svn 错误码 笔记

13:49 Commit failed with error
0 files committed, 10 files failed to commit: 修改手机号限制
svn: E155004: Run ‘svn cleanup’ to remove locks (type ‘svn help cleanup’ for details)
svn: E155004: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E155004: Working copy ‘D:\wcsworkspace\SCMWeb\src\views’ locked.
svn: E155004: ‘D:\wcsworkspace\SCMWeb\src\views’ is already locked.

更新出错 svn被锁 clean下

13:51 1 Project File Updated

13:51 Commit failed with error
0 files committed, 11 files failed to commit: 提交上传
svn: E155015: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E155015: Aborting commit: ‘D:\wcsworkspace\SCMWeb\src\views\pages\userPermissions\userPermissions.vue’ remains in conflict

提交出错 有冲突的地方
