





  1 #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2 import pygame, sys, random, time
  3 from pygame.locals import *
  5 pygame.init()
  6 font = pygame.font.Font(u"c:\\windows\\fonts\\MSYH.ttf",30)
  7 mainClock = pygame.time.Clock()
  8 wsurface = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600),0,32)
  9 pygame.display.set_caption("My_Snake~")
 11 Len = 20
 12 snakeRect = []
 13 for i in range(10,13):
 14     snakeRect.append(pygame.Rect(i * (Len) , 50 , Len, Len))
 15 food = pygame.Rect(10 * (Len), 10 * (Len), Len, Len)   
 16 ml    = False
 17 mr    = True
 18 mu    = False
 19 md    = False
 20 score = 0
 21 black = (0, 0, 0)
 22 green = (0, 255, 0)
 23 white = (255, 255, 255)
 24 global FPSCLOCK
 25 FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() 
 26 #####################################################
 27 def judge():
 28     if snakeRect[0].left - 15 <= food.left <= snakeRect[0].left + 15 and snakeRect[0].top - 15 <= <= snakeRect[0].top + 15: 
 29         return True
 30 def judge2(a, b):
 31     if a.left - 15 <= b.left <= a.left + 15 and - 15 <= <= + 15:
 32         return True
 33 def checkForKeyPress():  
 34     #checkForQuit()  
 35     for event in pygame.event.get([KEYDOWN, KEYUP]):  
 36         if event.type == KEYUP:  
 37             continue  
 38         return event.key  
 39     return None  
 40 #######################################################    
 41 flagg = True
 42 speed = 8
 43 while True:
 44     for event in pygame.event.get():
 45         if event.type == QUIT:
 46             pygame.QUIT()
 47             sys.exit()
 48         if event.type == KEYDOWN:
 49             if event.key == K_r:
 50                 snakeRect = []
 51                 for i in range(10,13):
 52                     snakeRect.append(pygame.Rect(i * (Len) , 50 , Len, Len))
 53                 food = pygame.Rect(10 * (Len), 10 * (Len), Len, Len)   
 54                 ml    = False
 55                 mr    = True
 56                 mu    = False
 57                 md    = False
 58                 score = 0 
 59                 flagg = True
 60                 speed = 8
 61             if event.key == K_p:
 62                 wsurface.fill(black)
 63                 text_surface1 = font.render('Pause!' , True, (0, 0, 255))
 64                 wsurface.blit(text_surface1, (10, 50))
 65                 while checkForKeyPress() == None:
 66                     pygame.display.update()
 67                     FPSCLOCK.tick()
 68             if event.key == K_LEFT and mr == False:
 69                 ml = True
 70                 mr = False
 71                 mu = False
 72                 md = False
 73             if event.key == K_RIGHT and ml == False:
 74                 ml = False
 75                 mr = True
 76                 mu = False
 77                 md = False
 78             if event.key == K_UP and md == False:
 79                 ml = False
 80                 mr = False
 81                 mu = True
 82                 md = False
 83             if event.key == K_DOWN and mu == False:
 84                 ml = False
 85                 mr = False
 86                 mu = False
 87                 md = True
 88     head = pygame.Rect(snakeRect[0].left,snakeRect[0].top,snakeRect[0].width,snakeRect[0].height)
 89     if flagg == False:
 90         continue
 91     if ml == True:
 92         head.right = head.left - 1
 93     if mr == True:
 94         head.left = head.right + 1
 95     if mu == True:
 96         head.bottom = - 1
 97     if md == True:
 98 = head.bottom + 1
 99     snakeRect.insert(0, head)
100     #判断失败和重新游戏
101     if head.right < 0 or head.left > 800 or head.bottom < 0 or > 600 or snakeRect[0] in snakeRect[1:]:
102         wsurface.fill(white)
103         text_surface2 = font.render('Press R to restart!' , True, (0, 0, 255))
104         wsurface.blit(text_surface2, (50, 80))        
105         pygame.display.update()
106         while checkForKeyPress() == None:
107             pygame.display.update()
108             FPSCLOCK.tick()        
109             break
110         flagg = False
111         continue
112     flagg = True
113     if judge():
114         score = score + 10
115         speed = speed + 1
116         while True:
117             flag = True
118             food.left = random.randrange(10,800)
119    = random.randrange(10,600)            
120             for temp in snakeRect:
121                 if judge2(food, temp):
122                     flag = False
123             if flag == True:
124                 break
125     else:
126          snakeRect.pop()
127     wsurface.fill(black)
128     for i in range(len(snakeRect)):
129         pygame.draw.rect(wsurface,green,snakeRect[i])
130     pygame.draw.rect(wsurface,white,food)
131     text_surface = font.render(u"分数: " + str(score), True, (0, 0, 255))
132     wsurface.blit(text_surface, (10, 50))
133     pygame.display.update()
134     mainClock.tick(speed)    




