在Outlook中如何修改收到邮件的主题 Editing received messages and subjects

在Outlook中如何修改收到邮件的主题 Editing received messages and subjects

1. 双击邮件,在一个单独窗口打开

2. 点击主题那行,虽然看起来是不可编辑的,但你可以输入新的主题

3. 关闭并保存邮件


Editing received messages and subjects

Editing a subject

To edit the subject of a received message, you’ll have to open the message in its own window by double clicking it. Although the subject field may not look editable, you can actually already type in the field now making any changes you want. 
When you close the message, you’ll be prompted to save the changes or not.

Editing a message

To edit the message content itself, you’ll also have to open the message in its won window first and then put the message in edit mode;

  • Outlook 2003 and previous 
    Edit-> Edit Message
  • Outlook 2007 
    Tab: Message-> group: Actions-> button: Other Actions-> Edit Message
  • Outlook 2010 
    Tab: Message-> group: Move-> button: Actions-> Edit Message

When you close the message, you’ll be prompted to save the changes or not.

在Outlook中如何修改收到邮件的主题 Editing received messages and subjects_第1张图片
The Edit Message command in Outlook 2010 is (strangely?) not located in the Editing group.
