

RPC简介 ( Introduction To RPC )

Remote procedure call (RPC) architecture is popular in building scalable distributed client/server model based applications.


RPC allows a client to a make procedure call (also referred to as subroutine call or function call ) to a server on a different address space without understanding the network configuration as if the server was in the same network (making a local procedure call).

RPC允许客户端在不同的地址空间上对服务器进行过程调用(也称为子例程调用函数调用 ),而无需像服务器在同一网络中那样理解网络配置(进行本地过程调用 )。

In this tutorial, we will implement an RPC client/server model using Google's gRPC and Protocol Buffers.


RPC如何运作 (How RPC Works)

Before we dive into the heart of RPC, let's take some time to understand how it works.


  1. A client application makes a local procedure call to the client stub containing the parameters to be passed on to the server.

  2. The client stub serializes the parameters through a process called marshalling forwards the request to the local client-time library in the local computer which forwards the request to the server stub.

  3. The server run-time library receives the request and calls the server stub procedure which unmarshalls (unpacks) the passed parameters and calls the actual procedure.

  4. The server stub sends back a response to the client-stub in the same fashion, a point at which the client resumes normal execution.



何时以及为何使用RPC ( When and Why to use RPC )

While in the process of building out a scalable microservice architecture and Andela, we are implementing REST to expose API endpoints, through and API gateway, to external applications (mostly web apps in AngularJS and ReactJS). Inter service communication is then handled using RPC.

在构建可伸缩的微服务架构和Andela的过程中 ,我们正在实现REST,以通过API网关将API端点公开给外部应用程序(主要是AngularJS和ReactJS中的Web应用程序)。 然后使用RPC处理服务间通信。

Remote procedure call's data serialization into binary format for inter-process (server to server) communication makes it ideal for building out scalable microservice architecture by improving performance.


RPC client and server run-time stubs take care of the network protocol and communication so that you can focus on your application.


RPC与REST。 斗争! ( RPC vs REST. Fight! )

While RPC and REST use the request/response HTTP protocol to send and receive data respectively, REST is the most popular and preferred client-server communication approach.


Before we dive into RPC. Let's make a comparison of the two.

在我们深入到RPC之前。 让我们对两者进行比较。

  • REST as an architectural style implements HTTP protocol between a client and a server through a set of constraints, typically a method (GET) and a resource or endpoint (/users/1).

    REST作为一种体系结构样式,通过一组约束(通常是方法( GET )和资源或端点( / users / 1 ))在客户端和服务器之间实现HTTP协议。
  • RPC implements client and server stubs that essentially make it possible to make calls to procedures over a network address as if the procedure was local. Simply put, RPC exposes methods (say, getUsers()) in the server to the client.

    RPC实现了客户端和服务器存根,从本质上来说,可以通过网络地址对过程进行调用,就像过程是本地的一样。 简而言之,RPC将服务器中的方法(例如getUsers() )公开给客户端。

The choice of architecture to use entirely remains at the discretion of the development teams and the nature of the system. Some developers have argued against comparing the two, and rightfully so because they can work well together.

完全使用体系结构的选择取决于开发团队和系统的性质。 一些开发人员反对将两者进行比较,这是正确的,因为它们可以很好地协同工作。

Read more about how the two compare on this article by Joshua Hartman.

在Joshua Hartman的这篇文章中阅读更多有关两者比较的信息。

使用gRPC和协议缓冲区实现RPC ( Implementing RPC with gRPC and Protocol Buffers )

Google managed gRPC is a very popular open source RPC framework with support of languages such as C++, Java, Python, Go, Ruby, Node.js, C#, Objective-C and PHP.

Google托管的gRPC是一个非常流行的开源RPC框架,支持诸如C ++,Java,Python,Go,Ruby,Node.js,C#,Objective-C和PHP等语言。

gRPC is a modern open source high performance RPC framework that can run in any environment. It can efficiently connect services in and across data centers with pluggable support for load balancing, tracing, health checking and authentication. It is also applicable in last mile of distributed computing to connect devices, mobile applications and browsers to backend services.

gRPC是可以在任何环境中运行的现代开源高性能RPC框架。 它可以通过可插拔的支持来有效地连接数据中心内和跨数据中心的服务,以实现负载平衡,跟踪,健康检查和身份验证。 它也适用于分布式计算的最后一英里,以将设备,移动应用程序和浏览器连接到后端服务。

As we mentioned, with gRPC, a client application can directly call methods on a server application on a different network as if the method was local. The beauty about RPC is that it is language agnostic. This means you could have a grpc server written in Java handling client calls from node.js, PHP and Go.

