支持向量机(Support Vector Machines,SVM)是一个二类分类模型,它的基本模型是定义在特征空间上的间隔最大的线性分类器。直观理解是,支持向量机的目标是寻找一个超平面将待测数据分成两种类别。
给定n个训练样本:{(x1,y1),(x2,y2),...,(xn,yn)} ,其中xi是d维向量,表明了每个样本具有d个属性;yi指的是类别,并且 yi∈{1,−1}。
(1)在样本空间中,划分超平面P={x|f(x)=α,x∈Rd,α∈R}可通过线性方程wTx+b=0 来描述,要计算样本点A到划分超平面P的距离,要给出点到划分超平面P的法线或者垂线的长度,该值为:
||AB||=\pm \frac{\left< w,AB \right>}{||w||}=\pm \frac{\left< w,A-B \right>}{||w||}
||AB||= \frac{\left< w,A-B \right>}{||w||}= \frac{w^TA-w^TB}{||w||} = \frac{w^TA+b}{||w||}
||AB||=- \frac{\left< w,A-B \right>}{||w||}=- \frac{w^TA-w^TB}{||w||} =-\frac{w^TA+b}{||w||}
可知,向量w 和常数b 一起描述所给数据的超平面。
y_i=1 :w^Tx_i+b \geqslant 1
y_i=-1 :w^Tx_i+b \leqslant -1
d(x_i^+,P)+d(x_i^-,P)= \frac {|1|}{||w||}+ \frac {|-1|}{||w||}= \frac {2}{||w||}
\max_{w,b} \frac{2}{||w||} \Longleftrightarrow \min_{w,b} \frac{1}{2}||w||^2
y_i(w^Tx_i+b) \geqslant 1,i=1,2,...,n
\min_{w,b} \frac{1}{2}||w||^2\\ s.t. \ y_i(w^Tx_i+b) \geqslant 1,i=1,2,...,n
(1)原问题的拉格朗日函数为(其中,\alpha_i \geqslant 0是拉格朗日乘子):
L(w,b,\alpha)= \frac{1}{2} ||w||^2 + \sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i(1-y_i(w^Tx_i+b))
\left\{ \begin{array}{lr} \alpha_i \geqslant 0 \\ y_i(w^Tx_i+b )-1 \geqslant 0 \\ \alpha_i \cdot ( y_i (w^Tx_i+b )-1 )= 0 \end{array} \right.
\frac { \partial L}{\partial w}=\frac { \partial L}{\partial b}=0
\frac { \partial (v^T x) }{\partial x}=v \\ \frac { \partial (x^T A x) }{\partial x}=(A+A^T)x
||w||^2= \left< w,w \right>=w^T E w
\frac{1}{2} \frac { \partial }{\partial w} ||w||^2 = \frac{1}{2} \partial (w^T Ew)= \frac{1}{2} (E+E^T)w=w
\frac { \partial }{\partial w} \sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i(1-y_i(w^Tx_i+b))= -\sum _{i=1}^n \alpha_i y_i x_i
\frac { \partial L}{\partial w}=w-\sum _{i=1}^n \alpha_i y_i x_i =0
w=\sum _{i=1}^n \alpha_i y_i x_i
\sum_{i=1} ^ n \alpha _i y_i =0
\max_{\alpha} \sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i - \frac{1}{2} \sum _{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^n \alpha_i \alpha_j y_i y_j x_i^Tx_j
s.t. \left\{ \begin{gather*} \sum_{i=1} ^ {n} \alpha _i y_i = 0 \\ \alpha _i \geqslant 0 ,i =1,2,...,n \end{gather*} \right.
w=\sum _{i=1}^n \alpha_i y_i x_i
利用w^Tx_i+b= \pm 1的数据点,即“支持向量”,求出b得:
b= -\frac{\max \{w^Tx_i|y_i=-1\}+\min\{w^Tx_i|y_i=1\} }{2}
\begin{align*} f(x)& =w^Tx+b\\ & =\sum_{i=1}^{n} \alpha_iy_ix_i^Tx+b \end{align*}
只要选取的\alpha_i和\alpha_j中有一个不满足KKT条件, 目标函数就会在迭代后减小。KKT条件违背的程度越大,变量更新后可能导致的目标函数值减幅越大。
w^T \varPhi (x) +b=0
\min_{w,b} \frac{1}{2}||w||^2\\ s.t. \ y_i(w^T \varPhi (x_i)+b) \geqslant 1,i=1,2,...,n
\max_{\alpha} \sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i -\frac{1}{2} \sum _{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^n \alpha_i \alpha_j y_i y_j \varPhi (x_i)^T \varPhi (x_j)
s.t. \left\{ \begin{gather*} \sum_{i=1} ^ {n} \alpha _i y_i = 0 \\ \alpha _i \geqslant 0 ,i =1,2,...,n \end{gather*} \right.
