本文介绍了Qt/Embedded的编译与安装的详细详细过程,包括简要介绍了Qt/Embedded的安装的前期准备——交叉编译链的安装。对Qt/Embedded的./configure 配置的常用参数进行了说明。
Linux version 2.6.32-33-generic (buildd@rothera) (gcc version 4.4.3 (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) ) #70-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 7 21:09:46 UTC 2011
三星公司的:s3c2410 芯片
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi
首先对tslib作简单介绍:Tslib是一个开源的程序,能够为触摸屏驱动获得的采样提供诸如滤波、去抖、校准等功能,通常作为触摸屏驱动的适配层,为上层的应用提供了一个统一的接口。因为我自己开发的需要,需要为Qt/e 添加对触摸屏的支持,所以需要在编译qt的时候把tslib编译进去,假如你的开发不需要用到tslib,这一步可以忽略。
我把tslib-1.4.0.tar.bz2下载到/home/sprife/qt4/for_arm 目录下:
cd /home/sprife/qt4/for_arm
tar -jxvf tslib-1.4.0.tar.bz2
#cd tslib-1.4
#vi build.sh
export CC=arm-linux-gcc
echo "ac_cv_func_malloc_0_nonnull=yes" >arm-linux.cache
./configure --host=arm-linux --cache-file=arm-linux.cache
make install
这样tslib就被安装在了/home/sprife/qt4/for_arm/tslib1.4-install 目录下边。
可以看到这个网站上包括可Qt,Qt/E…多的平台多个版本的源码,本文只介绍Qt/E的安装。大家可以选择自己需要的版本,我安装的是 qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.0.tar.gz
cd /opt
tar -zxvf qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.0.tar.gz
cd qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.0
cp -a /home/sprife/qt4/for_arm/tslib1.4-install/lib/* /lib/
cp -a /home/sprife/qt4/for_arm/tslib1.4-install/include/ts* /include/
./configure -embedded arm -xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++ -depths 16 -little-endian -qt-mouse-linuxtp -qt-mouse-tslib -I/home/sprife/qt4/for_arm/tslib1.4-install/include -L/home/sprife/qt4/for_arm/tslib1.4-install/lib -debug-and-release -qt3support -qt-zlib -qt-libtiff -qt-libpng -qt-libmng -qt-libjpeg -make libs -nomake examples -nomake demos -nomake docs -no-cups -iconv -qt-gfx-qvfb -prefix /usr/local/qte-arm
注:最后一步的.configure 这一步非常重要,每个参数都要根据自己的实际情况去配置,要了解有什么参数,可以输入 ./configure -help 查看,我在文章最后对一些常用的参数的意思做了解释,希望能对大家有帮助。
make install
make 编译的过程需要很长时间,我的用了3个多小时,大家尽可以一遍让它编译一遍做点其他的事情,譬如说像我这样,写这篇博客,(^_^)
make 过程中可能会出现一些错误,见我的【 Error:记住曾犯下的错误】栏目中的相关文章
假如没问题的话,make install完之后就安装完了,我的安装在 /usr/local/qte-arm目录下(安装的目录 在./configure 是在-prefix 参数中设置)
cd /usr/local/qte-arm
cd bin
接下来就是将qmake的路径添加到path,一般而言是修改/etc/profile或者~/.bashrc 文件来添加环境变量,但是因为我安装了 qt-x11, qt-embedded, qt-x86 等不同平台和版本的qt(一般至少都需要qt-x11, qt-embedded),每个版本都有qmake,直接添加环境变量会是的到时调用时很混乱,都不知道自己用的是那个qmake,所以我用了另外一个方法,通过添加指向不同版本的qmake的软链接的方式,来更方便地调用qmake:
cd /usr/bin
ls -l qmake*
mv qmake qmake.bak
ln -s /usr/local/qte-arm/bin/qmake qmake
这样以后调用qmake的时候就是调用自己上边编译出来的qt/e 版的qmake,当然一般情况之前安装的qmake或许也会用到,这样怎么办呢?我的做法是干脆直接用不同的qmake命名不同版本的qmake,到时自己调用的时候根据自己的需要调用,我的设置如下图:
图中的不同的qmake指向不同平台的Qt的qmake,譬如说我的qmake-x就是指向x11平台的qmake,qmake-ee就是上边指向上边安装的embedded版的Qt,以后要make X11平台下的程序时,就调用qmake-x11就可以了。
最后,只需要qmake -v (我的:qmake-ee -v)确认安装成功就大功告成了!!
