# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- data ={ "北京市":{ "东城区":{ "东城A1": ["奇虎", "百度", "网易"], "东城A2": ["北京大学", "清华大学"] }, "西城区": {}, "朝阳区": {} }, "天津市": { "和平区": {}, "滨海新区": {}, "南开区": {} }, "上海市":{ "黄浦区": {}, "徐汇区": {}, "静安区": {}, "普陀区": {} } } count = 0 while True: for i in data: print(i) while True: choice1 = raw_input("Please Enter the City:") if choice1 in data: while True: for i2 in data[choice1]: print(i2) while True: choice2 = raw_input("plese Enter the quyu:") if choice2 in data[choice1]: while True: for i3 in data[choice1][choice2]: print(i3) while True: choice3 = raw_input("plese Enter the jiedao:") if choice3 in data[choice1][choice2]: print("%s"%data[choice1][choice2][choice3]) while True: choice4 = raw_input("plese Enter the b:") if choice4 == "b": count += 1 break else: print("输入不正确,请重新输入:") if count <= 1: count += 1 break else: count = 0 elif choice3 == "b": break else: print("输入不正确,请重新输入:") continue if count <= 1: count += 1 break else: count = 0 if count <= 1: count += 1 break else: count = 0 elif choice2 == "b": break else: print("输入不正确,请重新输入:") continue if count <= 1: count += 1 break else: count = 0 if count <= 1: count += 1 break else: count = 0 elif choice1 == "b": print("退出!") break else: print("输入不正确,请重新输入:") if count <= 1: count += 1 break else: count = 0