Git Vs Mercurial hg? 异地协同开发,分布式SCM方案选择!

当然,分布式的版本控制系统是首选,目前比较流行的有两个,Git和Mercurial(hg),为了比较决策,在网上搜了下,在Windows下开发的话,觉得hg更方便点,尤其是有tortoiseHG,异地共享更简单,当然,是指针对人数不多的团队,不是太大的项目,没有考虑性能问题。否则,可能还是Git有优势,想想看Linus的作品,目前用来管理Linux Kernel的开发,自然就明白了。


觉得最方便的就是在于TortoiseHG集成了WEB Server,这样,在同步的时候,只要简单地从右键菜单上启动web Server,就可以把repository 发布出来,的确够方便吧?

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Git Vs Mercurial hg? 异地协同开发,分布式SCM方案选择!_第1张图片

Git Vs Mercurial hg? 异地协同开发,分布式SCM方案选择!_第2张图片
Git Vs Mercurial hg? 异地协同开发,分布式SCM方案选择!_第3张图片

ps: 今天打开看了下,阅读量一夜之间就有了不少,谢谢大家的关注,想想应该补充下内容,以对得起大家的时间

如果,你的机器在防火墙后,或者是没有公共的域名,使用WEB Serve的方式就有些不方便。当然,有不少的免费域名可以通过3322.org或者花生壳申请账号,并通过客户端使用。配置工作稍微麻烦点,这里就不写了,有兴趣的朋友可以参考下其他网上的说明。


1. 配置好邮箱设置
Git Vs Mercurial hg? 异地协同开发,分布式SCM方案选择!_第4张图片

2. 发送变更
Git Vs Mercurial hg? 异地协同开发,分布式SCM方案选择!_第5张图片

3. 协作者从邮件附件中获得:
Git Vs Mercurial hg? 异地协同开发,分布式SCM方案选择!_第6张图片

Git Vs Mercurial hg? 异地协同开发,分布式SCM方案选择!_第7张图片

附图是MinGW下的Git Bash使用界面,包含有命令自动完成,帮助使用等,也还算比较方便。

Git Vs Mercurial hg? 异地协同开发,分布式SCM方案选择!_第8张图片

附: 这是另外一个人的意见,英文的,就不翻译了。 


Git vs Mercurial - Why I chose git

Background and Our Needs

I first heard about distributed version control systems from Allan Odgaard on the TextMate blog. We’ve been working for about a year on Unison, which is a web application to develop online training. Our development has been so fast-paced at times we’ve been forced to push out releases more quickly than we could test them thoroughly. More than once we’ve needed to push out a less-than-stable feature for a high-profile client. We would later realize something wrong with the feature, but there was no way to go back.Branching and reverting changes in version control software is supposed to allow you to do these things, but both are so annoying in SVN that we never actually used either. We only kept a branch around when we wanted to make a release and continue development in the trunk. We would never have dared roll back any commits

Enter Distributed Version Control

Distributed Version Control promised to solve these problems for us. We would be able to branch as often as we liked, which would then allow us to keep branches around for longer without worrying about merging them later.

I first looked at git, then tried mercurial (hg) for awhile, then finally decided on git. I’m going to try to provide an unbiased review of some of their strengths and weaknesses.

Realize that both tools are good at merging, both have strong user communities, and they are very similar choices. I found good comparisons hard to come by.


Mercurial has several advantages over git.
Excellent Documentation: The hgbook helped me to understand the concepts
Cleaner Commands: The interface requires fewer options and flags
Intuitive Commands: The names they picked for reverting changes make more sense
Windows Support: They have a full windows client, although using it to make lots of branches would get crazy fast
It also has some disadvantages
“Named Branches” suck: They added this feature as an afterthought. The way everyone branches is by “cloning” a repository. So, if you want to work in a new branch, you have to make a brand new copy of everything. The implementation of named branches simply isn’t workable
Rewriting History is difficult: hg doesn’t have the features git does here


Git has its own strengths
Branching is Supreme: This is a big one. Git lets you make new branches at any time, and lets you switch back and forth between them in one working copy.
Remote Branches: Git can send and receive changes from several different public repositories. This is useful if you need to publish more than one branch so others can download your changes.
Merging and Rewriting History: You can squash several commits together into one big commit when you merge, getting rid of the useless messages. You can easily pull a new version of the code you’re working on into your experimental branches.
Slightly more confusing: There are more commands by default, and the reverting commands are hard to keep straight at first

The Wrapup

The interface to Mercurial is easier, and I like their mainstream approach, but git is simply far better with anything advanced. I don’t feel that Mercurial can handle making branches for each feature you are developing, and doesn’t do a good job of pushing/pulling changes from public repositories.

In the end, we picked Git. I’m going to revisit mercurial in another year and see if they’ve finished adding a few more necessary features. I wanted a DVCS in the first place so I could branch like crazy, and Mercurial really doesn’t support it well enough.

Posted in Environs.

其实,从DVCS本身来讲,我也倾向于Git,它的功能更加完善,可能有些命令不是那么直接,不太容易理解,也比较多。但考虑到一个众多志愿者参与的项目,像Linux Kernel这样的集市式的开发项目,Git作为一个目前来讲近乎理想的方案的确为Linux的快速发展起到了很大的作用,并且,它是Linus在长期的BitKeeper使用经验的基础上开发的,无论从需求把握的角度,还是从它的性能方面的设计考虑都有很多过人之处。


从接触的先后顺序来说,依次使用过VSS、CVS、ClearCase、Perforce、SVN、Git,前段时间才听说HG,觉得不错,现在为了新的项目,临时学了下,总体来讲,一般在局域网环境中使用的话,我还是喜欢CVS,毕竟,这是个大家都熟悉的工具,简单易用,也不必再为了这个工具来专门花时间来培训团队人员,否则在使用过程造成的麻烦可能会带来些不必要的开销。 但在异地开发、或者是项目比较大,各部分难以齐头并进的时候,DVCS系统才是更好的选择,另外一种应该选用DVCS的情况是,当项目需要严格的对外发布版本控制时,选择DVCS可以让各小组内部先保证小范围的集成顺利进行,这样可以避免在用集中式版本控制系统时,在deadline前,出现大家同时提交,冲突不断,拼命加班的情形。