./configure -embedded arm -xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++ -depths 16 -little-endian -qt-mouse-linuxtp -qt-mouse-tslib -I/home/sprife/qt4/for_arm/tslib1.4-install/include -L/home/sprife/qt4/for_arm/tslib1.4-install/lib -debug-and-release -qt3support -qt-zlib -qt-libtiff -qt-libpng -qt-libmng -qt-libjpeg -make libs -nomake examples -nomake demos -nomake docs -no-cups -iconv -qt-gfx-qvfb -prefix /usr/local/qte-arm
-embedded 选择嵌入式平台,如:arm
-xplatform 交叉编译时的目标平台
-depths 支持的色彩深度
-little-endian 支持小段存储
-qt-mouse-linuxtp 使用什么鼠标驱动来触发触摸屏的点击事件
-qt-mouse-tslib 支持tslib触摸屏驱动
-no-kbd-xx 如果用不到键盘的话,将kbd对应的全no掉
前面是*号的表示默认参数. +号表示该功能要求被评估,评估成功后才能被接受.
-release ……….. 调试关闭.没有调试库,自己的项目只能发布,不能调试(没有调试库的缘故)
* -debug …………. 只有调试库,没有释放库,也就是说以后自己的项目只能调试
+ -debug-and-release . 编译后包含两种库。最好编译两种库
-prefix <dir> 设置安装目录
* -shared …………动态编译.
-static ………… 静态链接库.貌似有插件不能用静态编译。
* -no-fast ……….. configure生成所有项目makefiles文件,并编译
-fast ………….. 只生成库目录及子目录下的项目的makefiles文件.
-no-stl ………… 无c++标准库支持
* -stl …………… 有标准库支持
-qt-zlib ……….. 使用zlib绑定到qt.
+ -system-zlib ……. 使用操作系统的zlib
-no-gif ………… 不编译gif文件读取支持插件
+ -qt-gif ………… 编译gif文件读取支持插件
-no-gif ………… 不编译gif文件读取支持插件
+ -qt-gif ………… 编译gif文件读取支持插件
-no-libpng ……… 不编译PNG支持插件.
-qt-libpng ……… 编译PNG支持插件.
+ -system-libpng ….. 使用系统libpng库
-no-libmng ……… 不编译MNG支持插件.
-qt-libmng ……… 编译MNG支持插件.
+ -system-libmng ….. 使用系统的mng库
-no-libtiff …….. 不编译tiff支持插件.
-qt-libtiff …….. 编译tiff支持插件.
+ -system-libtiff …. 使用系统的libtiff库
This is the Qt for Embedded Linux Open Source Edition.
Usage: configure [-prefix ] [-prefix-install] [-bindir ] [-libdir ]
[-docdir ] [-headerdir ] [-plugindir ] [-datadir ]
[-translationdir ] [-sysconfdir ] [-examplesdir ]
[-demosdir ] [-buildkey ] [-release] [-debug]
[-debug-and-release] [-shared] [-static] [-no-fast] [-fast] [-no-largefile]
[-largefile] [-no-exceptions] [-exceptions] [-no-accessibility]
[-accessibility] [-no-stl] [-stl] [-no-sql-] [-sql-]
[-plugin-sql-] [-system-sqlite] [-no-qt3support] [-qt3support]
[-platform] [-D ] [-I ] [-L ] [-help]
[-qt-zlib] [-system-zlib] [-no-gif] [-qt-gif] [-no-libtiff] [-system-libtiff]
[-no-libpng] [-qt-libpng] [-system-libpng] [-no-libmng] [-qt-libmng]
[-system-libmng] [-no-libjpeg] [-qt-libjpeg] [-system-libjpeg] [-make ]
[-no-make ] [-R ] [-l ] [-no-rpath] [-rpath] [-continue]
[-verbose] [-v] [-silent] [-no-nis] [-nis] [-no-cups] [-cups] [-no-iconv]
[-iconv] [-no-pch] [-pch] [-no-dbus] [-dbus] [-dbus-linked]
[-no-separate-debug-info] [-no-mmx] [-no-3dnow] [-no-sse] [-no-sse2]
[-qtnamespace ] [-separate-debug-info] [-armfpa]
[-no-optimized-qmake] [-optimized-qmake] [-no-xmlpatterns] [-xmlpatterns]
[-no-phonon] [-phonon] [-no-svg] [-svg] [-no-webkit] [-webkit]
[additional platform specific options (see below)]
Installation options:
These are optional, but you may specify install directories.