由于特征空间维数可能很高,直接计算\varPhi (x_i)^T \varPhi (x_j) 通常是困难的。设想函数k(x_i,x_j)=\varPhi (x_i)^T \varPhi (x_j) , 在特征空间x_i,x_j的内积等于它们在原始样本空间中通过核函数计算的结果。
k(x_i,x_j)=( x_i^Tx_j ) ^m
k(x_i,x_j)=\exp ( \frac { -||x_i-x_j||^2}{2\sigma ^2})
k(x_i,x_j)=\exp ( \frac { -||x_i-x_j||}{\sigma })
[2]Peter Harrington.机器学习实战[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2013.
Created on Sat May 5 23:56:01 2018
@author: Diky
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佛祖保佑 永无BUG
from numpy import *
from time import sleep
def loadDataSet(fileName):
dataMat = []; labelMat = []
fr = open(fileName)
for line in fr.readlines():
lineArr = line.strip().split('\t')
dataMat.append([float(lineArr[0]), float(lineArr[1])])
return dataMat,labelMat
def selectJrand(i,m):
j=i #we want to select any J not equal to i
while (j==i):
j = int(random.uniform(0,m))
return j
def clipAlpha(aj,H,L):
if aj > H:
aj = H
if L > aj:
aj = L
return aj
def smoSimple(dataMatIn, classLabels, C, toler, maxIter):
dataMatrix = mat(dataMatIn); labelMat = mat(classLabels).transpose()
b = 0; m,n = shape(dataMatrix)
alphas = mat(zeros((m,1)))
iter = 0
while (iter < maxIter):
alphaPairsChanged = 0
for i in range(m):
fXi = float(multiply(alphas,labelMat).T*(dataMatrix*dataMatrix[i,:].T)) + b
Ei = fXi - float(labelMat[i])#if checks if an example violates KKT conditions
if ((labelMat[i]*Ei < -toler) and (alphas[i] < C)) or ((labelMat[i]*Ei > toler) and (alphas[i] > 0)):
j = selectJrand(i,m)
fXj = float(multiply(alphas,labelMat).T*(dataMatrix*dataMatrix[j,:].T)) + b
Ej = fXj - float(labelMat[j])
alphaIold = alphas[i].copy(); alphaJold = alphas[j].copy();
if (labelMat[i] != labelMat[j]):
L = max(0, alphas[j] - alphas[i])
H = min(C, C + alphas[j] - alphas[i])
L = max(0, alphas[j] + alphas[i] - C)
H = min(C, alphas[j] + alphas[i])
if L==H: print ("L==H"); continue
eta = 2.0 * dataMatrix[i,:]*dataMatrix[j,:].T - dataMatrix[i,:]*dataMatrix[i,:].T - dataMatrix[j,:]*dataMatrix[j,:].T
if eta >= 0: print ("eta>=0"); continue
alphas[j] -= labelMat[j]*(Ei - Ej)/eta
alphas[j] = clipAlpha(alphas[j],H,L)
if (abs(alphas[j] - alphaJold) < 0.00001): print ("j not moving enough"); continue
alphas[i] += labelMat[j]*labelMat[i]*(alphaJold - alphas[j])#update i by the same amount as j
#the update is in the oppostie direction
b1 = b - Ei- labelMat[i]*(alphas[i]-alphaIold)*dataMatrix[i,:]*dataMatrix[i,:].T - labelMat[j]*(alphas[j]-alphaJold)*dataMatrix[i,:]*dataMatrix[j,:].T
b2 = b - Ej- labelMat[i]*(alphas[i]-alphaIold)*dataMatrix[i,:]*dataMatrix[j,:].T - labelMat[j]*(alphas[j]-alphaJold)*dataMatrix[j,:]*dataMatrix[j,:].T
if (0 < alphas[i]) and (C > alphas[i]): b = b1
elif (0 < alphas[j]) and (C > alphas[j]): b = b2
else: b = (b1 + b2)/2.0
alphaPairsChanged += 1
print ("iter: %d i:%d, pairs changed %d" % (iter,i,alphaPairsChanged))
if (alphaPairsChanged == 0): iter += 1
else: iter = 0
print ("iteration number: %d" % iter)
return b,alphas
def kernelTrans(X, A, kTup): #calc the kernel or transform data to a higher dimensional space
m,n = shape(X)
K = mat(zeros((m,1)))
if kTup[0]=='lin': K = X * A.T #linear kernel
elif kTup[0]=='rbf':
for j in range(m):
deltaRow = X[j,:] - A
