qemu-img.exe 工具 简介

1. 下载地址


2. 解压缩 然后扔到 system32目录下

或者是 修改环境变量--


3. 打开cmd 或者是powershell

最简单的办法 cd 到vhdx 存放路径下面


 qemu-img.exe convert -f vhdx -O qcow2 Win2012r2WithUpdate.vhdx  Win2012r2WithUpdate.qcow2

4. 这个貌似能实现 几乎所有的磁盘格式的互转.




Supported formats

Image format Argument for -f and -O options
VMDK (VMware) vmdk
QCOW2 (KVM, Xen) qcow2
VHD (Hyper-V) vpc
VHDX (Hyper-V) vhdx
RAW raw
VDI (VirtualBox) vdi

Usage examples

Convert a QCOW2, RAW, VMDK or VDI image to VHDX

Convert a QCOW2, RAW, VMDK or VDI image to VHD

Subformat can be either “dynamic” or “fixed” for VHD (vpc) or VHDX.

Note: use the fixed VHD subformat for Azure, the conversion will automatically take care of the required 1MB virtual size alignment.


Check a virtual disk for consistency

Get info about a virtual disk

Run qemu-img.exe -h or see the manual page for a complete list of all supported options.



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