IOS设置闪屏Splash Image 打包 闪现了unity logo

IOS打包,设置闪屏Splash Image 打包,结果还是闪现了unity logo,才弹出了设置的图片。打了测试包,同样的设置,测试没有出现闪现unitylogo的情况。




- None The behavior is as if only launch images are used.  
- Default A launch screen that is very much like a launch image. One image is selected for portrait and landscape. The selection order: iPhone 6+ launch images, shared mobile launch image, default unity launch image for iPhone 6+. The images are displayed using aspect-fill mode.
- Image with background, relative size A center-aligned image is shown, with the rest of area filled with solid color. The image size is user-specified percentage of the screen size, computed in the smaller dimension (vertical on landscape, horizontal in portrait orientations). User also specifies background color and images for portrait and landscape orientations. Image selection order: the user-specified image, shared mobile launch image, default unity launch image for iPhone 6+. The images are displayed using aspect-fill mode.
- Image with background, constant size Same as relative size option except that the size of the image is defined by user-specified number of points.
- Custom Xib An user-specified XIB file from any location.




