libsvm是基于支持向量机(support vector machine, SVM)实现的开源库,由台湾大学林智仁(Chih-Jen Lin)教授等开发,它主要用于分类(支持二分类和多分类)和回归。它的License是BSD-3-Clause,最新发布版本是v322。libsvm具有操作简单、易于使用、快速有效、且对SVM所涉及的参数调节相对较少的特点。Code地址:
libsvm中支持的svm类型包括:C-SVC(multi-class classification)、nu-SVC(multi-class classification)、one-class SVM、epsilon-SVR(regression)、nu-SVR(regression);支持的kernel类型包括:linear(u’*v)、polynomial((gamma*u’*v+coef0)^degree)、radial basis function(径向基, exp(-gamma*|u-v|^2))、sigmoid(tanh(gamma*u’*v+coef0))、precomputed kernel(kernel values in training_set_file)。libsvm中需要的参数虽然较多,但是绝大多数都有其默认值。
libsvm中对数据集进行缩放的目的在于:避免一些特征值范围过大而另一些特征值范围过小;避免在训练时为了计算核函数而计算内积的时候引起数值计算的困难。通常将数据缩放到[-1, 1]或[0, 1]之间。
(3)、考虑选用RBF(radial basis function)核参数;
(1)、训练和测试数据采用UCI/Liver-disorders( ):二分类、训练样本为145、测试样本为200、特征长度为5,分别保存为liver-disorders_train.txt、liver-disorders_predict.txt;
#include "libsvm.hpp"
#include "svm.h"
#include "common.hpp"
#define Malloc(type,n) (type *)malloc((n)*sizeof(type))
static char* readline(FILE* input, int& max_line_len, char** line)
if (fgets(*line, max_line_len, input) == nullptr) return nullptr;
int len{ 0 };
while (strrchr(*line, '\n') == nullptr) {
max_line_len *= 2;
*line = (char *)realloc(*line, max_line_len);
len = (int)strlen(*line);
if (fgets(*line + len, max_line_len - len, input) == nullptr) break;
return *line;
static void output(const double* feature_max, const double* feature_min, double lower, double upper, long int& new_num_nonzeros, int index, double value, std::ofstream& out_file)
/* skip single-valued attribute */
if (feature_max[index] == feature_min[index]) return;
if (value == feature_min[index]) value = lower;
else if (value == feature_max[index]) value = upper;
else value = lower + (upper - lower) * (value - feature_min[index]) / (feature_max[index] - feature_min[index]);
if (value != 0) {
//fprintf(stdout, "%d:%g ", index, value);
out_file << index << ":" << value<<" ";
int test_libsvm_scale(const char* input_file_name, const char* output_file_name)
// reference: libsvm/svm-scale.c
const double lower{ -1. }, upper{ 1. }; // lower: x scaling lower limit(default -1); upper: x scaling upper limit(default +1)
const double y_lower{ 0. }, y_upper{ 1. }, y_scaling{ 0. }; // y scaling limits (default: no y scaling)
double y_max{ std::numeric_limits::max() };
double y_min{ std::numeric_limits::lowest() };
char* line{ nullptr };
int max_line_len{ 1024 };
double* feature_max{ nullptr };
double* feature_min{ nullptr };
int max_index{ 0 }, min_index{ 0 }, index{ 0 };
long int num_nonzeros{ 0 }, new_num_nonzeros{ 0 };
FILE* fp = fopen(input_file_name, "r");
CHECK(nullptr != fp);
line = (char *)malloc(max_line_len * sizeof(char));
#define SKIP_TARGET \
while (isspace(*p)) ++p; \
while (!isspace(*p)) ++p;
#define SKIP_ELEMENT \
while (*p != ':') ++p; \
++p; \
while (isspace(*p)) ++p; \
while (*p && !isspace(*p)) ++p;
// pass 1: find out max index of attributes
max_index = 0;
min_index = 1;
while (readline(fp, max_line_len, &line) != nullptr) {
char* p = line;
while (sscanf(p, "%d:%*f", &index) == 1) {
max_index = std::max(max_index, index);
min_index = std::min(min_index, index);
CHECK(min_index >= 1);
feature_max = (double *)malloc((max_index + 1)* sizeof(double));
feature_min = (double *)malloc((max_index + 1)* sizeof(double));
CHECK(feature_max != nullptr && feature_min != nullptr);
for (int i = 0; i <= max_index; ++i) {
feature_max[i] = std::numeric_limits::lowest();
feature_min[i] = std::numeric_limits::max();
// pass 2: find out min/max value
while (readline(fp, max_line_len, &line) != nullptr) {
char *p = line;
int next_index = 1;
double target;
double value;
CHECK(sscanf(p, "%lf", &target) == 1);
y_max = std::max(y_max, target);
y_min = std::min(y_min, target);
while (sscanf(p, "%d:%lf", &index, &value) == 2) {
for (int i = next_index; i start from 0
readline(fp, max_line_len, line);
prob.x[i] = &(*x_space)[j];
label = strtok(*line, " \t\n");
CHECK(label != nullptr); // empty line
prob.y[i] = strtod(label, &endptr);
CHECK(!(endptr == label || *endptr != '\0'));
while (1) {
idx = strtok(nullptr, ":");
val = strtok(nullptr, " \t");
if (val == nullptr) break;
errno = 0;
(*x_space)[j].index = (int)strtol(idx, &endptr, 10);
if (endptr == idx || errno != 0 || *endptr != '\0' || (*x_space)[j].index <= inst_max_index) {
} else {
inst_max_index = (*x_space)[j].index;
