[Android 开发3] android kernel 编译&加入模块&基础知识&总结

1 Android-SDKinclude:

sdk/avd manager,emulator,adb,fastboot...etc.

├── adb
├── api
├── dmtracedump
├── etc1tool
├── fastboot
├── hprof-conv
├── NOTICE.txt
├── source.properties
├── sqlite3
└── systrace

2 directories, 8 files
├── android
├── ant
├── apps
├── ddms
├── draw9patch
├── emulator
├── emulator64-arm


#Display manager window
android avd
android sdk

#run emulator using our own img, and show kernel msg
emulator -avd  -system ./img/system.img  -data ./img/userdata.img -ramdisk ./img/ramdisk.img -kernel /home/nmt/buildingandroid/android-kernel/goldfish-3.x/goldfish/arch/arm/boot/zImage -partition-size 128 -show-kernel

#adb tool & fastboot
adb shell
adb push
adb pull

2 Toolchain:交叉编译工具

我涉及到了2种交叉编译工具 arm-eabi-4.4.3 (编译kernel) 和arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.3.3(编译用户态程序)






3 Kbuild System 基础知识

单独编译模块 or 编译进内核img





[Android 开发3] android kernel 编译&加入模块&基础知识&总结_第1张图片

4 git & repo

git clone https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/common.git
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/goldfish.git
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/msm.git
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/omap.git
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/samsung.git
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/tegra.git

/*git 使用...tag什么的*/

5 编译android kernel


/*除了git branch查看分支,还可以通过下面的命令*/
make kernelversion 





uname -a
3.13.0-44-generic #73-Ubuntu SMP Tue Dec 16 00:22:43 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
表示大版本 - 3



后面的-b表示第几次build(build number)不同的build number可能会相差了一些驱动/模块等

最后的generic表示一个名字吧,generic表示工具生成的。假如自己编译一个linux kernel会发现这个名字就变了。



参考:Chapter 14 The Linux Kernel Sources


Where to Get The Linux Kernel Sources

All of the major Linux distributions ( Craftworks, Debian, Slackware, Red Hat etcetera) include the kernel sources in them.Usually the Linux kernel that got installed on your Linux systemwas built from those sources.By their very nature these sources tend to be a little out of date soyou may want to get the latest sources from one of the web sitesmentioned in chapter  www-appendix.They are kept on ftp://ftp.cs.helsinki.fiand all of the other web sites shadow them.This makes the Helsinki web site the most up to date, but sites likeMIT and Sunsite are never very far behind.

If you do not have access to the web, there are many CD ROM vendors whooffer snapshots of the world's major web sites at a very reasonablecost. Some even offer a subscription service with quarterly or evenmonthly updates. Your local Linux User Group is also a good source of sources.

The Linux kernel sources have a very simple numbering system. Any even number kernel (for example2.0.30) is a stable, released,kernel and any odd numbered kernel (for example2.1.42 is a development kernel.This book is based on the stable2.0.30 source tree.Development kernels have all of the latest features and supportall of the latest devices. Although they can be unstable, which may not be exactly what you want it,is important that the Linux community tries the latest kernels.That way they are tested for the whole community.Remember that it isalways worth backing up your system thoroughly if you do try out non-production kernels.

Changes to the kernel sources are distributed as patch files. The patchutility is used to apply a series of edits to a set of source files. So, for example, if you have the 2.0.29 kernel source tree and you wanted to moveto the 2.0.30 source tree, you would obtain the 2.0.30 patch file and apply thepatches (edits) to that source tree:

$ cd /usr/src/linux
$ patch -p1 < patch-2.0.30

This saves copying whole source trees, perhaps over slow serial connections.A good source of kernel patches (official and unofficial) is thehttp://www.linuxhq.com web site.


(3)  编译需要一个.config文件


make menuconfig

make goldfish_armv7_defconfig
make goldfish_defconfig
"make oldconfig :类似于make config,只是要求用户参与的配置项更少,大多配置会给出默认值。"

adb  pull  /proc/config.gz
gunzip  config.gz

#有了 .config 就可以编译了
make -j4




(4) so 应当知道哪个android版本使用哪个版本的内核。


(5) 内核中加入自己的模块

(6) 编译Android src(完整源码)

(7) 编译一些external 工具如 blktrace (用手指想一下,应该至少有2种方法:

    1. 直接编译进Android5.0系统img --> 第一次没成功编译

    2.在外部单独编译出来 --> 使用NDK工具可编译

