深入JAVA之 java 生成目录树工具类 v1


 {@linkplain #setDeep(int) 设置查询目录深度}
 {@linkplain #setFileFilter(FileFilter)}  设置查询文件筛选过滤器}
 {@linkplain #showLength()} 显示文件大小内容}
 {@linkplain #showModify() 显示文件修改时间内容}
 {@linkplain #showPermission() 显示文件权限内容}
 {@linkplain #addAppendContent(AppendContent) 自定义显示文件内容信息}

github 源码 DirectoryTreeV1


package com.gourd.erwa.util;

import com.gourd.erwa.util.annotation.NotNull;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileFilter;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;

 * 目录树生成工具.

* {@linkplain #setDeep(int) 设置查询目录深度} * {@linkplain #setFileFilter(FileFilter)} 设置查询文件筛选过滤器} * {@linkplain #showLength()} 显示文件大小内容} * {@linkplain #showModify() 显示文件修改时间内容} * {@linkplain #showPermission() 显示文件权限内容} * {@linkplain #addAppendContent(Function) 自定义显示文件内容信息} * * @author wei.Li * @version JDK1.8 * @since 1 */ public class DirectoryTreeV1 { /* 换行符*/ private static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("line.separator"); /* 空字符串*/ private static final String EMPTY = ""; /* 文件连接符*/ private static final String VERTICAL = "│ ", INTERMEDIATE = "├─", END = "└─"; /* 目录间距*/ private static final String SPACING = "\t"; /* 结果集收集*/ private final StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); /* 默认查询文件目录深度,默认为Integer.MAX_VALUE */ private int deep = Integer.MAX_VALUE; /* 文件筛选过滤器*/ private FileFilter fileFilter = pathname -> true; /* 写出文件名及其他信息,默认只输出文件名称*/ private AppendTo displayContent = new AppendTo(file -> " " + file.getName()); private DirectoryTreeV1() { } private DirectoryTreeV1(DirectoryTreeV1 directoryTreeV1) { this.fileFilter = directoryTreeV1.fileFilter; } /** * Create tree tree. * * @param generateFile the generate file * @return the tree */ public static DirectoryTreeV1 create(File generateFile) { return new DirectoryTreeV1(); } /** * 目录读取子文件. * * @param file the file * @return the list */ @NotNull List fetchFiles(File file) { final File[] files = file.listFiles(this.fileFilter); return files == null ? Collections.emptyList() : Arrays.asList(files); } /** * 自定义文件筛选过滤器. * * @param customFilter the custom file filter * @return the file filter */ public DirectoryTreeV1 setFileFilter(FileFilter customFilter) { this.fileFilter = customFilter; return this; } /** * 设置显示文件目录深度. * * @param deep the deep * @return the deep */ public DirectoryTreeV1 setDeep(int deep) { this.deep = deep; return this; } /** * 自定义排序显示结果 tree. * * @param comparable the comparable * @return the tree */ public DirectoryTreeV1 sort(final Comparator comparable) { return new DirectoryTreeV1(this) { @Override List fetchFiles(File file) { final List files = super.fetchFiles(file); files.sort(comparable); return files; } }; } /** * 显示文件大小. * * @return the tree */ public DirectoryTreeV1 showLength() { this.displayContent.add(file -> ("[" + file.length() + "B" + "]")); return this; } /** * 显示文件修改时间. * * @return the tree */ public DirectoryTreeV1 showModify() { this.displayContent.add(file -> ("[" + new Date(file.lastModified()) + "]")); return this; } /** * 显示文件权限. * * @return the tree */ public DirectoryTreeV1 showPermission() { this.displayContent.add( file -> ("[" + (file.canRead() ? "r-" : "--") + (file.canWrite() ? "w-" : "--") + (file.canExecute() ? "x-" : "--") + "]") ); return this; } /** * 自定义添加读取 file 解析内容到输出内容. * * @param appendContent the append content * @return the tree */ public DirectoryTreeV1 addAppendContent(Function appendContent) { this.displayContent.add(appendContent); return this; } /** * 生成文件. * * @return 结果内容 */ public final String generate(File generateFile) { if (generateFile.exists()) { this.generateHandle(generateFile, EMPTY, 0); } else { System.err.println(generateFile.getPath() + " not found!"); } return this.r.toString(); } private void generateHandle(File file, String prefix, int deep) { final List files = this.fetchFiles(file); if (files.isEmpty()) { return; } deep++; final int length = files.size(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final File f = files.get(i); final boolean isLast = (i >= length - 1); this.r.append(prefix).append(isLast ? END : INTERMEDIATE); this.appendDisplayContent(f); this.r.append(LINE_SEPARATOR); if (f.isDirectory() && deep <= this.deep) { this.generateHandle(f, prefix + (!(length <= 1 || isLast) ? VERTICAL : EMPTY) + SPACING, deep); } } } /** * 处理定义文件内容 * * @param f f */ private void appendDisplayContent(File f) { final List> appendContents = displayContent.appendContents; for (Function to : appendContents) { this.r.append(to.apply(f)); } } /** * 可累积显示 tree 中具体文件属性内容 */ private static class AppendTo { private final List> appendContents = new ArrayList<>(); AppendTo(Function appendTo) { if (appendTo != null) { this.appendContents.add(appendTo); } } void add(Function to) { if (to != null) { this.appendContents.add(0, to); } } } } /** * The type Main Test. */ class MainTest { public static void main(String[] args) { final File generateFile = new File("/lw/workfile/intellij_work/MyNote/design1"); final String generate = DirectoryTreeV1.create(generateFile) .setDeep(20) .setFileFilter(pathname -> (!(pathname.isHidden() || pathname.getName().contains("target")))) /*.showLength() .showModify() .showPermission() .addAppendContent(new DirectoryTreeV1.AppendContent() { @Override public String appendContent(File file) { return "[" + file.getPath() + "]"; } })*/ .generate(generateFile); System.out.println(generate); } }


