如何在指定的矩形框内,显示TextView 文字不会被切割,也不用指定TextView大小(指定矩形框,不指定文字大小)
有两种方式,一种是使用Matrix做 矩阵变换,一种是用StaticLayout进行遍历来选取合适的TextSize
public void drawText(String text, Paint paint, Canvas canvas, MyItem item) {
Rect textBound = new Rect();
paint.getTextBounds(text, 0,
text.length(), textBound);
float descent = paint.descent();
int height = textBound.height();
int width = textBound.width();
float[] startPoints = {
0, -height + descent,
width, -height + descent,
width, descent,
0, descent
float[] endPoints = {
item.leftTopPoint.x, item.leftTopPoint.y,
item.rightTopPoint.x, item.rightTopPoint.y,
item.rightBottomPoint.x, item.rightBottomPoint.y,
item.leftBottomPoint.x, item.leftBottomPoint.y
Matrix fontMatrix = new Matrix();
fontMatrix.setPolyToPoly(startPoints, 0, endPoints, 0, 4);
final int saveCount = canvas.save();
canvas.drawText(text, 0, 0, paint);
主要采用的是Matrix的PolyToPoly方法,就是给定 原坐标点、目的坐标点,生成变换的Matrix
绘制矩形框 不是长方形,是梯形 也可以完美的贴上去
private void drawStatic(Paint paint, Canvas canvas, TextPaint textPaint,
int drawWidth, int drawHeight, int drawLeft, int drawTop) {
int textHeight = initConfig(getText(), textPaint, drawWidth, drawHeight, DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE);
if (textHeight == -1) {
StaticLayout layout = new StaticLayout(getText(), textPaint, drawWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, mSpacingMulti, mSpacingAdd, true);
* 设置paint的textSize
int initConfig(CharSequence text, TextPaint textPaint, int viewWidth, int viewHeight, float defaultTextSize) {
// Do not resize if the view does not have dimensions or there is no text
if (text == null || text.length() == 0 || viewHeight <= 0 || viewWidth <= 0 || defaultTextSize == 0) {
return -1;
float targetTextSize = defaultTextSize;
int textHeight = getStaticLayoutHeight(text, textPaint, viewWidth, targetTextSize);
while (textHeight > viewHeight) {
targetTextSize = targetTextSize - 2;
textHeight = getStaticLayoutHeight(text, textPaint, viewWidth, targetTextSize);
float preTextSize = targetTextSize;
while (textHeight < viewHeight) {
preTextSize = targetTextSize;
targetTextSize += 2;
textHeight = getStaticLayoutHeight(text, textPaint, viewWidth, targetTextSize);
return textHeight;
int getStaticLayoutHeight(CharSequence source, TextPaint paint, int width, float textSize) {
StaticLayout layout = new StaticLayout(source, paint, width, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, mSpacingMulti, mSpacingAdd, true);
return layout.getHeight();