1、检查   stop   消息中标识的驱动程序是否已得到   Windows   硬件质量实验室   (WHQL)   的签名和认证。运行   Sigverif.exe   检查未签名的驱动程序。  
  2、尝试更换   stop   消息中标识的驱动程序:可以用从安装媒体中获取的好副本,也可以用从制造商那获得的更新版。  
  3、禁用   stop   消息中标识的驱动程序或任何新安装的驱动程序。  
  4、如果有   Windows   2000   Professional   未提供的视频驱动程序,可尝试切换到标准   VGA   驱动程序或   Windows   2000   随带的兼容驱动程序。  
  7、如果添加   RAM   后立即出现计算机错误,则说明页面文件可能已损坏,或者新的   RAM   可能有错误或不兼容。这种情况下,请删除   Pagefile.sys   文件,并将系统恢复到原   RAM   配置。  


  下面是Windows   2000支持工具的说明:  
  Error   Message:  
  This   Stop   message   indicates   that   a   kernel-mode   process   or   driver   attempted   to   access   a   memory   address   to   which   it   did   not   have   permission   to   access.   The   most   common   cause   of   this   error   is   an   incorrect   or   corrupted   pointer   that   references   an   incorrect   location   in   memory.   A   pointer   is   a   variable   used   by   a   program   to   refer   to   a   block   of   memory.   If   the   variable   has   an   incorrect   value   in   it,   the   program   tries   to   access   memory   that   it   should   not.   When   this   occurs   in   a   user-mode   application,   it   generates   an   access   violation.   When   it   occurs   in   kernel   mode,   it   generates   a   STOP   0x0000000A   message.   If   you   encounter   this   error   while   upgrading   to   a   newer   version   of   Windows,   it   might   be   caused   by   a   device   driver,   a   system   service,   a   virus   scanner,   or   a   backup   tool   that   is   incompatible   with   the   new   version.  
  User   Action:  
  This   error   usually   occurs   after   the   installation   of   a   buggy   device   driver,   system   service,   or   BIOS.   To   resolve   it   quickly,   restart   your   computer,   and   press   F8   at   the   character-mode   menu   that   displays   the   operating   system   choices.   At   the   resulting   Windows   2000   Advanced   Options   menu,   choose   the   Last   Known   Good   Configuration   option.   This   option   is   most   effective   when   only   one   driver   or   service   is   added   at   a   time.   If   you   encounter   this   error   while   upgrading   from   Windows   NT   4.0   or   earlier,   it   might   be   caused   by   a   device   driver,   a   system   service,   a   virus   scanner,   or   a   backup   tool   that   is   incompatible   with   the   new   version.   If   possible,   remove   all   third-party   device   drivers   and   system   services   and   disable   any   virus   scanners   prior   to   upgrading.   Contact   the   software   manufacturers   to   obtain   updates   of   these   tools.   For   additional   error   messages   that   might   help   pinpoint   the   device   or   driver   that   is   causing   the   error,   check   the   System   Log   in   Event   Viewer.   Disabling   memory   caching   of   the   BIOS   might   also   resolve   this   error.   You   should   also   run   hardware   diagnostics   supplied   by   the   system   manufacturer,   especially   the   memory   scanner.   For   details   on   these   procedures,   see   the   owner抯   manual   for   your   computer.   If   your   system   has   small   computer   system   interface   (SCSI)   adapters,   contact   the   adapter   manufacturer   to   obtain   updated   Windows   2000   drivers.   Disable   sync   negotiation   in   the   SCSI   BIOS,   check   the   cables   and   the   SCSI   IDs   of   each   device,   and   confirm   proper   termination.   For   enhanced   integrated   device   electronics   (EIDE)   devices,   define   the   onboard   EIDE   port   as   Primary   only.   Also,   check   each   EIDE   device   for   the   proper   master/slave/stand-alone   setting.   Remove   all   EIDE   devices   except   for   hard   disks.   If   the   message   appears   during   an   installation   of   Windows   2000,   make   sure   that   the   computer   and   all   installed   peripherals   are   listed   on   the   Microsoft   Windows   2000   Hardware   Compatibility   List   (HCL)   on   http://www.microsoft.com.   For   more   troubleshooting   information   about   this   Stop   message,   refer   to   the   Microsoft   Knowledge   Base   at   http://support.microsoft.com/support.