如前所述,使用gRPC,客户端应用程序可以直接在其他网络上的服务器应用程序上调用方法,就像该方法是本地方法一样。 RPC的优点在于它与语言无关。 这意味着您可以使用Java编写的grpc服务器来处理来自node.js,PHP和Go的客户端调用。

gRPC allows you to define a service which specifies the methods that you can call remotely, the parameters that can be passed to the procedure call and the return responses. The server then implements this definitions and creates a new grpc server to handle the procedure calls from the client.

gRPC允许您定义服务,该服务指定可以远程调用的方法,可以传递给过程调用的参数以及返回响应。 然后,服务器将实现此定义,并创建一个新的grpc服务器来处理来自客户端的过程调用。

By default, gRPC implements Protocol Buffers to serialize structured data as well as define the parameters and return responses for the callable methods.


使用gRPC框架的优势 ( Advantages Of Using The gRPC Framework )

Before we get into your first RPC application with gRPC, it is good to look at why we should go for gRPC as opposed to other RPC frameworks such as Apache's Thrift.


  • gRPC is built on HTTP/2 under it's BSD license. What this means is that the procedure calls get the goodness of HTTP/2 to build real time applications taking advantages of features such as bidirectional streaming, flow control, header compression and multiplexing requests.

    gRPC是在BSD许可下基于HTTP / 2构建的。 这意味着过程调用利用了诸如双向流,流控制,头压缩和多路复用请求等功能,利用HTTP / 2的优势来构建实时应用程序。
  • gRPC's default serialization protocol, Protocol Buffer, also transmits data in binary format which is smaller and faster as compared to good old JSON and XML.

    gRPC的默认序列化协议Protocol Buffer也以二进制格式传输数据,与旧的JSON和XML相比,该格式更小,更快。
  • Protocol buffer's latest version proto3 which makes it easy to define sevices and automatically generate client libraries as we will see later.


定义示例应用程序 ( Defining Our Sample Application )

We will be building a simple RPC based app that let's you employees know if they are eligible for work leave or not, if they are, we will proceed to grant them leave days. The rundown of how we will achieve this

我们将构建一个简单的基于RPC的应用程序,该应用程序可让您知道员工是否有资格请假,如果符合条件,我们将继续为他们提供请假天数。 我们将如何实现这一目标

  1. Define our protocol buffer message types and service using the proto3 language guide.

  2. Create a gRPC server (in Node.js) based on the proto file we define and test it out.

  3. Create gRPC clients (in Node.js and Python).

  4. Make RPC calls from the respective clients to the server.


Our project structure will be laid out as follows.


├── package.json
├── .gitignore
├── .grpclirc
├── server/
    ├── index.js
├── client/
    ├── node/
    ├── python/
├── proto/
    ├── work_leave.proto

创建协议缓冲区消息类型和服务 ( Creating Protocol Buffer Message Types And Service )


proto / work_leave.proto

syntax = "proto3"; //Specify proto3 version.

package work_leave; //Optional: unique package name.

//Service. define the methods that the grpc server can expose to the client.
service EmployeeLeaveDaysService {
  rpc EligibleForLeave (Employee) returns (LeaveEligibility);
  rpc grantLeave (Employee) returns (LeaveFeedback);

// Message Type fefinition for an Employee.
message Employee {
  int32 employee_id = 1;
  string name = 2;
  float accrued_leave_days = 3;
  float requested_leave_days = 4;

// Message Type definition for LeaveEligibility response.
message LeaveEligibility {
  bool eligible = 1;

// Message Type definition for LeaveFeedback response.
message LeaveFeedback  {
  bool granted = 1;
  float accrued_leave_days = 2;
  float granted_leave_days = 3;

Let's take a logical walk through of the .proto file.


  • First, we define the protocol buffer language syntax we will be using, in this case, proto3

  • Next we define a unique package name for our file to prevent name clashes between protocol message types. Note that this is optional.

    接下来,我们为文件定义一个唯一的包名称,以防止协议消息类型之间的名称冲突。 请注意,这是可选的。
  • Define an RPC service interface that stipulates what parameters each method in the gRPC server takes and returns. In our case, the service name is EmployeeLeaveDaysService

    定义一个RPC服务接口,该接口规定gRPC服务器中每个方法采用和返回的参数。 在我们的例子中,服务名称是EmployeeLeaveDaysService
  • Last but not least, we define a Message Type for each data that we will be transmitting between the client and the server. A Message Type typically consists of a name/value pair where you define a data type, the field name and a unique number tag that identifies the field when serialized into binary format.

    最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们为要在客户端和服务器之间传输的每个数据定义一个消息类型。 消息类型通常由名称/值对组成,您可以在其中定义数据类型,字段名称和唯一的数字标签,该序列号在序列化为二进制格式时可标识该字段。

Notice how easy it is to interpret the Service method implementations.


  • An RPC call to EligibleForLeave takes an Employee object and returns a LeaveEligibility response.

  • An RPC call to grantLeave takes an Employee object and returns a LeaveFeedback response.


