作者 | beyondma
本文精选自 CSDN 博客,已获作者授权
最近 V 语言在千呼万唤之后,终于迎来开源,并正式发布了首个可用版本。其一经推出,便强势登顶GitHub的榜首,引来各方热议。目前V已经可以实现自我编译迭代,笔者大致了解了一下V语言,主要有如下一些特性:
如果只是HELLO WORLD程序是非常简单的,只需要按照https://vlang.io官网的标准步骤来执行即可。而如果使用其图形处理能力笔者目前只在UBANTU平台测试成功——下面均是以UBANTU为例来说明。
git clone https://github.com/vlang/v cd v make
cd v
如果报curl command not found,则执行以下命令安装curl:
sudo apt install curl
sudo ln -s /home/machao/v/v /usr/local/bin/v
sudo apt install libglfw3 libglfw3-dev libfreetype6-dev libcurl3-dev
接下来cd tetris,进入到俄罗斯方块的目录,先使用gedit tetris.v。来看一下v语言的代码样例,其主要部分如下:
fn main() { glfw.init()//实始化类 mut game := &Game{gg: 0} // TODO game.parse_tetros() game.init_game() mut window := glfw.create_window(glfw.WinCfg { width: WinWidth height: WinHeight title: 'V Tetris' ptr: game // glfw user pointer }) window.make_context_current() window.onkeydown(key_down)//注册事件 gg.init() game.gg = gg.new_context(gg.Cfg { width: WinWidth height: WinHeight use_ortho: true // This is needed for 2D drawing }) go game.run() // Run the game loop in a new thread gl.clear() // For some reason this is necessary to avoid an intial flickering gl.clear_color(255, 255, 255, 255) for { gl.clear() gl.clear_color(255, 255, 255, 255) game.draw_scene() window.swap_buffers() glfw.wait_events() if window.should_close() { window.destroy() glfw.terminate() exit(0) } }}fn (g mut Game) move_right(dx int) { // Reached left/right edge or another tetro? for i := 0; i < TetroSize; i++ { tetro := g.tetro[i] y := tetro.y + g.pos_y x := tetro.x + g.pos_x + dx row := g.field[y] if row[x] != 0 { // Do not move return } } g.pos_x += dx}fn (g mut Game) delete_completed_lines() { for y := FieldHeight; y >= 1; y-- { g.delete_completed_line(y) }}fn (g mut Game) delete_completed_line(y int) { for x := 1; x <= FieldWidth; x++ { f := g.field[y] if f[x] == 0 { return } } // Move everything down by 1 position for yy := y - 1; yy >= 1; yy-- { for x := 1; x <= FieldWidth; x++ { mut a := g.field[yy + 1] mut b := g.field[yy] a[x] = b[x] } }}// Place a new tetro on topfn (g mut Game) generate_tetro() { g.pos_y = 0 g.pos_x = FieldWidth / 2 - TetroSize / 2 g.tetro_idx = rand.next(BTetros.len) g.rotation_idx = 0 g.get_tetro()}// Get the right tetro from cachefn (g mut Game) get_tetro() { idx := g.tetro_idx * TetroSize * TetroSize + g.rotation_idx * TetroSize g.tetro = g.tetros_cache.slice(idx, idx + TetroSize)}fn (g mut Game) drop_tetro() { for i := 0; i < TetroSize; i++ { tetro := g.tetro[i] x := tetro.x + g.pos_x y := tetro.y + g.pos_y // Remember the color of each block // TODO: g.field[y][x] = g.tetro_idx + 1 mut row := g.field[y] row[x] = g.tetro_idx + 1 }}fn (g &Game) draw_tetro() { for i := 0; i < TetroSize; i++ { tetro := g.tetro[i] g.draw_block(g.pos_y + tetro.y, g.pos_x + tetro.x, g.tetro_idx + 1) }}fn (g &Game) draw_block(i, j, color_idx int) { g.gg.draw_rect((j - 1) * BlockSize, (i - 1) * BlockSize, BlockSize - 1, BlockSize - 1, Colors[color_idx])}fn (g &Game) draw_field() { for i := 1; i < FieldHeight + 1; i++ { for j := 1; j < FieldWidth + 1; j++ { f := g.field[i] if f[j] > 0 { g.draw_block(i, j, f[j]) } } }}fn (g &Game) draw_scene() { g.draw_tetro() g.draw_field()}fn parse_binary_tetro(t int) []Block { res := [Block{} ; 4] mut cnt := 0 horizontal := t == 9// special case for the horizontal line for i := 0; i <= 3; i++ { // Get ith digit of t p := int(math.pow(10, 3 - i)) mut digit := int(t / p) t %= p // Convert the digit to binary for j := 3; j >= 0; j-- { bin := digit % 2 digit /= 2 if bin == 1 || (horizontal && i == TetroSize - 1) { // TODO: res[cnt].x = j // res[cnt].y = i mut point := &res[cnt] point.x = j point.y = i cnt++ } } } return res}// TODO: this exposes the unsafe C interface, clean upfn key_down(wnd voidptr, key, code, action, mods int) { if action != 2 && action != 1 { return } // Fetch the game object stored in the user pointer mut game := &Game(glfw.get_window_user_pointer(wnd)) switch key { case glfw.KEY_ESCAPE: glfw.set_should_close(wnd, true) case glfw.KeyUp: // Rotate the tetro game.rotation_idx++ if game.rotation_idx == TetroSize { game.rotation_idx = 0 } game.get_tetro() if game.pos_x < 0 { game.pos_x = 1 } case glfw.KeyLeft: game.move_right(-1) case glfw.KeyRight: game.move_right(1) case glfw.KeyDown: game.move_tetro() // drop faster when the player presses }}//实始化类
mut game := &Game{gg: 0} // TODO
mut window := glfw.create_window(glfw.WinCfg {
width: WinWidth
height: WinHeight
title: 'V Tetris'
ptr: game // glfw user pointer
game.gg = gg.new_context(gg.Cfg {
width: WinWidth
height: WinHeight
use_ortho: true // This is needed for 2D drawing
go game.run() // Run the game loop in a new thread
gl.clear() // For some reason this is necessary to avoid an intial flickering
gl.clear_color(255, 255, 255, 255)
for {
gl.clear_color(255, 255, 255, 255)
if window.should_close() {
fn (g mut Game) move_right(dx int) {
// Reached left/right edge or another tetro?