K[j] = deltaRow*deltaRow.T
K = exp(K/(-1*kTup[1]**2)) #divide in NumPy is element-wise not matrix like Matlab
else: raise NameError('Houston We Have a Problem -- \
That Kernel is not recognized')
return K
class optStruct:
def __init__(self,dataMatIn, classLabels, C, toler, kTup): # Initialize the structure with the parameters
self.X = dataMatIn
self.labelMat = classLabels
self.C = C
self.tol = toler
self.m = shape(dataMatIn)[0]
self.alphas = mat(zeros((self.m,1)))
self.b = 0
self.eCache = mat(zeros((self.m,2))) #first column is valid flag
self.K = mat(zeros((self.m,self.m)))
for i in range(self.m):
self.K[:,i] = kernelTrans(self.X, self.X[i,:], kTup)
def calcEk(oS, k):
fXk = float(multiply(oS.alphas,oS.labelMat).T*oS.K[:,k] + oS.b)
Ek = fXk - float(oS.labelMat[k])
return Ek
def selectJ(i, oS, Ei): #this is the second choice -heurstic, and calcs Ej
maxK = -1; maxDeltaE = 0; Ej = 0
oS.eCache[i] = [1,Ei] #set valid #choose the alpha that gives the maximum delta E
validEcacheList = nonzero(oS.eCache[:,0].A)[0]
if (len(validEcacheList)) > 1:
for k in validEcacheList: #loop through valid Ecache values and find the one that maximizes delta E
if k == i: continue #don't calc for i, waste of time
Ek = calcEk(oS, k)
deltaE = abs(Ei - Ek)
if (deltaE > maxDeltaE):
maxK = k; maxDeltaE = deltaE; Ej = Ek
return maxK, Ej
else: #in this case (first time around) we don't have any valid eCache values
j = selectJrand(i, oS.m)
Ej = calcEk(oS, j)
return j, Ej
def updateEk(oS, k):#after any alpha has changed update the new value in the cache
Ek = calcEk(oS, k)
oS.eCache[k] = [1,Ek]
def innerL(i, oS):
Ei = calcEk(oS, i)
if ((oS.labelMat[i]*Ei < -oS.tol) and (oS.alphas[i] < oS.C)) or ((oS.labelMat[i]*Ei > oS.tol) and (oS.alphas[i] > 0)):
j,Ej = selectJ(i, oS, Ei) #this has been changed from selectJrand
alphaIold = oS.alphas[i].copy(); alphaJold = oS.alphas[j].copy();
if (oS.labelMat[i] != oS.labelMat[j]):
L = max(0, oS.alphas[j] - oS.alphas[i])
H = min(oS.C, oS.C + oS.alphas[j] - oS.alphas[i])
L = max(0, oS.alphas[j] + oS.alphas[i] - oS.C)
H = min(oS.C, oS.alphas[j] + oS.alphas[i])
if L==H: print( "L==H"); return 0
eta = 2.0 * oS.K[i,j] - oS.K[i,i] - oS.K[j,j] #changed for kernel
if eta >= 0: print ("eta>=0"); return 0
oS.alphas[j] -= oS.labelMat[j]*(Ei - Ej)/eta
oS.alphas[j] = clipAlpha(oS.alphas[j],H,L)
updateEk(oS, j) #added this for the Ecache
if (abs(oS.alphas[j] - alphaJold) < 0.00001): print( "j not moving enough"); return 0
oS.alphas[i] += oS.labelMat[j]*oS.labelMat[i]*(alphaJold - oS.alphas[j])#update i by the same amount as j
updateEk(oS, i) #added this for the Ecache #the update is in the oppostie direction
b1 = oS.b - Ei- oS.labelMat[i]*(oS.alphas[i]-alphaIold)*oS.K[i,i] - oS.labelMat[j]*(oS.alphas[j]-alphaJold)*oS.K[i,j]
b2 = oS.b - Ej- oS.labelMat[i]*(oS.alphas[i]-alphaIold)*oS.K[i,j]- oS.labelMat[j]*(oS.alphas[j]-alphaJold)*oS.K[j,j]
if (0 < oS.alphas[i]) and (oS.C > oS.alphas[i]): oS.b = b1
elif (0 < oS.alphas[j]) and (oS.C > oS.alphas[j]): oS.b = b2
else: oS.b = (b1 + b2)/2.0
return 1
else: return 0
def smoP(dataMatIn, classLabels, C, toler, maxIter,kTup=('lin', 0)): #full Platt SMO
