

      移植前要从官网下载相关的源代码,一般官方会为 IC 厂商新推出的评估板配套相应的移植工程。对于stm32f107,Micrium也提供了相应的移植工程,我们就在此基础上进行移植。



           --> UCOSIII_V3.03.01 源代码



          第一步: 将这4个文件夹拷贝到自己的工程下,并建立一个uCos_User,用来存放需要需改的文件,如下如所示:


把EvalBoards\Micrium\uC-Eval-STM32F107\uCOS-III 目录下载9个文件拷贝到uCos_User文件下:






①uC/CPU 中添加如下 6 个文件,这 6 个文件位于路径:Pro107_uCosiii\uCosIII\uC-CPU 和路径 Pro107_uCosiii\uCosIII\uC-CPU\ARM-Cortex-M3\RealView下面。


②uC/Lib 中添加如下 10 个文件,这 10 个文件位于路径 Pro107_uCosiii\uCosIII\uC-LIB 和路径 Pro107_uCosiii\uCosIII\uC-LIB\Ports\ARM-Cortex-M3\RealView 下面


③uC/OS-III Source 中添加如下 20 个文件,这 20 个文件位于路径:Pro107_uCosiii\uCosIII\uCOS-III\Source 下面


④uC/OS-III Port 中添加如下 3 个文件,这 3 个文件位于路径:Pro107_uCosiii\uCosIII\uCOS-III\Ports\ARM-Cortex-M3\Generic\RealView下面

⑤uC/User 中添加如下 9 个文件,这 9 个文件位于路径:V5-001a_GPIO 实验_跑马灯\User 下面






⑧ 修改bsp文件和启动文件.s:



*                                             INCLUDE FILES

#define  BSP_MODULE

*                                            LOCAL DEFINES

*                                           LOCAL CONSTANTS

#define  BSP_LED_START_BIT  (13 - 1)                            /* LEDs[3:1] are sequentially connected to PTD[15:13].  */

*                                          LOCAL DATA TYPES

*                                            LOCAL TABLES

*                                       LOCAL GLOBAL VARIABLES


*                                             REGISTERS

#define  DWT_CR      *(CPU_REG32 *)0xE0001000
#define  DWT_CYCCNT  *(CPU_REG32 *)0xE0001004
#define  DEM_CR      *(CPU_REG32 *)0xE000EDFC
#define  DBGMCU_CR   *(CPU_REG32 *)0xE0042004

*                                            REGISTER BITS

#define  DBGMCU_CR_TRACE_IOEN_MASK       0x10
#define  DBGMCU_CR_TRACE_MODE_ASYNC      0x00
#define  DBGMCU_CR_TRACE_MODE_SYNC_01    0x40
#define  DBGMCU_CR_TRACE_MODE_SYNC_02    0x80
#define  DBGMCU_CR_TRACE_MODE_SYNC_04    0xC0
#define  DBGMCU_CR_TRACE_MODE_MASK       0xC0

#define  DEM_CR_TRCENA                   (1 << 24)

#define  DWT_CR_CYCCNTENA                (1 <<  0)

*                                            BSP_CPU_ClkFreq()
* Description : Read CPU registers to determine the CPU clock frequency of the chip.
* Argument(s) : none.
* Return(s)   : The CPU clock frequency, in Hz.
* Caller(s)   : Application.
* Note(s)     : none.

CPU_INT32U  BSP_CPU_ClkFreq (void)
    RCC_ClocksTypeDef  rcc_clocks;


    return ((CPU_INT32U)rcc_clocks.HCLK_Frequency);

*                                           OSProbe_TmrInit()
* Description : Select & initialize a timer for use with the uC/Probe Plug-In for uC/OS-II.
* Argument(s) : none.
* Return(s)   : none.
* Caller(s)   : OSProbe_Init().
* Note(s)     : none.

     (OS_PROBE_HOOKS_EN          == 1))
void  OSProbe_TmrInit (void)

*                                            OSProbe_TmrRd()
* Description : Read the current counts of a free running timer.
* Argument(s) : none.
* Return(s)   : The 32-bit timer counts.
* Caller(s)   : OSProbe_TimeGetCycles().
* Note(s)     : none.

     (OS_PROBE_HOOKS_EN          == 1))
CPU_INT32U  OSProbe_TmrRd (void)
    return ((CPU_INT32U)DWT_CYCCNT);

