接去看官网更好。


1 操作系统和硬件要求 
2 开发环境清单    
3 操作系统  
4 Visual studio 2017 Community  
5 安装 HoloLens Emulator  
6 Unity5.6  
7 Vuforia   

1 操作系统和硬件要求


  1. 处理器
  2. Intel Desktop i7 (6+ Core) 或者 AMD Ryzen 7 1700 (6 Core, 12 threads)
  3. GPU
  4. NVIDIA GTX 980/1060, AMD Radeon RX 480 (2GB) 及更高支持DX12 的 GPU
  5. WDDM 2.2 driver
  6. Thermal Design Power: 15W or greater
  7. Display
  8. Headset connectors: 1x available graphics display port for headset (HDMI 1.4 or DisplayPort 1.2 for 60Hz headsets, HDMI 2.0 or DisplayPort 1.2 for 90Hz headsets)
  9. Resolution: SVGA (800x600) or greater
  10. Bit depth: 32 bits of color per pixel
  11. 内存: >16 GB
  12. 硬盘: >10 GB 可用空间。
  13. 连接性:
  14. USB:USB (USB 3.0 Type-A) Note: USB must supply a minimum of 900mA
  15. Bluetooth 4.0 (for accessory connectivity)

HoloLens 模拟器 系统需求

  1. 64-bit Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, or Education (The Home edition does not support Hyper-V or the HoloLens emulator)
  2. 64-bit CPU
  3. CPU with 4 cores (or multiple CPU’s with a total of 4 cores)
  4. 8 GB of RAM or more
  5. In the BIOS, the following features must be supported and enabled:
  6. Hardware-assisted virtualization
  7. Second Level Address Translation (SLAT)
  8. Hardware-based Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
  9. GPU (The emulator might work with an unsupported GPU, but will be significantly slower)
  10. DirectX 11.0 or later
  11. WDDM 1.2 driver or later
  12. 确认Hyper-V启用
    Hololens开发初级 系列 1-安装开发环境_第1张图片

2 开发环境清单

1 操作系统

64-bit Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, or Education(The Home edition does not support Hyper-V or the HoloLens emulator)
下载安装Window10 - https://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/software-download/windows10

2 Visual studio 2017 Community

 Universal Windows Platform development
 Game Development with Unity

3 安装 HoloLens Emulator

VisualStudio 2017 需要修改注册表
//如果安装过程中间卡住了, 你可以先停掉安装,先去修改注册表,然后再继续安装。
 Add or locate this key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\Analog
 Add a REG_SZ value in that key with name: “OverrideHoloLensSDKPrerequisites”, and value: “TRUE”
 If you are on an x64 version of Windows,

  • Add or locate this key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Analog
  • Add a REG_SZ value in that key with name: “OverrideHoloLensSDKPrerequisites”, and value: “TRUE”

4 Unity5.6


5 Vuforia

下载Vuforia for Unity:https://developer.vuforia.com/downloads/sdk

6 HoloToolKit

HoloToolKit是快速创建HoloGraphic Project的工具,提供了很多开发中用到的工具,Holotoolkit作为一个package供Unity开发者使用,这边先下载下来,后续会用到。