oS = optStruct(mat(dataMatIn),mat(classLabels).transpose(),C,toler, kTup)
iter = 0
entireSet = True; alphaPairsChanged = 0
while (iter < maxIter) and ((alphaPairsChanged > 0) or (entireSet)):
alphaPairsChanged = 0
if entireSet: #go over all
for i in range(oS.m):
alphaPairsChanged += innerL(i,oS)
print( "fullSet, iter: %d i:%d, pairs changed %d" % (iter,i,alphaPairsChanged))
iter += 1
else:#go over non-bound (railed) alphas
nonBoundIs = nonzero((oS.alphas.A > 0) * (oS.alphas.A < C))[0]
for i in nonBoundIs:
alphaPairsChanged += innerL(i,oS)
print ("non-bound, iter: %d i:%d, pairs changed %d" % (iter,i,alphaPairsChanged))
iter += 1
if entireSet: entireSet = False #toggle entire set loop
elif (alphaPairsChanged == 0): entireSet = True
print ("iteration number: %d" % iter)
return oS.b,oS.alphas
def calcWs(alphas,dataArr,classLabels):
X = mat(dataArr); labelMat = mat(classLabels).transpose()
m,n = shape(X)
w = zeros((n,1))
for i in range(m):
w += multiply(alphas[i]*labelMat[i],X[i,:].T)
return w
def testRbf(k1=1.3):
dataArr,labelArr = loadDataSet('testSetRBF.txt')
b,alphas = smoP(dataArr, labelArr, 200, 0.0001, 10000, ('rbf', k1)) #C=200 important
datMat=mat(dataArr); labelMat = mat(labelArr).transpose()
sVs=datMat[svInd] #get matrix of only support vectors
labelSV = labelMat[svInd];
print ("there are %d Support Vectors" % shape(sVs)[0])
m,n = shape(datMat)
errorCount = 0
for i in range(m):
kernelEval = kernelTrans(sVs,datMat[i,:],('rbf', k1))
predict=kernelEval.T * multiply(labelSV,alphas[svInd]) + b
if sign(predict)!=sign(labelArr[i]): errorCount += 1
print( "the training error rate is: %f" % (float(errorCount)/m))
dataArr,labelArr = loadDataSet('testSetRBF2.txt')
errorCount = 0
datMat=mat(dataArr); labelMat = mat(labelArr).transpose()
m,n = shape(datMat)
for i in range(m):
kernelEval = kernelTrans(sVs,datMat[i,:],('rbf', k1))
predict=kernelEval.T * multiply(labelSV,alphas[svInd]) + b
if sign(predict)!=sign(labelArr[i]): errorCount += 1
print( "the test error rate is: %f" % (float(errorCount)/m) )
def img2vector(filename):
returnVect = zeros((1,1024))
fr = open(filename)
for i in range(32):
lineStr = fr.readline()
for j in range(32):
returnVect[0,32*i+j] = int(lineStr[j])
return returnVect
def loadImages(dirName):
from os import listdir
hwLabels = []
trainingFileList = listdir(dirName) #load the training set
m = len(trainingFileList)
trainingMat = zeros((m,1024))
for i in range(m):
fileNameStr = trainingFileList[i]
fileStr = fileNameStr.split('.')[0] #take off .txt
classNumStr = int(fileStr.split('_')[0])
if classNumStr == 9: hwLabels.append(-1)
else: hwLabels.append(1)
trainingMat[i,:] = img2vector('%s/%s' % (dirName, fileNameStr))
return trainingMat, hwLabels
def testDigits(kTup=('rbf', 10)):
dataArr,labelArr = loadImages('trainingDigits')
b,alphas = smoP(dataArr, labelArr, 200, 0.0001, 10000, kTup)
datMat=mat(dataArr); labelMat = mat(labelArr).transpose()
labelSV = labelMat[svInd];
print( "there are %d Support Vectors" % shape(sVs)[0])
m,n = shape(datMat)
errorCount = 0
for i in range(m):
kernelEval = kernelTrans(sVs,datMat[i,:],kTup)
predict=kernelEval.T * multiply(labelSV,alphas[svInd]) + b
