重载的运算符有 + - * += -= *= 还有string类型转换运算符,<<输出运算符
构造函数有默认构造函数(0),从string构造(支持开头有无限个-号,但不支持正号),从BigInt构造,从long long构造(从而可以支持大多数c++的基本类型)
采用的是万进制,这样可以比较方便的计算乘法进位,单位数据使用_Uint32_t类型以方便移植(如果系统不支持这个类型,自己定义#define _Uint32_t long long,但注意long long可能属于c++11)
using namespace std;
class BigInt{
enum{ max = 10000, znum = 4 };
vector<_Uint32t> datarr;//这里用小端模式
bool flug;//正负
* 构造函数:
* 默认构造函数 0
* 从long long来构造一个BigInt
* 从string来构造一个BigInt
* 从BigInt来构造一个BigInt
* */
BigInt() :datarr(1, 0),flug(true){}
BigInt(BigInt & bigInt) :datarr(bigInt.datarr), flug(bigInt.flug){}
BigInt(long long num) :datarr(32 / znum), flug(true){
int i = 0;
while (num != 0){
datarr[i++] = num%max;
num /= max;
BigInt(const string & num) :datarr(num.size() / znum + (num.size() % znum == 0 ? 0 : 1), 0), flug(true){
size_t i = 0, nsize = num.size();
if (nsize == 0)
if (num[0] == '-')
while (i < nsize&&num[i] == '-'){
flug = !flug;
for (; i <= nsize; ++i)//此处不可以用i>0优化
datarr[(nsize - i) / znum] = datarr[(nsize - i) / znum] * 10 + num[i] - '0';
BigInt & operator =(const BigInt & that){
size_t size = that.GetNumSize();
copy(that.datarr.begin(), that.datarr.begin() + size, datarr.begin());
flug = that.flug;
return *this;
size_t GetNumSize()const{
size_t size = datarr.size();
while (--size != 0 && datarr[size] == 0);
return ++size;
* 数学运算
* 加乘
* */
/*rely on operator <*/
/*-=提前使用了 += 和 <,若编译报错请类外定义*/
BigInt & operator -=(const BigInt & that){
if (flug != that.flug){
BigInt bi(that);
bi.flug = flug;
*this +=bi;
return *this;
if (*this < that){
*this = BigInt(that) -= *this;
flug = !flug;
return *this;
//*this > that
_Uint32t carry = 0;
size_t a = GetNumSize(), b = that.GetNumSize();
for (size_t i = 0; i < a; ++i){
carry += i0;
if (datarr[i]>carry)
datarr[i] -= carry, carry = 0;
datarr[i] += max;//注意不能出负数
datarr[i] -= carry;
carry = 1;
return *this;
BigInt & operator +=(const BigInt & that){
if (flug != that.flug){
BigInt bi(that);
bi.flug = flug;
*this -= bi;
return *this;
_Uint32t carry = 0;
size_t a = GetNumSize(), b = that.GetNumSize();
datarr.resize(a = (a > b ? a : b) + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < a; ++i){
datarr[i] += (i < b ? that.datarr[i] : 0) + carry;
carry = datarr[i] / max;
datarr[i] %= max;
return *this;
BigInt operator +(const BigInt & that)const{
return BigInt(*this) += that;
BigInt operator -(const BigInt & that)const{
return BigInt(*this) -= that;
BigInt operator *(const BigInt & that)const{
BigInt ret;
_Uint32t carry = 0;
size_t a = GetNumSize(), b = that.GetNumSize();
ret.flug = (flug == that.flug);
ret.datarr.resize(a + b + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < b; ++i){//乘法竖式第二行
for (int j = 0; j <= a; ++j)//乘法竖式第三行,累加
ret.datarr[i + j] += carry + (j0);
carry = ret.datarr[i + j] / max;
ret.datarr[i + j] %= max;
return ret;
* 自乘
* *=运算符用*来实现,没有优化,会产生一个中间变量
* */
BigInt & operator *=(const BigInt & that){
return *this = *this * that;
* 类型转换
* 到string
* */
operator string()const{
size_t i, ssize = datarr.size();
string ret;
char buff[5];
while (--ssize != 0 && datarr[ssize] == 0);
sprintf(buff, flug ? "%u" : "-%u", datarr[ssize]);//最好不要看这个PS:一般电脑的数据内存都是小端模式,这样的话对于小于10000的数字来说%llu和%u其实输出是一样的,这里可以不用考虑类型,但是应该考虑才对
ret = buff;
for (i = 1; i <= ssize; ++i){
sprintf(buff, "%04u", datarr[ssize - i]);//修改了znum后也要改这个
ret += buff;
return ret;
* 运算符
* < > == !=
* */
bool operator <(const BigInt & that){
size_t asize = datarr.size(), bsize = that.datarr.size();
while (--asize != 0 && datarr[asize] == 0);
while (--bsize != 0 && that.datarr[bsize] == 0);
if (asize != bsize)
return asizewhile (asize != 0 && datarr[asize] == that.datarr[asize])--asize;
return datarr[asize]//copy operator <
//first,chage < to >
bool operator >(const BigInt & that){
size_t asize = datarr.size(), bsize = that.datarr.size();
while (--asize != 0 && datarr[asize] == 0);
while (--bsize != 0 && that.datarr[bsize] == 0);
if (asize != bsize)
return asize>bsize;//second,change < to >
while (asize != 0 && datarr[asize] == that.datarr[asize])--asize;
return datarr[asize]>that.datarr[asize];//third,change < to >
//copy operator <
//first,chage < to ==
bool operator ==(const BigInt & that){
size_t asize = datarr.size(), bsize = that.datarr.size();
while (--asize != 0 && datarr[asize] == 0);
while (--bsize != 0 && that.datarr[bsize] == 0);
if (asize != bsize)
return false;//second,change to false
while (asize != 0 && datarr[asize] == that.datarr[asize])--asize;
return asize == 0 && datarr[0] == that.datarr[0];//third,change to this
//copy operator <
//first,change < to !=
bool operator !=(const BigInt & that){
size_t asize = datarr.size(), bsize = that.datarr.size();
while (--asize != 0 && datarr[asize] == 0);
while (--bsize != 0 && that.datarr[bsize] == 0);
if (asize != bsize)
return true;//second,change to true
while (asize != 0 && datarr[asize] == that.datarr[asize])--asize;
return asize != 0 || datarr[0] != that.datarr[0];//third,change to this
* 输出到输出流
* (执行string转换)
* */
friend ostream & operator <<(ostream & out, const BigInt & the);
ostream & operator <<(ostream & out, const BigInt & the){
return out << (string)the;