salient object detection

A Simple Pooling-Based Design for Real-Time Salient Object Detection (2019 CVPR)

Global Guidance Module (GGM) : PPM feature 与 FPN 每个level 融合。增加RF,缓解obj预测不完整。
Feature Aggregation Module (FAM): 类似PPM,add代替concate。
       1、reducing the aliasing effect of upsampling。
       2、allows each spatial location to view the local context at different scale spaces, context at different scale spaces
joint training:edge data(BCE)和 salient data (CE)交替训练,细化edge。
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Contrast Prior and Fluid Pyramid Integration for RGBD Salient Object Detection (2019 CVPR)

depth label 与 SOD 结合。
Contrast-enhanced Net(CEN):增加depth map前景背景的contrast,类内紧凑,类间可分。
original depth map contrast not obvious enough
cross-modal fusion:Enhanced map 作为 attention map  
Fluid Pyramid Integration(FPI):FPI leads all the highlevel features into low-level features for every node.
B+C>B+C+M, meets feature compatibility problem
LOSS:saliency cross-entropy loss + 5 contrast loss

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