if sign(predict)!=sign(labelArr[i]): errorCount += 1
print ("the training error rate is: %f" % (float(errorCount)/m))
dataArr,labelArr = loadImages('testDigits')
errorCount = 0
datMat=mat(dataArr); labelMat = mat(labelArr).transpose()
m,n = shape(datMat)
for i in range(m):
kernelEval = kernelTrans(sVs,datMat[i,:],kTup)
predict=kernelEval.T * multiply(labelSV,alphas[svInd]) + b
if sign(predict)!=sign(labelArr[i]): errorCount += 1
print( "the test error rate is: %f" % (float(errorCount)/m) )
# Non-Kernel VErsions below
class optStructK:
def __init__(self,dataMatIn, classLabels, C, toler): # Initialize the structure with the parameters
self.X = dataMatIn
self.labelMat = classLabels
self.C = C
self.tol = toler
self.m = shape(dataMatIn)[0]
self.alphas = mat(zeros((self.m,1)))
self.b = 0
self.eCache = mat(zeros((self.m,2))) #first column is valid flag
def calcEkK(oS, k):
fXk = float(multiply(oS.alphas,oS.labelMat).T*(oS.X*oS.X[k,:].T)) + oS.b
Ek = fXk - float(oS.labelMat[k])
return Ek
def selectJK(i, oS, Ei): #this is the second choice -heurstic, and calcs Ej
maxK = -1; maxDeltaE = 0; Ej = 0
oS.eCache[i] = [1,Ei] #set valid #choose the alpha that gives the maximum delta E
validEcacheList = nonzero(oS.eCache[:,0].A)[0]
if (len(validEcacheList)) > 1:
for k in validEcacheList: #loop through valid Ecache values and find the one that maximizes delta E
if k == i: continue #don't calc for i, waste of time
Ek = calcEk(oS, k)
deltaE = abs(Ei - Ek)
if (deltaE > maxDeltaE):
maxK = k; maxDeltaE = deltaE; Ej = Ek
return maxK, Ej
else: #in this case (first time around) we don't have any valid eCache values
j = selectJrand(i, oS.m)
Ej = calcEk(oS, j)
return j, Ej
def updateEkK(oS, k):#after any alpha has changed update the new value in the cache
Ek = calcEk(oS, k)
oS.eCache[k] = [1,Ek]
def innerLK(i, oS):
Ei = calcEk(oS, i)
if ((oS.labelMat[i]*Ei < -oS.tol) and (oS.alphas[i] < oS.C)) or ((oS.labelMat[i]*Ei > oS.tol) and (oS.alphas[i] > 0)):
j,Ej = selectJ(i, oS, Ei) #this has been changed from selectJrand
alphaIold = oS.alphas[i].copy(); alphaJold = oS.alphas[j].copy();
if (oS.labelMat[i] != oS.labelMat[j]):
L = max(0, oS.alphas[j] - oS.alphas[i])
H = min(oS.C, oS.C + oS.alphas[j] - oS.alphas[i])
L = max(0, oS.alphas[j] + oS.alphas[i] - oS.C)
H = min(oS.C, oS.alphas[j] + oS.alphas[i])
if L==H: print( "L==H"); return 0
eta = 2.0 * oS.X[i,:]*oS.X[j,:].T - oS.X[i,:]*oS.X[i,:].T - oS.X[j,:]*oS.X[j,:].T
if eta >= 0: print ("eta>=0"); return 0
oS.alphas[j] -= oS.labelMat[j]*(Ei - Ej)/eta
oS.alphas[j] = clipAlpha(oS.alphas[j],H,L)
updateEk(oS, j) #added this for the Ecache
if (abs(oS.alphas[j] - alphaJold) < 0.00001): print ("j not moving enough"); return 0
oS.alphas[i] += oS.labelMat[j]*oS.labelMat[i]*(alphaJold - oS.alphas[j])#update i by the same amount as j
updateEk(oS, i) #added this for the Ecache #the update is in the oppostie direction
b1 = oS.b - Ei- oS.labelMat[i]*(oS.alphas[i]-alphaIold)*oS.X[i,:]*oS.X[i,:].T - oS.labelMat[j]*(oS.alphas[j]-alphaJold)*oS.X[i,:]*oS.X[j,:].T
b2 = oS.b - Ej- oS.labelMat[i]*(oS.alphas[i]-alphaIold)*oS.X[i,:]*oS.X[j,:].T - oS.labelMat[j]*(oS.alphas[j]-alphaJold)*oS.X[j,:]*oS.X[j,:].T