*                                          CPU_TS_TmrInit()
* Description : Initialize & start CPU timestamp timer.
* Argument(s) : none.
* Return(s)   : none.
* Caller(s)   : CPU_TS_Init().
*               This function is an INTERNAL CPU module function & MUST be implemented by application/
*               BSP function(s) [see Note #1] but MUST NOT be called by application function(s).
* Note(s)     : (1) CPU_TS_TmrInit() is an application/BSP function that MUST be defined by the developer
*                   if either of the following CPU features is enabled :
*                   (a) CPU timestamps
*                   (b) CPU interrupts disabled time measurements
*                   See 'cpu_cfg.h  CPU TIMESTAMP CONFIGURATION  Note #1'
*                     & 'cpu_cfg.h  CPU INTERRUPTS DISABLED TIME MEASUREMENT CONFIGURATION  Note #1a'.
*               (2) (a) Timer count values MUST be returned via word-size-configurable 'CPU_TS_TMR'
*                       data type.
*                       (1) If timer has more bits, truncate timer values' higher-order bits greater
*                           than the configured 'CPU_TS_TMR' timestamp timer data type word size.
*                       (2) Since the timer MUST NOT have less bits than the configured 'CPU_TS_TMR'
*                           timestamp timer data type word size; 'CPU_CFG_TS_TMR_SIZE' MUST be
*                           configured so that ALL bits in 'CPU_TS_TMR' data type are significant.
*                           In other words, if timer size is not a binary-multiple of 8-bit octets
*                           (e.g. 20-bits or even 24-bits), then the next lower, binary-multiple
*                           octet word size SHOULD be configured (e.g. to 16-bits).  However, the
*                           minimum supported word size for CPU timestamp timers is 8-bits.
*                       See also 'cpu_cfg.h   CPU TIMESTAMP CONFIGURATION  Note #2'
*                              & 'cpu_core.h  CPU TIMESTAMP DATA TYPES     Note #1'.
*                   (b) Timer SHOULD be an 'up'  counter whose values increase with each time count.
*                   (c) When applicable, timer period SHOULD be less than the typical measured time
*                       but MUST be less than the maximum measured time; otherwise, timer resolution
*                       inadequate to measure desired times.
*                   See also 'CPU_TS_TmrRd()  Note #2'.

void  CPU_TS_TmrInit (void)
    CPU_INT32U  cpu_clk_freq_hz;

    DEM_CR         |= (CPU_INT32U)DEM_CR_TRCENA;                /* Enable Cortex-M3's DWT CYCCNT reg.                   */
    DWT_CYCCNT      = (CPU_INT32U)0u;

    cpu_clk_freq_hz = BSP_CPU_ClkFreq();

*                                           CPU_TS_TmrRd()
* Description : Get current CPU timestamp timer count value.
* Argument(s) : none.
* Return(s)   : Timestamp timer count (see Notes #2a & #2b).
* Caller(s)   : CPU_TS_Init(),
*               CPU_TS_Get32(),
*               CPU_TS_Get64(),
*               CPU_IntDisMeasStart(),
*               CPU_IntDisMeasStop().
*               This function is an INTERNAL CPU module function & MUST be implemented by application/
*               BSP function(s) [see Note #1] but SHOULD NOT be called by application function(s).
* Note(s)     : (1) CPU_TS_TmrRd() is an application/BSP function that MUST be defined by the developer
*                   if either of the following CPU features is enabled :
*                   (a) CPU timestamps
*                   (b) CPU interrupts disabled time measurements
*                   See 'cpu_cfg.h  CPU TIMESTAMP CONFIGURATION  Note #1'
*                     & 'cpu_cfg.h  CPU INTERRUPTS DISABLED TIME MEASUREMENT CONFIGURATION  Note #1a'.
*               (2) (a) Timer count values MUST be returned via word-size-configurable 'CPU_TS_TMR'
*                       data type.
*                       (1) If timer has more bits, truncate timer values' higher-order bits greater
*                           than the configured 'CPU_TS_TMR' timestamp timer data type word size.
*                       (2) Since the timer MUST NOT have less bits than the configured 'CPU_TS_TMR'
*                           timestamp timer data type word size; 'CPU_CFG_TS_TMR_SIZE' MUST be
*                           configured so that ALL bits in 'CPU_TS_TMR' data type are significant.
*                           In other words, if timer size is not a binary-multiple of 8-bit octets
*                           (e.g. 20-bits or even 24-bits), then the next lower, binary-multiple
*                           octet word size SHOULD be configured (e.g. to 16-bits).  However, the
*                           minimum supported word size for CPU timestamp timers is 8-bits.
*                       See also 'cpu_cfg.h   CPU TIMESTAMP CONFIGURATION  Note #2'
*                              & 'cpu_core.h  CPU TIMESTAMP DATA TYPES     Note #1'.
*                   (b) Timer SHOULD be an 'up'  counter whose values increase with each time count.
*                       (1) If timer is a 'down' counter whose values decrease with each time count,
*                           then the returned timer value MUST be ones-complemented.
*                   (c) (1) When applicable, the amount of time measured by CPU timestamps is
*                           calculated by either of the following equations :
*                           (A) Time measured  =  Number timer counts  *  Timer period
*                                   where
*                                       Number timer counts     Number of timer counts measured
*                                       Timer period            Timer's period in some units of
*                                                                   (fractional) seconds
*                                       Time measured           Amount of time measured, in same
*                                                                   units of (fractional) seconds
*                                                                   as the Timer period
*                                                  Number timer counts
*                           (B) Time measured  =  ---------------------
*                                                    Timer frequency
*                                   where
*                                       Number timer counts     Number of timer counts measured
*                                       Timer frequency         Timer's frequency in some units
*                                                                   of counts per second
*                                       Time measured           Amount of time measured, in seconds
*                       (2) Timer period SHOULD be less than the typical measured time but MUST be less
*                           than the maximum measured time; otherwise, timer resolution inadequate to
*                           measure desired times.

CPU_TS_TMR  CPU_TS_TmrRd (void)
    return ((CPU_TS_TMR)DWT_CYCCNT);

修改启动文件startup_stm32f10x_cl.s,修改这个文件中 Systick 和 PendSV 中断入口名,以便于和μ

COS-III 中命名统一。

DCD OS_CPU_PendSVHandler
DCD OS_CPU_SysTickHandler
B .
OS_CPU_SysTickHandler PROC
B .



       C语言的版本: stm32f107vc_UCOSIII_3.03

        C++的版本: stm32f107vc_UCOSIII_3.03_CPP