├─ buildNumber.properties
├─ design.iml
├─ pom.xml
└─ src
	├─ main
	│ 	├─ java
	│ 	│ 	└─ com
	│ 	│ 		└─ gourd
	│ 	│ 			└─ erwa
	│ 	│ 				└─ design
	│ 	│ 					├─ abstractfactory
	│ 	│ 					│ 	└─ AbstractFactoryClient.java
	│ 	│ 					├─ adapter
	│ 	│ 					│ 	└─ AdapterClient.java
	│ 	│ 					├─ builder
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ BuilderClient01.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ BuilderClient02.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	└─ builderClient02UML.jpg
	│ 	│ 					├─ delegate
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ ABitComplicated.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ package-info.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	└─ RealPrinter.java
	│ 	│ 					├─ enjoy
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ DataSourcesImpl.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ DataSourcesInterface.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ DataSourcesType.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ EnjoyFactory.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	└─ read.md
	│ 	│ 					├─ factory
	│ 	│ 					│ 	└─ FactoryClient.java
	│ 	│ 					├─ listener
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ DemoEvent.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ DemoListener.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ Lights.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	└─ TestDemo.java
	│ 	│ 					├─ observer
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ BeingWatched.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ ObserverDemo.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ read.md
	│ 	│ 					│ 	└─ Watcher.java
	│ 	│ 					├─ package-info.java
	│ 	│ 					├─ prototype
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ prototype.uml
	│ 	│ 					│ 	└─ PrototypeClient.java
	│ 	│ 					├─ proxy
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ cglib
	│ 	│ 					│ 	│ 	├─ BookFacadeCglib.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	│ 	├─ BookFacadeCglibProxy.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	│ 	└─ Test_Cglib.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ guava
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ jdk
	│ 	│ 					│ 	│ 	├─ BookFacadeJDKProxy.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	│ 	├─ IBookFacadeJDK.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	│ 	├─ IBookFacadeJDKImpl.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	│ 	├─ testGuava.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	│ 	└─ testJDK.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	└─ read.md
	│ 	│ 					├─ responsibility
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ read.md
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ ResponsibilityClient01.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	└─ ResponsibilityClient02.java
	│ 	│ 					├─ singleton
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ LazilySingleton.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ read.md
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ ResultSingleton.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ Singleton.java
	│ 	│ 					│ 	└─ Test.java
	│ 	│ 					├─ strategy
	│ 	│ 					│ 	├─ read.md
	│ 	│ 					│ 	└─ StrategyClient_.java
	│ 	│ 					└─ template
	│ 	│ 						├─ read.md
	│ 	│ 						└─ TemplateClient.java
	│ 	└─ resources
	└─ test
		└─ java
			└─ GroupTest.java
