WebGL——WebGL 资源(翻译)

  https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/specs/1.0/ 原文地址

3 WebGL Resources

OpenGL manages several types of resources as part of its state. These are identified by integer object names and are obtained from OpenGL by various creation calls. In contrast WebGL represents these resources as DOM objects. Each object is derived from the WebGLObject interface. Currently supported resources are: textures, buffers (i.e., VBOs), framebuffers, renderbuffers, shaders and programs. The WebGLRenderingContext interface has a method to create a WebGLObject subclass for each type. Data from the underlying graphics library are stored in these objects and are fully managed by them. The resources represented by these objects are guaranteed to exist as long as the object exists. Furthermore, the DOM object is guaranteed to exist as long as the author has an explicit valid reference to it or as long as it is bound by the underlying graphics library. When none of these conditions exist the user agent can, at any point, delete the object using the equivalent of a delete call (e.g., deleteTexture). If authors wish to control when the underlying resource is released then the delete call can be made explicitly.

3 WebGL Resources