-prefix ...... This will install everything relative to
(default /usr/local/Trolltech/QtEmbedded-4.4.0)
-hostprefix [dir] .. Tools and libraries needed when developing
applications are installed in [dir]. If [dir] is
not given, the current build directory will be used.
* -prefix-install .... Force a sandboxed "local" installation of
Qt. This will install into
/usr/local/Trolltech/QtEmbedded-4.4.0, if this option is
disabled then some platforms will attempt a
"system" install by placing default values to
be placed in a system location other than
You may use these to separate different parts of the install:
-bindir ......... Executables will be installed to
(default PREFIX/bin)
-libdir ......... Libraries will be installed to
(default PREFIX/lib)
-docdir ......... Documentation will be installed to
(default PREFIX/doc)
-headerdir ...... Headers will be installed to
(default PREFIX/include)
-plugindir ...... Plugins will be installed to
(default PREFIX/plugins)
-datadir ........ Data used by Qt programs will be installed to
(default PREFIX)
-translationdir . Translations of Qt programs will be installed to
(default PREFIX/translations)
-sysconfdir ..... Settings used by Qt programs will be looked for in
(default PREFIX/etc/settings)
-examplesdir .... Examples will be installed to
(default PREFIX/examples)
-demosdir ....... Demos will be installed to
(default PREFIX/demos)
You may use these options to turn on strict plugin loading.
-buildkey .... Build the Qt library and plugins using the specified
. When the library loads plugins, it will only
load those that have a matching key.
Configure options:
The defaults (*) are usually acceptable. A plus (+) denotes a default value
that needs to be evaluated. If the evaluation succeeds, the feature is
included. Here is a short explanation of each option:
* -release ........... Compile and link Qt with debugging turned off.
-debug ............. Compile and link Qt with debugging turned on.
-debug-and-release . Compile and link two versions of Qt, with and without
debugging turned on (Mac only).
* -shared ............ Create and use shared Qt libraries.
-static ............ Create and use static Qt libraries.
* -no-fast ........... Configure Qt normally by generating Makefiles for all
project files.
-fast .............. Configure Qt quickly by generating Makefiles only for
library and subdirectory targets. All other Makefiles
are created as wrappers, which will in turn run qmake.
-no-largefile ...... Disables large file support.
+ -largefile ......... Enables Qt to access files larger than 4 GB.
* -no-exceptions ..... Disable exceptions on compilers that support it.
-exceptions ........ Enable exceptions on compilers that support it.
-no-accessibility .. Do not compile Accessibility support.
* -accessibility ..... Compile Accessibility support.
-no-stl ............ Do not compile STL support.
* -stl ............... Compile STL support.
-no-sql- ... Disable SQL entirely.
-qt-sql- ... Enable a SQL in the QtSql library, by default
none are turned on.
-plugin-sql- Enable SQL as a plugin to be linked to
at run time.
Possible values for :
[ ibase mysql odbc psql sqlite sqlite2 ]
-system-sqlite ..... Use sqlite from the operating system.
-no-qt3support ..... Disables the Qt 3 support functionality.
* -qt3support ........ Enables the Qt 3 support functionality.
-no-xmlpatterns..... Do not build the QtXmlPatterns module.
+ -xmlpatterns........ Build the QtXmlPatterns module.
QtXmlPatterns is built if a decent C++ compiler
is used and exceptions are enabled.
-no-phonon ......... Do not build the Phonon module.
+ -phonon ............ Build the Phonon module.
Phonon is built if a decent C++ compiler is used.
-no-svg ............ Do not build the SVG module.
+ -svg ............... Build the SVG module.
-no-webkit ......... Do not build the WebKit module.
+ -webkit ............ Build the WebKit module.
WebKit is built if a decent C++ compiler is used.
-platform target ... The operating system and compiler you are building
on (qws/linux-x86-g++).
See the README file for a list of supported
operating systems and compilers.
-no-mmx ............ Do not compile with use of MMX instructions.
-no-3dnow .......... Do not compile with use of 3DNOW instructions.
-no-sse ............ Do not compile with use of SSE instructions.
-no-sse2 ........... Do not compile with use of SSE2 instructions.
-qtnamespace Wraps all Qt library code in 'namespace {...}' .
-qtlibinfix Renames all libQt*.so to libQt*.so.
-D ........ Add an explicit define to the preprocessor.
-I ........ Add an explicit include path.
-L ........ Add an explicit library path.
-help, -h .......... Display this information.