errno = 0;
(*x_space)[j].value = strtod(val, &endptr);
if (endptr == val || errno != 0 || (*endptr != '\0' && !isspace(*endptr))) CHECK(0);
if (inst_max_index > max_index) max_index = inst_max_index;
(*x_space)[j++].index = -1;
if (param.gamma == 0 && max_index > 0) param.gamma = 1.0 / max_index;
if (param.kernel_type == PRECOMPUTED) {
for (int i = 0; i max_index) {
return 0;
int test_libsvm_two_classification_train()
// reference: libsvm/svm-train.c
const std::string input_file_name{ "E:/GitCode/NN_Test/data/database/liver-disorders/liver-disorders_train.txt" },
output_file_name{ "E:/GitCode/NN_Test/data/database/liver-disorders/liver-disorders_train_scale.txt" },
CHECK(0 == test_libsvm_scale(input_file_name.c_str(), output_file_name.c_str())); // data scale
struct svm_parameter param = {};
struct svm_problem prob = {};
struct svm_model* model = nullptr;
struct svm_node* x_space = nullptr;
int cross_validation{ 0 };
int nr_fold{0};
char* line = nullptr;
int max_line_len{0};
param = { C_SVC, RBF, 3, 0.0078125, 0., 100, 1e-3, 512., 0, nullptr, nullptr, 0.5, 0.1, 1, 0 };
CHECK(read_problem(output_file_name.c_str(), prob, max_line_len, param, &line, &x_space) == 0);
CHECK(svm_check_parameter(&prob, ¶m) == nullptr);
model = svm_train(&prob, ¶m);
CHECK(svm_save_model(svm_model.c_str(), model) == 0);
return 0;
static int predict(FILE* input, FILE* output, const svm_model* model, int& max_line_len, char** line, int& max_nr_attr, svm_node** x)
int correct = 0;
int total = 0;
double error = 0;
double sump = 0, sumt = 0, sumpp = 0, sumtt = 0, sumpt = 0;
int svm_type = svm_get_svm_type(model);
int nr_class = svm_get_nr_class(model);
double *prob_estimates = nullptr;
int j;
max_line_len = 1024;
*line = (char *)malloc(max_line_len*sizeof(char));
while (readline(input, max_line_len, line) != nullptr) {
int i = 0;
double target_label, predict_label;
char *idx, *val, *label, *endptr;
int inst_max_index = -1; // strtol gives 0 if wrong format, and precomputed kernel has start from 0
label = strtok(*line, " \t\n");
CHECK(label != nullptr); // empty line
target_label = strtod(label, &endptr);
CHECK(!(endptr == label || *endptr != '\0'));
while (1) {
if (i >= max_nr_attr - 1) { // need one more for index = -1
max_nr_attr *= 2;
*x = (struct svm_node *) realloc(*x, max_nr_attr*sizeof(struct svm_node));
idx = strtok(nullptr, ":");
val = strtok(nullptr, " \t");
if (val == nullptr) break;
errno = 0;
(*x)[i].index = (int)strtol(idx, &endptr, 10);
CHECK(!(endptr == idx || errno != 0 || *endptr != '\0' || (*x)[i].index <= inst_max_index));
inst_max_index = (*x)[i].index;
errno = 0;
(*x)[i].value = strtod(val, &endptr);
CHECK(!(endptr == val || errno != 0 || (*endptr != '\0' && !isspace(*endptr))));
(*x)[i].index = -1;
predict_label = svm_predict(model, *x);
fprintf(output, "%g\n", predict_label);
if (predict_label == target_label) ++correct;
error += (predict_label - target_label)*(predict_label - target_label);
sump += predict_label;
sumt += target_label;
sumpp += predict_label*predict_label;
sumtt += target_label*target_label;
sumpt += predict_label*target_label;
fprintf(stdout, "Accuracy = %g%% (%d/%d) (classification)\n", (double)correct / total * 100, correct, total);
return 0;
int test_libsvm_two_classification_predict()
// reference: libsvm/svm-predict.c
const std::string input_file_name{ "E:/GitCode/NN_Test/data/database/liver-disorders/liver-disorders_predict.txt" },
scale_file_name{ "E:/GitCode/NN_Test/data/database/liver-disorders/liver-disorders_predict_scale.txt" },
svm_model{ "E:/GitCode/NN_Test/data/svm.model" },
predict_result_file_name{ "E:/GitCode/NN_Test/data/svm_predict_result.txt" };
CHECK(0 == test_libsvm_scale(input_file_name.c_str(), scale_file_name.c_str())); // data scale
struct svm_node* x = nullptr;
int max_nr_attr = 64;
struct svm_model* model = nullptr;
int predict_probability = 0;
char* line = nullptr;
int max_line_len = 0;
FILE* input = fopen(scale_file_name.c_str(), "r");
CHECK(input != nullptr);
FILE* output = fopen(predict_result_file_name.c_str(), "w");
CHECK(output != nullptr);
CHECK((model = svm_load_model(svm_model.c_str())) != nullptr);
x = (struct svm_node *) malloc(max_nr_attr*sizeof(struct svm_node));
CHECK(svm_check_probability_model(model) == 0);
predict(input, output, model, max_line_len, &line, max_nr_attr, &x);
return 0;