




1.1、gulp基本使用还未掌握?请参看: gulp详细入门教程




2.2、安装:命令提示符执行 cnpm install gulp-minify-css --save-dev

2.3、注意:没有安装cnpm请使用 npm install gulp-minify-css --save-dev 什么是cnpm,如何安装?

2.4、说明:--save-dev 保存配置信息至 package.json 的 devDependencies 节点。为什么要保存至package.json?



var gulp = require('gulp'),
    cssmin = require('gulp-minify-css');

gulp.task('testCssmin', function () {
3.2、gulp-minify-css 最终是调用clean-css,其他参数 查看这里

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    cssmin = require('gulp-minify-css');

gulp.task('testCssmin', function () {
            advanced: false,//类型:Boolean 默认:true [是否开启高级优化(合并选择器等)]
            compatibility: 'ie7',//保留ie7及以下兼容写法 类型:String 默认:''or'*' [启用兼容模式; 'ie7'IE7兼容模式,'ie8'IE8兼容模式,'*'IE9+兼容模式]
            keepBreaks: true,//类型:Boolean 默认:false [是否保留换行]
            keepSpecialComments: '*'
            //保留所有特殊前缀 当你用autoprefixer生成的浏览器前缀,如果不加这个参数,有可能将会删除你的部分前缀


var gulp = require('gulp'),
    cssmin = require('gulp-minify-css');
//确保已本地安装gulp-make-css-url-version [cnpm install gulp-make-css-url-version --save-dev]
cssver = require('gulp-make-css-url-version');

gulp.task('testCssmin', function () {
        .pipe(cssver()) //css文件里引用文件加版本号(文件MD5        .pipe(cssmin())

 Important comments included in minified output.


4.1、命令提示符执行:gulp testCssmin




CleanCSS constructor accepts a hash as a parameter, i.e., new CleanCSS(options) with the following options available:

  • advanced - set to false to disable advanced optimizations - selector & property merging, reduction, etc.
  • aggressiveMerging - set to false to disable aggressive merging of properties.
  • benchmark - turns on benchmarking mode measuring time spent on cleaning up (run npm run bench to see example)
  • compatibility - enables compatibility mode, see below for more examples
  • debug - set to true to get minification statistics under stats property (see test/custom-test.js for examples)
  • inliner - a hash of options for @import inliner, see test/protocol-imports-test.js for examples, or this comment for a proxy use case.
  • keepBreaks - whether to keep line breaks (default is false)
  • keepSpecialComments - * for keeping all (default), 1 for keeping first one only, 0 for removing all
  • mediaMerging - whether to merge @media at-rules (default is true)
  • processImport - whether to process @import rules
  • processImportFrom - a list of @import rules, can be ['all'] (default), ['local']['remote'], or a blacklisted path e.g.['!']
  • rebase - set to false to skip URL rebasing
  • relativeTo - path to resolve relative @import rules and URLs
  • restructuring - set to false to disable restructuring in advanced optimizations
  • root - path to resolve absolute @import rules and rebase relative URLs
  • roundingPrecision - rounding precision; defaults to 2-1 disables rounding
  • semanticMerging - set to true to enable semantic merging mode which assumes BEM-like content (default is false as it's highly likely this will break your stylesheets - use with caution!)
  • shorthandCompacting - set to false to skip shorthand compacting (default is true unless sourceMap is set when it's false)
  • sourceMap - exposes source map under sourceMap property, e.g. new CleanCSS().minify(source).sourceMap (default is false) If input styles are a product of CSS preprocessor (Less, Sass) an input source map can be passed as a string.
  • sourceMapInlineSources - set to true to inline sources inside a source map's sourcesContent field (defaults to false) It is also required to process inlined sources from input source maps.
  • target - path to a folder or an output file to which rebase all URLs

The output of minify method (or the 2nd argument to passed callback) is a hash containing the following fields:

  • styles - optimized output CSS as a string
  • sourceMap - output source map (if requested with sourceMap option)
  • errors - a list of errors raised
  • warnings - a list of warnings raised
  • stats - a hash of statistic information (if requested with debug option):
    • originalSize - original content size (after import inlining)
    • minifiedSize - optimized content size
    • timeSpent - time spent on optimizations
    • efficiency - a ratio of output size to input size (e.g. 25% if content was reduced from 100 bytes to 75 bytes)