if (0 < oS.alphas[i]) and (oS.C > oS.alphas[i]): oS.b = b1
elif (0 < oS.alphas[j]) and (oS.C > oS.alphas[j]): oS.b = b2
else: oS.b = (b1 + b2)/2.0
return 1
else: return 0
def smoPK(dataMatIn, classLabels, C, toler, maxIter): #full Platt SMO
oS = optStruct(mat(dataMatIn),mat(classLabels).transpose(),C,toler)
iter = 0
entireSet = True; alphaPairsChanged = 0
while (iter < maxIter) and ((alphaPairsChanged > 0) or (entireSet)):
alphaPairsChanged = 0
if entireSet: #go over all
for i in range(oS.m):
alphaPairsChanged += innerL(i,oS)
print ("fullSet, iter: %d i:%d, pairs changed %d" % (iter,i,alphaPairsChanged))
iter += 1
else:#go over non-bound (railed) alphas
nonBoundIs = nonzero((oS.alphas.A > 0) * (oS.alphas.A < C))[0]
for i in nonBoundIs:
alphaPairsChanged += innerL(i,oS)
print ("non-bound, iter: %d i:%d, pairs changed %d" % (iter,i,alphaPairsChanged))
iter += 1
if entireSet: entireSet = False #toggle entire set loop
elif (alphaPairsChanged == 0): entireSet = True
print ("iteration number: %d" % iter)
return oS.b,oS.alphas
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun May 6 00:34:51 2018
@author: Diky
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def showDataSet(dataMat, labelMat):
data_plus = [] #正样本
data_minus = [] #负样本
for i in range(len(dataMat)):
if labelMat[i] > 0:
data_plus_np = np.array(data_plus) #转换为numpy矩阵
data_minus_np = np.array(data_minus) #转换为numpy矩阵
plt.scatter(np.transpose(data_plus_np)[0], np.transpose(data_plus_np)[1]) #正样本散点图
plt.scatter(np.transpose(data_minus_np)[0], np.transpose(data_minus_np)[1]) #负样本散点图
def showClassifer(dataMat,labelMat , w, b ,alphas):
data_plus = [] #正样本
data_minus = [] #负样本
for i in range(len(dataMat)):
if labelMat[i] > 0:
data_plus_np = np.array(data_plus) #转换为numpy矩阵
data_minus_np = np.array(data_minus) #转换为numpy矩阵
plt.scatter(np.transpose(data_plus_np)[0], np.transpose(data_plus_np)[1], s=30, alpha=0.7) #正样本散点图
plt.scatter(np.transpose(data_minus_np)[0], np.transpose(data_minus_np)[1], s=30, alpha=0.7) #负样本散点图
x1 = max(dataMat)[0]
x2 = min(dataMat)[0]
a1, a2 = w
b = float(b)
a1 = float(a1[0])
a2 = float(a2[0])
y1, y2 = (-b- a1*x1)/a2, (-b - a1*x2)/a2
plt.plot([x1, x2], [y1, y2])
for i, alpha in enumerate(alphas):
if abs(alpha) > 0:
x, y = dataMat[i]
plt.scatter([x], [y], s=150, c='none', alpha=0.7, linewidth=1.5, edgecolor='red')
def get_w(dataMat, labelMat, alphas):
alphas, dataMat, labelMat = np.array(alphas), np.array(dataMat), np.array(labelMat)
w = np.dot((np.tile(labelMat.reshape(1, -1).T, (1, 2)) * dataMat).T, alphas)
return w.tolist()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat May 5 23:56:01 2018
@author: Diky
from svmMLiA import *
from draw import *
dataMat, labelMat = loadDataSet('testSet.txt')
b1,alphas1 = smoSimple(dataMat, labelMat, 0.6, 0.001, 40)
b2,alphas2 = smoP(dataMat, labelMat, 0.6, 0.001, 40)
showDataSet(dataMat, labelMat)
print('SVM simple :')
showClassifer(dataMat, labelMat ,ws1, b1 ,alphas1)
print('SVM completed :')
showClassifer(dataMat, labelMat ,ws2, b2 ,alphas2)
dataMat, labelMat = loadDataSet('testSetRBF.txt')
showDataSet(dataMat, labelMat)
#testDigits(('lin',10)) # ' lin ' and' rbf'
testDigits(kTup=('rbf', 100))