for i := 0; i < TetroSize; i++ {
tetro := g.tetro[i]
y := tetro.y + g.pos_y
x := tetro.x + g.pos_x + dx
row := g.field[y]
if row[x] != 0 {
// Do not move
g.pos_x += dx
fn (g mut Game) delete_completed_lines() {
for y := FieldHeight; y >= 1; y-- {
fn (g mut Game) delete_completed_line(y int) {
for x := 1; x <= FieldWidth; x++ {
f := g.field[y]
if f[x] == 0 {
// Move everything down by 1 position
for yy := y - 1; yy >= 1; yy-- {
for x := 1; x <= FieldWidth; x++ {
mut a := g.field[yy + 1]
mut b := g.field[yy]
a[x] = b[x]
// Place a new tetro on top
fn (g mut Game) generate_tetro() {
g.pos_y = 0
g.pos_x = FieldWidth / 2 - TetroSize / 2
g.tetro_idx = rand.next(BTetros.len)
g.rotation_idx = 0
// Get the right tetro from cache
fn (g mut Game) get_tetro() {
idx := g.tetro_idx * TetroSize * TetroSize + g.rotation_idx * TetroSize
g.tetro = g.tetros_cache.slice(idx, idx + TetroSize)
fn (g mut Game) drop_tetro() {
for i := 0; i < TetroSize; i++ {
tetro := g.tetro[i]
x := tetro.x + g.pos_x
y := tetro.y + g.pos_y
// Remember the color of each block
// TODO: g.field[y][x] = g.tetro_idx + 1
mut row := g.field[y]
row[x] = g.tetro_idx + 1
fn (g &Game) draw_tetro() {
for i := 0; i < TetroSize; i++ {
tetro := g.tetro[i]
g.draw_block(g.pos_y + tetro.y, g.pos_x + tetro.x, g.tetro_idx + 1)
fn (g &Game) draw_block(i, j, color_idx int) {
g.gg.draw_rect((j - 1) * BlockSize, (i - 1) * BlockSize,
BlockSize - 1, BlockSize - 1, Colors[color_idx])
fn (g &Game) draw_field() {
for i := 1; i < FieldHeight + 1; i++ {
for j := 1; j < FieldWidth + 1; j++ {
f := g.field[i]
if f[j] > 0 {
g.draw_block(i, j, f[j])
fn (g &Game) draw_scene() {
fn parse_binary_tetro(t int) []Block {
res := [Block{} ; 4]
mut cnt := 0
horizontal := t == 9// special case for the horizontal line
for i := 0; i <= 3; i++ {
// Get ith digit of t
p := int(math.pow(10, 3 - i))
mut digit := int(t / p)
t %= p
// Convert the digit to binary
for j := 3; j >= 0; j-- {
bin := digit % 2
digit /= 2
if bin == 1 || (horizontal && i == TetroSize - 1) {
// TODO: res[cnt].x = j
// res[cnt].y = i
mut point := &res[cnt]
point.x = j
point.y = i
return res
// TODO: this exposes the unsafe C interface, clean up
fn key_down(wnd voidptr, key, code, action, mods int) {
if action != 2 && action != 1 {
// Fetch the game object stored in the user pointer
mut game := &Game(glfw.get_window_user_pointer(wnd))
switch key {
case glfw.KEY_ESCAPE:
glfw.set_should_close(wnd, true)
case glfw.KeyUp:
// Rotate the tetro
if game.rotation_idx == TetroSize {
game.rotation_idx = 0
if game.pos_x < 0 {
game.pos_x = 1
case glfw.KeyLeft:
case glfw.KeyRight:
case glfw.KeyDown:
game.move_tetro() // drop faster when the player presses
使用v run tetris.v命令就能看到以下的效果了。左边是debug窗口,右边是程序效果:
CSDN博客原文:https://blog.csdn.net/BEYONDMA/article/details/94349691,欢迎大家入驻 CSDN 博客。
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