创建和测试服务器 ( Creating And Testing The Server )

With our .proto file in hand, let's go ahead and create our gRPC server. Since our server is written in Node, go ahead and initalize a new node project and install the grpc package.

有了我们的.proto文件,让我们继续创建gRPC服务器。 由于我们的服务器是用Node编写的,因此继续并启动一个新的Node项目并安装grpc软件包。

npm install --save grpc

Next, create a server directory and add the following code to spin up the server.



服务器/ index.js

const grpc = require('grpc');

const proto = grpc.load('proto/work_leave.proto');
const server = new grpc.Server();

//define the callable methods that correspond to the methods defined in the protofile
server.addProtoService(proto.work_leave.EmployeeLeaveDaysService.service, {
  Check if an employee is eligible for leave.
  True If the requested leave days are greater than 0 and within the number
  of accrued days.
  eligibleForLeave(call, callback) {
    if (call.request.requested_leave_days > 0) {
      if (call.request.accrued_leave_days > call.request.requested_leave_days) {
        callback(null, { eligible: true });
      } else {
        callback(null, { eligible: false });
    } else {
      callback(new Error('Invalid requested days'));

  Grant an employee leave days
  grantLeave(call, callback) {
    let granted_leave_days = call.request.requested_leave_days;
    let accrued_leave_days = call.request.accrued_leave_days - granted_leave_days;

    callback(null, {
      granted: true,

//Specify the IP and and port to start the grpc Server, no SSL in test environment
server.bind('', grpc.ServerCredentials.createInsecure());

//Start the server
console.log('grpc server running on port:', '');

First, we load the grpc package and load the proto file using the exposed load method and then create a new instance of ther grpc server.


The server instance gives us access to the following key methods.


  • addProtoService


Takes two parameters, a link to the service name and a list of methods defined in the respective service. The service name is referenced as ...service.

采用两个参数,即指向服务名称的链接和在相应服务中定义的方法列表。 服务名称引用为...service

Each of the defined method takes in a call which contains the payload from the client and a callback function that returns an error and response respectively.


  • bind


The bind method specifies the IP and port on which to create the server. Since we are on a test environment, we will also create an insecure server(No SSL).

bind方法指定要在其上创建服务器的IP和端口。 由于我们处于测试环境中,因此我们还将创建一个不安全的服务器(无SSL)。

  • start


The start method simply starts the server.


测试gRPC服务器 (Testing out the gRPC server)

To take our new server for a test drive, let's globally install a CLI grpc client before we proceed to create our own clients.

为了将我们的新服务器用于测试驱动器,让我们先全局安装一个CLI grpc客户端,然后再继续创建自己的客户端。

npm install -g grpcli

Next, let's start our server.


node server

To run the client, navigate to the route of your grpc application and run the grpcli command with the path to the protofile, the IP address and port to connect to and a command to start the client as insecured. You can also specify the configurations in a .grpclirc file

要运行客户端,请导航至grpc应用程序的路由,并运行grpcli命令以及原型文件的路径,要连接的IP地址和端口以及以不安全的方式启动客户端的命令。 您也可以在.grpclirc文件中指定配置

grpcli -f proto/work_leave.proto --ip= --port=50050 -i

Once a connection is established, you will be able to list all callable methods with rpc list and call methods with rpc call.

建立连接后,您将能够使用rpc list列出所有可调用方法,并使用rpc call rpc list调用方法。


Sweet! Now with that working, let's go ahead and create the grpc clients.

甜! 现在,完成这项工作,让我们继续创建grpc客户。

创建客户 ( Creating The Clients )

Like we had mentioned earlier, we will be creating gRPC clients in Node.js and Python just because we can. This will help us appreciate the power of RPC.

就像我们之前提到的那样,我们将尽我们所能在Node.js和Python中创建gRPC客户端。 这将帮助我们欣赏RPC的强大功能。

For each of the clients we will basically confirm if an employee is eligible for leave and if they are, we will proceed to grant them the requested leave days.


创建节点客户端 ( Creating a Node Client )

Let's go ahead and create an index.js file in client/node and proceed to create our first client.


const grpc = require('grpc');

const protoPath = require('path').join(__dirname, '../..', 'proto');
const proto = grpc.load({root: protoPath, file: 'work_leave.proto' });

//Create a new client instance that binds to the IP and port of the grpc server.
const client = new proto.work_leave.EmployeeLeaveDaysService('localhost:50050', grpc.credentials.createInsecure());

const employees = {
  valid: {
    employee_id: 1,
    name: 'John Kariuki',
    accrued_leave_days: 10,
    requested_leave_days: 4
  ineligible: {
    employee_id: 1,
    name: 'John Kariuki',
    accrued_leave_days: 10,
    requested_leave_days: 20
  invalid: {
    employee_id: 1,
    name: 'John Kariuki',
    accrued_leave_days: 10,
    requested_leave_days: -1
  illegal: {
    foo: 'bar'

client.eligibleForLeave(employees.valid, (error, response) => {
  if (!error) {
    if (response.eligible) {
      client.grantLeave(employees.valid, (error, response) => {
    } else {
      console.log("You are currently ineligible for leave days");
  } else {
    console.log("Error:", error.message);

Just like we did for the server, we need to load the proto file and the grpc package. We then create a new client instance that binds to our server's address and port.

