mac下git使用ssh时候的一个小问题:Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

换了新电脑,配置了git的ssh keys之后就没怎么动过了,反正配置轻车熟路,就没有测试过。


> git clone [email protected]:xxxxx/xxx
Cloning into 'xxx'...
[email protected]: Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.


> cd ~/.ssh
> ll
-r--------  1 imac  staff   1.8K 12 28 04:57 old.key
-rw-------  1 imac  staff   1.8K 12 28 05:21 new.key
> chmod 400 *.key
> ll
-r--------  1 imac  staff   1.8K 12 28 04:57 old.key
-r--------  1 imac  staff   1.8K 12 28 05:21 new.key

可以看到,新的key不知道什么时候变成了600的权限了,改成400之后,再重新git clone,一切OK。
