关于HandyJSON,是由阿里一位大神推出的,能够做到JSON转Model一步到位,而且使用起来,非常简洁方便 传送门:https://github.com/alibaba/HandyJSON
import HandyJSON
enum AjaxResultState:Int,HandyJSONEnum {
case success = 0 //成功
case sessionError = 97 //登录失败
case errrorMessage = 99
case error = 100 //错误
class AjaxResult: HandyJSON {
var code : AjaxResultState = .success
var message : String?
var datas : Any?
var userId : String?
// @objc var my_date : Int = 0{
// willSet {
// print("newValue: ", newValue)
// }
// didSet {
// print("oldValue: ", oldValue)
// }
// }
@objc var handleTime : Int = 0{
willSet {
print("newValue: ", newValue)
func didFinishMapping() {
self.userId = "234324324"
func mapping(mapper: HelpingMapper) {
//mapper.specify(property: &my_date, name: "handleTime")
required init() {
- 我们创建的类不需要继承HandyJSON
- 可以实现mapping方法做字段的替换,有点像MJExtension里面的mj_replacedKeyFromPropertyName这个方法
func mapping(mapper: HelpingMapper) {
mapper.specify(property: &my_date, name: "handleTime")
- 实现方法didFinishMapping可以在字典模型完成之后做对解析的字段做额外处理,类似MJExtension中mj_keyValuesDidFinishConvertingToObject
func didFinishMapping() {
self.userId = "234324324"
- 可以重写模型中某个属性的set方法和get方法,但前提需要继承自NSObject
class AjaxResult: NSObject,HandyJSON {
@objc var my_date : Int = 0{
willSet {
print("newValue: ", newValue)
didSet {
print("oldValue: ", oldValue)
required override init() {
class ContentModel: HandyJSON {
required init() {
var title : String?
- 字典转模型的使用
var dict = [String: Any]()
dict["doubleOptional"] = 1.1
dict["stringImplicitlyUnwrapped"] = "hello"
dict["int"] = 1
if let object = BasicTypes.deserialize(from: dict) {
// ...
- 模型转字典
let object = BasicTypes()
object.int = 1
object.doubleOptional = 1.1
object.stringImplicitlyUnwrapped = “hello"
print(object.toJSON()!) // serialize to dictionary
print(object.toJSONString()!) // serialize to JSON string
print(object.toJSONString(prettyPrint: true)!) // serialize to pretty JSON string
- 有枚举或者有结构体
enum AnimalType: String, HandyJSONEnum {
case Cat = "cat"
case Dog = "dog"
case Bird = "bird"
struct Animal: HandyJSON {
var name: String?
var type: AnimalType?
let jsonString = "{\"type\":\"cat\",\"name\":\"Tom\"}"
if let animal = Animal.deserialize(from: jsonString) {
- 更多详细用法参考 https://github.com/alibaba/HandyJSON/blob/master/README_cn.md
关于Alamofire我不多说了,熟悉AFNetworking的朋友都知道Alamofire是AFNetworking的swift版本详细的用法请参考 https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire
import UIKit
import Alamofire
import HandyJSON
class HttpRequestUtil: NSObject {
typealias HttpSuccess = ((_ result:AjaxResult) -> Void)
static func request( method:HTTPMethod,url:URLConvertible,parameters:Parameters? = nil,success:@escaping HttpSuccess){
Alamofire.request(url, method:method, parameters:parameters).responseJSON(completionHandler: { (response) in
if response.result.isSuccess {
if let jsonString = response.result.value {
if let obj = AjaxResult.deserialize(from: jsonString as? Dictionary){
let ajax = AjaxResult()
ajax.code = .error
let ajax = AjaxResult()
ajax.code = .error
HttpRequestUtil.request(method: .get, url: "https://cs.hxquan.cn/api/ad/list", parameters: ["spaceId":"4"]) { (result) in
if result.code == .success {
if let datas = Array.deserialize(from: result.datas as? NSArray){