就像我们对服务器所做的一样,我们需要加载原始文件和grpc软件包。 然后,我们创建一个绑定到服务器地址和端口的新客户端实例。

At this point, we can now directly make calls to the methods defined in our server. As we had mentioned, each method take in a payload parameter and a callback function that returns an error and response respectively.

此时,我们现在可以直接调用服务器中定义的方法。 正如我们已经提到的,每种方法都带有一个有效负载参数和一个分别返回错误和响应的回调函数。

Let's take a look at how this looks like on our terminal.


simply call


node client/node

node client reponse

Simple, but powerful.


The protocol buffer limits us to how the employee object looks like so an error would be raised if you tried passing the employees.illegal object. Give it a spin for the different employees provided.

协议缓冲区将我们限制为employee对象的外观,因此如果您尝试传递employees.illegal对象,则会引发错误。 尝试一下提供的不同员工。

创建一个Python客户端 ( Creating a Python Client )

To build a Python client, here are a few prerequisites.


  • Install Python 2.6 or higher

    安装Python 2.6或更高版本
  • Install pip version 8 or higher, You can upgrade pip with the following command

python -m pipinstall --upgrade pip
  • Install virtualenvwrapper to setup a virtual environment workspace for your project. Create a new virtualenv and proceed set it as the current environment

    安装virtualenvwrapper为您的项目设置虚拟环境工作区。 创建一个新的virtualenv并将其设置为当前环境
mkvirtualenv grpc_tutorial && workon grpc_tutorial
  • Last but not least create client/python/ where our Python client code will reside.

    最后但并非最不重要的一点是,在其中创建我们的Python客户端代码所在的client / python /

安装gRPC (Installing gRPC)

In our virtual environment, install the grpc and grpc tools packages


pipinstall grpcio grpcio-tools

将原始文件编译为Python (Compiling the proto file to Python)

The grpcio-tools module ships with protoc, the protocol buffer compiler as well as plugins for generating server and client code from the service definitions in the proto file.


Create a file in client/python and add the following code to compile the protocol buffer file to python.

client / python中创建一个generate_pb.py文件,并添加以下代码以将协议缓冲区文件编译为python。

from import protoc


With that, from the python client directory, simply run:



This will generate a client/python/ which we will use to create our python client.

这将生成一个client/python/ ,我们将使用它来创建我们的python客户端。

创建客户端 (Creating the client)

in *client/python/ *, let's go ahead and load the grpc module and the python protobuf. We then create an insecure channel to bind to the server's address and port and create a stub from the EmployeeLeaveDaysService .

在* client / python / *中,让我们继续并加载grpc模块和python protobuf。 然后,我们创建一个不安全的通道来绑定到服务器的地址和端口,并从EmployeeLeaveDaysService创建一个存根。

import grpc
import work_leave_pb2 as pb

def main():
    """Python Client for Employee leave days"""

    # Create channel and stub to server's address and port.
    channel = grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:50050')
    stub = pb.EmployeeLeaveDaysServiceStub(channel)

    # Exception handling.
        # Check if the Employee is eligible or not.
        response = stub.EligibleForLeave(pb.Employee(employee_id=1,
                                                     name='Peter Pan',

        # If the Employee is eligible, grant them leave days.
        if response.eligible:
            leaveRequest = stub.grantLeave(pb.Employee(employee_id=1,
                                                       name='Peter Pan',
    # Catch any raised errors by grpc.
    except grpc.RpcError as e:
        print("Error raised: " + e.details())

if __name__ == '__main__':

Start the node server and run the python client on a different terminal.



结论 ( Conclusion )

For the PHP developers, gRPC can only support PHP clients currently. You can therefore not create a gRPC server with PHP.

对于PHP开发人员,gRPC当前仅支持PHP客户端。 因此,您无法使用PHP创建gRPC服务器。

In this tutorial, we have managed to create a gRPC server in Node.js and made RPC calls from a Node.js and Python client based on a protocol buffer definition.


For those of you that dare, you may make pull requests to this tutorial's repository for both gRPC clients and servers in all the other supported languages. Make sure to abide to the directory structure.

对于那些胆敢的人,您可以使用所有其他受支持的语言向gRPC客户端和服务器的本教程存储库发出拉取请求。 确保遵守目录结构。