Third Party Libraries:
-qt-zlib ........... Use the zlib bundled with Qt.
+ -system-zlib ....... Use zlib from the operating system.
See http://www.gzip.org/zlib
-no-gif ............ Do not compile the plugin for GIF reading support.
* -qt-gif ............ Compile the plugin for GIF reading support.
See also src/plugins/imageformats/gif/qgifhandler.h
-no-libtiff ........ Do not compile the plugin for TIFF support.
-qt-libtiff ........ Use the libtiff bundled with Qt.
+ -system-libtiff .... Use libtiff from the operating system.
See http://www.libtiff.org
-no-libpng ......... Do not compile in PNG support.
-qt-libpng ......... Use the libpng bundled with Qt.
+ -system-libpng ..... Use libpng from the operating system.
See http://www.libpng.org/pub/png
-no-libmng ......... Do not compile the plugin for MNG support.
-qt-libmng ......... Use the libmng bundled with Qt.
+ -system-libmng ..... Use libmng from the operating system.
See http://www.libmng.com
-no-libjpeg ........ Do not compile the plugin for JPEG support.
-qt-libjpeg ........ Use the libjpeg bundled with Qt.
+ -system-libjpeg .... Use libjpeg from the operating system.
See http://www.ijg.org
-no-openssl ........ Do not compile support for OpenSSL.
+ -openssl ........... Enable run-time OpenSSL support.
-openssl-linked .... Enabled linked OpenSSL support.
Additional options:
-make ....... Add part to the list of parts to be built at make time.
(libs tools examples demos docs)
-nomake ..... Exclude part from the list of parts to be built.
-R ........ Add an explicit runtime library path to the Qt
-l ........ Add an explicit library.
-no-rpath .......... Do not use the library install path as a runtime
library path.
+ -rpath ............. Link Qt libraries and executables using the library
install path as a runtime library path. Equivalent
to -R install_libpath
-continue .......... Continue as far as possible if an error occurs.
-verbose, -v ....... Print verbose information about each step of the
configure process.
-silent ............ Reduce the build output so that warnings and errors
can be seen more easily.
* -no-optimized-qmake ... Do not build qmake optimized.
-optimized-qmake ...... Build qmake optimized.
-no-nis ............ Do not compile NIS support.
* -nis ............... Compile NIS support.
-no-cups ........... Do not compile CUPS support.
* -cups .............. Compile CUPS support.
-no-iconv .......... Do not compile support for iconv(3).
* -iconv ............. Compile support for iconv(3).
-no-pch ............ Do not use precompiled header support.
* -pch ............... Use precompiled header support.
-no-dbus ........... Do not compile the QtDBus module.
+ -dbus .............. Compile the QtDBus module and dynamically load libdbus-1.
-dbus-linked........ Compile the QtDBus module and link to libdbus-1.
-reduce-relocations ..... Reduce relocations in the libraries through extra
linker optimizations (Qt/X11 and Qt for Embedded Linux only;
experimental; needs GNU ld >= 2.18).
-no-separate-debug-info . Do not store debug information in a separate file.
* -separate-debug-info .... Strip debug information into a separate .debug file.
Qt for Embedded Linux only:
-xplatform target ... The target platform when cross-compiling.
-no-feature- Do not compile in .
-feature- .. Compile in . The available features
are described in src/corelib/global/qfeatures.txt
-embedded .... This will enable the embedded build, you must have a
proper license for this switch to work.
Example values for : arm mips x86 generic
-armfpa ............. Target platform is uses the ARM-FPA floating point format.
-no-armfpa .......... Target platform does not use the ARM-FPA floating point format.
The floating point format is usually autodetected by configure. Use this
to override the detected value.
-little-endian ...... Target platform is little endian (LSB first).
-big-endian ......... Target platform is big endian (MSB first).
-host-little-endian . Host platform is little endian (LSB first).
-host-big-endian .... Host platform is big endian (MSB first).
You only need to specify the endianness when
cross-compiling, otherwise the host
endianness will be used.
-no-freetype ........ Do not compile in Freetype2 support.
-qt-freetype ........ Use the libfreetype bundled with Qt.
* -system-libfreetype. Use libfreetype from the operating system.
See http://www.freetype.org/
-qconfig local ...... Use src/corelib/global/qconfig-local.h rather than the
default (full).
-depths ...... Comma-separated list of supported bit-per-pixel
depths, from: 1, 4, 8, 12, 15, 16, 18, 24, 32 and 'all'.